5 research outputs found

    Influence of HLA-DR and -DQ alleles on autoantibody recognition of distinct epitopes within the juxtamembrane domain of the IA-2 autoantigen in type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis: Insulinoma-associated protein 2 (IA-2) is a major target of autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes. When first detected, IA-2-autoantibodies commonly bind epitopes in the juxtamembrane (JM) domain of IA-2 and antibody responses subsequently spread to the tyrosine phosphatase domain. Definition of structures of epitopes in the JM domain, and genetic requirements for autoimmunity to these epitopes, is important for our understanding of initiation and progression of autoimmunity. The aims of this study were to investigate the contribution of individual amino acids in the IA-2 JM domain to antibody binding to these epitopes and the role of HLA genotypes in determining epitope specificity. Methods: Regions of the JM domain recognised by autoantibodies were identified by peptide competition and inhibitory effects of alanine substitutions of residues within the JM region. Antibody binding was determined by radioligand binding assays using sera from patients genotyped for HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles. Results: Patients were categorised into two distinct groups of JM antibody reactivity according to peptide inhibition. Inhibition by substitutions of individual amino acids within the JM domain differed between patients, indicating heterogeneity in epitope recognition. Cluster analysis defined six groups of residues having similar inhibitory effects on antibody binding, with three clusters showing differences in patients affected or unaffected by peptide. One cluster demonstrated significant differences in antibody binding between HLA-DRB1*04 and HLA-DRB1*07 patients and within DRB1*04 individuals; antibody recognition of a second cluster depended on expression of HLA-DQB1*0302. Conclusions/interpretation: The results identify amino acids contributing to distinct epitopes on IA-2, with both HLA-DR and HLA-DQ alleles influencing epitope specificity

    Autoantibodies and associated T-cell responses to determinants within the 831-860 region of the autoantigen IA-2 in Type 1 diabetes

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    B-cells influence T-cell reactivity by facilitating antigen presentation, but the role of autoantibody-secreting B-cells in regulating T-cell responses in Type 1 diabetes is poorly defined. The aims of this study were to characterise epitopes on the IA-2 autoantigen for three monoclonal antibodies from diabetic patients by amino acid substitutions of selected residues of IA-2, establish contributions of these epitopes to binding of serum antibodies in Type 1 diabetes and relate B- and T-cell responses to overlapping determinants on IA-2. The monoclonal antibodies recognised overlapping epitopes, with residues within the 831-860 region of IA-2 contributing to binding; substitution of Glu836 inhibited binding of all three antibodies. Monoclonal antibody Fab fragments and substitution of residues within the 831-836 region blocked serum antibody binding to an IA-2 643-937 construct. IL-10-secreting T-cells responding to peptides within the 831-860 region were detected by cytokine-specific ELISPOT in diabetic patients and responses to 841-860 peptide were associated with antibodies to the region of IA-2 recognised by the monoclonal antibodies. The study identifies a region of IA-2 frequently recognised by antibodies in Type 1 diabetes and demonstrates that these responses are associated with T-cells secreting IL-10 in response to a neighbouring determinant. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Relationships between major epitopes of the IA-2 autoantigen in Type 1 diabetes: implications for determinant spreading

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    Diversification of autoimmunity to islet autoantigens is critical for progression to Type 1 diabetes. B-cells participate in diversification by modifying antigen processing, thereby influencing which peptides are presented to T-cells. In Type 1 diabetes, JM antibodies are associated with T-cell responses to PTP domain peptides. We investigated whether this is the consequence of close structural alignment of JM and PTP domain determinants on IA-2. Fab fragments of IA-2 antibodies with epitopes mapped to the JM domain blocked IA-2 binding of antibodies that recognise epitopes in the IA-2 PTP domain. Peptides from both the JM and PTP domains were protected from degradation during proteolysis of JM antibody:IA-2 complexes and included those representing major T-cell determinants in Type 1 diabetes. The results demonstrate close structural relationships between JM and PTP domain epitopes on IA-2. Stabilisation of PTP domain peptides during proteolysis in JM-specific B-cells may explain determinant spreading in IA-2 autoimmunity