36 research outputs found

    Subcellular Distribution of Mitochondrial Ribosomal RNA in the Mouse Oocyte and Zygote

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    Mitochondrial ribosomal RNAs (mtrRNAs) have been reported to translocate extra-mitochondrially and localize to the germ cell determinant of oocytes and zygotes in some metazoa except mammals. To address whether the mtrRNAs also localize in the mammals, expression and distribution of mitochondrion-encoded RNAs in the mouse oocytes and zygotes was examined by whole-mount in situ hybridization (ISH). Both 12S and 16S rRNAs were predominantly distributed in the animal hemisphere of the mature oocyte. This distribution pattern was rearranged toward the second polar body in zygotes after fertilization. The amount of mtrRNAs decreased around first cleavage, remained low during second cleavage and increased after third cleavage. Staining intensity of the 12S rRNA was weaker than that of the 16S rRNA throughout the examined stages. Similar distribution dynamics of the 16S rRNA was observed in strontium-activated haploid parthenotes, suggesting the distribution rearrangement does not require a component from sperm. The distribution of 16S rRNAs did not coincide with that of mitochondrion-specific heat shock protein 70, suggesting that the mtrRNA is translocated from mitochondria. The ISH-scanning electron microscopy confirms the extra-mitochondrial mtrRNA in the mouse oocyte. Chloramphenicol (CP) treatment of late pronuclear stage zygotes perturbed first cleavage as judged by the greater than normal disparity in size of blastomeres of 2-cell conceptuses. Two-third of the CP-treated zygotes arrested at either 2-cell or 3-cell stage even after the CP was washed out. These findings indicate that the extra-mitochondrial mtrRNAs are localized in the mouse oocyte and implicated in correct cytoplasmic segregation into blastomeres through cleavages of the zygote

    Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of Mitochondria As a Model System for Studying Germ Line Formation

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    BACKGROUND: Doubly Uniparental Inheritance (DUI) of mitochondria occurs when both mothers and fathers are capable of transmitting mitochondria to their offspring, in contrast to the typical Strictly Maternal Inheritance (SMI). DUI was found in some bivalve molluscs, in which two mitochondrial genomes are inherited, one through eggs, the other through sperm. During male embryo development, spermatozoon mitochondria aggregate in proximity of the first cleavage furrow and end up in the primordial germ cells, while they are dispersed in female embryos. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used MitoTracker, microtubule staining and transmission electron microscopy to examine the mechanisms of this unusual distribution of sperm mitochondria in the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum. Our results suggest that in male embryos the midbody deriving from the mitotic spindle of the first division concurs in positioning the aggregate of sperm mitochondria. Furthermore, an immunocytochemical analysis showed that the germ line determinant Vasa segregates close to the first cleavage furrow. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In DUI male embryos, spermatozoon mitochondria aggregate in a stable area on the animal-vegetal axis: in organisms with spiral segmentation this zone is not involved in cleavage, so the aggregation is maintained. Moreover, sperm mitochondria reach the same embryonic area in which also germ plasm is transferred. In 2-blastomere embryos, the segregation of sperm mitochondria in the same region with Vasa suggests their contribution in male germ line formation. In DUI male embryos, M-type mitochondria must be recognized by egg factors to be actively transferred in the germ line, where they become dominant replacing the Balbiani body mitochondria. The typical features of germ line assembly point to a common biological mechanism shared by DUI and SMI organisms. Although the molecular dynamics of the segregation of sperm mitochondria in DUI species are unknown, they could be a variation of the mechanism regulating the mitochondrial bottleneck in all metazoans

    Axenic culture of Brachionus plicatilis using antibiotics

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    The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis culture is composed of complex microcosms including bacteria, protozoans, algae, and fungi. Previous studies reported methods to establish axenic rotifer cultures, but further refinement of these techniques is needed, for molecular biological research which requires pure culture to isolate nucleic acids from rotifers only. In order to render rotifer culture axenic, we tested five antibiotics: ampicillin (Amp), chloramphenicol (Cp), kanamycin (Km), nalidixic acid (Na), and streptomycin (Sm) at 30-100 μg/ml. Except for Cp, which reduces rotifer reproduction, all other antibiotics at the tested concentrations did not affect rotifer reproduction or show any toxic effects. A rotifer disinfection method was finally established by treating the resting eggs with 0.25% (w/v) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 3 min, washing with sterilized sea water, and then exposing the neonates to an Amp, Km, Na, and Sm mixture. Using four nutrient media, we confirmed that this protocol renders the rotifer culture bacterial and fungus free. The axenic rotifer culture generated here is useful not only for genetic analysis of Brachionus plicatilis, but for studying the rotifer life cycle without bacterial influence

    Initiation of Protein Synthesis with Non-Canonical Amino Acids In Vivo.

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    By transplanting identity elements into E. coli tRNAfMet , we have engineered an orthogonal initiator tRNA (itRNATy2 ) that is a substrate for Methanocaldococcus jannaschii TyrRS. We demonstrate that itRNATy2 can initiate translation in vivo with aromatic non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs) bearing diverse sidechains. Although the initial system suffered from low yields, deleting redundant copies of tRNAfMet from the genome afforded an E. coli strain in which the efficiency of non-canonical initiation equals elongation. With this improved system we produced a protein containing two distinct ncAAs at the first and second positions, an initial step towards producing completely unnatural polypeptides in vivo. This work provides a valuable tool to synthetic biology and demonstrates remarkable versatility of the E. coli translational machinery for initiation with ncAAs in vivo

    Synthetic Biology

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    Snapshots of native pre-50S ribosomes reveal a biogenesis factor network and evolutionary specialization

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    Ribosome biogenesis is a fundamental multi-step cellular process that culminates in the formation of ribosomal subunits, whose production and modification are regulated by numerous biogenesis factors. In this study, we analyze physiologic prokaryotic ribosome biogenesis by isolating bona fide pre-50S subunits from an Escherichia coli strain with the biogenesis factor ObgE, affinity tagged at its native gene locus. Our integrative structural approach reveals a network of interacting biogenesis factors consisting of YjgA, RluD, RsfS, and ObgE on the immature pre-50S subunit. In addition, our study provides mechanistic insight into how the GTPase ObgE, in concert with other biogenesis factors, facilitates the maturation of the 50S functional core and reveals both conserved and divergent evolutionary features of ribosome biogenesis between prokaryotes and eukaryotes