1,356 research outputs found

    O ciberjornalismo encontra a universidade: ideias para melhorar o ensino e a pesquisa

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    Durante a última década, o ensino do, e a pesquisa em ciberjornalismo se tornaram difundidos pelas faculdades de jornalismo no mundo inteiro. Este desenvolvimento fez surgir muitos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação sobre esse assunto, além de um número de redes de pesquisadores e de publicações especializadas em muitos países. Quando este processo inicial acabar, estará na hora de levar a disciplina do ciberjornalismo para a sua maturidade na universidade. Para alcançar tal objetivo, o autor propõe a substituição do modelo atual de treinamento, que basicamente ensina a manejar as ferramentas digitais, por outro modelo mais amplo, que ensina os princípios e as habilidades em um ambiente on-line. Com relação à pesquisa, ele sugere não limitá- la aos estudos descritivos, e desenvolver também trabalhos mais analíticos que possam servir melhor tanto à comunidade acadêmica como aos profissionais dos cibermeios

    Online journalism meets the university: ideas for teaching and research

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    During the last decade, the teaching and research on online journalism has become widespread in journalism faculties throughout the world. Such development has brought many undergraduate and graduate courses on the issue, as well as a number of networks of researchers and specialized publications in many countries. Once this initial process is over, it is time to bring the discipline of online journalism to its maturity at the university. For this aim, the author proposes to switch the current training model, which basically shows how to manage digital tools, to another broader one that teaches journalism principles and skills in an online environment. Regarding research, he suggests not to limit it to descriptive studies, but to develop also more analytical works that could better serve both the academic community and the online media professionals

    Aproximación a los orígenes de la preceptiva sobre escritura periodística (1840-1940)

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    Extrema turbulencia en los medios en 2011

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    Revisión de las novedades, cambios y tendencias de la prensa impresa y online, la radio y la televisión en 2011. Fuerte impacto de la crisis económica: muchos periódicos han tenido que reducir sus plantillas por lo que hay que lamentar un gran número de despidos de periodistas. Se describen las consecuencias de la general transición del papel a lo digital, y de nuevos desarrollos en internet que día a día ganan más audiencia y se llevan la publicidad. Se ofrecen estadísticas.____ Review of developments, changes and trends in radio, television, and online and print media in 2011. The strong impact of the economic crisis is discussed: unfortunately many newspapers have had to reduce staff, and a large number of journalists have been dismissed. The consequences of the general transition from paper to digital, and the new internet developments that day by day gain more audience and attract advertising are described. Statistics are provided

    Exploring digital native news media

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    Digital native news media are becoming a blooming phenomenon, expanding globally. Up until now, however, the scholar community has paid little attention to online-born media, compared to the high interest devoted to the legacy media brands. Drawing upon the extant literature on this emerging topic, this editorial summarizes the empirical and theoretical contributions of the thematic issue entitled “Digital Native News Media: Trends and Challenges.” The author highlights that the studies selected for this thematic issue not only explore the innovative characteristics and opportunities of digital native media in thirty countries, but also provide a cautionary tale about their structural problems and limitations