11 research outputs found

    Design of Wireless Sensor Nodes for Structural Health Monitoring applications

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    Enabling low-cost distributed monitoring, wireless sensor networks represents an interesting solution for the implementation of structural health monitoring systems. This work deals with the design of wireless sensor networks for health monitoring of civil structures, specifically focusing on node design in relation to the requirements of different structural monitoring application classes. Design problems are analysed with specific reference to a large-scale experimental setup (the long-term structural monitoring of the Basilica S. Maria di Collemaggio, L’Aquila, Italy). Main limitations emerged are highlighted, and adopted solution strategies are outlined, both in the case of commercial sensing platform and of full custom solutions

    Performance of value‐ and size‐based strategies in the Italian stock market

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    This paper investigates the performance of size‐ and value‐based strategies in the Italian stock market in the period 2000–2018. Previous research argued the impossibility to define properly value‐sorted portfolios due to the inaccuracy of book‐to‐market ratios available for Italian listed stocks. Using more accurate data, we implement portfolios sorting based on value and growth stocks, to assess the relevance of the value factor in the Italian stock market. We find that the capital asset pricing model fails to explain the cross‐section of returns on the different strategies while the Fama and French three‐factor model provides a better fit. The results show that all three factors are significant in explaining Italian stock returns during the sample period. Unlike previous studies, which either found no value effect at all or no clear‐cut results when testing the book‐to‐market variable, we find that the value factor is statistically significant and the associated risk premium is of a considerable size

    Eficácia da aromaterapia na redução de níveis de estresse e ansiedade em alunos de graduação da área da saúde: estudo preliminar

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficácia de aromaterapia na diminuição de níveis de estresse e ansiedade (traço e estado) de alunos de graduação de cursos na área da saúde. Participaram do estudo 36 sujeitos, com idade entre 18 e 29 anos, que foram divididos entre os que receberam tratamento (grupo aroma, n=18) e o grupo controle (n=18). Os sujeitos foram avaliados quanto a níveis de estresse e ansiedade antes e após o período de intervenção, pela Lista de Sintomas de Estresse e pelo Inventário de Ansiedade Traço e Estado. O tratamento de aromaterapia consistiu em sete sessões (duas vezes por semana) de dez minutos de inalação com uma sinergia de óleos essenciais elaborada especificamente. Os escores de estresse e ansiedade antes e depois do tratamento foram comparados estatisticamente, com nível de significância de 5% (pThe purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of aromatherapy in decreasing stress and anxiety levels in undergraduate health science students. Thirty-six students aged 18 to 29 were divided into those who received treatment (aroma group, n=18) and a control group (n=18). All subjects were assessed as to stress and anxiety levels before and after the treatment, by means of the List of Stress Symptoms and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The aromatherapy treatment consisted in twice weekly, 10-minute inhalations of a synergy of essential oils made specifically for this study, for a total of 7 sessions. Stress and anxiety scores measured before and after treatment were statistically compared, with significance level set at 5% (p<0.05). The aroma group showed a significant (p<0,05) decrease in stress (less 24%) and anxitey (less 13% and 19%) levels, while in control group only a significant, though lesser (11%) stress level decrease could be noticed. Aromatherapy thus proved effective in reducing stress and anxiety levels in graduate health students, but there is still great need to further studies to identify causes of the levels assessed, as well as the mechanisms whereby essential oils might have reduced them

    The GRETA Architecture for Energy Efficient Radio Identification and Localization

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    none20siThis paper presents an overview of the innovative solutions developed within the Italian project GRETA (GREen TAgs and sensors with ultra-wide-band identification and localization capabilities), whose aim is the development of a distributed and comprehensive system for identification, localization, tracking and monitoring in indoor scenarios. The system is based on hybrid UWB-UHF RFID tags, and the realization and experimental validation of novel tag prototypes based on environmentally friendly materials is a major achievement of the project.mixedDecarli, Nicolo; Guerra, Anna; Guidi, Francesco; Chiani, Marco; Dardari, Davide; Costanzo, Alessandra; Fantuzzi, Marco; Masotti, Diego; Bartoletti, Stefania; Dehkordi, Jinous Shafiei; Conti, Andrea; Romani, Aldo; Tartagni, Marco; Alesii, Roberto; Di Marco, Piergiuseppe; Santucci, Fortunato; Roselli, Luca; Virili, Marco; Savazzi, Pietro; Bozzi, MaurizioDecarli, Nicolo; Guerra, Anna; Guidi, Francesco; Chiani, Marco; Dardari, Davide; Costanzo, Alessandra; Fantuzzi, Marco; Masotti, Diego; Bartoletti, Stefania; Dehkordi, Jinous Shafiei; Conti, Andrea; Romani, Aldo; Tartagni, Marco; Alesii, Roberto; Di Marco, Piergiuseppe; Santucci, Fortunato; Roselli, Luca; Virili, Marco; Savazzi, Pietro; Bozzi, Maurizi