857 research outputs found

    Biocatalysis as Useful Tool in Asymmetric Synthesis: An Assessment of Recently Granted Patents (2014–2019)

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    The broad interdisciplinary nature of biocatalysis fosters innovation, as different technical fields are interconnected and synergized. A way to depict that innovation is by conducting a survey on patent activities. This paper analyses the intellectual property activities of the last five years (2014–2019) with a specific focus on biocatalysis applied to asymmetric synthesis. Furthermore, to reflect the inventive and innovative steps, only patents that were granted during that period are considered. Patent searches using several keywords (e.g., enzyme names) have been conducted by using several patent engine servers (e.g., Espacenet, SciFinder, Google Patents), with focus on granted patents during the period 2014–2019. Around 200 granted patents have been identified, covering all enzyme types. The inventive pattern focuses on the protection of novel protein sequences, as well as on new substrates. In some other cases, combined processes, multi-step enzymatic reactions, as well as process conditions are the innovative basis. Both industries and academic groups are active in patenting. As a conclusion of this survey, we can assert that biocatalysis is increasingly recognized as a useful tool for asymmetric synthesis and being considered as an innovative option to build IP and protect synthetic routes

    On Separatrices of foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singular point

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    We show that holomorphic foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singularity, either nilpotent or saddle-node, have two analytic, non-algebraic, separatrices through it. We also show that two foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 of degree dd with a unique saddle-node singularity are (locally) formally conjugated. We give some examples of foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singularity and with a rational first integral, and study different families of foliations in low degree.Comment: 19 page

    Optimization of green ammonia distribution systems for intercontinental energy transport

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    Green ammonia is a promising hydrogen derivative which enables intercontinental transport of dispatchable renewable energy. This research describes the development of a model which optimizes a global green ammonia network, considering the costs of production, storage, and transport. In generating the model, we show economies of scale for green ammonia production are small beyond 1 million tonnes per annum (MMTPA), although benefits accrue up to a production rate of 10 MMTPA if a production facility is serviced by a new port or requires a long pipeline. The model demonstrates that optimal sites for ammonia production require not only an excellent renewable resource but also ample land from which energy can be harvested. Land limitations constrain project size in otherwise optimal locations and force production to more expensive sites. Comparison of current crude oil markets to future ammonia markets reveals a trend away from global supply hubs and toward demand centers serviced by regional production

    Recent developments in the synthesis of β-diketones

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    Apart from being one of the most important intermediates in chemical synthesis, broadly used in the formation of C–C bonds among other processes, the β-dicarbonyl structure is present in a huge number of biologically and pharmaceutically active compounds. In fact, mainly derived from the well-known antioxidant capability associated with the corresponding enol tautomer, β-diketones are valuable compounds in the treatment of many pathological disorders, such as cardiovascular and liver diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, neurological disorders, inflammation, skin dis-eases, fibrosis, or arthritis; therefore, the synthesis of these structures is an area of overwhelming interest for organic chemists. This paper is devoted to the advances achieved in the last ten years for the preparation of 1,3-diketones, using different chemical (Claisen, hydration of alkynones, decar-boxylative coupling) or catalytic (biocatalysis, organocatalytic, metal-based catalysis) methodologies: Additionally, the preparation of branched β-dicarbonyl compounds by means of α-functionalization of non-substituted 1,3-diketones are also discussed

    Multienzymatic processes involving baeyer–villiger monooxygenases

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    Baeyer–Villiger monooxygenases (BVMOs) are flavin-dependent oxidative enzymes capable of catalyzing the insertion of an oxygen atom between a carbonylic Csp2 and the Csp3 at the alpha position, therefore transforming linear and cyclic ketones into esters and lactones. These enzymes are dependent on nicotinamides (NAD(P)H) for the flavin reduction and subsequent reaction with molecular oxygen. BVMOs can be included in cascade reactions, coupled to other redox enzymes, such as alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) or ene-reductases (EREDs), so that the direct conversion of alcohols or α,β-unsaturated carbonylic compounds to the corresponding esters can be achieved. In the present review, the different synthetic methodologies that have been performed by employing multienzymatic strategies with BVMOs combining whole cells or isolated enzymes, through sequential or parallel methods, are described, with the aim of highlighting the advantages of performing multienzymatic systems, and show the recent advances for overcoming the drawbacks of using BVMOs in these techniques.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-105337RB-C22Banco Santander-UCM PR87/19-2267

    Ab initio lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling of Bi(111)

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    We present a comprehensive ab initio study of structural, electronic, lattice dynamical and electron-phonon coupling properties of the Bi(111) surface within density functional perturbation theory. Relativistic corrections due to spin-orbit coupling are consistently taken into account. As calculations are carried out in a periodic slab geometry, special attention is given to the convergence with respect to the slab thickness. Although the electronic structure of Bi(111) thin films varies significantly with thickness, we found that the lattice dynamics of Bi(111) is quite robust and appears converged already for slabs as thin as 6 bilayers. Changes of interatomic couplings are confined mostly to the first two bilayers, resulting in super-bulk modes with frequencies higher than the optic bulk spectrum, and in an enhanced density of states at lower frequencies for atoms in the first bilayer. Electronic states of the surface band related to the outer part of the hole Fermi surfaces exhibit a moderate electron-phonon coupling of about 0.45, which is larger than the coupling constant of bulk Bi. States at the inner part of the hole surface as well as those forming the electron pocket close to the zone center show much increased couplings due to transitions into bulk projected states near Gamma_bar. For these cases, the state dependent Eliashberg functions exhibit pronounced peaks at low energy and strongly deviate in shape from a Debye-like spectrum, indicating that an extraction of the coupling strength from measured electronic self-energies based on this simple model is likely to fail.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure


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    En este artículo, se lleva a cabo un análisis de la compleja problemática en materia de abandono escolar que se suscita en el Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP), institución de educación media superior mexicana que tiene presencia nacional, al contar con 308 planteles, de los cuales, 27 se encuentran en la Ciudad de México. La mayoría de esos planteles, se ubican en zonas de alta o muy alta marginación y atienden a poblaciones estudiantiles provenientes de contextos sumamente adversos, en términos económicos, políticos, familiares, culturales y emocionales. El objetivo consiste en presentar el abandono escolar como un fenómeno complejo y multifactorial, y al mismo tiempo, revisar la dinámica institucional del CONALEP en la Ciudad de México en torno al mismo, así como las formas como se ha abordado el fenómeno, con la finalidad de lograr su disminución.    Palabras – clave: Cidado do México. Dinámica CONALEP. abandono escolar.   ABSTRACT: In this article, an analysis of the complex problem of school drop-out is carried out in the National College of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP), a Mexican institution of higher education that has a national presence, with 308 schools. , of which, 27 are in Mexico City. Most of these schools are located in areas of high or very high marginalization and serve student populations from extremely adverse contexts, in economic, political, family, cultural and emotional terms. The objective is to present school dropout as a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, and at the same time, review the institutional dynamics of CONALEP in Mexico City around it, as well as the ways in which the phenomenon has been addressed, with the aim of to achieve its decrease.   Keywords: Mexico City. Dynamics of CONALEP. Student population

    Magnetic micro-macro biocatalysts applied to industrial bioprocesses

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    The use of magnetic biocatalysts is highly beneficial in bioprocesses technology, as it allows their easy recovering and enhances biocatalyst lifetime. Thus, it simplifies operational processing and increases efficiency, leading to more cost-effective processes. The use of small-size matrices as carriers for enzyme immobilization enables to maximize surface area and catalysts loading, also reducing diffusion limitations. As highly expensive nanoparticles (nm size) usually aggregate, their application at large scale is not recommended. In contrast, the use of magnetic micro-macro (µm-mm size) matrices leads to more homogeneous biocatalysts with null or very low aggregation, which facilitates an easy handling and recovery. The present review aims to highlight recent trends in the application of medium-to-high size magnetic biocatalysts in different areas (biodiesel production, food and pharma industries, protein purification or removal of environmental contaminants). The advantages and disadvantages of these above-mentioned magnetic biocatalysts in bioproces

    Effect of dipolar interactions on the magnetization of a cubic array of nanomagnets

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    We investigated the effect of intermolecular dipolar interactions on a cubic 3D ensemble of 5X5X4=100 nanomagnets, each with spin S=5S = 5. We employed the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation to solve for the magnetization M(B)M(B) curves for several values of the damping constant α\alpha, the induction sweep rate, the lattice constant aa, the temperature TT, and the magnetic anisotropy field HAH_A. We find that the smaller the α\alpha, the stronger the maximum induction required to produce hysteresis. The shape of the hysteresis loops also depends on the damping constant. We find further that the system magnetizes and demagnetizes at decreasing magnetic field strengths with decreasing sweep rates, resulting in smaller hysteresis loops. Variations of aa within realistic values (1.5 nm - 2.5 nm) show that the dipolar interaction plays an important role in the magnetic hysteresis by controlling the relaxation process. The TT dependencies of α\alpha and of MM are presented and discussed with regard to recent experimental data on nanomagnets. HAH_A enhances the size of the hysteresis loops for external fields parallel to the anisotropy axis, but decreases it for perpendicular external fields. Finally, we reproduce and test an M(B)M(B) curve for a 2D-system [M. Kayali and W. Saslow, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 70}, 174404 (2004)]. We show that its hysteretic behavior is only weakly dependent on the shape anisotropy field and the sweep rate, but depends sensitively upon the dipolar interactions. Although in 3D systems, dipole-dipole interactions generally diminish the hysteresis, in 2D systems, they strongly enhance it. For both square 2D and rectangular 3D lattices with B∣∣(x^+y^){\bm B}||(\hat{\bm x}+\hat{\bm y}), dipole-dipole interactions can cause large jumps in the magnetization.Comment: 15 pages 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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