35 research outputs found

    The Architecture of the Adhesive Apparatus of Cultured Osteoclasts: From Podosome Formation to Sealing Zone Assembly

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoclasts are bone-degrading cells, which play a central role in physiological bone remodeling. Unbalanced osteoclast activity is largely responsible for pathological conditions such as osteoporosis. Osteoclasts develop specialized adhesion structures, the so-called podosomes, which subsequently undergo dramatic reorganization into sealing zones. These ring-like adhesion structures, which delimit the resorption site, effectively seal the cell to the substrate forming a diffusion barrier. The structural integrity of the sealing zone is essential for the cell ability to degrade bone, yet its structural organization is poorly understood. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Combining high-resolution scanning electron microscopy with fluorescence microscopy performed on the same sample, we mapped the molecular architecture of the osteoclast resorptive apparatus from individual podosomes to the sealing zone, at an unprecedented resolution. Podosomes are composed of an actin-bundle core, flanked by a ring containing adhesion proteins connected to the core via dome-like radial actin fibers. The sealing zone, hallmark of bone-resorbing osteoclasts, consists of a dense array of podosomes communicating through a network of actin filaments, parallel to the substrate and anchored to the adhesive plaque domain via radial actin fibers. SIGNIFICANCE: The sealing zone of osteoclasts cultured on bone is made of structural units clearly related to individual podosomes. It differs from individual or clustered podosomes in the higher density and degree of inter-connectivity of its building blocks, thus forming a unique continuous functional structure connecting the cell to its extracellular milieu. Through this continuous structure, signals reporting on the substrate condition may be transmitted to the whole cell, modulating the cell response under physiological and pathological conditions

    Distinctive subdomains in the resorbing surface of osteoclasts.

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    We employed a novel technique to inspect the substrate-apposed surface of activated osteoclasts, the cells that resorb bone, in the scanning electron microscope. The surface revealed unexpected complexity. At the periphery of the cells were circles and crescents of individual or confluent nodules. These corresponded to the podosomes and actin rings that form a 'sealing zone', encircling the resorptive hemivacuole into which protons and enzymes are secreted. Inside these rings and crescents the osteoclast surface was covered with strips and patches of membrane folds, which were flattened against the substrate surface and surrounded by fold-free membrane in which many orifices could be seen. Corresponding regions of folded and fold-free membrane were found by transmission electron microscopy in osteoclasts incubated on bone. We correlated these patterns with the distribution of several proteins crucial to resorption. The strips and patches of membrane folds corresponded in distribution to vacuolar H+-ATPase, and frequently co-localized with F-actin. Cathepsin K localized to F-actin-free foci towards the center of cells with circular actin rings, and at the retreating pole of cells with actin crescents. The chloride/proton antiporter ClC-7 formed a sharply-defined band immediately inside the actin ring, peripheral to vacuolar H+-ATPase. The sealing zone of osteoclasts is permeable to molecules with molecular mass up to 10,000. Therefore, ClC-7 might be distributed at the periphery of the resorptive hemivacuole in order to prevent protons from escaping laterally from the hemivacuole into the sealing zone, where they would dissolve the bone mineral. Since the activation of resorption is attributable to recognition of the Ξ±VΞ²3 ligands bound to bone mineral, such leakage would, by dissolving bone mineral, release the ligands and so terminate resorption. Therefore, ClC-7 might serve not only to provide the counter-ions that enable proton pumping, but also to facilitate resorption by acting as a 'functional sealing zone'