651 research outputs found

    Development of 2.14 M one sheet canoe (SAMPAN) for pond activities

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    A 2.14 M length overall (LOA) flat bottom modern canoe (Sampan), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The canoe features include easy construction, portability, least cost, light weight, shallow draft, and easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) was 25kg, which was less than local canoe of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5.5cm. The capacity of the canoe was 200kg, and the total production cost of N10, 000.00, ($67) which was not beyond the reach of an average fisher folks, or any fish farmer. The canoe was easily maneuvered when propelled by paddling as it floated at a shallow draft; this makes the canoe adequate for use on shallow water bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. The craft, because of its easy maneuverability, can also be used on shallow water bodies for recreational activities such as, sport fishing and canoeing

    Social BIM: Co-creation with shared situational awareness

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    © 2015 The authors. A common data environment (CDE) is a specific requirement for Level 2 BIM in the UK in accordance with BS1192-2007 and PAS1192-2 standards. It is a central repository of BIM data and examples include 4BIM and Autodesk 360. These repositories have some disadvantages:(i) it is after synchronisation or file upload that changes between local and cloud versions of BIM models can be appreciated by remote teams; (ii) there is a cost associated with subscribing to these servers, which could marginalise SMEs wanting to adopt BIM; and (iii) during the design phase, these systems do not permit real-time co-creation capabilities or audiovisual consensus amongst designers. So although these repositories are helpful technologies, it is people who collaborate (not systems) and in the design phase, audio-visual feedback and consensus can augment the collaboration experience and outcomes. With socio-technical input, the quality of BIM data/models generated by team members can be enhanced (and clashes minimised) if visual isolation is eliminated. This research presents a framework and proof-of-concept which redefines Social BIM (SBIM) as a socio-technical mode of BIM that enriches the co-creation process for Levels 2 and 3 BIM. It enables 'shared situational awareness' by empowering remote participants with visual and remote control of BIM models using GoToMeeting as a 'groupware'. The BIM data was hosted by surrogate servers linked to cloud-based storage. A quasi-experiment through a desktop sharing and communication system enabled 14 globally dispersed participants to control the graphical user interface (GUI) of a host PC in the UK running Autodesk Revit. Four audio-visual collaboration protocols were developed and three were tested. Participants interacted via the host PC remotely using computers (which acted as nomadic servers) and with mobile devices. Remote desktop/laptop users had unlimited control of the data in host PC, while real-time audio-visual communication improved the collaboration and co-creation of 3D BIM models. The experience of participants in editing BIM models was a function of internet bandwidth, hardware and operating systems. Unitary optimisation of modelling efforts/outcomes was possible on shared/coordination models. Divisible optimisation of industry-specific tasks (i.e. architectural, engineering and management) by participants was enhanced by feedback which was either on-demand (requested) or just-in-time (spontaneous)

    Design and construction of 2.14 m. LOA (one sheet) flat bottom canoe (punt) for pond activities

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    A 2.14M length overall (LOA) flat bottom canoe (punt), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The features of the canoe are least cost material, light weight, shallow draft and easy maneuverability. The canoe's light displacement (weight empty) was 28kg, which was less.than local canoe of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5.5cm was achieved which is 14.8% of its depth (37cm). The capacity of the canoe was 200kg, and the total production cost of N8, 700.00 which was, not beyond, the reach of an average fisher folks, or any fish farmer. The canoe was easily maneuvered when propelled by paddling as it floated at a shallow draft; this makes the canoe adequate for use on shallow water bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. Such easily maneuvered craft can also be used on pond or reservoirs for recreation which include, sport fishing, canoein

    Anti-trypanosomal effects of aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum (Lamiaceae) leaf in rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei

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    The anti-trypanosomal effects of aqueous extract of the leaf of Ocimum gratissimum were evaluated in both in-vitro and in-vivo studies. The anti-trypanosomal activity of the extract against Trypanosoma brucei was investigated in-vitro. The survival and motility of the trypanosomes were completely inhibited within two hours of incubation in various concentrations of the extract. Parasite survival time was concentration dependent being longer in lower (25 and 12.5 mg/ml) than higher (100, 75 and 50 mg/ml) concentrations of the extract. The invivo anti-trypanosomal effect of the leaf extract of the leaf extract was investigated in rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei and treated with the extract. The infected rats treated with the extract had less dramatic clinical manifestations and mortality, survived longer and higher PCV values than their untreated counterparts, however, parasitaemia was not significantly reduced. The results suggest that the folkloric medicinal application of the aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum has no possible pharmacological basis.Key words: Anti-trypanosomal, Leaf, Ocimum gratissimum, Rat

    A Critical Analysis Of Collaborative And Disruptive Digital-Driven Built Environment Education

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has driven the teaching and learning provisions more towards virtual platforms, exposing lack of resilience and technology preparedness. This study aims to provide a critical appraisal of existing pedagogical studies on built environment (e.g., Building Information Modelling or BIM) challenging the opportunism and agency theories in response towards remote education provision provoked by the pandemic. The study consists of critical review of two literature samples, namely how the education sector as a whole has been responding to the pandemic, and the digitalisation-based pedagogy in built environment especially how the pedagogy addresses the pandemic. The review of the second literature sample evaluates longitudinally how BIM-based built environment education had evolved. A conceptual framework incorporating multiple factors from the review of the two literature samples is finally proposed. These factors include educational theories (e.g., Bloom’s Taxonomy), curriculum development addressing assessment, student experience, collaborative learning, delivery approaches, and teaching methods. This review-based study not only provides an overview of the digital built environment pedagogical work in higher education, but also contests the opportunism response to remote or blended learning and how the post-pandemic era could embrace the remote delivery-platforms to engender a variety of pedagogical principles, for example, cross-disciplinary team-based information sharing, experiential learning, and project-based learning. The findings of this study represent a barometer and roadmap for measuring the resilience of higher education and built environment programmes towards pandemic and technological disruptions

    Relationships between anti-retroviral adherence, self-efficacy, and resilience among women living with HIV in Niger State, Nigeria

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    The objectives of the study were to describe the level of self-efficacy and its relationship with resilience among women living with HIV in Niger State, Nigeria. Self-efficacy is an important predictor of treatment outcomes among people living with HIV. Using a systematic random sampling technique, 676 participants completed adherence self-efficacy and resilience measures from three selected hospitals in Niger State. The result showed high levels of self-efficacy among the participants, linear relationships between perceived stress and resilience (-.601), perceived stress and self-efficacy integration (-.504), perceived stress and selfefficacy perseverance (-.220), resilience and self-efficacy integration (.667) and resilience and self-efficacy perseverance (.377). Hierarchical multiple linear regression indicated that 48.3% of the variance in resilience was explained by the two sub-scales of self-efficacy (p = < .001). Also, 26% (p = < .001) of the variance in perceived stress was explained by the two subscales of the self-efficacy. It is concluded that self-efficacy is a significant predictor of resilience and perceived stress among women living with HIV in Niger State, Nigeria. Keywords: HIV, Nigeria, Perceived stress, Resilience, Self-efficacy, Women Les objectifs de l'étude étaient de décrire le niveau d'auto-efficacité et sa relation avec la résilience chez les femmes vivant avec le VIH dans l'État du Niger, au Nigéria. L'auto-efficacité est un prédicteur important des résultats du traitement chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH. À l'aide d'une technique d'échantillonnage aléatoire systématique, 676 participants ont complété des mesures d'auto-efficacité et de résilience de l'observance dans trois hôpitaux sélectionnés dans l'État du Niger. Le résultat a montré des niveaux élevés d'auto-efficacité chez les participants, des relations linéaires entre le stress perçu et la résilience (- .601), le stress perçu et l'intégration de l'auto-efficacité (-.504), le stress perçu et la persévérance de l'auto-efficacité (-.220) ), l'intégration de la résilience et de l'auto-efficacité (.667) et la persévérance de la résilience et de l'auto-efficacité (.377). Larégression linéaire multiple hiérarchique a indiqué que 48,3% de la variance de la résilience était expliquée par les deux souséchelles d'auto-efficacité (p = <.001). De plus, 26% (p = <.001) de la variance du stress perçu était expliquée par les deux souséchelles de l'auto-efficacité. Il est conclu que l'auto-efficacité est un prédicteur significatif de la résilience et du stress perçu chez les femmes vivant avec le VIH dans l'État du Niger, au Nigéria. Mots-clés: VIH, Nigéria, Stress perçu, Résilience, Auto-efficacité, Femme


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    The mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of sodium azide to induce genetic variability in false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides) was evaluated with the aim of obtaining beneficial mutants. The seeds of false sesame were subjected to four concentrations (0.5mM, 1.0mM, 1.5mM and 2.0mM) of sodium azide. Treated and untreated seeds were sown on the field. Harvested M1 false sesame seeds were sown to raise the M2 seedlings. The sodium azide concentration of 1.0mM significantly (p<0.05) induced benefitial variabilities on the agronomic traitsevaluated at M1 and M2 generation of false sesame. The mutagenic effectiveness, efficiency and mutation frequency of sodium azide were not obtained due to the absence of chlorophyll-deficient mutants. Lethality due to mutagen was observed not to be dose dependent. Broad sense heritability estimates for the agronomic traits evaluated ranged from 2.14% to 92.01%. High heritability values recorded for and days to flowering (92.10%), thousand seed weight (75.00%), height at maturity (63.84%) and leaf area (60.35%) broadens the scope for improving false sesame via selection. Results are further discussed to validate the potential of this mutagenic treatment on false sesame breeding and selectio

    Developing a methodological framework of adopting digital twin for deconstruction planning

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    Wastes generated from construction and demolition (C&D) activities account for a major proportion of urban solid wastes. The large amount of C&D waste gen-erated are still being largely landfilled or downcycled worldwide. Aging built as-sets without proper C&D planning is a major cause of wastes not being efficient-ly diverted for circular use. How waste sorting could be properly planned in the early stages, not only for new construction, but also deconstruction projects is critical to minimizing C&D wastes. As there is a large amount of aging assets without digital files or even no drawings, developing a digital-driven approach to effectively estimate and categorize C&D wastes would be essential for, not just early-stage deconstruction planning, but also the development of a circular econ-omy on C&D wastes. This study is first based on a thorough literature review of existing studies of applications of digital technologies to C&D waste diversion (WD). Limitations of existing studies are evaluated, such as the lack of digital twin approach for deconstruction. Then a methodological framework is estab-lished aiming to adopt digitalization for C&D WD, specifically for existing facili-ties under deconstruction planning. Based on the current work, future study would ap-ply the methodological framework with real-world case studies to vali-date and test its effectiveness with initiated prototypes. Longer-term work can ex-tend from the current framework to Internet-of-Things and Artificial Intelligence

    Trade and market in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria: scoping study report to the UK department for International Development.

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    This study of trade related conflict and its resolution in Nigeria’s was prompted by the needs of policy makers concerned with improving market access for the poor. There is a lack of published material analysing links between trade/markets and conflict development/conflict resolution. The study is based on a literature review, a small number of interviews in Nigeria and UK and a one-day workshop:it was conceived as a pilot to identify areas for future research. The informality of Nigeria’s agricultural produce trade has the potential to promote both cooperation and conflict. The food marketing chains are complex networks extending across the country, and often involve diverse ethnic, religious and social groups. For the most part these linkages work extremely effectively, drawing on substantial inter-gender, inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation,often built up over generations.Nonetheless, there is potential for

    Developing a methodological framework for adopting digitalization for deconstruction planning

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    Wastes generated from construction and demolition (C&D) activities account for a major proportion of urban solid wastes. The large amount of C&D waste generated are still being largely landfilled or downcycled worldwide. Aging built assets without proper C&D planning is a major cause of wastes not being efficiently diverted for circular use. How waste sorting could be properly planned in the early stages, not only for new construction, but also deconstruction projects is critical to minimizing C&D wastes. As there is a large amount of aging assets without digital files or even no drawings, developing a digital-driven approach to effectively estimate and categorize C&D wastes would be essential for, not just early-stage deconstruction planning, but also the development of a circular economy on C&D wastes. This study is first based on a thorough literature review of existing studies of applications of digital technologies to C&D waste diversion (WD). Limitations of existing studies are evaluated, such as the lack of digital twin approach for deconstruction. Then a methodological framework is established aiming to adopt digitalization for C&D WD, specifically for existing facilities under deconstruction planning. Based on the current work, future study would apply the methodological framework with real-world case studies to validate and test its effectiveness with initiated prototypes. Longer-term work can extend from the current framework to Internet-of-Things and Artificial Intelligence. REFERENCE
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