28 research outputs found

    Jaunesniojo ir vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų tarpusavio santykiai

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    Positive peer relationships and prosocial behaviour is known to emerge as major correlates of a positive status at each age. On the contrary, poor peer relationships are a vali d indicator of concurrent and subsequent. Adjustment problems. In this work, peer sociometric status (Coie, et al., 1983), Revised Class Play (Masten, et al., 1985) and teacher ratings of school achievement were obtained for 483 third-through seventh-grade children and adolescents, attending elementary and secondary schools. As we hypothesized, the correlations of positive status with the Sociability-Leadership factor and with school achievement were strongly positive. The correlations of positive status with the Aggressive-Disruptive factor were negative, and the strength of the relation varied with the age. The correlations of positive peer status with Sensitivity-lsolation factor increases with age. Our data provide support for the hypothesis about the age differences in process variables. School achievement was shown to play a more important role in peer acceptance in middle childhood than in adolescence. Prosocial behaviour was proved to be an important factor of high positive social status in middle childhood, while the aggressive behaviour was shown to influence the development of negative social status (and further adjustment problems) in adolescence. The relationships of negative status with isolated behaviour increased dramatically in adolescence, suggesting greater attention by peers to asocial and over-emotional behaviour.Pozityvūs santykiai su bendraamžiais ir prosocialus elgesys yra vieni svarbiausių pozityvaus statuso bet kuriame amžiuje koreliatai. Iš kitos pusės – blogi santykiai su bendraamžiais yra svarbus prasto prisitaikymo indikatorius. Šiame tyrime buvo nustatytas tiriamųjų sociometrinis statusas, naudotas Klasės žaidimo klausimynas bei gauti mokytojų vertinimai. Tyrime dalyvavo 483 3-7 klasės mokiniai. Kai ir buvo prognozuota, nustatytos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp pozityvaus statuso bei Socialumo - lyderiavimo faktoriaus bei mokyklinių pasiekimų. Pozityvaus statuso koreliacijos su Agresyvumo – destrukcijos faktoriumi buvo neigiamos, o stiprumas kito su amžiumi. Koreliacija tarp pozityvaus statuso ir Jautrumo – Izoliacijos faktoriaus stiprėja su amžiumi. Mūsų tyrimo rezultatai patvirtina amžiaus vaidmenį. Mokykliniai pasiekimai bendraamžių priėmimui buvo svarbesni vidurinėje vaikystėje, o ne paauglystėje. Prosocialus elgesys buvo svarbus pozityvaus statuso veiksnys vidurinėje vaikystėje, o agresyvus elgesys skatino negatyvaus socialinio statuso (ir tolesnių prisitaikymo problemų) raidą paauglystėje. Sąsajos tarp negatyvaus statuso ir izoliacinio elgesio smarkiai sustiprėja paauglystėje, spėjama dėl bendraamžių jautrumo asocialiam ir perdėtai emocingam elgesiui

    Tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ir emocinio intelekto sąsajos su vyresniųjų paauglių saviveiksmingumu bei saviverte pagal lytį

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    Previous studies have found that parenting styles predict childrens’ emotional intelligence, i.e., their ability to perceive, express and manage their emotions. Parenting styles were also found to predict the self-efficacy and self-esteem of adolescents. Despite a high interest in the effects of parenting on the emotional charateristics and adjustment indicators of adolescents, researchers have rarely analysed the effects of gender on these links. Previous data suggest that adolescent boys have a higher self-esteem as compared with girls, while findings on gender differences in emotional intelligence are mixed. Moreover, some effects of the interaction between parents’ and adolescents’ gender have been found significant when predicting the adjustment of adolescents. The present study explores the way in which parenting styles and adolescents’ emotional intelligence (perception and understanding of emotions, expression and labeling of emotions, and managing and regulating emotions) predict the self-esteem and self-efficacy of adolescent boys and girls. Data for this analysis were taken from a longitudinal study in high schools of the Klaipėda region. The sample consisted of 1028 adolescents (624 girls and 404 boys) aged 16 to 18 (M = 16.29, SD = 0.93). The participants filled in the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSE, Rosenberg, 1965), parenting styles questionnaire (EMBU: Egna Minnen Beträffande Uppfostran, Arrindell et al., 1994), the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ-45, Takšić et al, 2009), and the Generalized Self-efficacy Scale (GSE, Schwarzer and Jerusalem, 1995). The results revealed significant gender effects: girls scored higher on all subscales of emotional intelligence (perception and understanding, expression and labeling, and managing and regulating emotions), including the total emotional intelligence score. In line with the previous studies, self-efficacy did not differ by gender, but boys had a higher self-esteem as compared with girls. Both parents showed more emotional warmth to their daughters, while fathers (but not mothers) showed more rejection towards their sons. Of all parenting styles, parental emotional warmth had the strongest links with the emotional intelligence of adolescent girls and boys. The other links between parenting styles and adolescents’ emotional intelligence were gender-dependent in both parents and adolescents. Self-esteem and self-efficacy in adolescents were strongly predicted by their emotional intelligence scores, whereas parenting styles (father’s emotional warmth) were only important in predicting boys’ self-esteem.Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos prognostinės tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ir paauglių emocinio intelekto galimybės numatyti savivertę ir saviveiksmingumą paauglystėje atskirai vaikinams ir merginoms. Analizei naudoti duomenys iš tęstinio Klaipėdos apskrities mokyklose atliekamo vyresniųjų klasių mokinių tyrimo. Tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 1028 mokiniai, kurių amžius 16–18 metų (M = 16,29; SD = 0,93), iš jų 624 merginos ir 404 vaikinai. Šiame straipsnyje naudojama 2008–2009 m. surinkta informacija apie paauglių savivertę (RSE: Rosenberg Self–Esteem scale, Rosenberg, 1965), tėvų auklėjimo stilių (EMBU: Egna Minnen Beträffande Uppfostran, Arrindell et al., 1994), paauglių emocinį intelektą (ESCQ-45: Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire, Takšić et al., 2009) ir saviveiksmingumą (GSE: Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, Schwarzer and Jerusalem, 1995). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad merginos turi aukštesnį bendrą emocinį intelektą (ir didesnius visus emocinio intelekto rodiklių įverčius) nei vaikinai; merginų ir vaikinų saviveiksmingumas nesiskiria, tačiau vaikinai pasižymi didesne saviverte nei merginos. Abu tėvai emocinę šilumą, kaip auklėjimo stilių, dažniau naudoja, kai šeimoje auga duktė, o tėvas (bet ne motina) dažniau naudoja atstūmimą, kai šeimoje auga sūnus. Labiausiai su emocinio intelekto rodikliais yra susijusi tėvų emocinė šiluma, tačiau svarbūs ir kiti tėvų auklėjimo stiliai, kurių sąsajos su paauglių emociniu intelektu priklauso ir nuo tėvų, ir nuo vaiko lyties. Apibendrinant galima teigti, kad vaikinų ir merginų saviveiksmingumą ir merginų savivertę numatyti leidžia tik emocinis intelektas, o vaikinų savivertę – dar ir tėvo emocinė šiluma

    Family time, parental behaviour model and the initiation of smoking and alcohol use by ten-year-old children: an epidemiological study in Kaunas, Lithuania

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    BACKGROUND: Family is considered to be the first and the most important child development and socialization bond. Nevertheless, parental behaviour model importance for the children, as well as family time for shared activity amount influence upon the child's health-related behaviour habit development has not been yet thoroughly examined. The aim of this paper is to indicate the advanced health-hazardous behaviour modelling possibilities in the families, as well as time spent for joint family activities, and to examine the importance of time spent for joint family activities for the smoking and alcohol use habit initiation among children. METHODS: This research was carried out in Kaunas, Lithuania, during the school year 2004–2005. The research population consisted of 369 fifth-grade schoolchildren (211 (57.2%) boys and 158 (42.8%) girls) and 565 parents: 323 (57.2%) mothers and 242 (48.2%) fathers. The response rate was 80.7% for children; 96.1% and 90.6% for mothers and fathers correspondingly. RESULTS: Eating a meal together was the most frequent joint family activity, whereas visiting friends or relatives together, going for a walk, or playing sports were the most infrequent joint family activities. More than two thirds (81.5%) of parents (248 (77.0%) mothers and 207 (85.9%) fathers (p < 0.05)) reported frequenting alcohol furnished parties at least once a month. About half of the surveyed fathers (50.6%) together with one fifth of the mothers (19.9%) (p < 0.001) were smokers. More frequently than girls, boys reported having tried smoking (6.6% and 23.0% respectively; p < 0.001) as well as alcohol (31.16% and 40.1% respectively; p < 0.05). Child alcohol use was associated both with paternal alcohol use, and with the time, spent in joint family activities. For instance, boys were more prone to try alcohol, if their fathers frequented alcohol furnished parties, whereas girls were more prone to try alcohol, if family members spent less time together. CONCLUSION: Joint family activity time deficit together with frequent parental examples of smoking and alcohol use underlie the development of alcohol and smoking addictions in children to some extent. The above-mentioned issues are suggested to be widely addressed in the comprehensive family health education programs

    Gendered self-views across 62 countries: a test of competing models

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    Social role theory posits that binary gender gaps in agency and communion should be larger in less egalitarian countries, reflecting these countries’ more pronounced sex-based power divisions. Conversely, evolutionary and self-construal theorists suggest that gender gaps in agency and communion should be larger in more egalitarian countries, reflecting the greater autonomy support and flexible self-construction processes present in these countries. Using data from 62 countries (N = 28,640), we examine binary gender gaps in agentic and communal self-views as a function of country-level objective gender equality (the Global Gender Gap Index) and subjective distributions of social power (the Power Distance Index). Findings show that in more egalitarian countries, gender gaps in agency are smaller and gender gaps in communality are larger. These patterns are driven primarily by cross-country differences in men’s self-views and by the Power Distance Index (PDI) more robustly than the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI). We consider possible causes and implications of these findings

    Longitudinal Associations of Identity Processing Styles With Prodiversity and Proequality Values in Adolescence

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    In adolescence, the formation of personal identity and values may be intertwined, since values are among the main issues considered when building one's identity. This study examined how sociocognitive strategies used in the process of identity formation were related with adoption of prodiversity and proequality values, which are critically important for socially diverse contemporary societies. Participants were 916 adolescents (51.4% females, Mage&nbsp;=&nbsp;15.65, SDage&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.73 at baseline) involved in a three-wave longitudinal study with annual assessments. The results of cross-lagged analyses suggest that more rational and deliberate processing of self-relevant information is related to stronger adoption of prodiversity and proequality values over time. In turn, endorsement of prodiversity and proequality values is related to more rational and deliberate processing of self-relevant issues