33 research outputs found


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas paauglystėje, kaip individosėkmingos karjeros prielaida. Kadangi Lietuvoje atliktuose profesijospasirinkimo tyrimuose neskirta pakankami dėmesio specifinei vaikų grupei –globos namų auklėtiniams, šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos globos namuosegyvenančių paauglių profesijos pasirinkimo problemos. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: globos namų auklėtiniai, paaugliai, profesijos pasirinkimas

    Įvairiapusis Erasmus studentų mainų poveikis Lietuvos ekonominiam augimui. Kada galime teigti, kad jis yra sėkmingas?

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    Straipsnio tikslas yra nustatyti, kokie Erasmus studentų mainų veiksniai daro įtaką sėkmingam Erasmus programos įgyvendinimui. Aiškinamasi, kokią naudą, jais remiantis, galima identifikuoti Lietuvai. Straipsnis parengtas remiantis mokslinės literatūros ir statistinių duomenų apžvalga bei analize, Bolonijos proceso ir Erasmus programos dokumentais, jų įgyvendinimo atvejų studijomis. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti sėkmės sampratą: apžvelgus filosofinį, ekonominį ir edukacinį požiūrį į sėkmę; nusakius Erasmus studentų mainų sėkmę Bolonijos ir Erasmus programos kontekste; atskleidus, kokią ekonominę reikšmę ir kokią naudą teikia Erasmus studentų mainai Lietuvai.The purpose of this article is to determine what factors of the Erasmus Exchange Programme influence its success. On the basis of these factors, the benefits for Lithuania are identified. The paper is based on the review and analysis of scientific publications and statistical data, Bologna Process and Erasmus Programme documents as well as Erasmus Exchange case studies The aim of the paper is to reveal the concept of success with philosophical, economic and educational approach, the success of Erasmus students in the context of the Bologna Process and Erasmus Programme, the importance and benefits of the Erasmus exchange for Lithuania

    Girls with moderate and severe mental retardation: peculiarities of psychosocial behaviour

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas vidutiniškai ir žymiai protiškai atsilikusių paauglių (mergaičių) ir merginų psichosocialinis elgesys. Įvertintos visos (158) Lietuvos vaikų ir jaunimo pensionatuose gyvenančios paauglės ir merginos, lyginta jų ypatumai, aptarta, kaip jie kinta žmogui bręstant. Nustatyta, kad vidutiniškai protiškai atsilikusių paauglių (mergaičių) ir merginų psichosocialinis elgesys yra socialiai labiau adaptuotas nei žymiai protiškai atsilikusiųjų. Bręstant vidutiniškai protiškai atsilikusių paauglių (mergaičių) ir merginų elgesys tampa priimtinesnis, tuo tarpu žymiai protiškai atsilikusiųjų turi tendenciją blogėti.Psychosocial behaviour problems are common among children with mental retardation. On the one hand, not adaptive psychosocial behaviour adjudicates relationship with surrounders and social adaptation of mentally retarded, on the other hand, problems of psychosocial character arise not only from organic changes of these people, but for the most part it depends on social environment and on the level of formation of social skills. Therefore, education and training programs for mentally retarded children should involve such areas of development, which would help them to adjudicate social behaviour and emotional answer in different situations of every day, for the reason that learning of right social communication and behaviour, acknowledgment, perception and it’s development are necessary elements for person’s self-sufficiency and independence. Although there exists the opinion that adaptive psychosocial behaviour could be learned as academic knowledge, and the problem lacks of analysis of investigated child behaviour in particular situation. Therefore, when program of behaviour correction is prepared, peculiarity of psychosocial behaviour expression should be estimated and analysed together with assessment circumstances of expression and general situation. The aim of our research was to evaluate peculiarity of psychosocial behaviour among girls with moderate and severe mental retardation. For evaluation of psychosocial behaviour of mentally retarded girls, the scale prepared at Glasgow university for psychosocial behaviour evaluation in 1988 was used. Educator evaluated every girl. All 148 girls, living at child and youth boarding - houses in Lithuania were evaluated. Peculiarities of psychosocial behaviour of girls with moderate and severe mental retardation were compared and analysed from the standpoint of their dependence on age. It is determined that psychosocial behaviour of girls with moderate mental retardation is more socially adapted than of girls with severe mental retardation. As girls with moderate mental retardation become older, their psychosocial behaviour becomes more adequate, while psychosocial behaviour of girls with severe mental retardation has tendency to change negatively

    Peculiarities of psychomotor reaction of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities: aspects of moderate intensity exercising and age

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    Background. Intellectual disability is defined as significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn and to apply new skills. Integration into the society and independent living for intellectually disabled people is demanding because of slowdown decision processing. Quick enough response time is of vital importance not only for the motor development but also for faster and better adaptation to the changing life conditions. Methods. The subjects were 112 persons with and without intellectual disability aged 11 to 18 years and recruited for the study. The Reaction Timer RA-1 was used to measure reaction time and to determine the speed characteristics of the person’s psychomotor response before and after moderate intensity exercising. Heart rate monitor Polar RS800 was used to measure the person’s heart rate. Results. The best reaction time was demonstrated by 16-year-old normally developed individuals and those with mild intellectual disability (p<.05). The slowest were 11 and 12-year-old individuals (p<.05). The best reaction time was demonstrated by 14-year-old individuals with moderate intellectual disability and the worst – by 12 and 16 year-old persons with this disability (p<.05). Conclusion. Moderate-intensity exercising has a positive influence on the execution of the complex reaction task (LRHL). The considerable reaction time increase was observed for individuals with moderate intellectual disability

    Modeling of trainer's electric drive control

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    Tomo antraštė: Mechatronic system and materials. [Vol.] 2The marches in mechatronic science and engeenering enable us to create and produce high quality progammable sport and rehabilitation equipment. In study presented we analyze modeling of trainer’s direct current drive control, which is designed to control realization with programmable microcontroller. There we introduce block scheme of the drive’s model, working in isokinetic and isotonic mode in the training equipment, and the main mathematical dependences. Executing drives work simulation according to this model we have chosen optimal rates. Here we present the samples of characteristics which were got by simulatingLietuvos kūno kultūros akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Modeling of trainer's eletric drive control

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    Tomo antraštė: 3rd international conference : 27-29 September 2007, Kaunas : abstracts of reviewed papersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij