627 research outputs found

    Psychodiden aus Mittelasien und angrenzenden Gebieten (Insecta, Diptera, Psychodidae).

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    Panimerus elongatus Wagner [Iran], Peripsychoda iranica Ježek [Iran], Satchelliella gracilis kandavanica Ježek [Iran], Thornburghiella globulipyga Ježek [China], T. kaszabi (Vaillant) [Russland, China], Satchelliella borealis (Berdén) [Russland], Satchelliella canescens (Meigen) [China, Kirgisistan], Satchelliella stammeri (Jung) [China], Bazarella centuretinacula Wagner [China], Pericoma kabulica Wagner [Kirgisistan], Pericoma tienshanensis Ježek [China], Paramormia ustulata (Walker) [China], Psychoda parthenogenetica Tonnoir [China] und Tinearia lativentris (Berdén) [China] werden von verschiedenen Fundorten der genannten Länder gemeldet. Thornburghiella xinjiangensis sp. n. [China], Bazarella pilosa sp. n. [China], Bazarella septentrionalis sp. n. [Russland], Bazarella baikalensis sp. n. [Russland], Pericoma sinica sp. n. [China], Psychoda meyi sp. n. [China] und Psychoda tiencensis sp. n. [China] werden beschrieben und abgebildet. Ihre Verwandtschaft mit beschriebenen Arten wird diskutiert. Die Verbreitungsgebiete von Psychodiden sind im zentralasiatischen Gebiet im Vergleich zu Arealen in Europa groß.StichwörterDiptera, Psychodidae, new species, Central Asia, distribution.Nomenklatorische Handlungenbaikalensis Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.pilosa Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.septentrionales Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.sinica Wagner, 2003 (Pericoma), spec. n.meyi Wagner, 2003 (Psychoda), spec. n.tiencensis Wagner, 2003 (Psychoda), spec. n.xinjiangensis Wagner, 2003 (Thornburghiella), spec. n.Panimerus elongatus Wagner [Iran], Peripsychoda iranica Ježek [Iran], Satchelliella gracilis kandavanica Ježek [Iran], Thornburghiella globulipyga Ježek [China], T. kaszabi (Vaillant) [Russia, China], Satchelliella borealis (Berdén) [Russia], Satchelliella canescens (Meigen) [China, Kirgisia], Satchelliella stammeri (Jung) [China], Bazarella centuretinacula Wagner [China], Pericoma kabulica Wagner [Kirgisia], Pericoma tienshanensis Ježek [China], Paramormia ustulata (Walker) [China], Psychoda parthenogenetica Tonnoir [China], and Tinearia lativentris (Berdén) [China] are recorded. Thornburghiella xinjiangensis sp. n. [China], Bazarella pilosa sp. n. [China], Bazarella septentrionalis sp. n. [Russia], Bazarella baikalensis sp. n. [Russia], Pericoma sinica sp. n. [China], Psychoda meyi sp. n. [China], and Psychoda tiencensis sp. n. [China] are described and figured, and their phylogenetic relations are discussed. The areas of distribution of Central Asian Psychodidae are vast compared to those of European species.KeywordsDiptera, Psychodidae, new species, Central Asia, distribution.Nomenclatural Actsbaikalensis Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.pilosa Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.septentrionales Wagner, 2003 (Bazarella), spec. n.sinica Wagner, 2003 (Pericoma), spec. n.meyi Wagner, 2003 (Psychoda), spec. n.tiencensis Wagner, 2003 (Psychoda), spec. n.xinjiangensis Wagner, 2003 (Thornburghiella), spec. n

    Scanning excimer laser ablation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and its application to rapid prototyping of channels for microfluidics

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    Excimer Laser Ablation is a micro-machining method which has undergone an important breakthrough in the last twenty years. In contrast with most literature studies, dealing with Static Ablation, this PhD work focuses on the study of Scanning Ablation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) at 193 nm, using relatively high fluences of about 1 J/cm2. Here, Static Ablation means that the substrate is fixed with respect to the laser beam. In this way, the size of the machined area per set of pulses does not exceed a few mm2. Moving the substrate under the laser beam during the irradiation, i.e. using Scanning Ablation, enables to machine more easily and with a better quality bigger surfaces. This is particularly interesting for micro-channel prototyping in PET (typical cross-section of the channels: 40×40 µm2, length: >1.5 cm), which was the aimed application of this work. The surface properties of the ablated micro fluidic channels were studied, comparing Static Ablation to Scanning Ablation with different parameters. For this purpose SEM, TEM, XPS, water condensation experiments and electroosmotic flow measurements in laminated micro-channels were carried out. The properties of the ablated surfaces were shown to be modified, in terms of chemical properties and in terms of morphology. In order to explain the modified surface properties after Scanning Ablation, the angle between the irradiated ramp, forming under the beam, and the non irradiated surface was shown to be one key-parameter, the shape of the laser spot on the substrate being the other one. The chemical composition of the ablated surfaces depends on the nature and amount of redeposited debris. There are two types of debris: Indirect debris, which is produced by collision of the ejected material with the ambient atmosphere. After ablation in air, this debris is hydrophilic due to the oxygen and nitrogen content. The geometry of the debris covered area, and thus the amount of indirect debris in the micro channels, depends on the geometry of the irradiated area. Direct debris, which is produced by a mechanism very similar to Pulsed Laser Deposition, is only possible in Scanning Ablation. It is directly ejected in the direction of the channel surface and it is less influenced by the surrounding atmosphere. Condensation experiments proved it to be more hydrophobic than indirect debris. In Static Ablation, only indirect debris is present, and the debris affected surfaces are therefore hydrophilic. In Scanning Ablation, the amount of direct and indirect debris vary differently with the ramp angle and the shape of the irradiated spot. When increasing the ramp angle from 0° to 45°, a maximum electroosmotic flow velocity is measured around 4.3°, which is explained by a maximum of the ratio indirect / direct debris for this angle. Electroosmotic flow velocity measurements in channels of the same width but with different depths (polyethylene laminated), combined with a numerical implementation of an analytical formula for the flow velocity profile, enabled to calculate the ζ-potentials of the ablated the surfaces for different ramp angles and the ζ-potential of the lamination. Besides the chemical composition, Scanning Ablation also changes the morphology of the ablated surfaces. At high ramp angles, the surface structure of the channel floor is determined by the direct debris redeposition leading to a nanometric roughness. The micrometric roughness, which is known to develop in stretched polymer substrates upon Laser Ablation, depends on the ramp angle θ during channel fabrication. As the ramp is the only irradiated surface in scanning ablation, it was studied in detail. Three different structures were observed on ramps in stretched polymer substrates, each in one of three distinct ranges of ramp angles. On the basis of a vector decomposition of the fabrication induced stresses in the polymer, the different structures can be understood as a step wise suppression of the Static Structure formation on the ramps. The stress component normal to the irradiated surface acts as an inhibitor of the Static Structure formation. At ramp angles lower than 10°, the structure on the ramps is identical to the structure on statically ablated surfaces. At 10° < θ < 30° the structure changes but is still present. At ramp angles higher than 30° the ramps are smooth. As the micrometric structure on the channel floor is given by the structure on the lower part of the irradiated ramp, the channel floor structure is of the same type as the structure on the ramp. However, it is not possible to obtain a smooth channel floor. The angle ranges for the different structures do not depend on the laser fluence but vary from one substrate material to another. The presence and the orientation of the micrometric structure only have negligible influence on the electroosmotic flow in the micro channels. In conclusion, the message of this work is that Scanning Ablation modifies drastically the ablated surface properties. This must be taken into account when thinking about fabricating devices for which properties such as wettability, adhesion, ζ-potential or micro/nano-roughness are important

    Datenschutz, Selbstschutz, Medienkompetenz: Wieviel informationstechnische Grundbildung braucht der kompetente Mediennutzer?

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    Am Thema «IT-Sicherheit» wird das Verhältnis zwischen Medienbildung und Informationstechnischer Bildung diskutiert: IT-Sicherheit ist Voraussetzung für das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Die Struktur des Internet macht es dabei notwendig, auf den Selbstschutz der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer zu setzen. Die Fähigkeit zum Selbstschutz muss durch Sicherheitsbewusstsein ergänzt werden. Man benötigt ein adäquates Modell von Computern und Computernetzen, um die Offenheit dieses neuen «Kommunikations- und Sozialraumes» zu erfassen. Die Vermittlung von Sicherheitsbewusstsein und Sicherheitskompetenz im Umgang mit den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien wird damit zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil von Medienkompetenz. Hinzutreten muss die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung und der Erwerb kommunikativer Kompetenzen für das Internet

    Medialitätsbewusstsein als Ziel von Medienbildung

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    Das Thema Medienbildung wurde in den GDM-Mitteilungen von Horst Hischer schon mehrmals aufgegriffen (GDM-Mitteilungen 93/2012, S. 23–27 und GDM-Mitteilungen 95/2013, S. 15–24). In der allgemeinen Diskussion über Medienbildung spielt Mathematik ebenso wie die naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer im besten Fall eine Nebenrolle – und dies dann vor allem mit Blick auf die Neuen Medien und ihren Einsatz als Werkzeuge im Unterricht.Diese partielle Blindheit erklärt sich nicht zuletzt durch die bislang nahezu ausschließliche Orientierung der Medienpädagogik an der Diskussion in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Stellt man jedoch, wie dies in den Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften der Fall ist, die Frage nach dem „konstitutiven Anteil der Medien an der Generierung, Speicherung und Übermittlung von Information undWissen“ (Wissenschaftsrat 2007, 76), eröffnet dies eine andere Perspektive auf Medien. Es wird deutlich, welche entscheidende Rolle Medien als Werkzeuge der Weltaneignung für die Entwicklung in der Mathematik, den Naturwissenschaften und der Technik spielten und spielen. Dieser Beitrag1 ist ein Plädoyer für einen Perspektivwechsel, um im Sinne der eingangs erwähnten Diskussionsanstöße darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass die Mathematik aus ihrem fachdidaktischen Selbstverständnis einen Beitrag zur Medienbildung leisten sollte

    Complicated pregnancies in inherited distal renal tubular acidosis: importance of acid-base balance

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    Inherited distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) is caused by impaired urinary acid excretion resulting in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Although the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is usually preserved, and hypertension and overt proteinuria are absent, it has to be considered that patients with dRTA also suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) with an increased risk for adverse pregnancy-related outcomes. Typical complications of dRTA include severe hypokalemia leading to cardiac arrhythmias and paralysis, nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. Several physiologic changes occur in normal pregnancy including alterations in acid-base and electrolyte homeostasis as well as in GFR. However, data on pregnancy in women with inherited dRTA are scarce. We report the course of pregnancy in three women with hereditary dRTA. Complications observed were severe metabolic acidosis, profound hypokalemia aggravated by hyperemesis gravidarum, recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) and ureteric obstruction leading to renal failure. However, the outcome of all five pregnancies (1 pregnancy each for mothers n. 1 and 2; 3 pregnancies for mother n. 3) was excellent due to timely interventions. Our findings highlight the importance of close nephrologic monitoring of women with inherited dRTA during pregnancy. In addition to routine assessment of creatinine and proteinuria, caregivers should especially focus on acid-base status, plasma potassium and urinary tract infections. Patients should be screened for renal obstruction in the case of typical symptoms, UTI or renal failure. Furthermore, genetic identification of the underlying mutation may (a) support early nephrologic referral during pregnancy and a better management of the affected woman, and (b) help to avoid delayed diagnosis and reduce complications in affected newborns

    Menschenwürde und Unternehmensverpflichtung an der Base of the Pyramid

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    "'Würde' als zentrales Postulat menschlichen Daseins manifestiert sich insbesondere im Mindestniveau konkreter Ausprägungen von Versorgungs-, Freiheits-, Schutz- sowie Selbstachtungsrechten. Diese in realer Lebenssituation zu wahren, erweist sich als umso schwieriger, je mehr man sich der 'Base of the Pyramid' (BoP), d.h. dem Segment der Ärmsten der Armen der Weltbevölkerung, nähert. Unternehmerische Verantwortung hat sich daher gerade in diesem Segment zu beweisen. Eine Reihe von Initiativen, Beispielen und Fällen, die mit dem vorliegenden Artikel analysiert werden, verdeutlicht dazu auch ökonomischen Erfolg versprechende Wege. Dies kulminiert in der Erkenntnis, Würde an der BoP besonders durch bewusste Einbeziehung der dortigen Bevölkerung in relevante Wertschöpfungsprozesse zu sichern und zu fördern." (Autorenreferat)"Dignity' as central aspect of human existence can be subdivided into certain fundamental rights. When approaching the 'Base of the Pyramid' (i. e. the segment of the world's poor), preserving only a minimum level of these rights already proves to be difficult. Corporate responsibility is challenged to show its credibility especially in this part of worldwide population. The article analyses a number of initiatives, examples, and cases that point out viable and economically successful ways towards such responsibility. The analysis culminates in the insight that dignity at the BoP can be assured and promoted by deliberately including the poor in relevant corporate value-added processes." (author's abstract

    The D-ring, Not the A-ring, Rotates in Synechococcus OS-B' Phytochrome

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    Phytochrome photoreceptors in plants and microorganisms switch photochromically between two states, controlling numerous important biological processes. Although this phototransformation is generally considered to involve rotation of ring D of the tetrapyrrole chromophore, Ulijasz et al. (Ulijasz, A. T., Cornilescu, G., Cornilescu, C. C., Zhang, J., Rivera, M., Markley, J. L., and Vierstra, R. D. (2010) Nature 463, 250–254) proposed that the A-ring rotates instead. Here, we apply magic angle spinning NMR to the two parent states following studies of the 23-kDa GAF (cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylyl cyclase/FhlA) domain fragment of phytochrome from Synechococcus OS-B′. Major changes occur at the A-ring covalent linkage to the protein as well as at the protein residue contact of ring D. Conserved contacts associated with the A-ring nitrogen rule out an A-ring photoflip, whereas loss of contact of the D-ring nitrogen to the protein implies movement of ring D. Although none of the methine bridges showed a chemical shift change comparable with those characteristic of the D-ring photoflip in canonical phytochromes, denaturation experiments showed conclusively that the same occurs in Synechococcus OS-B′ phytochrome upon photoconversion. The results are consistent with the D-ring being strongly tilted in both states and the C15=C16 double bond undergoing a Z/E isomerization upon light absorption. More subtle changes are associated with the A-ring linkage to the protein. Our findings thus disprove A-ring rotation and are discussed in relation to the position of the D-ring, photoisomerization, and photochromicity in the phytochrome family