137 research outputs found

    Staging the Narrative

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    Throughout this thesis, I will look at the concept album as a discursive genre with a focus on La Dispute’s second full-length album Wildlife, released in 2011. By engaging with the narrative and the performance of Wildlife, I will analyze and discuss aspects that are germane to the musical genre of post-hardcore, which will aim to answer the following research question: How do authenticity and performativity inform the listener’s response to the interplay of narrative and performance in La Dispute’s concept album Wildlife? Part one of this thesis will focus on the theoretical framework I base my discussion on. The terms “performance” and “narrative” will be thoroughly examined, and my findings will support the second part, where I use the method of close reading and close listening to analyze the album and answer the research question. The analysis follows the same structure as the album, which is divided into four parts, all of which discuss separate themes and events that tie together with an overarching narrative

    Samhandling om eldre skrøpelige personer : en kvalitativ studie om helsepersonells erfaringer med samarbeid mellom 1. og 2. linjetjenesten

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    Formål: Hensikten med denne studien er å få kunnskap i hvordan helsepersonell erfarer samarbeidet mellom 1. og 2. linjetjenesten når eldre skrøpelige personer utskrives fra sykehus til hjemmet. Det er ønskelig å undersøke hvilken forståelse helsepersonell har av brukergruppen eldre skrøpelige personer og på hvilken måte de ulike perspektivene på forståelse preger samarbeidet. I tillegg er det ønskelig å få et innblikk i om samarbeidet har endret seg med Samhandlingsreformen. Et slikt fokus kan bidra til å gi innsikt i hvilke utfordringer helsepersonell kan møte på når samarbeidet foregår på tvers av nivåer i helsetjenesten. Teoretisk forankring: Studien er analytisk forankret med perspektiver hentet fra fenomenologi og hermeneutikk. Studien bygger i tillegg på en sosial forståelse på rehabilitering og vektlegger rehabilitering som samhandling og koordinering Metode: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ design, og består av 7 semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer. Bearbeiding og analyse av intervjumateriale er utført i henhold til fenomenologisk tradisjon. Resultat: Informantens erfaringer av samarbeidet karakteriseres i 4 hovedtema. Disse temaene handler om erfaringer knyttet til hvordan samarbeidet spesifikt utføres, karakteristikk av eldre skrøpelige personer, ulike perspektiver i forståelse av eldre skrøpelige personer, samt beskrivelser av samarbeidet med Samhandlingsreformen. Konklusjon: Samarbeidet mellom helsepersonell i 1. og 2. linjetjenesten om eldre skrøpelige personer som utskrives fra sykehuset til hjemmet erfares av alle informantene som godt. Samarbeidet foregår elektronisk via skriftlig kommunikasjon. Samarbeidet erfares å være effektivt, samtidig som det oppfattes som upersonlig og ansiktsløst. I tillegg etterspør Informantene etterspør tydeligere retningslinjer for hvordan samarbeidet skal utføres. Samarbeidet synes å være preget av ulik forståelse av helsepersonell i de forskjellige nivåene har til eldre skrøpelige personer, og hvilke videre tjenester de vurderer som hensiktsmessige etter utskrivelse. Ansatte på sykehuset synes å forstå eldre skrøpelige personer ut ifra en medisinsk tradisjon, og anser at videre hjelp etter utskrivelse skal være optimal. De kommuneansattes forståelse til eldre skrøpelige personer oppfattes å være helhetlig, og mener videre tjenester ved utskrivelse skal være gode nok. Samarbeidet med Samhandlingsreformen foregår i et raskere tempo enn tidligere, og det kan stilles spørsmål ved om et fokus på effektivitet går på bekostning av tjenestekvalitet. Nøkkelord: Rehabilitering, Samhandling, koordinering, erfaring, helsepersonell, skrøpelige eldre personer.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how the Health Personnel experience cooperation between 1st and 2 line services when frail elderly people discharged from hospital to home. It is desirable to investigate the understanding Health Personnel has of frail older people and how the different perspectives of understanding characterizes cooperation. In addition, it is desirable to gain an insight if the partnership has changed with the Coordination Reform. Such a focus can help provide insight into the challenges faced by health professionals may encounter when collaboration takes place across levels of health care. Theory: The study is anchored by analytical perspectives derived from the phenomenology and hermeneutics. The study is also based on a social understanding of rehabilitation with emphasis on rehabilitation as collaboration and coordination. Methods: The study is based on a qualitative design. The material is built on findings from seven semi-structured depth interviews. Results: Informant experiences of collaboration have been described in four main themes. These topics are about experiences related to how cooperation specifically is performed, the characteristics of frail older people, different perspectives in understanding of frail older people, as well as descriptions of collaboration with the Coordination Reform. Conclusion: The collaboration between health professionals in the 1st and 2 line services for frail older people discharged from hospital to home experienced by all informants as well. Cooperation takes place electronically through written communication. This system is experienced to be effective, while being perceived as impersonal and faceless. In addition, demand informants have requested clearer guidelines on how this cooperation shall be conducted. The partnership appears to be influenced by the different understandings health in different levels have to frail older people and what further services they consider appropriate after discharge. The staff at the hospital seems to understand frail older people on the basis of a medical tradition, and considers that further care after discharge will be optimal. The municipal employees' understanding perceived to be comprehensive, and is based on the opinions of the services at discharge should be good enough. The collaboration with the Coordination Reform takes place at a faster pace than previously, and it may be questioned whether a focus on efficiency at the expense of service quality. Key Words: Health Personnel, experience, collaboration, coordination, rehabilitation, frail elderlyMaster i rehabilitering og habiliterin

    Parents as a resource when children learn to read

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    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2013Sammendrag: Engasjerte og støttende foreldre øker elevenes læringsutbytte, og de aller fleste foreldre (over 90 %) har en positiv innstilling til skolen. De hjelper barna med leksene og spør barna hvordan de har hatt det på skolen. Når de hjelper barna sine er de en ekstra ressurs for skolen. Samtidig presterer norske elever dårligere på PISA-undersøkelsen enn andre OECD-land, mens kravet til leseferdigheter i samfunnet øker. Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan læreren kan bruke foreldreressursen i den grunnleggende leseopplæringen på 1. trinn. Vi har i dag bred kunnskap om hvordan vi kan skape et godt skole-hjem-samarbeid, og vi har stor kunnskap om hvordan barn lærer å lese, og om hvordan vi kan forebygge eventuelle lesevansker. Ved å inkludere og engasjere foreldrene, og gi dem anerkjennelse og kunnskap om leseopplæringen, kan kvaliteten på leseopplæringen øke.Summary: Parental involvement increases pupil achievement at school, and most parents (over 90 %) have a positive attitude towards school. They help their children with their homework and are interested in how their children’s day at school have been. When they help their children, they are a resource to the school. At the same time, Norwegian pupils are not achieving as good as other OECD countries on the PISA study, and the community’s demand for literacy increases. This paper is about how the teacher can utilize the parental resource when the children learn to read. Today we have a broad knowledge on how we can make good partnerships between home and school, and we have knowledge about how children learn to read and how to prevent learning disabilities. By including the parents and giving them acknowledgement and knowledge about how children learn to read, can the quality of the reading training increase

    The importance of the transitional object to the safety of the youngest children in kindergarten.

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    Bacheloroppgave i barnehagelærerutdanning, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2017.Norsk: I denne bacheloroppgaven tar jeg for meg barnehagelæreres tanker og refleksjoner rundt de yngste barnas bruk av overgangsobjekt i barnehagen. Teori fra blant annet Winnicott og Bowlby vil bli brukt for å besvare min problemstilling. Jeg mener at barns bruk av overgangsobjekt er et tema som må belyses, da det finnes lite forskning om dette. Metoden jeg har brukt for å undersøke dette er semistrukturert intervju. Funnene mine drøftes opp mot relevant teori og avslutningsvis vil jeg oppsummere hovedfunnene i lys av min problemstilling: Hvilke tanker og refleksjoner har barnehagelærere om 0-3åringers bruk av overgangsobjekt?English: In this study I will focus on the kindergarten teacher’s thoughts and reflections considering the use of transitional object in the kindergarten. I will be using theories from Winnicott and Bowlby to substantiate the major issue in the study. I mean that the children’s need of a transitional object is a fact that should be more considered and researched. It is a small scale of studies on the subject today. The method I have chosen to study the subject is a semi structured interview. My findings during the study will be compared to relevant theory, and in the end, I will give a summary of the findings based on my issue: what kind of thoughts and reflections does teachers in the kindergarten have about children in the age of 0 to 3 use of transitional object

    Frakturer i prosessus condylaris mandibula. Litteraturstudie og kliniske kasuistikker

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    Fractures of the mandibular condyle are the most common fracture in mandibula, and are often caused by trauma. We hereby present the incidence of these fractures in the mandible, diagnosis and classification. Condylar neck fractures often causes complications including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, malocclusion and pain. Such complications may cause reduced quality of life inkluding speech and chewingproblems. Thus, the patient often has to undergo some sort of treatment to be able to establish acceptable function of the TMJ after trauma. Indications, treatment forms, as well as complications are presented. Traditionally, these fractures were treated with closed reduction and rigid intermaxillary fixation (IMF). I later years, surgical intervention, reposition and fixation with titanium miniplates has been more common. However there is an ongoing discussion regarding which treatment that may be the best for different types of condylar fractures. Some studies that compare closed and open treatment are presented and discussed. Three patient cases, diagnosed and treated at Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital are also described

    Editorial: Maritime broadband communications and networking

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    Glede og usikkerhet i kroppsøving : En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk tilnærming til elevers opplevelser og erfaringer i kroppsøvingsfaget

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    Master grunnskolelærerutdanning for trinn 5-10, 5-årig masterprogram IDR507 - Universitetet i Agder 2017Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01-07-202
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