15 research outputs found

    Pregnancy rates of day 4 and day 5 embryos after culture in an integrated time-lapse incubator

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare pregnancy rates in patients undergoing IVF/ICSI with embryo transfer after 4 and 5 days of culture in a closed incubation system with integrated time-lapse imaging. Methods: Out of n = 2207 in vitro fertilization (IVF)/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles performed between January 2011 and April 2016 at a tertiary referral university hospital, a total of n = 599 IVF/ICSI cycles with prolonged embryo culture in an integrated time-lapse system (EmbryoScope© (Vitrolife)) until day 4 or 5 were retrospectively analyzed with regard to embryo morphology and pregnancy rates. Results: A transfer on day 5 compared to a transfer on day 4 did not result in higher implantation and clinical pregnancy rates (IR 29.4% on day 4 versus 33.0% on day 5, p = 0.310; CPR 45.2% on day 4 versus 45.7% on day 5, p = 1.0). The percentage of ideal embryos transferred on day 4 was comparable to the rate of ideal embryos transferred on day 5 (41.6% versus 44.1%, p = 0.508). However, on day 4 a significantly higher number of embryos was transferred (1.92 on day 4 versus 1.84 on day 5, p = 0.023), which did not result in higher rates of multiple pregnancies. Conclusions: Pregnancy rates in IVF/ICSI cycles with integrated time-lapse incubation and transfer on day 4 and 5 are comparable. This finding provides the clinician, IVF laboratory and patient with more flexibility. Trial registration: This study was retrospectively registered by the local ethics committee of the University of Heidelberg on December 19, 2016 (registration number S-649/2016)

    Cross-cultural comparison of fertility specific quality of life in German, Hungarian and Jordanian couples attending a fertility center

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    Background: Only a few studies have reported cross-cultural comparisons regarding psychosocial consequences of infertility. Differences between societies with different cultural backgrounds were revealed and seemed to be based on the importance of pronatalism. Our aim was to measure cross-cultural differences in fertility specific quality of life of infertile couples in Germany, Hungary and Jordan who attend a fertility center in a cross-sectional study. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in one fertility clinic in Germany, in five fertility clinics in Hungary and in one fertility clinic in Jordan. Overall 750 couples (252 couples in Jordan, 246 couples in Germany and 252 couples in Hungary) attending the first medical infertility consultation were asked to fill out our questionnaire set. Fertility specific quality of life (FertiQoL) and sociodemographic differences were measured between couples from three countries. Results: Jordanian couples had the shortest relationship (5.8 ± 4.3 yrs.), though they reported the longest duration of child wish (4.2 ± 3.6 yrs.) and fertility treatments (3.0 ± 3.3 yrs.). The proportion of high education was considerably higher in Jordanian women and men (60 % and 66 %, respectively) compared to the other two samples. First, marked cross-country differences were obtained on Emotional, Mind/Body and Relational subscales of the FertiQoL, indicating that Jordanian couples reported poorer fertility-related quality of life than Germans and Hungarians (p < 0.001). After controlling for the sociodemographic and medical variables, a significant difference only in the Emotional domain was observed (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The study revealed only a few cultural based differences in fertility specific quality of life between the couples of the three countries. Thus, infertility counselors should pay attention to psychosocial problems rooted in individual sociocultural aspects of the infertile couple regardless of cultural stereotypes. Further studies should identify sociocultural factors within different subgroups of infertile patients instead of focusing different societies as a whole because intra-cultural psychosocial differences in experiencing infertility seem to be more important for the individual patient than intercultural differences

    Faktoren, die die erfolgsrate der intrazytoplasmatischen spermieninjektion bei nÀnnern mit azoospermie beeinflussen

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    Introduction Azoospermia affects about 1% of men, of whom up to 15% inquire about infertility treatment. Information about predictive factors for these couples is very limited. Patients, Materials and Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of the clinical records of 118 cycles of intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment after testicular sperm extraction for male azoospermia carried out between January 2008 and October 2015. Of those, 66 were first, 35 second, and 17 third cycles. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Predictive factors for successful pregnancy were evaluated and included male/female age, male/female body mass index, male/female nicotine use, and histological results of testes biopsies. Results Embryo quality and the number of embryos transferred were positively associated with pregnancy success (p = 0.003). Males whose partners conceived had a significantly lower body mass index than those whose partners did not conceive (p = 0.023). Neither female weight nor age nor smoking status of the male or female were significant factors. In cases with tubular atrophy ≄ SIGG grade 4 the chance of pregnancy was poor, irrespective of the existence of mature sperm and the number of cycles performed. Conclusion Overweight male patients should be advised about weight reduction prior to treatment, and counseling about success rates should include histological and spermpositive biopsy results.Einleitung Etwa 1% aller MĂ€nner sind von Azoospermie betroffen; davon suchen bis zu 15% Rat bezĂŒglich einer InfertilitĂ€tsbehandlung. Informationen ĂŒber prĂ€diktive Faktoren fĂŒr betroffene Paare sind hierbei sehr begrenzt. Patienten, Materialien und Methoden Wir fĂŒhrten eine retrospektive Analyse medizinischer Aufzeichnungen von 118 Zyklen intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektionen nach vorheriger testikulĂ€rer Spermienextraktion wegen Azoospermie durch. Die Behandlungen wurden zwischen Januar 2008 und Oktober 2015 vorgenommen. Von 188 Zyklen waren 66 erste Behandlungszyklen; 35 waren zweite Behandlungszyklen, und 17 waren dritte Behandlungszyklen. Eine statistische Signifikanz wurde bei p < 0,05 angenommen. Es wurden prĂ€diktive Faktoren fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Schwangerschaft ausgewertet; dazu gehörten mĂ€nnliches/weibliches Alter, mĂ€nnlicher/weiblicher Body-Mass-Index, mĂ€nnlicher/weiblicher Tabakkonsum und histologische Ergebnisse von testikulĂ€ren Biopsien. Ergebnisse Die EmbryonenqualitĂ€t und die Anzahl der transferrierten Embryonen waren positiv mit einer erfolgreichen Schwangerschaft assoziiert (p = 0,003). MĂ€nner, deren Partnerinnen schwanger wurden, hatten einen signifikant niedrigeren Body-Mass-Index verglichen mit MĂ€nnern, deren Partnerinnen nicht schwanger wurden (p = 0,023). Weder weibliches Gewicht noch Alter noch Tabakkonsum beim Mann oder bei der Frau waren signifikante Faktoren. Bei MĂ€nnern mit einer tubulĂ€ren Atrophie ≄ SIGG Grad 4 war die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schwangerschaft gering, ungeachtet dem Vorfinden reifer Spermien und der Anzahl durchgefĂŒhrter Zyklen. Schlussfolgerung Übergewichtigen Patienten sollte zu einer Gewichtsreduktion vor Beginn der Behandlung geraten werden, und die Beratung samt Erfolgsraten sollte Informationen ĂŒber histologische und positive Biopsieergebnisse enthalten

    Psychometric characteristics of the FertiQoL questionnaire in a German sample of infertile individuals and couples.

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    Background: FertiQoL is a questionnaire internationally developed to measure fertility-specific quality of life. It has been validated with infertile populations in many countries and used in several studies focusing on the psychosocial consequences of infertility in Europe, Asia, and North America. Methods: Over a period of two years, 596 infertile women and men took part in the study conducted at three German fertility clinics. Psychometric properties of FertiQoL were tested by performing confirmatory factor analyses, calculating average variance extracted values, reliability and correlation coefficients. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to determine the relations between FertiQoL subscales and both sociodemographic and medical variables. Individual and cross-partner effects were tested for. Results: The confirmatory factor analyses conducted on our FertiQoL data supported the original four-factor solution for both women and men but, resulted in some unsatisfactory indices. Family and friends’ support items loaded weakly on the Social subscale of FertiQoL (.27 and .34 in women, .32 and .19 in men). The Emotional and Mind/Body subscales revealed a strong intercorrelation (r = .77, p &lt; .001 in women, r = .74, p &lt; .001 in men). Women scored lower than men on the Emotional and Mind/Body subscales only, and they reported better fertility-specific relational QoL. In women, the perceived cause of infertility and already mothering a child related significantly to individual FertiQoL scores, while in men, age, educational level, and the duration of their wish for a child had an impact on the FertiQoL subscales (all p &lt; .05). The men’s educational level, the women’s educational level, and the subjective perceived medical cause of fertility problems exerted cross-partner effects on QoL (all p &lt; .05). Conclusions: Our study results represent a contribution both to research and clinical practice. The findings suggest the importance of considering the personal experience of infertility in different cultural and gender specific settings and that the strong connections between the emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects of an individual’s fertility-specific quality of life should be regarded as a more coherent system. Trial registration DRKS: DRKS00014707. Registered: 1 May 2018 (retrospectively registered)

    Major central nervous system complications after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: A large retrospective study on 888 consecutive adult patients.

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    AbstractObjectivesMajor complications affecting the central nervous system (CNS) present a challenge after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo‐SCT).MethodsIncidence, risk factors, and outcome were retrospectively analyzed in 888 patients in a monocentric study.ResultsCumulative incidence (CI) of major CNS complications at 1 year was 14.8% (95%CI 12.3%‐17.2%). Median follow‐up is 11 months. CNS complications were documented in 132 patients: in 36 cases, classified metabolic; 26, drug‐related neurotoxicity (14 attributed to cyclosporine A, 4 to antilymphocyte globulin); 11, cerebrovascular (ischemic n = 8, bleeding n = 3); 9, infections; 9, psychiatric; and 9, malignant. The cause of CNS symptoms remained unclear for 37 patients (28%). Multivariate analysis demonstrated an association of CNS complication with patient age (P < .001). The estimated OS of patients with any CNS complication was significantly lower than in patients without neurological complications (P < .001), and the CI of non‐relapse mortality (NRM) was higher for patients with CNS complication (P < .001). A significant negative impact on survival can only be demonstrated for metabolic CNS complications and CNS infections (NRM, P < .0001 and P = .0003, respectively), and relapse (P < .0001).ConclusionCNS complications after allo‐SCT are frequent events with a major contribution to morbidity and mortality. In particular, the situations of unclear neurological complications need to be clarified by intensive research

    The political geography of religious radicalism. A compendium of selected case studies from around the globe

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    Religion has neither gone away nor remained irrelevant in our world today. There is no day that we do not hear news about religion in the media. The news we hear about religion and violence, however, appears to dominate the headlines. Although the history of religions and violence is not a new one, since September 11, 2001 there has been a growing concern about religious extremism and terrorism. At the same time, there is a corresponding interest in the subject of religion and violence among many disciplines. In the course GEO-83 “Political Geography of Religious Radicalism”, we offered students an excursion into the ambivalent world of religion and conflict through an exploration of different theoretical perspectives and approaches, case studies, seminal and class discussions and extensive literature review. The unique angle of interrogation that political geography offers in terms of the spatial dimensions and the power relations between different actors as well as the discursive aspects of interreligious conflicts and extremism has proved very valuable in generating insights on this subject matter. This volume is an attempt by students of the M.A. “Human Geography – Global Studies” programme of the University of TĂŒbingen to demonstrate acquaintance with the approach of political geography to the study of religious violence and extremism. The students took on some of the most challenging conflicts and religious insurgencies confronting the world and offered insights using diverse theoretical and analytical frameworks. The analysis contained in each chapter was based on secondary data. Thus, limitations are set based on the availability of and access to data. Given the contested nature of religious conflicts and extremism, the reader is invited to consider all the articles in this volume as primarily an academic exercise with no intention to promote a certain narrative or to take sides. Knowledge is always incremental. Therefore, what is presented here is intended to increase our understanding of the phenomenon and to stimulate further research and efforts at finding solutions to the various conflicts. No doubt, this exercise has exposed the students to the rigour of scientific writing. This experience will remain invaluable to them in their continuing academic pursuit as well as in their future endeavours. The lecturers also found this experience to be highly rewarding. The process was quite daunting, but the commitment and the dedication of the students paid off

    Faktoren, die die erfolgsrate der intrazytoplasmatischen spermieninjektion bei nÀnnern mit azoospermie beeinflussen

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    Introduction Azoospermia affects about 1% of men, of whom up to 15% inquire about infertility treatment. Information about predictive factors for these couples is very limited. Patients, Materials and Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of the clinical records of 118 cycles of intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment after testicular sperm extraction for male azoospermia carried out between January 2008 and October 2015. Of those, 66 were first, 35 second, and 17 third cycles. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Predictive factors for successful pregnancy were evaluated and included male/female age, male/female body mass index, male/female nicotine use, and histological results of testes biopsies. Results Embryo quality and the number of embryos transferred were positively associated with pregnancy success (p = 0.003). Males whose partners conceived had a significantly lower body mass index than those whose partners did not conceive (p = 0.023). Neither female weight nor age nor smoking status of the male or female were significant factors. In cases with tubular atrophy ≄ SIGG grade 4 the chance of pregnancy was poor, irrespective of the existence of mature sperm and the number of cycles performed. Conclusion Overweight male patients should be advised about weight reduction prior to treatment, and counseling about success rates should include histological and spermpositive biopsy results.Einleitung Etwa 1% aller MĂ€nner sind von Azoospermie betroffen; davon suchen bis zu 15% Rat bezĂŒglich einer InfertilitĂ€tsbehandlung. Informationen ĂŒber prĂ€diktive Faktoren fĂŒr betroffene Paare sind hierbei sehr begrenzt. Patienten, Materialien und Methoden Wir fĂŒhrten eine retrospektive Analyse medizinischer Aufzeichnungen von 118 Zyklen intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektionen nach vorheriger testikulĂ€rer Spermienextraktion wegen Azoospermie durch. Die Behandlungen wurden zwischen Januar 2008 und Oktober 2015 vorgenommen. Von 188 Zyklen waren 66 erste Behandlungszyklen; 35 waren zweite Behandlungszyklen, und 17 waren dritte Behandlungszyklen. Eine statistische Signifikanz wurde bei p < 0,05 angenommen. Es wurden prĂ€diktive Faktoren fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Schwangerschaft ausgewertet; dazu gehörten mĂ€nnliches/weibliches Alter, mĂ€nnlicher/weiblicher Body-Mass-Index, mĂ€nnlicher/weiblicher Tabakkonsum und histologische Ergebnisse von testikulĂ€ren Biopsien. Ergebnisse Die EmbryonenqualitĂ€t und die Anzahl der transferrierten Embryonen waren positiv mit einer erfolgreichen Schwangerschaft assoziiert (p = 0,003). MĂ€nner, deren Partnerinnen schwanger wurden, hatten einen signifikant niedrigeren Body-Mass-Index verglichen mit MĂ€nnern, deren Partnerinnen nicht schwanger wurden (p = 0,023). Weder weibliches Gewicht noch Alter noch Tabakkonsum beim Mann oder bei der Frau waren signifikante Faktoren. Bei MĂ€nnern mit einer tubulĂ€ren Atrophie ≄ SIGG Grad 4 war die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schwangerschaft gering, ungeachtet dem Vorfinden reifer Spermien und der Anzahl durchgefĂŒhrter Zyklen. Schlussfolgerung Übergewichtigen Patienten sollte zu einer Gewichtsreduktion vor Beginn der Behandlung geraten werden, und die Beratung samt Erfolgsraten sollte Informationen ĂŒber histologische und positive Biopsieergebnisse enthalten