290 research outputs found

    Terminologiedatenbanken im mobilen Einsatz – eine Projektskizze

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    Initially this paper describes the newest trends and tendencies of mobile usage of terminology databases. Additionally it presents the latest technical developments in this area. This is then followed by an overview about a research project, which investigates the concept, implementation and usage of a central terminology database application for mobile usage within a public sector institution in special operational scenarios

    Внутрилабораторный контроль качества измерения физических факторов на рабочих местах

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    В магистерской дессертации была предложена инструкция по проведению внутрилабораторного контроля качества измерений физических факторов, так же проведен внутрилабораторный контроль качества измерений световой среды, микроклимата, виброакустических факторов. По итогу данные исследования были использованы при аккредитации испытательной лаборатории и в процедуре подтверждения компетентности испытательной лаборатории.In the master's dessertation, an instruction was proposed for carrying out intralaboratory quality control of measurements of physical factors, as well as an internal laboratory quality control of measurements of the light environment, microclimate, and vibro-acoustic factors. As a result, these studies were used in the accreditation of the testing laboratory and in the procedure for confirming the competence of the testing laboratory

    Spatially Coupled Codes and Optical Fiber Communications: An Ideal Match?

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    In this paper, we highlight the class of spatially coupled codes and discuss their applicability to long-haul and submarine optical communication systems. We first demonstrate how to optimize irregular spatially coupled LDPC codes for their use in optical communications with limited decoding hardware complexity and then present simulation results with an FPGA-based decoder where we show that very low error rates can be achieved and that conventional block-based LDPC codes can be outperformed. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the combination of spatially coupled LDPC codes with different demodulators and detectors, important for future systems with adaptive modulation and for varying channel characteristics. We demonstrate that SC codes can be employed as universal, channel-agnostic coding schemes.Comment: Invited paper to be presented in the special session on "Signal Processing, Coding, and Information Theory for Optical Communications" at IEEE SPAWC 201

    Die KlimaNetze-Methode

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    DIE KLIMANETZE-METHODE Die KlimaNetze-Methode / Neddermann, von Simone (Rights reserved) ( -