1,018 research outputs found

    Solutions to the Cocktail Party Problem in Insects: Selective Filters, Spatial Release from Masking and Gain Control in Tropical Crickets

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    Insects often communicate by sound in mixed species choruses; like humans and many vertebrates in crowded social environments they thus have to solve cocktail-party-like problems in order to ensure successful communication with conspecifics. This is even more a problem in species-rich environments like tropical rainforests, where background noise levels of up to 60 dB SPL have been measured.Using neurophysiological methods we investigated the effect of natural background noise (masker) on signal detection thresholds in two tropical cricket species Paroecanthus podagrosus and Diatrypa sp., both in the laboratory and outdoors. We identified three 'bottom-up' mechanisms which contribute to an excellent neuronal representation of conspecific signals despite the masking background. First, the sharply tuned frequency selectivity of the receiver reduces the amount of masking energy around the species-specific calling song frequency. Laboratory experiments yielded an average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -8 dB, when masker and signal were broadcast from the same side. Secondly, displacing the masker by 180° from the signal improved SNRs by further 6 to 9 dB, a phenomenon known as spatial release from masking. Surprisingly, experiments carried out directly in the nocturnal rainforest yielded SNRs of about -23 dB compared with those in the laboratory with the same masker, where SNRs reached only -14.5 and -16 dB in both species. Finally, a neuronal gain control mechanism enhances the contrast between the responses to signals and the masker, by inhibition of neuronal activity in interstimulus intervals.Thus, conventional speaker playbacks in the lab apparently do not properly reconstruct the masking noise situation in a spatially realistic manner, since under real world conditions multiple sound sources are spatially distributed in space. Our results also indicate that without knowledge of the receiver properties and the spatial release mechanisms the detrimental effect of noise may be strongly overestimated

    Failing parametrizations: what can go wrong when approximating spectral submanifolds

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    Invariant manifolds provide useful insights into the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems. For conservative vibration problems, Lyapunov subcenter manifolds constitute the nonlinear extension of spectral subspaces consisting of one or more modes of the linearized system. Conversely, spectral submanifolds represent the spectral dynamics of non-conservative, nonlinear problems. While finding global invariant manifolds remains a challenge, approximations thereof can be simple to acquire and still provide an effective framework for analyzing a wide variety of problems near equilibrium solutions. This approach has been successfully employed to study both the behavior of autonomous systems and the effects of non-autonomous forcing. The current computation strategies rely on a parametrization of the invariant manifold and the reduced dynamics thereon via truncated power series. While this leads to efficient recursive algorithms, the problem itself is ambiguous, since it permits the use of various approaches for constructing the reduced system to which the invariant manifold is conjugated. Although this ambiguity is well known, it is rarely discussed and usually resolved by an ad hoc choice of method, the effects of which are mostly neglected. In this contribution, we first analyze the performance of three popular approaches for constructing the conjugate system: the graph style parametrization, the normal form parametrization, and the normal form parametrization for “near resonances.” We then show that none of them is always superior to the others and discuss the potential benefits of tailoring the parametrization to the analyzed system. As a means for illustrating the latter, we introduce an alternative strategy for constructing the reduced dynamics and apply it to two examples from the literature, which results in a significantly improved approximation quality

    General Localization Lengths for Two Interacting Particles in a Disordered Chain

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    The propagation of an interacting particle pair in a disordered chain is characterized by a set of localization lengths which we define. The localization lengths are computed by a new decimation algorithm and provide a more comprehensive picture of the two-particle propagation. We find that the interaction delocalizes predominantly the center-of-mass motion of the pair and use our approach to propose a consistent interpretation of the discrepancies between previous numerical results.Comment: 4 pages, 2 epsi figure

    Interacting particles at a metal-insulator transition

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    We study the influence of many-particle interaction in a system which, in the single particle case, exhibits a metal-insulator transition induced by a finite amount of onsite pontential fluctuations. Thereby, we consider the problem of interacting particles in the one-dimensional quasiperiodic Aubry-Andre chain. We employ the density-matrix renormalization scheme to investigate the finite particle density situation. In the case of incommensurate densities, the expected transition from the single-particle analysis is reproduced. Generally speaking, interaction does not alter the incommensurate transition. For commensurate densities, we map out the entire phase diagram and find that the transition into a metallic state occurs for attractive interactions and infinite small fluctuations -- in contrast to the case of incommensurate densities. Our results for commensurate densities also show agreement with a recent analytic renormalization group approach.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures The original paper was splitted and rewritten. This is the published version of the DMRG part of the original pape

    Magnetoexcitons in quantum-ring structures: a novel magnetic interference effect

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    A novel magnetic interference effect is proposed for a neutral, but polarizable exciton in a quantum ring with a finite width. The magnetic interference effect originates from the nonzero dipole moment in the exciton. The ground state of exciton acquires a nonzero angular momentum with increasing normal magnetic field. This leads to the suppression of the photoluminescence in defined windows of the magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Proceed. EP2DS, 2001 (Physica E

    Two interacting particles in a random potential

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    We study the scaling of the localization length of two interacting particles in a one-dimensional random lattice with the single particle localization length. We obtain several regimes, among them one interesting weak Fock space disorder regime. In this regime we derive a weak logarithmic scaling law. Numerical data support the absence of any strong enhancement of the two particle localization length

    Direct comparison between potential landscape and local density of states in a disordered two-dimensional electron system

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    The local density of states (LDOS) of the adsorbate induced two-dimensional electron system (2DES) on n-InAs(110) is studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. The LDOS exhibits irregular structures with fluctuation lengths decreasing with increasing energy. Fourier transformation reveals that the k-values of the unperturbed 2DES dominate the LDOS, but additional lower k-values contribute significantly. To clarify the origin of the additional k-space intensity, we measure the potential landscape of the same 2DES area with the help of the tip induced quantum dot. This allows to calculate the expected LDOS from the single particle Schroedinger equation and to directly compare it with the measured one. Reasonable correspondance between calculated and measured LDOS is found.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Rigidity analysis of HIV-1 protease

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    We present a rigidity analysis on a large number of X-ray crystal structures of the enzyme HIV-1 protease using the 'pebble game' algorithm of the software FIRST. We find that although the rigidity profile remains similar across a comprehensive set of high resolution structures, the profile changes significantly in the presence of an inhibitor. Our study shows that the action of the inhibitors is to restrict the flexibility of the beta-hairpin flaps which allow access to the active site. The results are discussed in the context of full molecular dynamics simulations as well as data from NMR experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Conference proceedings for CMMP conference 2010 which was held at the University of Warwic

    The Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton

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    We study theoretically the exciton absorption on a ring shreded by a magnetic flux. For the case when the attraction between electron and hole is short-ranged we get an exact solution of the problem. We demonstrate that, despite the electrical neutrality of the exciton, both the spectral position of the exciton peak in the absorption, and the corresponding oscillator strength oscillate with magnetic flux with a period Φ0\Phi_0---the universal flux quantum. The origin of the effect is the finite probability for electron and hole, created by a photon at the same point, to tunnel in the opposite directions and meet each other on the opposite side of the ring.Comment: 13 RevTeX 3.0 pages plus 4 EPS-figures, changes include updated references and an improved chapter on possible experimental realization

    An Internet of Things approach for managing smart services provided by wearable devices.

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a fast pace with new devices getting connected all the time. A new emerging group of these devices are the wearable devices, and Wireless Sensor Networks are a good way to integrate them in the IoT concept and bring new experiences to the daily life activities. In this paper we present an everyday life application involving a WSN as the base of a novel context-awareness sports scenario where physiological parameters are measured and sent to the WSN by wearable devices. Applications with several hardware components introduce the problem of heterogeneity in the network. In order to integrate different hardware platforms and to introduce a service-oriented semantic middleware solution into a single application, we propose the use of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a bridge for guaranteeing interoperability and integration of the different environments, thus introducing a semantic added value needed in the world of IoT-based systems. This approach places all the data acquired (e.g., via Internet data access) at application developers disposal, opening the system to new user applications. The user can then access the data through a wide variety of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) and Operating Systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, etc.)