711 research outputs found

    Multipartite Nonlocal Quantum Correlations Resistant to Imperfections

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    We use techniques for lower bounds on communication to derive necessary conditions in terms of detector efficiency or amount of super-luminal communication for being able to reproduce with classical local hidden-variable theories the quantum correlations occurring in EPR-type experiments in the presence of noise. We apply our method to an example involving n parties sharing a GHZ-type state on which they carry out measurements and show that for local-hidden variable theories, the amount of super-luminal classical communication c and the detector efficiency eta are constrained by eta 2^(-c/n) = O(n^(-1/6)) even for constant general error probability epsilon = O(1)

    Robust Polynomials and Quantum Algorithms

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    We define and study the complexity of \emph{robust} polynomials for Boolean functions and the related fault-tolerant quantum decision trees, where input bits are perturbed by noise. We compare several different possible definitions. Our main results are \begin{itemize} \item For every nn-bit Boolean function ff there is an nn-variate polynomial pp of degree \bigO(n) that \emph{robustly} approximates it, in the sense that p(x)p(x) remains close to f(x)f(x) if we slightly vary each of the nn inputs of the polynomial. \item There is an \bigO(n)-query quantum algorithm that \emph{robustly} recovers nn noisy input bits. Hence every nn-bit function can be quantum computed with \bigO(n) queries in the presence of noise. This contrasts with the classical model of Feige~\etal, where functions such as parity need Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n\log n) queries. \end{itemize} We give several extensions and applications of these results

    The results of test run 1A with the experimental facility "AUWARM"

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    The experimental facility "AUWARM" in spite of being designed for hydrogen permeation tests under steam/methane reforming conditions, was also used for studies on the hydrogen permeation under conditions of coal gasification with steam. As an-attempt, specimens were made of a tube which had been exposed in a gas generator, and tested in the facility. The experimental results indicate that in principle good oxide layers establish in a process gas typical for coal gasification with steam,whereas the original scales have probably been damaged by the sample manufacturing

    Unrealistic pessimism and obsessive‐compulsive symptoms during the COVID‐19 pandemic: two longitudinal studies

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    OBJECTIVE: Unrealistic pessimism (UP) is an aspect of overestimation of threat (OET) that has been associated with obsessive‐compulsive disorder/symptoms (OCD/OCS). During the COVID‐19 pandemic, UP may have played an important role in the course of OCD. To investigate the relationship, we conducted two longitudinal studies assuming that higher UP predicts an increase in OCS. METHOD: In Study 1, we investigated UP in the general population (N = 1,184) at the start of the pandemic asking about overall vulnerability to infection with SARS‐CoV‐2 and UP regarding infection and outcome of severe illness. Further, OCS status (OCS+/−) was assessed at the start of the pandemic and 3 months later. In Study 2, we investigated UP in individuals with OCD (N = 268) regarding the likelihood of getting infected, recovering, or dying from an infection with SARS‐CoV‐2 at the start of the pandemic and re‐assessed OCS 3 months later. RESULTS: In Study 1, UP was higher in the OCS+ compared to the OCS− group, and estimates of a higher overall vulnerability for an infection predicted a decrease in OCS over time. UP regarding severe illness predicted an increase in symptoms over time. In Study 2, UP was found for a recovery and death after an infection with SARS‐CoV‐2, but not for infection itself. CONCLUSIONS: Exaggeration of one’s personal vulnerability rather than OET per se seems pivotal in OCD, with UP being associated with OCD/OCS+ as well as a more negative course of symptomatology over the pandemic in a nonclinical sample. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Unrealistic optimism, a bias common in healthy individuals, is thought to be a coping mechanism promoting well‐being in the face of danger or uncertainty. The current study extends findings that its inversion, unrealistic pessimism, may play an important role in obsessive‐compulsive disorder and may also be involved in the development of the disorder. This study highlights the importance that prevention programs during a pandemic should include targeting unrealistic pessimism

    Überblick über die neueren Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Wasserstoff-und Tritiumverhaltens in Hochtemperaturreaktoren

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    This report comprises the contributions of members of the "Institut für Reaktor-Entwicklung" (IRE) to the "Und Seminar on Hydrogen and Tritium Behaviour in High Temperature Reactors", which was held March 8, 1978, at KFA Jülich. At the beginning the problem is introduced and the investigations at IRE related to this area are presented in their context. Then follow the individual papers on the subjects mentioned. At first the experiences with the operation of the experimental facility AUWARM and the newest results in the current testing program are discussed. Therafter the model investigations with hydrogen and deuterium on the problem of hydrogen- and tritium permeation are reported and a computer program for balancing tritium in pebble-bed-HTRs is described. Last notleast the studies on the behaviour of tritium in matrix graphite and the experiments on primary coolant purification by titanium gettering are shortly communicated. The results given in this report are preliminary informations on the actual status of the current investigations

    Влияние термомеханической обработки на структуру, механические и трибологические свойства композитов Al-Si-Sn

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    Исследование влияния режима спекания порошковых прессовок, а также последующей их деформационной обработки методом горячего доуплотнения и равноканального углового прессования (РКУП) на результирующую структуру, механические и трибологические свойства композитов (Al-Si)-40Sn.Investigation of the effect of sintering regimes of powder compacts, as well as their deformation treatment by hot doping and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the resulting structure, mechanical and tribological properties of composites (Al-Si)-40Sn

    Micro-rheological properties of lung homogenates correlate with infection severity in a mouse model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection

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    Lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa pose a serious threat to patients suffering from, among others, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or bronchiectasis, often leading to life-threatening complications. The establishment of a chronic infection is substantially related to communication between bacteria via quorum-sensing networks. In this study, we aimed to assess the role of quorum-sensing signaling molecules of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) and to investigate the viscoelastic properties of lung tissue homogenates of PA-infected mice in a prolonged acute murine infection model. Therefore, a murine infection model was successfully established via intra-tracheal infection with alginate-supplemented Pseudomonas aeruginosa NH57388A. Rheological properties of lung homogenates were analyzed with multiple particle tracking (MPT) and quorum-sensing molecules were quantified with LC–MS/MS. Statistical analysis of bacterial load and quorum-sensing molecules showed a strong correlation between these biomarkers in infected lungs. This was accompanied by noticeable changes in the consistency of lung homogenates with increasing infection severity. Furthermore, viscoelastic properties of the lung homogenates strongly correlated with bacterial load and quorum sensing molecules. Considering the strong correlation between the viscoelasticity of lung homogenates and the aforementioned biomarkers, the viscoelastic properties of infected lungs might serve as reliable new biomarker for the evaluation of the severity of P. aeruginosa infections in murine models