30 research outputs found

    The Effect of Pulling and Twisting Forces on Chameleon Sequence Peptides.

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    Chameleon sequences are amino acid sequences found in several distinct configurations in experiment. They challenge our understanding of the link between sequence and structure, and provide insight into structural competition in proteins. Here, we study the energy landscapes for three such sequences, and interrogate how pulling and twisting forces impact the available structural ensembles. Chameleon sequences do not necessarily exhibit multiple structural ensembles on a multifunnel energy landscape when we consider them in isolation. The application of even small forces leads to drastic changes in the energy landscapes. For pulling forces, we observe transitions from helical to extended structures in a very small span of forces. For twisting forces, the picture is much more complex, and highly dependent on the magnitude and handedness of the applied force as well as the reference angle for the twist. Depending on these parameters, more complex and more simplistic energy landscapes are observed alongside more and less diverse structural ensembles. The impact of even small forces is significant, confirming their likely role in folding events. In addition, small forces exerted by the remaining scaffold of a protein may be sufficient to lead to the adoption of a specific structural ensemble by a chameleon sequence. [Abstract copyright

    Mutational Basin-Hopping: Combined Structure and Sequence Optimization for Biomolecules.

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    The study of energy landscapes has led to a good understanding of how and why proteins and nucleic acids adopt their native structure. Through evolution, sequences have adapted until they exhibit a strongly funneled energy landscape, stabilizing the native fold. Design of artificial biomolecules faces the challenge of creating similar stable, minimally frustrated, and functional sequences. Here we present a biminimization approach, mutational basin-hopping, in which we simultaneously use global optimization to optimize the energy and a target function describing a desired property of the system. This optimization of structure and sequence is a generalized basin-hopping method and produces an efficient design process, which can target properties such as binding affinity or solubility

    The Energy Landscape Perspective: Encoding Structure and Function for Biomolecules

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    The energy landscape perspective is outlined with particular reference to biomolecules that perform multiple functions. We associate these multifunctional molecules with multifunnel energy landscapes, illustrated by some selected examples, where understanding the organisation of the landscape has provided new insight into function. Conformational selection and induced fit may provide alternative routes to realisation of multifunctionality, exploiting the possibility of environmental control and distinct binding modes

    Structural transitions in the RNA 7SK 5' hairpin and their effect on HEXIM binding.

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    7SK RNA, as part of the 7SK ribonucleoprotein complex, is crucial to the regulation of transcription by RNA-polymerase II, via its interaction with the positive transcription elongation factor P-TEFb. The interaction is induced by binding of the protein HEXIM to the 5' hairpin (HP1) of 7SK RNA. Four distinct structural models have been obtained experimentally for HP1. Here, we employ computational methods to investigate the relative stability of these structures, transitions between them, and the effects of mutations on the observed structural ensembles. We further analyse the results with respect to mutational binding assays, and hypothesize a mechanism for HEXIM binding. Our results indicate that the dominant structure in the wild type exhibits a triplet involving the unpaired nucleotide U40 and the base pair A43-U66 in the GAUC/GAUC repeat. This conformation leads to an open major groove with enough potential binding sites for peptide recognition. Sequence mutations of the RNA change the relative stability of the different structural ensembles. Binding affinity is consequently lost if these changes alter the dominant structure

    Affinity-Selected Bicyclic Peptide G-Quadruplex Ligands Mimic a Protein-like Binding Mechanism.

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    The study of G-quadruplexes (G4s) in a cellular context has demonstrated links between these nucleic acid secondary structures, gene expression, and DNA replication. Ligands that bind to the G4 structure therefore present an excellent opportunity for influencing gene expression through the targeting of a nucleic acid structure rather than sequence. Here, we explore cyclic peptides as an alternative class of G4 ligands. Specifically, we describe the development of de novo G4-binding bicyclic peptides selected by phage display. Selected bicyclic peptides display submicromolar affinity to G4 structures and high selectivity over double helix DNA. Molecular simulations of the bicyclic peptide-G4 complexes corroborate the experimental binding strengths and reveal molecular insights into G4 recognition by bicyclic peptides via the precise positioning of amino acid side chains, a binding mechanism reminiscent of endogenous G4-binding proteins. Overall, our results demonstrate that selection of (bi)cyclic peptides unlocks a valuable chemical space for targeting nucleic acid structures.Jesus College, Cambridge (Embiri- cos Scholarship) and the Herchel Smith studentship. The Balasubramanian group receives programme funding (C9681/A18618) and core funding (C14303/A17197) from Cancer Re- search UK, and an Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust (099232/Z/12/Z). KR DJW received funding from the EPSRC (EP/N035003/1) and KR also received funding from the Cambridge Philosophical Societ

    Photocontrolled Chignolin-Derived ß-Hairpin Peptidomimetics

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    Supramolecular templating techniques have been widely used to direct the formation of porous materials with the goal of introducing permanent mesoporosity. While surfactant-directed self-assembly has been exploited for inorganic materials such as titania, silica, organosilica, and zeolites, it has rarely been applied to metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and coordination polymers. Here we introduce a new family of gemini surfactant-directed zinc imidazolates, referred to as mesostructured imidazolate frameworks (MIFs), and present a detailed study on the influence of different gemini-type surfactants on the formation mechanism and structures of the resulting zinc imidazolates. The proposed formation mechanism for MIF-type materials involves co-assembly and crystallization processes that yield lamellar mesostructured imidazolate frameworks. Understanding and controlling such processes also has implications for the syntheses of microporous zinc imidazolate framework (ZIF) materials, whose formation can be suppressed in surfactant-rich solutions, whereas formation of MIF materials is favored in the presence of surfactants and triggered by the addition of halogenides. Solid-state 2D 13C1H HETCOR NMR measurements on prototypic CTAB-directed MIF-1 establish that the head group moieties of the surfactant molecules interact strongly with the zinc-imidazolate-bromide sheets. Additionally, the NMR analyses suggest that MIF-1 has a significant fraction of surfactant molecules that are interdigitated between the zinc-imidazolate-bromide sheets with an antiparallel stacking arrangement, consistent with the high thermal and chemical stability of the MIF hybrid materials