265 research outputs found

    Conus rolani Röckel, 1986

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    Catálogo do Museo de Historia Natural USC. n. inventario 10013

    Conus xicoi Röckel, 1987

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    Catálogo do Museo de Historia Natural USC. n. inventario 10014

    Weiterentwicklung von Wissenstransfer und Informationssystemen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung rebengenetischer Ressourcen

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    Von Anfang 2014 bis Februar 2017 fand eine umfangreiche Sortenidentifizierung in den sieben einzelnen Rebsortimenten der Deutschen Genbank Reben statt. Dadurch wurden Synonyme, Homonyme sowie Bezeichnungsirrtümer identifiziert, um Rebsorten mit gesicherter Sortenechtheit zur Abgabe sowie zur Züchtung auswählen zu können. Von allen untersuchten Akzessionen konnten 94,6% eindeutig bestimmt werden. Für besonders seltene und gefährdete Sorten wurde mit einer Duplikaterhaltung begonnen und Virustests in Auftrag gegeben. Weiterhin fand eine Überarbeitung des veralteten Internetauftritts der DGR (http://www.deutschegenbank-reben.julius-kuehn.de) statt, um zusätzliche Rechercheoptionen und aktuelle Sicherheitsstandards zu realisieren. Zudem wurde eine Webanwendung zur geographischen Erfassung von Parzellen und Einzelstöcken (PLA; Pflanzen Lage Administration) sowie eine Androidbasierte Bonitur-App entwickelt, um das fehlerfreie Arbeiten im Feld zu gewährleisten. Auf einer Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen wurde für On-Farm Management geworben und eine On-Farm Anlage am Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof erstellt. Im Internetauftritt der DGR wurde eine On-Farm Plattform geschaffen, die alle Aktivitäten bereits teilnehmender Winzer öffentlich darstellt

    The "missing link" 'Blaue Zimmettraube' reveals that 'Blauer Portugieser' and 'Blaufränkisch' originated in Lower Styria

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    Parent offspring analysis already revealed genetic relationships for 'Blauer Portugieser' and 'Blaufränkisch', sharing at each locus one allele with 'Grüner Silvaner' and 'Weisser Heunisch', respectively. The missing second progenitor of 'Blauer Portugieser' and 'Blaufränkisch' is a recently rediscovered black grapevine, called 'Blaue Zimmettraube'. It was found in the largest German wine growing area Rheinhessen. The same cultivar was detected as a single vine in Friuli, Italy and named Sbulzìna. The 'Blaue Zimmettraube', bearing female flowers, and thus the female parent in the crosses, was cultivated in the 19th century in Lower Styria together with 'Grüner Silvaner' and 'Weisser Heunisch'. Because the 'Blaue Zimmettraube' did not exist in Austria and red wine production was fairly rare in that country before 1800, it is suspected that the cradle of 'Blauer Portugieser' and 'Blaufränkisch' is in Lower Styria. Furthermore, according to chlorotype analysis, it turned out that 'Blauer Gänsfüsser' is the male parent of 'Blaue Zimmettraube' and thus the 'Blaue Zimmettraube' represents a veritable "missing link". To prove the genetic relationships the nine GrapeGen06-markers and additional forty microsatellite markers were applied. Likelihood analysis with allele frequencies of 22 SSR-markers from 772 cultivars revealed a very high degree of probability that the proposed parents are consistent, due to rare alleles inherited from 'Blaue Zimmettraube'. To investigate on the geographical origin of 'Blauer Portugieser' and 'Blaufränkisch' historical Austrian and Styrian references were consulted

    Analysis of coding microsatellite mutations in MSI colorectal carcinomas and characterization of their effects on the cellular glycosylation machinery

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    Microsatellite instability (MSI), i.e. length variations of repetitive DNA sequences (microsatellites) occurs in colorectal cancer (CRC) due to defects in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system and is a hallmark of tumors associated with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC, 1 – 5% of total CRC) as well as sporadic CRC (15% of total CRC). Instability in coding region microsatellites (cMNR) of expressed genes lead to frameshift mutations and a subsequent loss of protein function or the translation of a truncated protein. Despite the obvious significance of altered glycoprotein synthesis, transport and glycosylation patterns in colorectal cancer, aberrant glycosylation and glycosylation pathways have not been investigated in MSI colorectal tumors. Using a bioinformatics-based approach 28 cMNR harboring candidate genes were identified that encode proteins of the cellular glycosylation machinery. Coding MNR mutation analysis in MSI CRC cell lines revealed a high mutation frequency in two genes: the glycoprotein transporter gene LMAN1/ERGIC53 (52%; 12/23) and the xylosyltransferase gene XYLT2 (35%; 8/23) that catalyzes the first step in proteoglycan synthesis. Apart from their occurrence in cultured cell lines these genetic alterations were also found at similar frequency in MSI colorectal adenomas (LMAN1: 40%, 8/20; XYLT2: 21%, 4/19) as well as carcinomas (LMAN1: 46%, 78/170; XYLT2: 26%, 27/105). Biallelic mutations, abrogating normal protein function, were detected in MSI CRC cell lines (LMAN1, XYLT2) and in primary colorectal tumors (LMAN1). Biallelic mutant LMAN1 was transcribed but not translated into a stable protein in MSI CRC cell lines or LMAN1-mutated areas in tumors. MSI CRC cell lines with biallelic LMAN1 mutations behaved different to LMAN1-proficient CRC cell lines. LMAN1-deficient cell lines exhibited severely reduced transport and secretion of the LMAN1 cargo protein alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT), an inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth but impaired secretion could be restored upon LMAN1 re-expression. A strong correlation between lower local levels of A1AT and enhanced tumor growth has been described. Furthermore, re-expression of LMAN1 in LMAN1-deficient LoVo cells led to a cell surface glycoprotein pattern different from the pattern observed on LoVo cells lacking LMAN1. Increased binding of PHA-L lectins to the cell surface suggested a glycosylation pattern known to be involved in the progression of cancer from a tumorigenic to a metastatic phenotype. A radioactive incorporation assay with 3H-xylose also revealed changes in proteoglycan synthesis of a XYLT2-deficient MSI CRC cell line transiently transfected with a XYLT2-construct. Overall, two members of the cellular glycosylation machinery, a glycoprotein transporter and a glycosyltransferase, appear to be involved in MSI tumorigenesis. Genetic alterations in LMAN1 and XYLT2 mark early events already detectable in preneoplastic lesions. Furthermore, loss of LMAN1 and XYLT2 protein function changed the secretion of proteins and the cell surface glycosylation pattern. Both genes might influence MSI tumor progression by changing cell-cell communication and interactions

    Färberreben (Teinturiers) sowie rote Farbmutanten weißer Qualitätsrebsorten entstanden durch VvmybA-bedingte Mutationen am Beerenfarblokus

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    In this work, the color mutations of seven red clones of famous grapevine varieties from the German-speaking area were identified by analyzing the transcription factor genes located at the berry color locus (Chr 2, ~14,2 Mb) VvmybA1, VvmybA2 and VvmybA3. Furthermore, the molecular origin of the teinturier grapes could be identified and the effects of the mutation on the phenotype were evaluated