14 research outputs found
Nursing of Pike-Perch (Sander lucioperca) in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Provides Growth Advantage in Juvenile Growth Phase
Hatékony algoritmusok = Efficient algorithms
A kutatás során csoportunk egy sor Ăşj eredmĂ©nyt Ă©rt el a számĂtástudomány több terĂĽletĂ©n. Ezek a terĂĽletek: algebrai Ă©s szimbolikus számĂtások, számĂtáselmĂ©let, kombinatorikus optimalizálás, adatbázis-elmĂ©let, adatbányászat Ă©s internetes algoritmusok. NĂ©hány fontosabb eredmĂ©ny: -- vĂ©ges ponthalmazokhoz rendelhetĹ‘ Gröbner-bázisok Ă©s kapcsolĂłdĂł struktĂşrák leĂrása kombinatorikai szempontbĂłl Ă©rdekes esetekben, -- a kvantumszámĂtások nĂ©hány fontos modelljĂ©nek az összehasonlĂtása, számĂtĂł erejĂĽk tisztázása, kvantumalgoritmusok kidolgozása, -- az ""Adatbázis-szerkezetek"" c. akadĂ©miai NĂvĂłdĂjas monográfia elkĂ©szĂĽlte, -- komoly elĹ‘relĂ©pĂ©st Ă©rtĂĽnk el több, az interneten valĂł keresĂ©ssel kapcsolatos kĂ©rdĂ©sben: Ăşj, hatĂ©kony algoritmusokat javasoltunk a világhálĂł lapjainak szemĂ©lyes preferenciákat figyelembe vevĹ‘ rangsorolására; algoritmust dolgoztunk ki a web spam jelensĂ©g nagy megbĂzhatĂłságĂş, automatikus detektálására; lĂ©trehoztunk egy kĂsĂ©rleti keresĹ‘rendszert, -- Ăşj hatĂ©kony adatbányászati algoritmusok kidolgozása Ă©s ezek alkalmazása; az alkalmazások közĂĽl kiemelkedik a telekommunikáciĂłs ĂĽgyfelek viselkedĂ©sĂ©nek modellezĂ©sĂ©vel kapcsolatos vizsgálatunk, amely Barabási Albert LászlĂł világhĂrű kutatĂłcsoportjával közös munka, Ă©s amelyrĹ‘l a The New York Times is beszámolt. | With the partial support of the present grant, we have achieved new results in several fields of computer science, including algebraic and symbolic computation, theoretical computer science, combinatorial optimization, database theory, data mining, algorithms for the internet. Some of the highlights are: -- a description of Gröbner bases and related structures attached to finite sets of of points, where the point sets have combinatorial significance, -- a comparison of some models of quantum computation from the perspective of computing power; development of new quantum algorithms, -- publication of the monograph ""Database structures"" (in Hungarian) which won the Quality Prize of the AkadĂ©mai KiadĂł, -- significant advances in several directions connected to searching the internet: we proposed new, efficient methods for obtaining a personalized ranking of web pages; we proposed algorithms for the automatic and highly reliable detection of spam links in the web; we developed an experimental search engine, -- development and applications of new algorithms for several data mining tasks; among the applications the most important is a model for telecommunication customer behaviour, which has been elaborated in a joint project with the renowned group of Albert LászlĂł Barabási, among others The York Times reported on some of our findings
Alkalmazott algoritmusok nagyméretű feladatokra = Applied algorithms for large-scale problems
Alap Ă©s alkalmazott kutatást vĂ©geztĂĽnk a következĹ‘ fĹ‘ terĂĽleteken: - Formális matematikai mĂłdszerek adatbányászatban Ă©s optimalizálásban; - NagymĂ©retű adatok elemzĂ©se Ă©s modellezĂ©se, hálĂłzatokkal kapcsolatos ĂĽzleti intelligencia alkalmazásokban; - FelhasználĂł Ă©s tartalom összerendelĂ©se, keresĂ©s, ajánlás. A projekt rĂ©sztvevĹ‘i zárt láncban a teljes innováciĂłs láncot lefedik az oktatástĂłl (ELTE Ă©s BME algoritmusok, adatbányászat, Web informáciĂł-keresĂ©s elĹ‘adások) az elmĂ©leti kutatásokon át az alkalmazásokig. A kutatáshoz kapcsolĂłdĂł legfontosabb kĂ©t ipari partnerĂĽnk a Magyar Telekom Ă©s az AEGON, amelyek számára egyedi keresĹ‘ megoldásokat fejlesztettĂĽnk, naplĂłelemzĂ©si Ă©s ĂĽgyfĂ©l-elemzĂ©si feladatokat oldottunk meg. EurĂłpai kapcsolataink segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel a jelen kutatási eredmĂ©nyekre Ă©pĂĽlĹ‘ Digitális Könyvtárak Ă©s Biztonság tĂ©májĂş projektben veszĂĽnk rĂ©szt. A kutatásunk nemzetközi elismertsĂ©gĂ©t jelzi, hogy felkĂ©rtek a legjelentĹ‘sebb eurĂłpai adatbányászati verseny, az ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge szervezĂ©sĂ©re, illetve a legrangosabb World Wide Web konferencián Workshop Chair, a WSDM (Web Search and Data Mining) konferencián szenior, további kapcsolĂłdĂł tĂ©májĂş konferencián Ă©s workshopon (ICALP, AIRWeb, ESA stb) programbizottági tagot adunk. Legfontosabb eredmĂ©nyeink: - ElĹ‘relĂ©pĂ©st a vĂ©ges testek feletti polinomfelbontás algoritmusaiban; - DĂjnyertes megoldás a KDD Cup 2009 feladaton; - Ăšj Web Spam szűrĹ‘ mĂłdszerek; - Tartalom alapĂş kĂ©pkeresĹ‘ eljárások. | Our results cover a wide range of areas of theory and application: -Formal mathematical methods in data mining and optimization; -Analysis and modeling very large scale data with applications in the areas of network related business intelligence; -User-content interaction, optimization. The project team covers full innovation chain from Education (Technical University and Eötvös University courses in algorithms, data mining, Web information retrieval), Pure, Applied Research and Innovation. Our industrial exploitation include the Hungarian Telecom Group and AEGON Hungary where we developed custom search engines and conducted log mining and business intelligence projects. Based on the reported results, we participated in several Digital Libraries and Security ICT projects. Our results are acknowledged by being the main organizer of the major European data mining contest, the ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge 2010 and the invitation to serve as Workshop Chair at the highest prestige World Wide Web conference, senoir program committee member at the Web Search and Data Mining conferences, and PC member of other related conferences and workshops (ICALP, AIRWeb, ESA etc). Our most important research results include -Breakthrough algorithms in factorization of polynomials over finite fields; -Prize winner solution at KDD Cup 2009, in a telco classification task; -New methodologies in Web Spam filtering; -Content-based multimedia indexing methods
Effect of different fertilization and egg de-adhesion methods on the artificial propagation of Siberian sturgeon
Abstract. In the present study, the effects coelomic fluid removal method (rinsing with clear water versus siphoning) and de-adhesion substances (milk solution, starch suspension and urea-NaCl-tannic acid solutions) had on fertilization rates and hatching success and time of Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii Brandt were compared. It was concluded that 1) rinsing Siberian sturgeon eggs prior to fertilization is recommended when there is abundant, viscous coelomic fluid; 2) de-adhesion with milk or urea-NaCl-tannic acid is less time-consuming and results in higher, although not significantly, hatching percentages than those obtained with starch, and 3) de-adhesion with milk ensures the shortest and most synchronous hatching of Siberian sturgeon larvae. All of these issues require further experimental investigations
Preliminary results of intraspecific sterlet hybrid (Siberian sterlet Ă— sterlet) rearing under intensive conditions
Due to early maturation and a small size, sterlet (Acipenserrut-henus) is a very advantageous fish for intensive sturgeon farming with regard to caviar production. According to our previous observations, the growth potential of Siberian sterlet (A.ruthenusmarsiglii) is higher than that of the European one. In our experiment, sterlet and an intraspecific hybrid (Siberian sterlet × sterlet) were tested under intensive tank conditions. During the 8 weeks of the experiment, survival, growth and size heterogeneity were investigated. According to the results, there were no significant differences in survival and growth but the size heterogeneity was higher in the hybrid. It is supposed that, in our trial, the applied water temperature range (24.0–25.5 °C) was optimal for sterlet, but was probably above the optimal range for the hybrid
Alcalase enzyme treatment affects egg incubation and larval quality in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca)
Although egg de-adhesion has been the subject of research in pikeperch of late, the possible effect of this technological procedure on larval viability under intensive rearing conditions has not yet been evaluated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the Alcalase enzyme on egg incubation and larviculture success compared to a commonly used procedure with milk and kaolin clay suspension. Preliminary research was conducted in order to find the minimal exposure time of eggs in Alcalase enzyme solution for the total elimination of adhesiveness. Further on, stripped eggs from three females were divided into two equal portions, and each portion was treated according to the abovementioned procedures. Efficiency of the procedures was evaluated and compared through egg incubation and larviculture. Alcalase-treated eggs exhibited significantly shorter incubation time (121 ± 12 h vs. 157 ± 10 h), hatching period (16 ± 7 h vs. 48 ± 21 h) and lower embryo survival (82.5 ± 2.4% vs. 87.7 ± 1.4%) with a significantly higher hatching rate (98.5 ± 1.0% vs. 72.0 ± 35.3 %). The larviculture yielded significantly lower production efficacy in eggs treated with Alcalase manifested as the share of larvae with an inflated swim bladder in the total number of stocked eggs (5.8 ± 2.4%) compared to larvae hatched in eggs treated with milk and kaolin (20.1 ± 11.9%). The Alcalase enzyme treatment reduced the incubation time and diminished the larval performance; therefore, its application in eggs of pikeperch should be reconsidered.</p
Nursing of Pike-Perch (Sander lucioperca) in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Provides Growth Advantage in Juvenile Growth Phase
This study aimed to estimate the efficacy of two pike-perch juvenile production technologies: exclusive Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) culture (the RAS group) and pond larviculture with a transfer to the RAS at the 42nd day post-hatch (DPH). Both direct weaning on dry feed (the Pond-D group) and 10-day gradual weaning using bloodworms (the Pond-B group) after transfer to the RAS were evaluated in pond-nursed fry. Their survival and morphometric indices were monitored after the RAS habituation period (first 10 days), after the 18-day post-habituation period and after an additional 30 days of on-grow. Our results indicate a negative allometric growth of the pond-nursed fish during the nursing period, which was slower (p < 0.0001) in comparison to the RAS-nursed fry (16.3 ± 0.4 vs. 17.8 ± 0.7%/day). After transfer, these fish grew faster than the RAS-nursed fry (7.7 ± 0.1, 4.9 ± 0.5 and 6.1 ± 0.6 during habituation, 8.5 ± 0.6, 9.3 ± 0.5 and 6.7 ± 0.1%/day during post-habituation period, in the Pond-B, Pond-D and RAS groups, respectively). However, four weeks afterwards, the RAS-nursed fry were again superior in terms of growth (4.0 ± 0.1, 3.6 ± 0.2 and 4.6 ± 0.2%/day, for the Pond-B, Pond-D and RAS groups, respectively), and this was accompanied by a significantly lower feed conversion ratio in this group. Although the survival of the RAS-nursed fry during the nursing period was lower in comparison to the pond-reared fry (11.3 vs. 67.3%), the RAS seems to provide a long-term growth advantage