668 research outputs found

    Musique et ambiance sonore dans les films de fiction : formes et fonctions de l'ambiance sonore et narrative

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    Au cinéma, ambiance sonore et musique sont rattachées à deux corps de métiers différents, respectivement, le montage son et la composition musicale. Pourtant de nombreux films, notamment dans le domaine de la fiction, semblent faire se croiser ces deux univers dans un but esthétique. A première vue, l’ambiance est un repère spatio­‐temporel pour le spectateur et peut éventuellement présenter des caractéristiques esthétiques du point de vue du monteur son. Mais, comme tout élément de la construction audiovisuelle, elle s’inscrit dans un cadre narratif. Dans sa constitution, l’ambiance sonore semble partager des paramètres avec la musique, élément narratif du cinéma.C’est par rapprochement de forme et de structure que l’on essaiera de déterminer les modalités d’expression narrative de l’ambiance sonore, ses formes et fonctions

    An Empirical Study of the Usage of Checksums for Web Downloads

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    Checksums, typically provided on webpages and generated from cryptographic hash functions (e.g., MD5, SHA256) or signature schemes (e.g., PGP), are commonly used on websites to enable users to verify that the files they download have not been tampered with when stored on possibly untrusted servers. In this paper, we shed light on the current practices regarding the usage of checksums for web downloads (hash functions used, visibility and validity of checksums, type of websites and files, presence of instructions, etc.), as this has been mostly overlooked so far. Using a snowball-sampling strategy for the 200,000 most popular domains of the Web, we first crawled a dataset of 8.5M webpages, from which we built, through an active-learning approach, a unique dataset of 277 diverse webpages that contain checksums. Our analysis of these webpages reveals interesting findings about the usage of checksums. For instance, it shows that checksums are used mostly to verify program files, that weak hash functions are frequently used and that a non-negligible proportion of the checksums provided on webpages do not match that of their associated files. We make freely available our dataset and the code for collecting and analyzing it. Finally, we complement our analysis with a survey of the webmasters of the considered webpages (26 complete responses), shedding light on the reasons behind the checksum-related choices they make

    What if carbon was much more than just a funding mechanism?

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    What we agree by common consent to call ‘carbon funding’ is seen primarily by many agencies and NGOs as providing the opportunity to leverage new financial resources at a time when development aid is increasingly scarce or difficult to secure. But over and above the financial dimension, the methods applied in the context of ‘carbon’ projects lead project developers to work in new ways, take a long-term view of the work they do, and put in place systems to ensure detailed measurement of project impacts. To what degree can the carbon approach contribute to changing the beliefs and practices of development organisations? In respect of which outcomes, and with which limitations? Bernard Giraud, co-founder of the Livelihoods Carbon Investment Fund, and Rémi Hemerick, Chief Executive of the NGO SOS Sahel, expand on their viewpoints as investor and project developer.Ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la "finance carbone" est d'abord perçue par beaucoup d'agences et d'ONG comme la possibilité de mobiliser de  nouvelles ressources financières à l'heure où les aides au développement sont plus rares ou plus difficiles à mobiliser. Mais au-delà de la dimension financière,  les méthodes mises en œuvre dans le cadre des projets "carbone" conduisent les développeurs de  projets à travailler autrement, à inscrire leur action dans la durée, à mettre en place des mesures rigoureuses des impacts. Dans quelle mesure l'approche carbone peut-elle contribuer à faire évoluer les conceptions et les pratiques des organisations de développement ?  Pour quels résultats et avec quelles limites ? Bernard Giraud, co-fondateur du Fonds d'investissement carbone Livelihoods et Rémi Hemerick, Directeur Général de l'ONG SOS Sahel, développent leurs points de vue d'investisseur et de développeur de projets.Lo que se ha convenido en llamar la "financiación carbono" es percibido en primer lugar por muchas agencias y ONG como la posibilidad de movilizar nuevos recursos financieros en el momento en el que las ayudas al desarrollo son más escasas o más difíciles de movilizar. Pero más allá de la dimensión financiera, los métodos empleados en el marco de proyectos de "carbono" conducen a los desarrolladores de proyectos a trabajar de otra manera, a inscribir su acción a largo plazo, a implementar medidas rigurosas de impacto. ¿En qué medida la estrategia del carbono puede contribuir a hacer evolucionar los conceptos y las prácticas de las organizaciones de desarrollo?  ¿Para qué resultados y con qué límites? Bernard Giraud, co-fundador del Fonds d'investissement carbone Livelihoods y Rémi Hemerick, Director General de la ONG SOS Sahel, desarrollan sus puntos de vista de inversor y de desarrollador de proyectos

    What if carbon was much more than just a funding mechanism?

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    What we agree by common consent to call ‘carbon funding’ is seen primarily by many agencies and NGOs as providing the opportunity to leverage new financial resources at a time when development aid is increasingly scarce or difficult to secure. But over and above the financial dimension, the methods applied in the context of ‘carbon’ projects lead project developers to work in new ways, take a long-term view of the work they do, and put in place systems to ensure detailed measurement of project impacts. To what degree can the carbon approach contribute to changing the beliefs and practices of development organisations? In respect of which outcomes, and with which limitations? Bernard Giraud, co-founder of the Livelihoods Carbon Investment Fund, and Rémi Hemerick, Chief Executive of the NGO SOS Sahel, expand on their viewpoints as investor and project developer.Ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la "finance carbone" est d'abord perçue par beaucoup d'agences et d'ONG comme la possibilité de mobiliser de  nouvelles ressources financières à l'heure où les aides au développement sont plus rares ou plus difficiles à mobiliser. Mais au-delà de la dimension financière,  les méthodes mises en œuvre dans le cadre des projets "carbone" conduisent les développeurs de  projets à travailler autrement, à inscrire leur action dans la durée, à mettre en place des mesures rigoureuses des impacts. Dans quelle mesure l'approche carbone peut-elle contribuer à faire évoluer les conceptions et les pratiques des organisations de développement ?  Pour quels résultats et avec quelles limites ? Bernard Giraud, co-fondateur du Fonds d'investissement carbone Livelihoods et Rémi Hemerick, Directeur Général de l'ONG SOS Sahel, développent leurs points de vue d'investisseur et de développeur de projets.Lo que se ha convenido en llamar la "financiación carbono" es percibido en primer lugar por muchas agencias y ONG como la posibilidad de movilizar nuevos recursos financieros en el momento en el que las ayudas al desarrollo son más escasas o más difíciles de movilizar. Pero más allá de la dimensión financiera, los métodos empleados en el marco de proyectos de "carbono" conducen a los desarrolladores de proyectos a trabajar de otra manera, a inscribir su acción a largo plazo, a implementar medidas rigurosas de impacto. ¿En qué medida la estrategia del carbono puede contribuir a hacer evolucionar los conceptos y las prácticas de las organizaciones de desarrollo?  ¿Para qué resultados y con qué límites? Bernard Giraud, co-fundador del Fonds d'investissement carbone Livelihoods y Rémi Hemerick, Director General de la ONG SOS Sahel, desarrollan sus puntos de vista de inversor y de desarrollador de proyectos

    Numerical study of density functional theory with mean spherical approximation for ionic condensation in highly charged confined electrolytes

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    We investigate numerically a Density Functional Theory (DFT) for strongly confined ionic solutions in the Canonical Ensemble by comparing predictions of ionic concentration profiles and pressure for the double-layer configuration to those obtained with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and the simpler Poisson--Boltzmann (PB) approach. The DFT consists of a bulk (ion-ion) and an ion-solid part. The bulk part includes nonideal terms accounting for long-range electrostatic and short-range steric correlations between ions and is evaluated with the Mean Spherical Approximation and the Local Density Approximation. The ion-solid part treats the ion-solid interactions at the mean-field level through the solution of a Poisson problem. The main findings are that ionic concentration profiles are generally better described by PB than by DFT, although DFT captures the non-monotone co-ion profile missed by PB. Instead, DFT yields more accurate pressure predictions than PB, showing in particular that nonideal effects are important to describe highly confined ionic solutions. Finally, we present a numerical methodology capable of handling nonconvex minimization problems so as to explore DFT predictions when the reduced temperature falls below the critical temperature

    Impact of alley cropping agroforestry on stocks, forms and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon : a case study in a Mediterranean context

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    UMR SYTEM : Equipe AMPLUS : Analyse et Modélisation du champ cultivé PLUrispécifiqueAgroforestry systems, i.e., agroecosystems combining trees with farming practices, are of particular interest as they combine the potential to increase biomass and soil carbon (C) storage while maintaining an agricultural production. However, most present knowledge on the impact of agroforestry systems on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage comes from tropical systems. This study was conducted in southern France, in an 18-year-old agroforestry plot, where hybrid walnuts (Juglans regia × nigra L.) are intercropped with durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum), and in an adjacent agricultural control plot, where durum wheat is the sole crop. We quantified SOC stocks to 2.0 m depth and their spatial variability in relation to the distance to the trees and to the tree rows. The distribution of additional SOC storage in different soil particle-size fractions was also characterized. SOC accumulation rates between the agroforestry and the agricultural plots were 248 ± 31 kg C ha− 1 yr− 1 for an equivalent soil mass (ESM) of 4000 Mg ha− 1 (to 26–29 cm depth) and 350 ± 41 kg C ha− 1 yr− 1 for an ESM of 15,700 Mg ha− 1 (to 93–98 cm depth). SOC stocks were higher in the tree rows where herbaceous vegetation grew and where the soil was not tilled, but no effect of the distance to the trees (0 to 10 m) on SOC stocks was observed. Most of the additional SOC storage was found in coarse organic fractions (50–200 and 200–2000 μm), which may be rather labile fractions. All together our study demonstrated the potential of alley cropping agroforestry systems under Mediterranean conditions to store SOC, and questioned the stability of this storage