19 research outputs found

    The Way for a Hungarian University to Become a Learning Organisation

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    Ever since the Lisbon Summit in 2000, the European Comission has treated universities as engines of economic development. The University of the 21st century has to foster an entrepreneurial culture and encourage students to develop entrepreneurial initiative and seek innovation, and university needs to adapt its academic services to to market realities, managing this process. Due to various resasosn, e.g., universities operate supported by state, and could in the same time function as entrepreneurial organisations. However, universities do not have the pressure for performance improvement, as in the market-driven sector, mainly since enrolment is centralized, indicating that university reforms in Hungary are inevitable. Széchenyi István University has maintained and developed a cooperation with Audi Hungaria for the last 20 years which has permitted the establishment of an extended cooperation network in the region with many actors of the economic sector. From this point of view, we analyse the opportunities and needs of Hungarian universities to change, develop and to search for a way for our university to become a successful learning organisation. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Modelling and Simulation of Particle Size Distribution of Precipitates in Continuous Tubular Crystallizers

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    This paper presents a population balance model for describing the temporal evolution of the particle size distribution of a precipitate produced in a laboratory scale tubular crystallizer, including nucleation, growth and agglomeration of crystals. The quadrature method of moments is used to calculate the moments of the crystal size distribution. The gamma probability density function with the sixth order Laguerre polynomials are used to reproduce the particle size distribution from moments. A sensitivity analyses is carried out by simulation that can be helpful when designing a crystallizer. Influence of the design and process parameters on the particle size distribution of product is analysed

    Magyar táplálkozáskultúra Európában az ezredfordulón: Néprajzi vizsgálat (három generáció, c. 1920-2005) = Hungarian foodways in European context at the turn of the millennium: an ethnological approach c. 1920-2005

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    Magyar táplálkozáskultúra Európában az ezredfordulón. Néprajzi vizsgálat Az 1960-es évektől a táplálkozáskultúra gyors átalakulásának vagyunk tanúi. a szétfejlődése mára különösen felgyorsult. Az étkezési szokások társadalmi összképe, az újítások diffúziója, a korábban megszokottak érvénye rendkívül szórt formákat, átmeneti állapotot mutat. Szegmensei keresztbe metszik a társadalmi csoportokat. Ez a vizsgálat a fiatal generációkra koncentrált, valamint az innovációkra a teljes társadalomban. Az étkezési szokások piackutatása jó hátteret kínál kvalitatív néprajzi felmérések értelmezéséhez is. A néprajztudomány?európai etnológia?kulturális antropológia ma a teljes társadalomra, a mindennapi kultúra ?hagyományos? és új elemeire egyaránt figyel. A projekt a következő kérdésköröket vizsgálta: a napi étkezések; étkezés otthon és házon kívül; élelmiszerpiac; hagyományos és új élelmiszerek, ételek, konyhaeszközök; fűszerezés, ízlésirány; asztal és társadalmi kapcsolatok; sajátos motivációk, helyzetek, kínálatok (egészségtudat, bioélelmiszer, vegetarianizmus, új vallási közösségek, egzotikus konyhák; étel és identitás, regionális reprezentéció. Az értelmezést európai kutatási eredmények is segítik. A kutatás bázisát a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Néprajz-Kulturális Antropológia Doktori Programja és azonos nevű Tanszéke nyújtotta. Résztvevők: Barabás M., Farkas J., Sz.-Juhász K., K.-Báti A., Kisbán E. (témavezető), Kiss K.Zs., Kuti Klára (vezető kutató), Nagy R., Nyisztor T. Közreműködött Csovcsics E., Farkas A.R., Ferencz Angela. | Recent Hungarian Foodways in European Perspective Since the 1950s Hungary has experienced unprecedentedly rapid social and economic change (agricultural population 49% in 1949, 1,5% in 2005). With modernization of the period, ways of life, including foodways, have differentiated widely; recent intersections cross income-, status-, educational-, urban/rural- and age groups. The actual overall picture of foodways is a very scattered, transitory one. With qualitative research on segments, this project focused on the young generations on the one hand and cross-social innovations and mentalities towards them on the other. As new quantitative background data national food marketing statistics have become available in the last few years. Key topics of the project were: meals; eating at home/eating out; recent food markets, traditional/new foodstuffs, dishes, equipment; seasoning, taste; change in function (from traditional domestic processing to mainly social occasions); special motivations such as health consciousness/ecological food/vegetarianism; specific groups and/or ethnic food (ecological villages, religious communities, Near Eastern foodways, Mediterranean food); self-representation by local dishes. European research provides a background for international interpretation. The base for the research was the Dept. of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropolgy at the University Pécs and its Doctoral Program. Active participants M.Barabás, A.K.Báti, J.Farkas, K.Sz.Juhász, E.Kisbán (head), K.Zs.Kiss, K.Kuti (senior researcher), R.Nagy, T.Nistor (R). The results include three PhD theses

    Influence of HAP on the Morpho-Structural Properties and Corrosion Resistance of ZrO2-Based Composites for Biomedical Applications

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    In the present work, ZrO2-based composites were prepared by adding different amounts of antibacterial magnesium oxide and bioactive and biocompatible hydroxyapatite (HAP) to the inert zirconia. The composites were synthesized by the conventional ceramic processing route and morpho-structurally analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Two metallic dental alloys (i.e., Ni–Cr and Co–Cr) coated with a chitosan (Chit) membrane containing the prepared composites were exposed to aerated artificial saliva solutions of different pHs (i.e., 4.3, 5, 6) and the corrosion resistances were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique. The obtained results using the two investigated metallic dental alloys shown quasi-similar anticorrosive properties, having quasi-similar charge transfer resistance, when coated with different ZrO2-based composites. This behavior could be explained by the synergetic effect between the diffusion process through the Chit-composite layer and the roughness of the metallic electrode surface

    A Down-szindrómás gyermekek szülői elfogadása

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    Szakdolgozatom témája a Down szindrómás gyermekek szülői elfogadása. A vizsgálatom előtt fontosnak tartam tanulmányozni hogy mi a család,és mitől is válik 3-4 illetve több ember családdá. A vizsgálatomhoz 16 véletlenszerűen kiválasztott Down szindrómás gyermeket nevelő szülőt kértem fel, hogy interjú formájában válaszoljanak a kérdéseimre

    Bucureºti) ♦ 60♦ Nr

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    In the paper are presented the results of the kinetic study for the transformation of β-whitlockite in hydroxyapatite (HAP). It has been showed the influence of pH and temperature over the rate of the process. The values for the rate constants and activation energy at pH = 8.5 -12 were determined. The obtained values for the activation energies show that the process of transformation of β-whitlockite in HAP could be described using a combined macrokinetic mechanism: transfer -mass transformation. Keywords: hydroxyapatite, macrokinetic mechanism, crystallization Due to their properties like bioactivity, compatibility with living cells and oseoconductivity, hydroxyapatites are used since 1920, in medical applications -the chemical reaction between the calcium Ca 2+ and phosphate PO 4 3-ions, with the formation of an amorphous precipitate (β-whitlockite); -forming and growing of elementary particles of hydroxyapatite; -internal and external diffusion of calcium Ca 2+ and phosphate PO 4 3-ions. To establish the mathematical model, which describes the hydroxyapatite formation, it is necessary to know the macrokinetic mechanism. In t this paper the kinetic study * email: [email protected] for the transformation process of β-whitlockite in hydroxyapatite is presented. Experimental part For the preparation of hydroxyapatite the following reagents with analytical purity were used: calcium nitrate tetra -hydrated Ca(NO 3 ) 2 x 4H 2 O, bi-ammonium phosphate (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 and ammonia solution NH 3 28%. The concentration of the calcium nitrate solution was 0.5 M and the pH value was turn to 8.5 by adding ammonia solution. The phosphate solution has a concentration of 0.3 M; afterwards it was added the necessary amount of ammonia to reach the pH values presented in table 1. In all the experiments the phosphate solution was added by graduation, for 30 minutes, over the calcium nitrate solution. The ammonia losses were avoided by fixing a closed ascending refrigerator and a hydraulic closing to the reaction vessel. The temperature was measured and maintained constant with a thermostat. From time to time, during the reaction, samples were taken, filtered, washed with distillated water and dried at 105 0 C until constant weight. The dried samples were crushed into fine powders with d p ≤ 50μm and were heated for 2 h at 1000 0 C. Determination of the phase composition using XRD The quantitative analysis of the phases was made using DRON-3 by measuring the integrated intensity of the peaks. Knowing the absorption mass coefficients in a bi-phase system, the amount of HAP was determined using the equation: (1) The evolution in time of the process was followed using the transformation yield of the β-whitlockite in hydroxyapatite. Results and discussion The analysis o

    Modelling and Simulation of Particle Size Distribution of Precipitates in Continuous Tubular Crystallizers

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