6 research outputs found

    Irradiation des cristallins des patients par scanners de perfusion itératifs : dosimétrie et optimisation

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    Le cristallin est un organe radiosensible. En avril 2011, la Commission Internationale de Protection Radiologique (CIPR) fixait à 500 mGy la nouvelle dose seuil d’apparition d’effets déterministes au cristallin. Les patients qui présentent un anévrysme intracérébral rompu bénéficient d’examens scanographiques de l’encéphale (CT) justifiés, pour le diagnostic et le suivi post traitement, réalisé le plus souvent par embolisation radioguidée. Ces examens itératifs exposent le cristallin aux rayons X. Cet article chiffre l’exposition des cristallins de 18 patients ayant bénéficié en 2011 d’examens scanographiques encéphaliques suite à une rupture d’anévrysme intracérébral, et propose un moyen de diminuer cette exposition. Dans notre étude, 44 % des patients étudiés ont reçu une dose supérieure à 500 mGy au niveau des yeux, générée par les examens scanographiques et en particulier les CT de perfusion, indispensables pour évaluer le risque d’ischémie retardée par vasospasme. Nous avons observé qu’en positionnant les patients en hyper flexion cervicale lors de la réalisation des scanners de perfusion, la dose aux cristallins pouvait être diminuée de près de 50 %

    Characterization of MOSFET detectors for in vivo dosimetry in interventional radiology and for dose reconstruction in case of overexposure

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    International audienceAs MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) detectors allow dose measurements in real time, the interest in these dosimeters is growing. The aim of this study was to investigate the dosimetric properties of commercially available TN-502RD-H MOSFET silicon detectors (Best Medical Canada, Ottawa, Canada) in order to use them for in vivo dosimetry in interventional radiology and for dose reconstruction in case of overexposure. Reproducibility of the measurements, dose rate dependence, and dose response of the MOSFET detectors have been studied with a Co source. Influence of the dose rate, frequency, and pulse duration on MOSFET responses has also been studied in pulsed x-ray fields. Finally, in order to validate the integrated dose given by MOSFET detectors, MOSFETs and TLDs (LiFMg,Cu,P) were fixed on an Alderson-Rando phantom in the conditions of an interventional neuroradiology procedure, and their responses have been compared. The results of this study show the suitability of MOSFET detectors for in vivo dosimetry in interventional radiology and for dose reconstruction in case of accident, provided a well-corrected energy dependence, a pulse duration equal to or higher than 10 ms, and an optimized contact between the detector and the skin of the patient are achieved. Copyright © 2013 Health Physics Society

    Follow-up of children exposed to ionising radiation from cardiac catheterisation: the Coccinelle study: Table 1.

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    Cardiac catheterisation has become an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of children with a wide variety of congenital and acquired forms of cardiovascular disease. Despite the clear clinical benefit to the patient, radiation exposure from paediatric cardiac catheterisation procedures (CCPs) may be substantial. Given children's greater sensitivity to radiation and the longer life span during which radiation health effects can develop, an epidemiological cohort study, named Coccinelle or ‘Ladybird’ (French acronym for ‘Cohorte sur le risque de cancer après cardiologie interventionnelle pédiatrique’), is carried out in France to evaluate the risks of leukaemia and solid cancers in this population. A total number of 8000 included children are expected. Individual CCP-related doses will be assessed for each child included in the cohort. For each CCP performed, dosimetric parameters (dose–area product, fluoroscopy time and total number of cine frames) are retrieved retrospectively. Organ doses, especially to the lung, the oesophagus and the thyroid, are calculated with PCXMC software. The cohort will be followed up through linkage with French paediatric cancer registries