122 research outputs found

    Transcriptional and non-transcriptional roles of LXRs in cancer cells

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    Liver X Receptors (LXRs) have been proposed to have some anticancer properties. LXRs affect cancer cell proliferation and cell death through mechanisms that seems mostly to rely on its transcriptional activities. We recently identified a new non-genomic role of LXR? in colon cancer cells. Under LXR agonist treatment, LXR? induces an atypical cell death called pyroptosis in vitro and in vivo. Together with other reports, we raise the importance of targeting LXRs in cancer treatment

    Artificial intelligence: robot law, policy and ethics

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 34:004.8 R289

    Production of Adenosine by Ectonucleotidases: A Key Factor in Tumor Immunoescape

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    It is now well known that tumor immunosurveillance contributes to the control of cancer growth. Many mechanisms can be used by cancer cells to avoid the antitumor immune response. One such mechanism relies on the capacity of cancer cells or more generally of the tumor microenvironment to generate adenosine, a major molecule involved in antitumor T cell response suppression. Adenosine is generated by the dephosphorylation of extracellular ATP released by dying tumor cells. The conversion of ATP into adenosine is mediated by ectonucleotidase molecules, namely, CD73 and CD39. These molecules are frequently expressed in the tumor bed by a wide range of cells including tumor cells, regulatory T cells, Th17 cells, myeloid cells, and stromal cells. Recent evidence suggests that targeting adenosine by inhibiting ectonucleotidases may restore the resident antitumor immune response or enhance the efficacy of antitumor therapies. This paper will underline the impact of adenosine and ectonucleotidases on the antitumor response

    La carta griega sobre lámina de plomo de Ruscino (Languedoc, Francia)

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    A new lead tablet with Greek text, possibly a letter from the 4th c. BC, is published here. The edition and partial translation is accompanied by a chronological, paleographic and linguistic study, and a comment that includes some hypotheses about its interpretation within this special genre of documents, whose number and significance are continuously increasing.Se presenta una nueva lámina de plomo con texto griego, posiblemente una carta del s. IV a. C. La edición y traducción parcial va acompañada de estudio cronológico, paleográfico y lingü.stico y de algunas hipótesis sobre su interpretación dentro de este género de documentos cuyo número e importancia está en continuo crecimiento

    Transcriptional and non-transcriptional roles of LXRs in cancer cells

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    Liver X Receptors (LXRs) have been proposed to have some anticancer properties. LXRs affect cancer cell proliferation and cell death through mechanisms that seems mostly to rely on its transcriptional activities. We recently identified a new non-genomic role of LXRβ in colon cancer cells. Under LXR agonist treatment, LXRβ induces an atypical cell death called pyroptosis in vitro and in vivo. Together with other reports, we raise the importance of targeting LXRs in cancer treatment

    La louve

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    Interleukin-1β and Cancer

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    Within a tumor, IL-1β is produced and secreted by various cell types, such as immune cells, fibroblasts, or cancer cells. The IL1B gene is induced after “priming” of the cells and a second signal is required to allow IL-1β maturation by inflammasome-activated caspase-1. IL-1β is then released and leads to transcription of target genes through its ligation with IL-1R1 on target cells. IL-1β expression and maturation are guided by gene polymorphisms and by the cellular context. In cancer, IL-1β has pleiotropic effects on immune cells, angiogenesis, cancer cell proliferation, migration, and metastasis. Moreover, anti-cancer treatments are able to promote IL-1β production by cancer or immune cells, with opposite effects on cancer progression. This raises the question of whether or not to use IL-1β inhibitors in cancer treatment

    La pierre ollaire en Roussillon : état des découvertes

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    La pierre ollaire a été utilisée dans le massif alpin pour la fabrication de nombreux objets, notamment, à partir de l’époque romaine, des pots tournés. Au cours du Bas Empire et du haut Moyen Âge, ces pièces sont diffusées dans les régions limitrophes. En Languedoc, quelques fragments de vases en pierre ollaire ont été récemment signalés ou publiés, mais jusqu’à présent ces découvertes étaient limitées à l’Hérault. Notre étude porte sur 20 fragments provenant du site de Ruscino, auxquels viennent s’ajouter quelques fragments découverts lors de fouilles ou prospections en Roussillon (Brouilla, Palau-del-Vidre, Ultréra). Il s’agit de pièces qui appartiennent au répertoire alpin : formes hautes, à bord droit et à panse sub-verticale, parfois munies d’un cordon, ou d’un décor de cannelures. Certaines portent des traces de leur mise en œuvre : sillons de tournage, traces de pic ou de ciseau. Les roches utilisées sont de nature et de provenance diverses (principalement des chloritoschistes). Cette série, relativement importante au vu des découvertes languedociennes, et de l’éloignement de la région de production, permet d’étendre largement vers le sud l’aire de diffusion de ces objets durant la période wisigothiqueLa pedra serpentina va ser utilitzada en el massís alpí per a la fabricació de nombrosos objectes, en particular dels vasos tornejats a partir de l’època romana. Durant el Baix Imperi i l’Alta Edat Mitjana, aquestes peces van ser difoses en les regions limítrofes. En el Llenguadoc, alguns fragments de vasos en serpentina van ser senyalats ο publicats recentment, però fins ara aquestes descobertes eren limitades a l’Herault. El nostre estudi concerneix 20 fragments que vénen del site de Ruscino, als quais s’afegeixen alguns fragments descoberts al moment d’investigacions ο de prospeccions en Rosselló (Brulla, Palau del Vidre, Ultrera). Es tracta de peces que pertanyen al repertori alpí: formes altes, a límit dret i amb buc subvertical, a vegades dotades d’un cordó, ο d’una decoració de canaleta. Algunes tenen senyals de llur realització: regues tornejades, senyals de pic ο d’estisores. Les roques utilitzades son de natura i de provinença diverses (principalment “chloritoschistes”). Aquesta sèrie, relativament important vist les descobertes llenguedocianes, i de l’allunyament de la regió de producció, permet d’estendre amplament cap al sud l’àrea de difusió d’aquests objectes durant el període visigòticThe soapstone pots in Roussillon: statement of discoveries.The soapstone was used in the alpine mountains to make a lot of objects, among which, since the roman period, some throwed pots. During the late empire and the early middle age, these pieces were diffused into bordering regions. In the Languedoc region, some soapstone pots fragments were recently published but until now, these discoveries havent’t go past the Herault River. Our study concerns twenty fragments coming from the Ruscino site, and other fragments which were discovered during excavations or prospecting in the Roussillon country. These pieces belong to the alpine repertoire: cylindrical high forms, sometimes with a fluted decoration. Most of them carry throwing grooves or tools marks. This range of fragments, relatively important compared to the Languedoc series, and to the remoteness of the source of production, allows spreading southward the distribution area of these pieces during the wisigothic perio

    STAT3, a Master Regulator of Anti-Tumor Immune Response

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    Immune cells in the tumor microenvironment regulate cancer growth. Thus cancer progression is dependent on the activation or repression of transcription programs involved in the proliferation/activation of lymphoid and myeloid cells. One of the main transcription factors involved in many of these pathways is the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). In this review we will focus on the role of STAT3 and its regulation, e.g., by phosphorylation or acetylation in immune cells and how it might impact immune cell function and tumor progression. Moreover, we will review the ability of STAT3 to regulate checkpoint inhibitors

    L’oppidum de Ruscino entre Septimanie et al-Andalus

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    International audienc