479 research outputs found

    On Further Generalization of the Rigidity Theorem for Spacetimes with a Stationary Event Horizon or a Compact Cauchy Horizon

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    A rigidity theorem that applies to smooth electrovac spacetimes which represent either (A) an asymptotically flat stationary black hole or (B) a cosmological spacetime with a compact Cauchy horizon ruled by closed null geodesics was given in a recent work \cite{frw}. Here we enlarge the framework of the corresponding investigations by allowing the presence of other type of matter fields. In the first part the matter fields are involved merely implicitly via the assumption that the dominant energy condition is satisfied. In the second part Einstein-Klein-Gordon (EKG), Einstein-[non-Abelian] Higgs (E[nA]H), Einstein-[Maxwell]-Yang-Mills-dilaton (E[M]YMd) and Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs (EYMH) systems are studied. The black hole event horizon or, respectively, the compact Cauchy horizon of the considered spacetimes is assumed to be a smooth non-degenerate null hypersurface. It is proven that there exists a Killing vector field in a one-sided neighborhood of the horizon in EKG, E[nA]H, E[M]YMd and EYMH spacetimes. This Killing vector field is normal to the horizon, moreover, the associated matter fields are also shown to be invariant with respect to it. The presented results provide generalizations of the rigidity theorems of Hawking (for case A) and of Moncrief and Isenberg (for case B) and, in turn, they strengthen the validity of both the black hole rigidity scenario and the strong cosmic censor conjecture of classical general relativity.Comment: 25 pages, LaTex, a shortened version, including a new proof for lemma 5.1, the additional case of Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs systems is also covered, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Space-time extensions II

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    The global extendibility of smooth causal geodesically incomplete spacetimes is investigated. Denote by γ\gamma one of the incomplete non-extendible causal geodesics of a causal geodesically incomplete spacetime (M,gab)(M,g_{ab}). First, it is shown that it is always possible to select a synchronised family of causal geodesics Γ\Gamma and an open neighbourhood U\mathcal{U} of a final segment of γ\gamma in MM such that U\mathcal{U} is comprised by members of Γ\Gamma, and suitable local coordinates can be defined everywhere on U\mathcal{U} provided that γ\gamma does not terminate either on a tidal force tensor singularity or on a topological singularity. It is also shown that if, in addition, the spacetime, (M,gab)(M,g_{ab}), is globally hyperbolic, and the components of the curvature tensor, and its covariant derivatives up to order k1k-1 are bounded on U\mathcal{U}, and also the line integrals of the components of the kthk^{th}-order covariant derivatives are finite along the members of Γ\Gamma---where all the components are meant to be registered with respect to a synchronised frame field on U\mathcal{U}---then there exists a CkC^{k-} extension Φ:(M,gab)(M^,g^ab)\Phi: (M,g_{ab}) \rightarrow (\widehat{M},\widehat{g}_{ab}) so that for each γˉΓ\bar\gamma\in\Gamma, which is inextendible in (M,gab)(M,g_{ab}), the image, Φγˉ\Phi\circ\bar\gamma, is extendible in (M^,g^ab)(\widehat{M},\widehat{g}_{ab}). Finally, it is also proved that whenever γ\gamma does terminate on a topological singularity (M,gab)(M,g_{ab}) cannot be generic.Comment: 42 pages, no figures, small changes to match the published versio

    Report on a Japanese research period for the Dendrological Atlas Project June 1–September 30, 2013

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    Following up on previous researches made in Japan from mid-September to late November 1997, the purpose of the author’s 2013 trip was to complete the documentation of the temperate-zone gymnosperms of Japan for the ongoing Dendrological Atlas Project. A full documentation of 35 conifer taxa could be accomplished. Overall, the work included the field explorations of these conifers, documenting the species, their associated vegetation, and rendering additional study and documentation of the native woody flora in various living collections in Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, and Tsukuba


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    Noble Gas Clusters and Nanoplasmas in High Harmonic Generation

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    We report a study of high harmonic generation from noble gas clusters of xenon atoms in a gas jet. Harmonic spectra were investigated as a function of backing pressure, showing spectral shifts due to the nanoplasma electrons in the clusters. At certain value of laser intensity this process may oppose the effect of the well-known ionization-induced blueshift. In addition, these cluster-induced harmonic redshifts may give the possibility to estimate cluster density and cluster size in the laser-gas jet interaction range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A kánonok peremén

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