69 research outputs found

    Design Developer Competitions in H\ue4rryda - From Programming to Implementation

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    This study examines three design developer competitions organized by H\ue4rryda Municipality in 2015, 2017 and 2018. The competitions aimed at new housing. The investigation of the competition processes is part of a research project developed in 2020 in collaboration with the municipality.The design developer competition is a type of competition that emerged in Sweden during the deregulation of the building sector in the 1980s. Since then, the number of these competitions has grown and is now more common in Sweden than the traditional architectural competition. However, there are still no national rules. Instead, the design developer competition is regulated locally in municipalities through political guidelines and professional competition programs.This investigation of competition processes in H\ue4rryda Municipality is based on a close reading of documents, study visits and interviews with a limited number of key players. The intention is to describe, review and comment on the planning, steering and implementation of the winning design. The research issues have a fundamental nature. They include the process from local guidelines to programming, design and judging of proposals to implementation. H\ue4rryda Municipality has a strong position in this type of competition and may safeguard qualities in architecture as organizer, landowner and planning authority by designing detailed development plans and checking building permits.The results of the study have been summarized in six conclusions that discuss the transformation of guidelines into design, planning and programming, design proposals, judging model and the organizers’ use of steering tools

    Three restricted developer competitions – experiences from Sweden

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    This chapter presents results from a research project which studies prequalification in developer competitions (real estate competitions). This is a competition form used by municipalities in Sweden enabling builder, construction companies and real estate manager to procure public owned land. Developer competitions give companies access to property for the planning of new buildings and constructions, location of enterprises, and the development of areas. Municipalities regulate development through detailed plans, which are drawn up in connection with the competitions. The Law on Public Procurement (LOU, 2007) is used for choosing design teams in developer competitions and implementation. The realization of the winning design proposal is controlled by an agreement between the municipality and the first-prize winner

    ARCHITECTURE AND COMPENSATION: Renewal and expansion of the City Library in Gothenburg

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    The paper deals with renewal and preservation in a combined architectural and detailed development planning project, including cultural values and architectural qualities. The focus is on how compensatory actions, cultural values and architectural qualities are expressed in the expansion of the City Library in Gothenburg. In this case, the detailed development plan regulates both land use and architectural design. The transformation of the City Library occurred in an area with heritage values of national interest.The objective is to investigate, analyse and discuss compensation in architecture and planning processes. The specific goal is to produce knowledge on how key players practise compensation and understand heritage values and architectural qualities. The research is based on a single case study. From a selection of 39 contemporary, detailed development plans obtained from the City Planning Office in Gothenburg, one plan has been chosen for investigation in this paper. The motive behind this selection is that the expansion provides both an interesting background to quality issues and raises important questions concerning the renewal of a public building at a site of great value for citizens.Key documents in the case study have been analysed through close reading. Knowledge has also been developed through analyses of drawings, illustrations, site visits and discussions at seminars.The detailed development plan can be understood both as a product and a process. Seen as a product, compensatory measures are embedded in the plan as fixed regulations to support renewal as well as to safeguard values and architectural qualities. These regulations concern both land use and architectural design. Compensatory thinking as part of the planning process is expressed through changes based on comments from key actors, starting with the design of the expansion of the library, and is continued in the transformation to make the renewal possible through the detailed development plan

    Vetenskaplig slutrapport

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    FoU-projektet inneh\ue5ller tre delstudier. Den f\uf6rsta delstudien unders\uf6ker kompensationst\ue4nkandet i 8 detaljplaner i G\uf6teborg som inneh\ue5ller exploateringar i omr\ue5den av riksintresse f\uf6r kulturmilj\uf6v\ue5rden. Av studien framg\ue5r att kulturmilj\uf6kompensation \ue4r ett begrepp som framtr\ue4der p\ue5 flera s\ue4tt i planeringsprocessen, fr\ue5n planuppdrag till antagen detaljplan. Kompensation visar sig s\ue5v\ue4l i planf\uf6rslag som i konsulternas planeringsunderlag (utredningar). I planf\uf6rslagen upptr\ue4der kompensation som resultat av kritik mot rivningar och p\ue5verkan fr\ue5n tillkommande bebyggelse. Exempel \ue4r krav p\ue5 minimering av planerad exploatering, kritiska synpunkter p\ue5 gestaltningen av nya byggnader och planbest\ue4mmelser som b\ue5de m\uf6jligg\uf6r ny bebyggelse och skyddar befintliga kulturv\ue4rden. Den andra delstudien fokuserar p\ue5 kulturella ekosystemtj\ue4nster. Forskningsfr\ue5gan handlar om p\ue5 vilket s\ue4tt som f\uf6rest\ue4llningar om kulturv\ue4rden ing\ue5r i kulturella ekosystetj\ue4nster. I studien analyseras hur begrepp f\uf6r kulturarv och kulturmilj\uf6 redovisas, f\uf6rst\ue5s och anv\ue4nds i v\ue4gledningar p\ue5 nationell, regional och lokal niv\ue5 i Sverige. Sammanlagt granskas 11 rapporter om ekosystemtj\ue4nster utgivna av statliga myndigheter, kommuner och f\uf6retag.Den tredje delstudien redovisar resultat fr\ue5n en internationell workshop med presentation av artiklar som behandlar kompensation, arkitektur, kulturmilj\uf6 och planering. Avsikten med workshoppen var att s\ue4tta in kompensationst\ue4nkandet i en internationell kontext. Resultatet har publicerats i en bok (proceeding) med 9 kapitel av forskare fr\ue5n Danmark, England, Finland, Grekland, Norge och Sverige. Kompensation \ue4r i bidragen l\ue4nkat till transformering av kulturmilj\uf6er

    Architecture, Heritage, and Compensation - renewal in areas with cultural values and architectural qualities

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    The paper deals with exploitation and preservation in a selection of detailed development plans that include cultural values and architectural qualities. The focus is on how compensation actions are expressed in detailed development plans in Sweden. These kinds of plans regulate land-use and design of buildings on plots by law. The planning and designing of detailed development plans for areas of Gothenburg with heritage values of national interest are investigated through case studies.The objective is to investigate, analyze, and discuss compensation in the planning processes of sites with appointed cultural values. The overall goal is to develop knowledge of how key players understand the heritage and architectural qualities in detailed development plans. The research method is based on cases studies. From a selection of 39 detailed development plans obtained by the City Planning Authority of Gothenburg, 3 were chosen and studied in this paper. Selected detailed development plans were analyzed through close-reading of documents, site visits, and discussions at seminars. Detailed development plans seen as products have compensation measures embedded in the design as fixed regulations. They are demand-oriented to both land-use and architectural design. Compensation as a process is expressed by changes through opposition. The City Planning Authority eliminates criticism by changing the detailed development plan according to values and qualities protected by key players.Typical compensation measures consist of supplementation of the detailed development plans with descriptions of cultural values through texts and illustrations provided by investigations conducted by contracted consultants, revisions of the proposals for the detailed development plans, and the introduction of more specific regulations for the control of architectural design as response to criticism. The demolition and construction of new buildings are combined with protection and the prohibition of the demolition of cultural values on the plot. Cultural values can also be transferred by compensation actions into aesthetic programs for the design of additional buildings

    Design Developer Competition. A study on innovation, architecture and affordable housing, Stockholm

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    In Sweden, Design-Developer (DD) competitions are used by municipalities to transfer publicly-owned land to developers, contractors and public housing companies. The procedures have no national guidelines, but are regulated locally by the municipalities through three methods: politically through land allocation policies; professionally through competition; and administratively through contracts with the winners. In this case the organisers’ two primary concerns were architecture and affordable rental housing, which establishes a key relationship between rent and income levels within the target group – young people in Stockhol

    The Lindholmen Case: Residential Architecture and Compensation in Areas of National Heritage Interest

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    The case study is a combined architecture and planning project in Gothenburg. The project started with a design developer competition for new housing. The winning design was transformed into a planning project. The town planning office’s assignment was to implement the proposal in a detailed development in an area with cultural values, protected in the law and through the county administrative board and the city’s conservation program, which is a local guideline for planning in Gothenburg decided by the politicians. The architecture and planning project deals with the need for housing, strong exploitation interests, and how planning processes handle cultural values and architectural qualities of both local and national import. Some of the adjustments in the winning design, as well as regulations in the detailed development plan, can in this case be understood as compensation.Objective, Research Questions, and MethodsThe objective is to understand how architecture, cultural values, and compensation are expressed in an architecture and planning project. The case has been selected because of the different demands connected to the site. The research question centres around three themes: 1) the design developer competition, 2) compensation as actions and adjustments of the detailed development plan, and 3) cultural values and architectural qualities identified in the consultant investigations and how they are implemented. The methods are archive studies, close reading of key documents, and site visits. The case has also been discussed at seminars.ResultThe result is presented as seven conclusions that discus how the task in the competition program is described in relation to conditions at the site, jury judgments, citizen participation, statements from authorities that review the detailed development plan, compensation as hidden actions, and specific regulations. A selection of identified values and qualities in the consultant investigation were transferred into the detailed development plan

    Cultural heritage compensation: Approaches to transformation of sites with cultural values and architectural qualities

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    This proceeding is the last part of a research project investigating how compensation is expressed in designing detailed development plans in areas with heritage values and architectural qualities. The overall objective of the research project has been to produce new knowledge about heritage compensation as a concept, method and tool in planning processes. The researh project have been granted funding from the Swedish National Heritage Board’s R&D.The proceeding presents the third part of the project – the international workshop – called Architecture, cultural environment and compensation in planning processes. The workshop took place at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, 16-17 September 2019, and was organized as a joint venture between Kulturlandskapet (a cooperative heritage consultancy) and Building Design, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. The theme in the invitation was summarized in the following way: On compensation as a concept, method and professional practice by architects, architectural conservators and archaeologists in planning processes. Ten scholars from contribute to the proceeding: Tom Davies, \ua0Athanasios Kouzelis, Mathilde Kirkegaard, Anders Larsson, Urban Nilsson, David Ross, Magnus R\uf6nn, Jennie Sj\uf6holm and Helena Ter\ue4v\ue4inen

    Developer Competition as a Means for Combining Cost and Design

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    This article examines a 2013 developer competition for new housing in Gothenburg. The property board called for a developer competition aimed at producing good quality housing at a reasonable rent. There was no prize money or financial compensation for the delivery of approved design proposals. Winning meant in this case that the developer got access to the site and could implement the project. The organizers estimated there would be space for 100-125 housing units of various sizes on the competition site. The rental rate and long-term maintenance costs of housing units were to be presented as part of the competition proposal. The average rent was not allowed to exceed 1\ua0400 SEK per square meter and year, corresponding to a rent reduction of 20-25 % compared to other equivalent apartments

    Two Design-Developer Competitions - Searching for affordable housing in Gothenburg and Stockholm

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    The paper describes and discusses two developer competitions in Sweden which concentrated on design of affordable housing. Both competitions were given sites in a built environment with well operating infrastructure in Gothenburg and Stockholm respectively. But did the competitions benefit from their physical preconditions, and were the competitions carried out as a professional laboratory, supporting innovative solutions and affordable housing? The developer competition is a new tool in Sweden; it evolved after deregulation of the building sector in the 1980s. In 2013, 19 of the 35 largest municipalities in Sweden had accepted policies for land allocation (Persson, 2013). A closer study of the local land allocation guidelines reveals that the competition form is undeveloped. There are no national rules for developer competitions.The overall aim of this paper is to present research findings on the production of architecture values, design qualities, and innovations by developer competitions. Three questions will be explored: what kind of values and qualities are identified and developed by the key actors in the winning proposals? How have the sites and surrounding infrastructure been used in the competitions? In what manner did the competitions contribute to cheap apartments?The methods used for data collection and analysis are as follows: the organizers’ archives in Gothenburg and Stockholm were examined; the fundamental documents were analyzed through close reading; questionnaires were used to collect individual statements from key actors; and a model was constructed to find answers to the research questions. The model has crossing axes. One that represents physical dimensions and one that shows design dimensions in competitions.The results is summerized in five conclusions. The first conclusion is that the teambuilding in the developer competitions in Gothenburg and Stockholm revolve around a core of people, with appropriate competence, who have known each other for a long time. The second conclusion is that there is a variation of motives for participating in the two developer competitions. The third conclusion is that the sites performs as attractors for the key actors in the competitions. The fourth conclusion is that juries connect architecture values and design qualities to the projects in the competitions, not to the physical dimensions. The fifth conclusion is that the competition can be an effective tool for generating innovative design proposals that combine good housing and low rent
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