42,200 research outputs found

    Cooperative spin decoherence and population transfer

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    An ensemble of multilevel atoms is a good candidate for a quantum information storage device. The information is encrypted in the collective ground state atomic coherence, which, in the absence of external excitation, is decoupled from the vacuum and therefore decoherence free. However, in the process of manipulation of atoms with light pulses (writing, reading), one inadvertently introduces a coupling to the environment, i.e. a source of decoherence. The dissipation process is often treated as an independent process for each atom in the ensemble, an approach which fails at large atomic optical depths where cooperative effects must be taken into account. In this paper, the cooperative behavior of spin decoherence and population transfer for a system of two, driven multilevel-atoms is studied. Not surprisingly, an enhancement in the decoherence rate is found, when the atoms are separated by a distance that is small compared to an optical wavelength; however, it is found that this rate increases even further for somewhat larger separations for atoms aligned along the direction of the driving field's propagation vector. A treatment of the cooperative modification of optical pumping rates and an effect of polarization swapping between atoms is also discussed, lending additional insight into the origin of the collective decay

    Numerical Renormalization Group Calculations for the Self-energy of the impurity Anderson model

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    We present a new method to calculate directly the one-particle self-energy of an impurity Anderson model with Wilson's numerical Renormalization Group method by writing this quantity as the ratio of two correlation functions. This way of calculating Sigma(z) turns out to be considerably more reliable and accurate than via the impurity Green's function alone. We show results for the self-energy for the case of a constant coupling between impurity and conduction band (ImDelta = const) and the effective Delta(z) arising in the Dynamical Mean Field Theory of the Hubbard model. Implications to the problem of the metal-insulator transition in the Hubbard model are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Brassica genomics: a complement to, and early beneficiary of, the Arabidopsis sequence.

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    Those studying the genus Brassica will be among the early beneficiaries of the now-completed Arabidopsis sequence. The remarkable morphological diversity of Brassica species and their relatives offers valuable opportunities to advance our knowledge of plant growth and development, and our understanding of rapid phenotypic evolution

    Exploration of the BaSeL stellar library for 9 F-type stars COROT potential targets

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    The Basel Stellar Library (BaSeL models) is constituted of the merging of various synthetic stellar spectra libraries, with the purpose of giving the most comprehensive coverage of stellar parameters. It has been corrected for systematic deviations detected in respect to UBVRIJHKLM photometry at solar metallicity, and can then be considered as the state-of-the-art knowledge of the broad band content of stellar spectra. In this paper, we consider a sample of 9 F-type stars with detailed spectroscopic analysis to investigate the Basel Stellar Library in two photometric systems simultaneously, Johnson (B-V, U-B) and Stromgren (b-y, m_1, and c_1). The sample corresponds to potential targets of the central seismology programme of the COROT space experiment, which have been recently observed at OHP. The atmospheric parameters T_eff, [Fe/H], and log g obtained from the BaSeL models are compared with spectroscopic determinations as well as with results of other photometric calibrations. For a careful interpretation of the BaSeL solutions, we computed confidence regions around the best χ\chi^2-estimates and projected them on T_eff-[Fe/H], T_eff-log g, and log g-[Fe/H] diagrams. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e; version accepted for publication in the new A&A Journal: minor changes + figures in black and white for better readabilit

    Relaxation of Chemical Reactions to Stationary States in the Chemical Affinities Space

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    Using the mass balance equations for chemical reactions, we show how the system relaxes towards a steady state in and out of the Onsager region. In the chemical affinities space, after fast transients, the relaxation process is a straight line when operating in the Onsager region, while out of this regime, the evolution of the system is such that the projections of the evolution equations for the forces and the shortest path on the flows coincide. For spatially-extended systems, similar results are valid for the evolution of the thermodynamic mode (i.e., the mode with wave-number k = 0). These results allow us to obtain the expression for the affine connection of the space covered by the thermodynamic forces, close to the steady states. Through the affine connection, the nonlinear closure equations are derived.Comment: 23 pages

    Incompatible Magnetic Order in Multiferroic Hexagonal DyMnO3

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    Magnetic order of the manganese and rare-earth lattices according to different symmetry representations is observed in multiferroic hexagonal (h-) DyMnO3_3 by optical second harmonic generation and neutron diffraction. The incompatibility reveals that the 3d-4f coupling in the h-RRMnO3_3 system (RR = Sc, Y, In, Dy - Lu) is substantially less developed than commonly expected. As a consequence, magnetoelectric coupling effects in this type of split-order parameter multiferroic that were previously assigned to a pronounced 3d-4f coupling have now to be scrutinized with respect to their origin

    Anderson impurity in pseudo-gap Fermi systems

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    We use the numerical renormalization group method to study an Anderson impurity in a conduction band with the density of states varying as rho(omega) \propto |omega|^r with r>0. We find two different fixed points: a local-moment fixed point with the impurity effectively decoupled from the band and a strong-coupling fixed point with a partially screened impurity spin. The specific heat and the spin-susceptibility show powerlaw behaviour with different exponents in strong-coupling and local-moment regime. We also calculate the impurity spectral function which diverges (vanishes) with |omega|^{-r} (|\omega|^r) in the strong-coupling (local moment) regime.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures includes as eps-file

    Resolving HD 100546 disc in the mid-infrared: Small inner disc and asymmetry near the gap

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    A region of roughly half of the solar system scale around the star HD 100546 is largely cleared of gas and dust, in contrast to the bright outer disc. However, some material is observed in the immediate vicinity of the star. We investigate how the dust is distributed within and outside the gap, and constrain the disc geometry with mid-infrared interferometric observations using VLTI/MIDI. With baseline lengths of 40m, our long baseline observations are sensitive to the inner few AU from the star, and we combined them with observations at shorter, 15m baselines, to probe emission beyond the gap at up to 20AU from the star. We modelled the mid-infrared emission using radial temperature profiles. Our model is composed of infinitesimal concentric annuli emitting as black bodies, and it has distinct inner and outer disc components. We derived an upper limit of 0.7AU for the radial size of the inner disc, from our longest baseline data. This small dusty disc is separated from the edge of the outer disc by a large, roughly 10AU wide gap. Our short baseline data place a bright ring of emission at 11+-1AU, consistent with prior observations of the transition region between the gap and the outer disc, known as the disc wall. The inclination and position angle are constrained by our data to i=53+-8deg and PA=145+-5deg. Compared to the rim and outer disc geometry this suggests co-planarity. Brightness asymmetry is evident in both short and long baseline data, and it is unequivocally discernible from any atmospheric or instrumental effects. The origin of the asymmetry is consistent with the bright disc wall, which we find to be 1-2AU wide. The gap is cleared of micron-sized dust, but we cannot rule out the presence of larger particles and/or perturbing bodies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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