181 research outputs found

    Deiksis Sosial Dalam Novel Negeri 5 Menara Karya a. Fuadi: Suatu Tinjauan Pragmatik

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    The purpose of this study were to describe form, function and meaning of social deixis the novel Negeri 5 Menara works of A. Fuadi. The data of this research study is a word, phrases, and sentences in which there is use of social deixis the novel Negeri 5 Menara work of A. Fuadi. The findings on the use of social deixis are 82 kinds of novel forms of social deiksis words, 6 USAge function deiksis dexsis socialist and social significance of the novel Negeri 5 Menara


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    Abstrak Cream creambath merupakan kosmetik yang digunakan untuk perawatan rambut secara basah, yang dapat memberi nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh rambut. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh jumlah ekstrak daun teh terhadap sifat fisik cream creambath meliputi kekentalan, aroma, dan warna. Serta sifat mikrobiologi dengan menggunakan uji angka lempeng total. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah jumlah ekstrak daun teh dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu 5ml (X1), 15ml (X2), dan 25ml (X3). Variabel terikat, yaitu sifat fisik dari cream creambath yang meliputi kekentalan, aroma dan warna, serta sifat mikrobiologi. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan check list melalui pengamatan fisik oleh 30 orang panelis, serta uji mikrobiologi dengan menggunakan uji angka lempeng total, hasil uji sifat fisik dianalisis menggunakan uji anava dengan bantuan program SPSS 16, jika terdapat perbedaan pengaruh maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh jumlah ekstrak daun teh terhadap sifat fisik dan sifat mikrobiologi cream creambath untuk rambut rontok. Kekentalan X2 (3,63) lebih kental daripada X1 dan X3, cream creambath X1(2,93) sedikit kental sedangkan cream creambath X3(2,33) encer. Aroma X3 (3,63) lebih kuat daripada X1 dan X2, sedangkan cream creambath X1 (1,9) beraroma paling lemah daripada X2 dan X3. Warna cream creambath X3 (3,23) paling hijau daripada X1 dan X2, cream creambath X2(3,23) cukup hijau, dan X1 (2,03) sedikit hijau. Cream creambath aman digunakan sampai dengan hari ke-4 karena uji mikrobiologi hanya sampai hari ke-4 jumlah mikroba yang tumbuh sebanyak 102. Jumlah tersebut masih berada dibawah standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh BPOM yaitu 105 koloni. Saran untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang uji mikrobiologi cream creambath, dengan rentang waktu yang lebih lama.   Kata Kunci: Cream creambath, ekstrak daun teh, sifat fisik, sifat mikrobiologi   Abstract Creambath cream is a cosmetic that used for wet hair treatment, which can provide nutrients needed by the hair. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of the amount of tea leaf extract on the physical properties of creambath cream including viscosity, scent, and color. Also microbiological properties by using the total plate count test. Type of this study os experiment. Independent variable in this research is the amount of tea leaf extract with three treatments, they are 5ml (X1), 15ml (X2), and 25ml (X3). The dependent variable, are the physical properties of the cream creambath that includes viscosity, scent of Creambath cream, and microbiological properties. The data gained through observation by physical observation conducted by 30 panelists, microbiological test by total plate count.. Physical properties test results were analyzed by ANOVA test using SPSS 16, if there are different effects, so it will be continued with Duncan's test. The result of this study are there effects from adding tea leaf extract toward physical and microbiological properties of hairfall creambath cream. X2 has most viscosity than X1 and X3, X1 (2,93) creambath cream has more viscosity than X3, while X3 (2,33) creambath cream is watery. X3 (3,36) has the strongest scent than X1 and X2, while X1 (1,9) creambath cream has the waekest scent then X2 and X3. X3 (3,63) creambath cream has the darkest green color than X1 and X2. X2 (3,23) creambath cream color is green, and X1 (2,03) has lighter green color. The creambath cream best used before day fourth, because the microbiologocal test conducted up to day four which is the number of growth microbes shows 102. The amount of the microbes are bellow the standard of BPOM 105 colonies. Suggestion, for further research on the microbiological test of creambath cream conducted in longer time span.   Keywords: creambath cream, Tea leaf extract, Physical properties, microbiological properties &nbsp

    The Effect of Binderflour Substitution of Tapioca with Durian(durio Zibethinus Murr) and Jackfruit (Artocarpus Chempeden)seeds Flour on the Quality of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus)meatballs Stored at Cold Temperature (5°c)

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    The purpose of this research was to know the effect of using combination of durian seeds flour (Durio zibethinus murr) and jackfruit seeds flour (Artocarpus chempeden) as the binder flours to substitute tapioca flour on quality of catfish(Clarias gariepinus) meatballs stored at cold temperatures (5°C). This research was using randomized block design composed factorially in experimental method. The treatment conducted was consisted of 2 level combination, namely: (H0without a binderdurian seed flour and jackfruit seed flour, as a control) and (H1 with a binder combination of 10% durian seed flour and 30% jackfruit seed flour). The parameters tested were organoleptic and chemical. The results showed that substitutionof tapioca flour with combination durian seed flour and jackfruit seed flour was indicated the best quality. The value of the organoleptic score of. catfish meatballs was 8,01 and had the shelf-live for 12 daysstored at cold temperature (5°C). The fish meatball contained 6,36% protein and 75,17% moisture. It could be concluded that the durian seeds flour and jackfruit seeds flour can substitute tapioca flour

    Analisis Sistem Surveilans Diare Puskesmas Tambakrejo Kota Surabaya

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    Backgrounds: Until now, diarrhea remains a public health problem in Indonesia, this could be seen with high morbidity rate. Puskesmas Tambakrejo is a public health center in Surabaya city with a high diarrhea cases. Futhermore, the diarrhea cases among infants ranked second and for all ages is ranked fourth in Surabaya. Methods: Therefore, research aimed to evaluate the diarrhea surveillance system in Puskesmas Tambakrejo. This was qualitative studies with observational design at Puskesmas Tambakrejo from August to September 2010. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews to diarrhea surveillance officer and head of the center to determine the implementation, observation of activities, data tracking and reporting. This was done descriptively by a systems approach (input, process and output). Results: The study showed that diarrhea surveillance systems at Puskesmas Tambakrejo was not optimal for component of input, process and output. Problems in input component were limited knowledge diarrhea surveillance among officer, incomplete report documents, no reports of environmental health coverage and health promotion in analysis. Beside, the methods used in surveillance of diarrhea has not been based on the book Diarrhea Disease Control Guidelines issued by the MOH Director General PP & PL 2009. Issues of component process were limitations of variable data in the diarrhea register book, the analysis had not been based on the variables service quality. coverage and service by cadres and degree of dehydration. Beside, data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. The on output component problems were the information provide is very limited and no indicatorof service coverage and quality on diarrhea case. The priority issues on information systems of diarrhea surveillance was that data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. Diarrhea Surveillance systems at Tambakrejo Public Health Center was not optimal in the component input, process and output. The priority issues on information systems of diarrhea surveillance was that data analysis had not been conducted for early warning system of diarrhea


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    The purpose of this study is to see how polite netizens are in commenting on Nadiem Makarim's Instagram account, Minister of Education and Culture. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The data is sourced from the Instagram account (@nadiemmakariem), speech or writing in the comments of Nadiem Makarim's first post on August 17, 2020, the focus of the data is comments about online learning. The results showed that comments about online learning on Nadiem Makarim's posts were dominated by netizens who used polite speech or obeyed the principles of politeness. Comments that are found a lot are comments from school children and students for schools to be reactivated or they want schools to be opened and face to face. This is certainly a spirit that appears from the students and a positive thing. Complying with the netizen's politeness principle in commenting on Nadiem Makarim's Instagram account, there are 85 utterances or comments. Meanwhile, there are 54 violations of the netizen's politeness principles.

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Narasi Berbasis Pendekatan Kontruktivisme di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan hasil menulis karangan narasi pada siswa kelas 4 SD tema berbagai pekerjaan. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri atas (1) Tahap Perencanaan yaitu membuat rencana tindakan yang dilaksanakan, (2) Tahap Pelaksanaan melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan bersama guru, (3) Tahap Pengamtan yaitu melakukan observasi aktivitas yang telah dilaksanakan guru dan siswa, (4) Tahap Refleksi, yaitu melakukan menganalisis, mengulas, interverensi dan menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan selanjutnya. Subjek Penelitian ini adalah 20 orang siswa kelas IV SDN 03 Batang Anai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadinya peningkatan hasil karangan narasi sebanyak 18,2, pada siklus 1 memiliki rata-rata 67,4 meningkat pada siklus 2 menjadi 85,6. Hasil kemampuan menulis karangan narasi siswa terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 30%, pada siklus I sebanyak 60% siswa memperoleh nilai tuntas dan pada siklus II 90%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan kontruktivisme di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar yang telah dilaksanakan meningkatkan hasil menulis dan kemampuan menulis karangan narasi siswa

    Kesantunan Berbahasa Dalam Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” Di Metro TV

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    The purposes of the article were to describe (1 ) good manners principle those are utilized in Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” at Metro TV , (2 ) converse strategies those are utilized in Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” at Metro TV. This observational data is lingual dialogue record on Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” at Metro TV. Gathered data by utilized is tech learn, tech records and tech note. Observational finding can conclude following things. First, good manners principle that is utilized in Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” at Metro TV is maksim praise, maksim is humility, maksim is deal, maksim is sympathy, and maksim is generosity. Both of, converse strategy that is utilized in Talkshow “Neo Democrazy” at Metro TV is this as follows: frank converse strategy with positive good manners platitude and converse strategy speaks mind with negative good manners platitude. Relevant with research, recommended that maksim maksim's elect good manners gets language in hands down about television used by event filler so discourse it decent so person that is criticized, or is spoken not perceives to be pertained or anger with discourse that announced by comunicator

    The Risk of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke in Anemia During Pregnancy

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    Anemia is a state of hemoglobin levels in the RBC (Red Blood Cells) are lower than normal according to age and gender. The prevalence of anemia during pregnancy according Riskesdas 2007,2010, and 2013 tend to increase. One of risk factor isenvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This research was study the comparative risk of ETS exposure of anemia in pregnant woman. This study used case control design. Research sample consisted of two groups, case and control sample with the comparative at 1:2. Sample cases were pregnant women anemia (n=18) who control in Puskesmas Mojo Surabaya on 2015 while samplescontrol were pregnant woman who did not anemia (n=36), collected by simple random sampling. to determine the influence of risk by calculating the value on OR 95% CI with Statcalc in Epi Info. The independent variables were age, education level, employement status, family income, gestational age, gestational spacing, history of pregnant double, parity, antenatal care (ANC), LILA, Fe tablets. Results showed the risk exposure to ETS on the incidence of anemia in pregnant woma to the OR = 4.09 (1.07 < OR < 16.26), time of beginning the exposure 1st trimester OR = 5.43 (1.12< OR < 34.41), the number of active smokers 1-2 OR = 5.54 (1.20 < OR < 34.28), exposure duration ≤ 15 minute/day OR = 6.33 (1.28 < OR < 40.53).The conclusion is the exposure to cigarette smoke can causeanemia in pregnant woman. It is recommended for pregnant woman to avoid ETS exposure during pregnancy