37 research outputs found

    Mass aggregations of Bibio pomonae (Insecta: Diptera: Bibionidae), an indication of climate change?

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    Examination of stomach contents of the brown trout is a sensitive method to evaluate the animals occurring in a lake and its surroundings. Yearly test fishing from Lake Sandvatn at the Hardangervidda Mountain plateau in August has shown regular occurrence of Bibio pomonae in the brown trout stomachs every third year since 2001. The stomach fullness and selectivity for other food items is influenced by the local weather conditions, but in calm and sunny weather, mass aggregation of B. pomonae are reflected by high stomach fullness and the brown trout predate B. pomonae selectively. The stomach fullness with B. pomonae may give a significant measure of the mass aggregation phenomena in such periods. On the Hardangervidda Mountain plateau mass aggregation have been observed regularly every third year since 2001. Mass aggregations elsewhere on the southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula seem to follow the same pattern, but with a one-year delay in the northern part. Our results substantiate that mass aggregations of B. pomonae seem to be an irregular phenomenon in the previous century. In 2016 mass aggregation of B. pomonae was observed in the southern part of the Norwegian mountain range with its maximum abundance in the lower alpine zone. The abundance seems to have extended its maximum from the subalpine zone into the lower alpine zone. Mass aggregations were observed 1678 m a.s.l., 318 m higher up than previously recorded. In 2016 B. pomonae was also recorded earlier than ever before. Climate change may be a driver of the regular mass aggregations, the apparently increase in strength, the elevation of the abundance maximum, the new extreme altitude swarming, and the early hatchings seen after 2000

    A long-term study of the impact of the invasive species Eurasian minnow Phoxinus phoxinus on brown trout Salmo trutta production in a high mountain lake, Southern Norway

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    The shallow Lake Skjerja was originally one of the most outstanding brown trout lakes on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. During the period 1973–1985, the annual yield was on average 3.35 kg ha-1. In the mid-1980s, Eurasian minnow established a dense population in the lake. Since 1994, 5304 kg of Eurasian minnow have been removed with baited traps, which correspond to an annual mean catch of 177 kg year-1 or 1.12 kg ha-1. The competition for food, in addition to longer food chains, has had a strong negative impact on the brown trout production, with an annual yield reduced to 1.07 kg ha-1, or 32% of the historical catches (1973-1985). The total removed biomass of the two fish species correspond to 65% of the brown trout yield before the invasion of the Eurasian minnow. In Lake Skjerja, the two crustacean species Gammarus lacustris and Lepidurus arcticus, have historically been staple food items for brown trout. Fishing with baited traps on the minnows, and the presence of a large fraction of predatory brown trout, may have reduced the predation pressure on the two crustacean species, and they are still a part of the brown trout diet. The availability of fish as food has resulted in a significant increase in the presence of large individuals of brown trout with maximum weights above four kg. Despite reduced annual yield of brown trout, Lake Skjerja is still a popular fish destination with nearly 200 big-sized brown trout (mean annual weight 1065 grams) landed annually. On Hardangervidda, an increase in air temperature has been observed since the 1980s, with a corresponding change in water temperature which may benefit Eurasian minnow. In warm summers, water temperature approaches 14°C which has proved to be near to the upper thermal threshold for Lepidurus arcticus. Hardangervidda, climate change, brown trout yield, Eurasian minnow removalpublishedVersio

    Ørreten på HardangerviddaKlimaets betydning for årsklassestyrke og produksjon av fisk og næringsdyr i Sandvatn 2001-2015

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    Vi har undersøkt fiskebestanden i Sandvatn i Kvenna fra 2001 til 2015. I denne perioden har bestanden variert fra middels tett til svært tett, og fra 2007 til en stadig tynnere bestand. Dette har hatt avgjørende betydning for forekomstene av viktige næringsdyr som marflo og skjoldkreps. De store variasjonene forklares med variasjoner i klimatisk relaterte variable som snøforhold, vanntemperaturer og produksjonssesongens lengde. Sterke og svake årsklasser varierte synkront over store deler av Hardangervidda, og i tidligere årsrapporter har vi vist at mange av fiskebestandene nå domineres av svake årsklasser og lave tettheter. Fisket de nærmeste årene vil sannsynligvis være sterkt preget av dette. I Sandvatn vil dette vare til 2009-årsklassen kommer inn i fangbar størrelse om 2-3 år. Bestandene av de viktigste næringsdyrene, marflo, skjoldkreps og linsekreps vil bedres, og kvaliteten på fisken vil bli god. De periodevis store variasjonene i fiskebestandene kan være en utfordring for forvaltningen av fisket. Beskatningen bør være beskjeden de nærmeste årene. I henhold til Vannforskriftens krav til å definere begrepet God Økologisk Status legger basisovervåkingen opp til undersøkelser hvert tredje eller sjette år. Dette vil ikke kunne fange opp de variasjonene som er registrert i Sandvatn i perioden 2001-2015. Den synkrone variasjon i vanntemperaturer og fiskens årsklassestyrker gjør at årlig overvåkning av få innsjøer er det beste alternativet for å følge utviklingen i økologisk status for innsjøene på Hardangervidda, sannsynligvis også i andre høyfjellsområder.Miljødirektoratet i Trondhei

    Merkingsforsøk i fisketrappa ved Løpet i Renavassdraget i perioden 1985-2000

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    I perioden 1985-2000 ble 3159 harr og 1110 ørret registrert og merket i fisketrappa ved Løpet. Oppgangen av begge arter varierte mye fra år til år. Det var en negativ utvikling i oppgangen av ørret i løpet av undersøkelsesperioden, mens det var ingen tilsvarende trend i den årlige oppgangen av harr. Det vil si at det relative innslaget av harr i forhold til ørret i trappa har økt i perioden. Med ett unntak, en sik på 39 cm, var det kun harr og ørret som ble registrert i trappa. Gjennomsnittslengden til harr og ørret som ble merket i trappa var på henholdsvis 29.7 og 28 cm, og det var hovedsakelig individer > 20 cm av begge arter som ble registrert. Lengdefordelingen til harr eller ørret som gikk i trappa så ikke ut til å ha endret seg i løpet av undersøkelsesperioden. Innrapporterte gjenfangster av harr og ørret fra fiskerne viste at henholdsvis 88 % og 90 % av gjenfangstene ble foretatt innenfor en avstand på 20 km fra merkestedet. En stor andel av gjenfangstene av harr (87 %) og ørret (61 %) ble gjenfanget oppstrøms merkestedet, og områdene ved Rødsbrua (9 km fra Løpet) og Deset (17 km fra Løpet) peker seg ut med spesielt mange gjenfangster. Merkingene viser at både harr og ørret kan tilbakelegge store avstander i vassdraget. Ørret merket ved Løpet ble gjenfanget oppstrøms så langt opp som ved Flena’s utløp i Storsjøen (60 km fra Løpet) og nedstrøms så langt ned som til Strandfossen i Glomma (32 km fra Løpet). Gjenfangstene av harr ble innrapportert så langt opp som ved Andrå i Storsjøen (50 km fra Løpet) og nedstrøms så langt ned som til Strandfossen. Selv om enkelte gjenfangster av både harr og ørret viser at de kan forflytte seg over store avstander, er trolig omfanget av fiskevandringer i vassdraget mindre nå enn tidligere. Merkings-forsøk av harr i Løpet på slutten av 1960-tallet viste blant annet en større spredning av gjenfangstene enn det som ble registrert i denne undersøkelsen. Det ble ikke registrert massiv tilbakevandring av harr på høsten til overvintringsområder i Storsjøen slik som beskrevet tidligere (bl.a. Sømme’s beskrivelse av ”gangharren”). Gjennomsnittlig gjenfangstprosent (av fiskere) av harr og ørret i løpet av undersøkelsesperioden var på henholdsvis 13.6 og 12.3 %, men det var en tydelig nedgang i gjenfangstprosenten i løpet av undersøkelsesperioden for begge arter. Dette kan nok delvis skyldes lavere beskatning, men skyldes sannsynligvis også at andelen fiskere som sendte inn merke sank i løpet av perioden.English: A total of 3159 grayling Thymallus thymallus and 1110 brown trout Salmo trutta were tagged with Floy anchor tags in the fish ladder at Løpet in the regulated river Rena during the period 1985-2000. The annual number of observations of brown trout declined during the study period, whereas no significant trend in the annual number of observations of grayling was found. The mean lengths of tagged grayling and brown trout were 29.7 and 28 cm, respectively, and few individuals < 20 cm were recorded in the fish ladder. Most recaptures of both grayling (87 %) and brown trout (61 %) by anglers were reported from the upstream face of the dam. The mean frequencies of recaptures of grayling and brown trout reported by anglers were 13.6 % and 12.3 %, but there was a decreasing trend in the frequency of individuals recaptured during the study period. This might partly be explained by a lower rate of fishing mortality. The frequency of anglers actually reporting recaptures, however, was probably declining towards the end of the study period

    A long-term study of the impact of the invasive species Eurasian minnow Phoxinus phoxinus on brown trout Salmo trutta production in a high mountain lake, Southern Norway

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    The shallow Lake Skjerja was originally one of the most outstanding brown trout lakes on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. During the period 1973–1985, the annual yield was on average 3.35 kg ha-1. In the mid-1980s, Eurasian minnow established a dense population in the lake. Since 1994, 5304 kg of Eurasian minnow have been removed with baited traps, which correspond to an annual mean catch of 177 kg year-1 or 1.12 kg ha-1. The competition for food, in addition to longer food chains, has had a strong negative impact on the brown trout production, with an annual yield reduced to 1.07 kg ha-1, or 32% of the historical catches (1973-1985). The total removed biomass of the two fish species correspond to 65% of the brown trout yield before the invasion of the Eurasian minnow. In Lake Skjerja, the two crustacean species Gammarus lacustris and Lepidurus arcticus, have historically been staple food items for brown trout. Fishing with baited traps on the minnows, and the presence of a large fraction of predatory brown trout, may have reduced the predation pressure on the two crustacean species, and they are still a part of the brown trout diet. The availability of fish as food has resulted in a significant increase in the presence of large individuals of brown trout with maximum weights above four kg. Despite reduced annual yield of brown trout, Lake Skjerja is still a popular fish destination with nearly 200 big-sized brown trout (mean annual weight 1065 grams) landed annually. On Hardangervidda, an increase in air temperature has been observed since the 1980s, with a corresponding change in water temperature which may benefit Eurasian minnow. In warm summers, water temperature approaches 14°C which has proved to be near to the upper thermal threshold for Lepidurus arcticus

    Climatic effects on a cold stenotherm species Lepidurus arcticus (Branchiopoda, Notostraca) on the southern outreach of its distribution range

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    On the Norwegian mainland, the Arctic tadpole shrimp Lepidurus arcticus is a typically alpine species mainly co-occurring with fish. The Hardangervidda mountain plateau is the main area of the southernmost L. arcticus populations. Here L. arcticus is widely distributed, especially in the central and eastern parts of the plateau. Lepidurus arcticus has a univoltine life cycle emerging from resting eggs at ice break-up and fulfil development during the short mountain summer, before they reproduce and die. The main goal in this study was to investigate the thermal thresholds for L. arcticus. Timing of ice break-up and the proceeding water temperature are hypothesized to constitute the primary drivers of L. arcticus's development and growth. Stomach analyses of brown trout is the most sensitive method for sampling L. arcticus, especially at low densities. Analyses of 4 460 brown trout stomachs revealed that at least 400 degree-days are needed for development and growth from hatching in to adults. It is a significant gradient in climatic conditions on Hardangervidda with a coastal impact in the western part of the plateau with a three - to fourfold winter deposition compared to a dryer inland region in the east. The snow deposits have increased since the 1980s and snow rich winters have been more frequent. An additional increase is projected. This may give lower water temperature and shorter ice-free seasons. Thus, the cold western lakes could be even more hostile habitats for L. arcticus. During the same period, an abrupt increase in spring-summer temperatures was detected. This has improved the conditions for L. arcticus in many lakes. However, as a cold stenotherm species a further increase in temperature may be detrimental. Especially in shallow lakes in the central and eastern parts this may be a problem even without reaching critical levels by inducing life cycle mismatches.publishedVersio

    Occurrence of Cognitive and Neurological Symptoms in Norwegian Dentists

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    Objectives: Previous investigations have presented some evidence of late cognitive effects in dental personnel exposed to metallic mercury. We wanted to examine if Norwegian dentists have an increased prevalence of symptoms consistent with neurological and/or cognitive malfunction.Methods: The study group consisted of 406 dentists from central Norway and 217 controls from the general population, all under the age of 70. They had responded to a standardised postal questionnaire (Euroquest) inquiring about seven symptoms in regard to neurology, psychosomatics, memory, concentration, mood, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. A score was calculated for each symptom based on 4 to 15 single questions scored on a scale from 1 (seldom or never) to 4 (very often).Results: The dentists and controls had a participation rate of 57.2 % and 42.9 % respectively. The dentists reported no more cognitive symptoms than the controls, with low average symptom scores from 1.16 for neurological symptoms in males to 1.73 for fatigue in females. Corresponding figures for the controls were 1.22 and 1.77. There were a total of 1.2 % of the dentists and 1.8 % of the controls who reported having three or more of the seven symptoms "often" or more frequently.Conclusion: Norwegian dentists do not report more cognitive and neurological symptoms than controls from the general population

    Upper thermal threshold of Lepidurus arcticus (Branchiopoda, Notostraca) in lakes on the southern outreach of its distribution range

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    Qvenild T, Fjeld E, Fjellheim A, Hammar J, Hesthagen T and Lakka H-K. 2021. Upper thermal threshold of Lepidurus arcticus (Branchiopoda, Notostraca) in lakes on the southern outreach of its distribution range. Fauna norvegica 41: 50–88. The Arctic tadpole shrimp Lepidurus arcticus has a circumpolar distribution and the Scandes (Fennoscandian Mountains) marks its southernmost limit in Europe. Within this area, 391 natural and 88 regulated lakes with L. arcticus have been identified, of which 87% are above the treeline. The lakes hosting L. arcticus decrease in altitude from south to north, which results from its temperature preferences. The majority of the locations are at a lower lake air temperature than 11°C which is equivalent to a water temperature near 14°C. This is assumed to be near the upper thermal threshold for L. arcticus. In lakes that exceed this average summer water temperature (1 July – 15 September), sustainable populations seem to be rare. In warmer lakes, life cycle mismatches are assumed to explain the absence of L. arcticus, most likely by affecting the embryo and juvenile stages. The distribution appears to be dichotomous, with one large northern area north of 65°N and one separated southern “island”. Only two locations of L. arcticus are known for the area between latitudes 62.88 and 64.39°N. In this part of the Scandes, the lakes are likely too warm to host L. arcticus as most of them are situated below 700 m a.s.l. This may also be the case in the northernmost region, north of 70°N, where only 11 populations are recorded. Most of the lakes in this area typically occurs below 400 m a.s.l. L. arcticus populations are sensitive to fish predation, and dense fish populations may be another stressor limiting its distribution. In contrast to water bodies in the High Arctic where L. arcticus only exists in shallow, fishless ponds, in the Scandes they co-exist with fish in 97% of the findings. Global warming has already modified the environment of the Scandes, and populations of L. arcticus are at threat in many of the small and shallow water bodies at low altitudes

    Climatic effects on a cold stenotherm species Lepidurus arcticus (Branchiopoda, Notostraca) on the southern outreach of its distribution range

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    On the Norwegian mainland, the Arctic tadpole shrimp Lepidurus arcticus is a typically alpine species mainly co-occurring with fish. The Hardangervidda mountain plateau is the main area of the southernmost L. arcticus populations. Here L. arcticus is widely distributed, especially in the central and eastern parts of the plateau. Lepidurus arcticus has a univoltine life cycle emerging from resting eggs at ice break-up and fulfil development during the short mountain summer, before they reproduce and die. The main goal in this study was to investigate the thermal thresholds for L. arcticus. Timing of ice break-up and the proceeding water temperature are hypothesized to constitute the primary drivers of L. arcticus's development and growth. Stomach analyses of brown trout is the most sensitive method for sampling L. arcticus, especially at low densities. Analyses of 4 460 brown trout stomachs revealed that at least 400 degree-days are needed for development and growth from hatching in to adults. It is a significant gradient in climatic conditions on Hardangervidda with a coastal impact in the western part of the plateau with a three - to fourfold winter deposition compared to a dryer inland region in the east. The snow deposits have increased since the 1980s and snow rich winters have been more frequent. An additional increase is projected. This may give lower water temperature and shorter ice-free seasons. Thus, the cold western lakes could be even more hostile habitats for L. arcticus. During the same period, an abrupt increase in spring-summer temperatures was detected. This has improved the conditions for L. arcticus in many lakes. However, as a cold stenotherm species a further increase in temperature may be detrimental. Especially in shallow lakes in the central and eastern parts this may be a problem even without reaching critical levels by inducing life cycle mismatches

    The freshwater shrimp Gammarus lacustris (Malacostraca, Amphipoda) in lakes on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, southern Norway: distribution and environmental requirements

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    Qvenild T, Hesthagen T and Fjellheim A. 2020. The freshwater shrimp Gammarus lacustris (Malacostraca, Amphipoda) in lakes on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, southern Norway: distribution and environmental requirements. Fauna norvegica 40: 1–21. The distribution of the amphipod Gammarus lacustris on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau was mapped by screening published data from 245 lakes in 11 and 16 catchments in western and central/eastern areas, respectively. These data are primarily based on stomach analyses of brown trout Salmo trutta. In central/eastern areas, G. lacustris was recorded in 79% of all the lakes examined, while there are only two former records (4%) in the western area. The distribution pattern of G. lacustris on Hardangervidda appears to be related to environmental conditions. The apparent absence of G. lacustris in the western area may be explained by a combined effect of cold water due to higher deposits of snow and water with low ionic strength as a consequence of its bedrock of Precambrian gneisses and granites with little or no moraine cover. However, lakes in central/eastern areas sustain G. lacustris in spite of dilute water, as G. lacustris has been recorded in 89 lakes of which 28% had calcium concentration <1.0 mg L-1, eight of them with pH <6.0. The lower lethal threshold for calcium concentration seems to be ~0.5 mg L-1. Gammarus lacustris was found in lakes at altitudes of 832 to 1396 m a.s.l. Furthermore, their occurrence increased significantly with lake size, being 69% in lakes <1.0 km2 and 97% in larger lakes. The number of refugia with better water quality is likely to increase with lake size. Gammarus lacustris is highly searched for as prey by all size groups of Brown trout (15-45 cm). Access to proximity refugia that reduce predation pressure from fish may also increase with lake size. Climate changes are now in progress in this mountain area, and detailed mapping of G. lacustris is important in order to trace future range changes.publishedVersio