19 research outputs found

    Use Of "Imnamak" Nutritional Supplement In Cattle Feeding

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    This article presents information on the results of using the "Imnamak" nutritional supplement produced in Uzbekistan in feeding Holstein cattle. Improved appetite and positive changes in ethological parameters related to nutrition were found in cattle given this drug

    Use of English terminology in technical and transport universities

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    In the process of globalization, the rapid spread of information sources, the enormous increase in the amount of socially important (scientific, technological, cultural, etc.) information cannot fail to have an impact on any society. In addition to traditional information technologies based on creating, transmitting, receiving, storing, processing, multiplying, automating processes and presenting information in the form of books, newspapers, photos and movies, conditions for the emergence of new types of information technologies in production using information and communication technologies created New information technologies are not displacing traditional ones, but at the same time, the amount of information is not decreasing. In society, there is a problem of human adaptation to information or, to put it differently, adaptation to information. The emergence and development of a large number of sign systems, as a result of which a multi-component “information field” is formed, constitutes a unique world of information. In modern pedagogy, the direction called visual literacy (English visual literacy) deals with the problems of forming the skills of using visual and audiovisual information

    State of Hemodynamics in the mother-placenta-fetus system of women in premature pregnancy

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    The state of hemodynamics in the mother-placenta-fetus system of women with premature pregnancy was studied in the article. 102 women with premature pregnancy with delay of development were examined. Obtained results demonstrate, that the formation of placental insufficiency in women with premature pregnancy is preceded by hemodynamic disturbances, more significant of which is the increase of systolic-diasrolic indices in the uterine and umbilical artery, The earlier and significant disturbances of uterine-placental and fetus-placental blood flow were discovered in delay of development of fetus


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    <p>Ushbu maqolada gapning semantik-struktur munosabatida so'zlar bog'lashuvi, ularning amaliy va noamaliy mavqeyi masalasi, gapning qurilish ashyosi bo'lgan so'zning gap qurilishiga bevosita yoki bilvosita ta'siri, ya'ni markaz sifatida o'z atrofida ma'lum bir leksemalarni birlashtirishi yoki kengaytiruvchi sifatida qurshov vazifasini bajarish masalasi tahlilga tortiladi. Sintaksisning fundamental muammolaridan biri pog'onali sintaktik tahlil, sintaktik aloqalar tushunchalari, gap bo'laklarining iyerarxiyasi, markaz qurshovlilik munosabatining sintaktik sathda namoyon bo'lishi, sodda gaplarda markaz va qurshov munosabatining voqelanishi, gapning LSQida so'zlar bog'lashuvini tahlil qilish orqali aktantlarning gap qurilish sathidagi vaziyatini aniqlashtirish, gapning til bosqichidagi lisoniy gap bo'laklari (takibiy qismlari) o'rtasidagi semantik, grammatik bog'lanishni oydinlashtirish gap va so'z kengaytiruvchisining iyerxiyadagi maqomi masalasi yoritiladi.</p&gt