27 research outputs found

    Atuação do Líder na Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas: Reflexões, Lacunas e Oportunidades

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    Strategic human resource management and innovation capacity in the industry sector

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    Este estudo de natureza exploratória-descritiva versa sobre contribuições de fatores de estímulo para a capacidade de inovação sob a perspectiva da gestão estratégica de pessoas. O problema da pesquisa foi: em que medida a gestão estratégica de pessoas pode contribuir para a capacidade de inovação no setor industrial? Foram formulados três objetivos de investigação: identificar indicadores de gestão estratégicas de pessoas, identificar indicadores de capacidade de inovação e analisar as contribuições da gestão estratégica de pessoas para a capacidade de inovação. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio da qual se obtiveram características e indicadores utilizados na pesquisa empírica conduzida sob o método quantitativo. Foram feitos 1.034 com profissionais responsáveis pela gestão de projetos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, sendo que 39 participaram do levantamento. Foi confirmada a hipótese geral do estudo, que gestão estratégica de pessoas está associada com capacidade de inovação. Também foi confirmada uma hipótese específica, que liderança e gestão é a característica de gestão estratégica de pessoas que esteve mais fortemente associada com capacidade de inovação. Foram propostas sugestões de continuidade da pesquisa e novas pesquisas relacionadas ao tema.This study focuses on stimulus factors\' contributions for innovation management. Its research problem was \"to what extent strategic human resource management can contribute to innovation capacity in the industrial sector?\" The three objectives of this study were: identifying innovation capacity antecedents from the perspective of strategic human resource management; identifying innovation capacity indicators; and analyzing the contributions of strategic human resource management for innovation capacity. In order to identify innovation capacity antecedents, a bibliographical research in strategic human resources literature and in innovation management literature had been carried out. These antecedents consisted of seven organizational characteristics, four of which were chosen for being related to strategic human resource management: philosophy, values and norms; strategic innovative focus; leadership and management; and human resources policies and practices. An unprecedented conceptual model was developed in order to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables: strategic human resource management and innovation capacity. In addition, three intervening variables were selected from the literature: organizational size, gross operating income and number of years operating in Brazil. An empirical, descriptive and quantitative research was carried out by means of deductive reasoning. The population of the study consisted of professionals responsible for research, development and innovation in industrial organizations operating in Brazil. From 1.034 professionals responsible for research, development and innovation were contacted, 48 of them participated in the survey and 39 provided complete answers. The general hypothesis of the study - that strategic human resource management is associated with innovation capacity - was confirmed. The strategic resource management characteristics that were moderately or highly correlated with innovation capacity were: strategic innovative focus; leadership and management; and human resources policies and practice. Philosophy, values and norms was the only characteristic that presented low correlation. Continuity of this research and new research topics were suggested

    Adaptation to career transition in the middle age: an exploratory study focused on locus of control

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    A dificuldade de se planejar a carreira em um ambiente caracterizado pelo dinamismo e descontinuidade tem demandado a realização de estudos centrados em referenciais internos que possam contribuir com o autoconhecimento. Este estudo exploratório teve por objetivo aprofundar o entendimento sobre a adaptação à transição de carreira na meia-idade utilizando um constructo oriundo da Psicologia: o locus de controle. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa em que foram empregadas duas técnicas de investigação: um inventário de locus de controle e a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os relatos obtidos nas entrevistas foram transcritos para a utilização de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. A partir da análise dos resultados foram identificadas quais e como foram feitas as adaptações à transição de carreira na meia-idade, bem como formulada uma hipótese de pesquisa: o locus de controle interno facilita a adaptação às transições de carreira na meia-idade.The difficulty in planning the career in an environment characterized by dynamism and disruption has demanded studies centered on personal internal references that may contribute to self-knowledge. The objective of this exploratory study was to deeply understand the adaptation to the career transition in the middle age by means of a psychological construct: the locus of control. A qualitative research, in which were used two investigation techniques: locus of control inventory and semistructured interview was carried out. The speeches from the interviews were transcribed, so that they could be submitted to content analysis techniques. From the analysis of the findings it was identified which and how the adaptations to the career transitions in the middle age occurred. Furthermore, a research hypothesis was stated: the internal locus of control facilitates the adaptation to the career transitions in the middle age

    Atuação do Líder na Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas: Reflexões, Lacunas e Oportunidades

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    A gestão estratégica de pessoas é um tema bastante estudado, enfatizando a relação entre políticas e práticas de gestão e outras variáveis organizacionais. A atuação dos atores organizacionais na gestão é pouco trabalhada, tornando o processo de implementação da gestão de pessoas pouco explorado. O estudo sobre a área de recursos humanos contribui para evidenciar uma lacuna na implementação, pois enfatiza o papel consultivo dos profissionais. Este trabalho objetiva analisar a atuação dos líderes como elo na gestão estratégica de pessoas por meio de reflexões sugeridas e pautadas em referencial teórico (gestão estratégica de pessoas, liderança e relações entre essas temáticas) e sugerir uma integração de modelos (liderança e gestão de pessoas) para suportar a evolução dos estudos. As quatro orientações do líder propostas por Yukl (2012), as definições de espaço organizacional de O’Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz e Self (2010), bem como o modelo tridimensional de Gratton e Truss (2003) e a proposta de papéis na gestão de pessoas de Ulrich (1997) podem ser base para a integração dos temas. Por meio deste artigo, pretende-se contribuir fornecendo sustentação para o desenvolvimento e o aprofundamento de estudos empíricos, além de endereçar uma lacuna sobre a temática da implementação na gestão estratégica de pessoas

    Effect of water storage and heat treatment on the cytotoxicity of soft liners

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of water storage time on the cytotoxicity of soft liners. Methods: Sample discs of soft liners Dentusoft, Dentuflex, Trusoft, Ufi-Gel-P and denture base acrylic resin Lucitone-550 were prepared and divided into four groups: GN: No treatment, G24: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 24 h; G48: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 48 h, GHW: Immersed in water at 55 degrees C for 10 min. To analyse the cytotoxic effect, three samples of each group were placed in tubes with Dubelcco's Modified Eagle Mediums and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. During this period, the toxic substances were leached to the culture medium. The cytotoxicity was analysed quantitatively by the incorporation of radioactivity H-3-thymidine checking the number of viable cells (synthesis of DNA). The data were statistically analysed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's honestly significant difference tests (alpha = 0.05). Results: Treatments did not reduce the cytotoxicity effect of the soft liners (p > 0.05). It was found that Ufi-Gel-P had a non-cytotoxic effect, Trusoft had a slightly cytotoxic effect, Dentuflex had a moderated cytotoxic effect, Dentusoft alternated between slightly and non-cytotoxic effect, and Lucitone-550 had non-cytotoxic effect when stored in water for 48 h. Conclusion: The effect of water storage and the heat treatment did not reduce the cytotoxicity of the soft liners.292E275E28

    A Missão Organizacional das Melhores e Maiores Empresas do Brasil

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    The concern with outcomes and best practices is part of the daily life of managers and companies, including the concern with strategic planning. Within this context, this research aims to answer the following question: What is the organizational structure of the mission statements of the companies classified as "Biggest and Best" in Brazil? For this we analyze the organizational mission of the 500 best companies classified by ranking "Best and Biggest of 2012" by Abril publisher. It was observed that the main aspects are: "Identification of self-concept and core values, philosophy, technology and core competencies and organizational behavior"; "products and services" and "sustainable issues" (social and environmental). "Although it is not possible to say that the presence or absence of the aspects in their missions are responsible for the performance of companies, we can say that these aspects are present in the organizational mission of the 500 Best and Biggest of 2012.A preocupação com resultados e melhores práticas faz parte do cotidiano dos gestores e das empresas e dentro de tudo isso a preocupação com o planejamento estratégico. Dentro deste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou responder o seguinte questionamento: Qual a estrutura da missão organizacional das empresas classificadas como “Melhores e Maiores” no Brasil? Para isso analisamos a missão organizacional das 500 empresas melhores classificadas pelo ranking “Melhores & Maiores de 2012” publicado pela editora Abril. Foi possível observar que os aspectos mais presentes são: “Identificação do autoconceito e valores fundamentais, filosofia, tecnologias e competências essenciais e comportamento da organização”; “produtos e serviços” e “questões sustentáveis” (social e ambiental)”. Embora não seja possível dizer que a presença ou ausência dos aspectos em suas missões sejam responsáveis pelo desempenho das empresas, podemos afirmar que estes aspectos estão presentes na missão organizacional das 500 Melhores & Maiores de 2012

    Effect of water storage and heat treatment on the cytotoxicity of soft liners

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of water storage time on the cytotoxicity of soft liners.Methods: Sample discs of soft liners Dentusoft, Dentuflex, Trusoft, Ufi-Gel-P and denture base acrylic resin Lucitone-550 were prepared and divided into four groups: GN: No treatment, G24: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 24 h; G48: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 48 h, GHW: Immersed in water at 55 degrees C for 10 min. To analyse the cytotoxic effect, three samples of each group were placed in tubes with Dubelcco's Modified Eagle Mediums and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. During this period, the toxic substances were leached to the culture medium. The cytotoxicity was analysed quantitatively by the incorporation of radioactivity H-3-thymidine checking the number of viable cells (synthesis of DNA). The data were statistically analysed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's honestly significant difference tests (alpha = 0.05).Results: Treatments did not reduce the cytotoxicity effect of the soft liners (p > 0.05). It was found that Ufi-Gel-P had a non-cytotoxic effect, Trusoft had a slightly cytotoxic effect, Dentuflex had a moderated cytotoxic effect, Dentusoft alternated between slightly and non-cytotoxic effect, and Lucitone-550 had non-cytotoxic effect when stored in water for 48 h.Conclusion: The effect of water storage and the heat treatment did not reduce the cytotoxicity of the soft liners

    Clinical evaluation of failures in removable partial dentures

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    The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the effects of removable partial dentures on the support tissues and changes occurring in lower tooth-supported and bilateral distal-extension dentures, 5 years after placement. The study involved analysis of a total of 53 patients who received prosthetic treatment for removable partial dentures. The patients were divided into two groups. In group 1, the patients had a completely edentulous maxilla and an edentulous area with natural teeth remaining in both the anterior and posterior regions. In group 2, the patients had a completely edentulous maxilla and partially edentulous mandible with preserved anterior teeth. Tooth mobility, prevalence of caries, fracture of the abutment teeth, fracture and/or deformation of the removable partial denture components and stability of the denture base were evaluated. The use of a removable partial denture increased tooth mobility, reduced the prevalence of caries, and did not cause loss or fracture of the abutments or damage to their components, when compared with the baseline. It was concluded that there was no difference between the groups as evaluated in terms of tooth mobility, prevalence of caries, loss and fracture of the abutments or damage to the components of the removable partial denture.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Susceptibility of multispecies biofilm to photodynamic therapy using Photodithazine®

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    This in vitro study evaluated the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on the multispecies biofilm of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Streptococcus mutans. Standardized fungal and bacterial suspensions were cultivated appropriately for each species and inoculated in 96-well microtiter plates for mix-biofilm formation. After 48 h of incubation, the biofilms were submitted to PDT (P + L+) using Photodithazine® (PDZ) at 100, 150, 175, 200, or 250 mg/mL for 20 min and 37.5 J/cm2 of light-emitting diode (LED) (660 nm). Additional samples were treated only with PDZ (P + L-) or LED (P-L+), or neither (control, P-L-). Afterwards, the biofilms were evaluated by quantification of colonies (CFU/mL), metabolic activity (XTT reduction assay), total biomass (crystal violet staining), and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p < 0.05). Compared with the control, PDT promoted a significant reduction in colonies viability of the three species evaluated with 175 and 200 mg/mL of PDZ. PDT also significantly reduced the metabolic activity of the biofilms compared with the control, despite the PDZ concentration. However, no significant difference was found in the total biomass of samples submitted or not to PDT. For all analysis, no significant difference was verified among P-L-, P + L-, and P-L+. CSLM showed a visual increase of dead cells after PDT. PDT-mediated PDZ was effective in reducing the cell viability of multispecies biofilm. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London