38 research outputs found

    Comparison of mandibular arch expansion by the schwartz appliance using two activation protocols: A preliminary retrospective clinical study

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    Background and objectives: Dental crowding is more pronounced in the mandible than in the maxilla. When exceeding a significant amount, the creation of new space is required. The mandibular expansion devices prove to be useful even if the increase in the lower arch perimeter seems to be just ascribed to the vestibular inclination of teeth. The aim of the study was to compare two activation protocols of the Schwartz appliance in terms of effectiveness, particularly with regard to how quickly crowding is solved and how smaller is the increasing of vestibular inclination of the mandibular molars. Materials and methods: We compared two groups of patients treated with different activation's protocols of the lower Schwartz appliance (Group 1 protocol consisted in turning the expansion screw half a turn twice every two weeks and replacing the device every four months; Group 2 was treated by using the classic activation protocol-1/4 turn every week, never replacing the device). The measurements of parameters such as intercanine distance (IC), interpremolar distance (IPM), intermolar distance (IM), arch perimeter(AP), curve of Wilson (COW), and crowding (CR) were made on dental casts at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. Results: A significant difference between protocol groups was observed in the variation of COWL between time 0 and time 1 with protocol 1 with protocol 1 subjects showing a smaller increase in the parameter than protocol 2 subjects. The same trend was observed also for COWR, but the difference between protocol groups was slightly smaller and the interaction protocol-by-time did not reach the statistical significance. Finally, treatment duration in protocol 1 was significantly lower than in protocol 2. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that the new activation protocol would seem more effective as it allows to achieve the objective of the therapy more quickly, and likely leading to greater bodily expansion


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    The purpose of this study was to compare two different Karate roundhouse kicks performed by athletes of different technical level. The combination of high movement velocities and a high technical difficulty, qualify these actions as a good model to quantify the ability of a Karateka to execute complex movements. The first kick, directed to the face, entails a strong braking action to avoid the impact (NI), the other, directed to the chest, is concluded by an impact (IM). Technical aspects and the role of muscular co-activation as joint protector were investigated in six top level Karateka (KA) and six practicing karate amateurs (CO), by estimating joint kinematics and neuromuscular activity patterns. KA presented a faster execution for both tasks, prevalently due to a faster knee extension, supported by a low co-activation of the antagonist Biceps Femoris. This behaviour confirms that elite KA tend to lower the co-activation of antagonist muscles during fast movements, partially in contrast with the antagonists possible role in maintaining knee stability. The NI task, requiring higher technical competence and entailing a high target, is performed by KA athletes using a peculiar technique, based on a wide hip flexion-extension range, with a peak hip ab-adduction occurring earlier than in CO. A lower co-activation presented by CO during knee flexion is presumably due to their difficulty in mastering this complex kick

    Weak proactive cognitive/motor brain control accounts for poor children's behavioral performance in speeded discrimination tasks

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    Background: Motor and inhibitory control rely on frontal cortex activity, which is known to reach full maturation only in late adolescence. The development of inhibitory control has been studied using event-related potentials (ERP), focusing on reactive processing (i.e. the N2 and the P3 components). Scarce information exists concerning pre-stimulus activity as that represented by the Bereinshafstpotential (BP) and by the prefrontal negativity (pN). Further, no literature exists concerning the post-stimulus components originating within the anterior insula (pN1, pP1, pP2). This study aims at associating children performance with these motor-cognitive processing in frontal brain areas. Methods: High-resolution EEG recordings were employed to measure ERPs from 18 children (12 years old) and 18 adults (28 years old) during a visuo-motor discriminative response task. Response time (RT), commission (CE) and omission errors, and RT variability were compared between groups. At brain level, two pre-stimulus (BP and pN) and seven post-stimulus (P1; pN1; N1; pP1; N2; pP2; P3) ERP components were compared between groups. Results: Children showed slower and more variable RTs and poorer inhibition (higher CEs) than adults. At electrophysiological level, children presented smaller BP and pN. After stimulus onset, children showed lower amplitude of N1, pP1, P3, and pP2 components. The P1, pP1, N2 and P3 were delayed compared to adults. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that children are characterized by less intense task-related proactive activities in frontal cortex, which may account for subsequent poor and delayed reactive processing and, thus, for inaccurate and slow performance

    Oral and craniofacial manifestations of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome: A systematic review

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    Aim A systematic literature review on oral and craniofacial manifestations of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome was performed. Methods From 2 databases were selected 74 articles using as key words "Ellis-Van Creveld" AND "Oral" OR "Craniofacial" OR "Dental" OR "Malocclusion". Prisma protocol was used to create an eligible list for the screening. Data were collected in a table to compare the clinical aspects found. Results From the first research emerged 350 articles, and only 72 of them were selected. Conclusion Through this analysis oral and cranio-facial manifestations of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome were pointed out. Management of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome requires a multidisciplinary approach involving different clinicians; dentists play an important role in early diagnosis and treatment of the patients

    Association between Anatomical Variations and maxillary canine impaction: A retrospective study in orthodontics

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    This study aims to evaluate whether or not there is a higher prevalence of skeletal abnormalities in subjects with maxillary canine impaction (MCI). This retrospective study was performed on 67 subjects with maxillary canine impaction (test group) and on 67 patients without dental displacement (control group). Sella turcica bridging (SB), ponticulus posticus (PP), atlas posterior arch deficiency (APAD) and the morphology of sella turcica and pterygopalatine fissure were evaluated on lateral cephalometric radiographs. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square, Mann-Whitney test and multivariate logistic models; the level of significance was p < 0.05. Results showed that in the test and control groups 87% and 62.7% of patients had SB, respectively. PP was observed in 60% of patients in the test group and in 16.4% of patients in the control group. APAD was observed in 9% of test group and in 4.5% of the control group. Skeletal anomalies were significantly increased (p < 0.05) in subjects with MCI. A significant difference between the groups was observed in regards to the shape of the pterygopalatine fissure, found to be less wide and longer in the test group. SB, PP and APAD were higher in subjects with MCI; furthermore, an elongated pterygopalatine fissure was significantly associated with MCI

    Silica dioxide colloidal solutions is efficient in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a case control study

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    The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of supportive periodontal therapy (i.e. scaling and rooth planning, SRP) alone versus a chemical device silica dioxide (SiO2) colloidal solutions (SDCS) used in association with SRP in the treatment of chronic periodontitis in adult patients. A total of 20 patients with a diagnosis of chronic periodontitis (40 localized chronic periodontitis sites) in the age group of 35 to 55 were selected. None of these patients have previously received any surgical or non-surgical periodontal therapy and demonstrated radiographic evidence of moderate bone loss. Two non-adjacent sites in separate quadrants were selected in each patient to monitorize treatment efficacy (split mouth design). Clinical pocket depth (PD) and microbial analysis (MA) were analyzed at baseline and 15th day. SPSS program and paired simple statistic T-test were used to detect significant differences. Total bacteria loading, Tannerella Forsitia and Treponema Denticola loading were statistically reduced when SiO2 is locally delivered. SDCS gel is an adjuvant therapy which should be added to SRP in the management of moderate to severe chronic periodontitis

    Atr-ftir analysis of orthodontic invisalign® aligners subjected to various in vitro aging treatments

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    Clear and removable tooth aligners for orthodontics treatments have become an increasingly popular alternative to fixed appliances. Even if protocols suggest removing aligners before eating or drinking, most patients retain them when they drink beverages. Alterations in the material during the daily use could determine a reduction in the application forces, affecting the desired orthodontic movement; the knowledge of how this material reacts when subjected to different aging processes is mandatory to establish the predictability of the orthodontic treatment. According to this, the aim of the present study was to assess a new objective approach, coupling spectroscopic and chemometric tools, to evaluate the changes occurring in Invisalign® aligners, the most widely used brand, exposed in vitro to coffee, tea, Coca Cola® and UV radiation for 24 and 48 h. In particular, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was utilized to characterize, at the molecular level, the chemical and color modifications in the surfaces of the appliances; the obtained data were submitted to PCA and one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Moreover, a colorimetry analysis was carried out to evaluate any changes in color and transparency. Coffee and tea samples displayed the major color changes between the tested groups. The differences highlighted in the spectral features of coffee, tea and UV-treated samples were mainly ascribable to color and transparency changes, because the chemical properties remained unaltered

    Three-dimensional assessment on digital cast of spontaneous upper first molar distorotation after Ni-ti leaf springs expander and rapid maxillary expander: A two-centre randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to evaluate the spontaneous distorotation of upper first permanent molars and the transverse dentoalveolar changes on digital casts in growing patients following maxillary expansion treatment using either the Leaf Expander® or the rapid maxillary expander (RME), both anchored to the deciduous second molar. Trial Design and Setting: This study was a two-arm, parallel-assignment, RCT with a dual-centre design conducted at two teaching hospitals in Italy. Participants: Inclusion criteria included maxillary transverse deficiency, prepubertal development stage (cervical vertebra maturation stage [CVMS] 1–2) and early mixed dentition with fully erupted upper first permanent molars. Exclusion criteria were systemic diseases or syndromes, CVMS 3–6, agenesis of upper second premolars, unavailability of the second deciduous molar for anchorage and Class III malocclusion. Randomization: Patients were randomly assigned to the Leaf Expander® or RME group using a computer-generated randomization list created by a central randomization centre. Randomization was conducted immediately before the start of treatment. Intervention: The intervention involved treatment with either the Leaf Expander® or the RME. Both devices were anchored to the second deciduous molars. Following randomization, patients were further categorized based on the presence of no crossbite, unilateral crossbite or bilateral crossbite. Main Outcome Measure: The primary outcome measure was the distorotation of the upper first molar (U6). Secondary outcomes included measurements of interdental linear dimensions, specifically upper inter-canine width (53–63), upper inter-molar width (MV16–MV26) and upper inter-deciduous second molar width (55–65). Blinding: The examiner analysing the digital casts was blinded to the treatment groups to prevent detection bias and ensure objective assessment. However, due to the nature of the intervention, blinding was not feasible for the patients and clinicians involved in administering the treatment. Results: A total of 150 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to two groups: 75 to the Leaf Expander® group and 75 to the RME group. Recruitment started in November 2021 and was completed in November 2022. At the time of analysis, the trial was complete with no ongoing follow-ups. ANOVA tests revealed no significant differences between the three subgroups (no-cross, unilateral-cross and bilateral-cross) within both the Leaf Expander® and RME groups at T0. The Leaf Expander® demonstrated significantly greater distorotation in the unilateral crossbite subgroup compared to the RME (p =.014). In terms of total molar distorotation, the Leaf Expander® appliance showed a significantly greater effect (12.66°) compared with conventional RME (7.83°). Linear regression analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between the extent of expansion and the degree of molar rotation. Conclusions: Maxillary expansion resulted in significant spontaneous molar distorotation when the appliance was bonded to the second deciduous molars. The Leaf Expander® exhibited significantly greater molar distorotation compared with conventional RME. The degree of molar distorotation was correlated with the extent of expansion obtained on the second deciduous molar. Trial Registration: The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (ID: NCT05135962)