Silica dioxide colloidal solutions is efficient in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a case control study


The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of supportive periodontal therapy (i.e. scaling and rooth planning, SRP) alone versus a chemical device silica dioxide (SiO2) colloidal solutions (SDCS) used in association with SRP in the treatment of chronic periodontitis in adult patients. A total of 20 patients with a diagnosis of chronic periodontitis (40 localized chronic periodontitis sites) in the age group of 35 to 55 were selected. None of these patients have previously received any surgical or non-surgical periodontal therapy and demonstrated radiographic evidence of moderate bone loss. Two non-adjacent sites in separate quadrants were selected in each patient to monitorize treatment efficacy (split mouth design). Clinical pocket depth (PD) and microbial analysis (MA) were analyzed at baseline and 15th day. SPSS program and paired simple statistic T-test were used to detect significant differences. Total bacteria loading, Tannerella Forsitia and Treponema Denticola loading were statistically reduced when SiO2 is locally delivered. SDCS gel is an adjuvant therapy which should be added to SRP in the management of moderate to severe chronic periodontitis

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