1,519 research outputs found

    A Song for the Times

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    Nationalistic song concerning British fighting might.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_uk/1076/thumbnail.jp

    Utilizing Fluorescent Nanoscale Particles to Create a Map of the Electric Double Layer

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    The interactions between charged particles in solution and an applied electric field follow several models, most notably the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, for the establishment of an electric double layer along the electrode, but these models make several assumptions of ionic concentrations and an infinite bulk solution. As more scientific progress is made for the finite and single molecule reactions inside microfluidic cells, the limitations of the models become more extreme. Thus, creating an accurate map of the precise response of charged nanoparticles in an electric field becomes increasingly vital. Another compounding factor is Brownian motion’s inverse relationship with size: large easily observable particles have relatively small Brownian movements, while nanoscale particles are simultaneously more difficult to be observed directly and have much larger magnitude Brownian movements. The research presented here tackles both cases simultaneously using fluorescently tagged, negatively charged, 20 nm diameter polystyrene nanoparticles. By utilizing parallel plate electrodes within a specially constructed microfluidic device that limits the z-direction, the nanoparticle movements become restricted to two dimensions. By using one axis to measure purely Brownian motion, while the other axis has both Brownian motion and ballistic movement from the applied electric field, the ballistic component can be disentangled and isolated. Using this terminal velocity to calculate the direct effect of the field on a single nanoparticle, as opposed to the reaction of the bulk solution, several curious phenomena were observed: the trajectory of the nanoparticle suggests that the charge time of the electrode is several magnitudes larger than the theoretical value, lasting for over a minute instead of tens of milliseconds. Additionally, the effective electric field does not reduce to below the Brownian limit, but instead has a continued influence for far longer than the model suggests. Finally, when the electrode was toggled off, a repeatable response was observed where the nanoparticle would immediately alter course in the opposite direction of the previously established field, rebounding with a high degree of force for several seconds after the potential had been cut before settling to a neutral and stochastic Brownian motion. While some initial hypotheses are presented in this dissertation as possible explanations, these findings indicate the need for additional experiments to find the root cause of these unexpected results and observations

    Bridging The Transition Gap: Student Perceptions Of Middle To High School Transition Practices And School Connectedness

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    The purpose of this study was two-fold: first, to understand perceptions of high school students regarding their transition from middle school into high school. Grounded theory research methods were used to construct theory from data obtained from the study. Secondly, the researcher wished to advocate for North Dakota high schools for implementing school-wide transition programs to bridge the transition gap during a period of pivotal importance in the lives of our students. A review of North Dakota Century Code 15.1 revealed no statute has been developed requiring North Dakota schools to implement school-wide programs or activities focusing on students transitioning from middle to high school.The researcher conducted a grounded theory mixed methods study by collecting online survey responses (both quantitative and qualitative) from 513 currently enrolled high school (10th-12th grade) students from three participating high schools within one public school district in North Dakota. Grounded theory is employed to understand a situation (student’s perceptions of transitioning into high school) and to identify the cause of a problem (possible reasons/motivations behind students perceptions of school connectedness). The integration of Schlossberg’s Transition Theory and School Connectedness frameworks were critical in understanding how student participants experienced their transition into high school as well as unearthing aspects of school life that may have contributed to the overall transition itself. Findings of this study suggested that students within the participating school district had a need for connections with others, believed there are multiple benefits of joining extracurriculars, and had a need to learn more about the “unknowns” about high school prior to their arrival. The results of this study included recommendations for educators, state educational departments, students, and for implementation of a school-wide transition program for incoming high school students to bridge the transition gap between middle school and high schoo

    Etnie, natiune, modernitate - o abordare critica a premiselor etno-simboliste

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    In my article I will try to examine some methodological assumptions proposed by Anthony D. Smith regarding the study of nations and nationalisms and discuss the relation between the ethnie and nation in his work in order to asses the implications they have on the wider theoretical model proposed by ethno-symbolism

    Modul de productie asiatic – dezbateri teoretice

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    In acest articol îmi propun abordarea unei discutii particulare din punctul de vedere al constructiei teoretice marxiste, mai precis cea referitoare la modul de productie asiatic, relevanta din doua puncte de vedere: mai intai datorita faptului cã reprezinta una dintre limitele explicative auto-asumate ale teoriei marxiste si, in al doilea rand, pentru ca deschide o directie ce face referire directa la forma pe care marxism-leninismul a luat-o in demersul sau practic de edificare a socialismului de stat dar totodatã ridica si problema locului si rolului pe care ideologia l-a avut în URSS si mai apoi în randul statelor si partidelor comuniste din Europa de Est, oferind un bun exemplu privind constructia ideologiei in marxism-leninism. Acest articol este structurat pe mai multe paliere. Mai intai, cel al viziunii teoretice a lui Marx privind modul de productie asiatic, unde voi prezenta critic principalele dimensiuni si caracteristici ale conceptului, in acelasi timp subliniind limitele teoretice ale abordarii explicative marxiste. Apoi voi analiza principalele dezvoltari ale teoriei, reprezentate de lucrarile lui Wittfogel si Krader pentru ca, mai apoi, sa sintetizez trasaturile modului de productie asiatic si sa discut relevanta sa in raport cu studiul ideologiei la Marx. Intr-un ultim pas, voi aborda problema din perspectiva sugerata de Wittfogel, a paralelei dintre despotismele orientale si totalitarismul comunist, ilustrand printr-un studiu de caz privindistoria conceptului in teoria sovietica si cea chineza felul in care modul de productie asiatic a fost interpretat si construit ideologic

    Satellite Communications to Mobile Terminals -A Forecast of Needs and Techniques

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    Economic pressures and technical developments lead to an international satellite communications and surveillance system satisfying the needs of many mobile users, especially aircraft. The dominant need is to provide three-dimensional surveillance of air space around airports. The large number of carrier and general aircraft requires the satellite system and its ground control facility to carry the burden of providing adequate link margins and position computation

    Knowledge visualisation criteria for supporting knowledge transfer in incident management systems

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    During an incident, which is critical in nature, sense-making by the individuals involved are essential in ensuring an optimal response to the incident. The incident management systems employed to manage the allocation of resources to an incident allow for the visualisation of the incident and its constituents, and this visualisation supports sense-making by improving knowledge transfer. Knowledge visualisation contains pitfalls that can be avoided by implementing knowledge visualisation criteria. The purpose of this study is to identify the knowledge visualisation criteria that optimise the knowledge transfer by visual artifacts in incident management systems like emergency medical or fire-response systems. This study used the design science research (DSR) methodology and was conducted in the context of critical incident response management. A review of the existing literature was done to identify an initial set of knowledge visualisation criteria. The initial set was evaluated by content experts (using questionnaire driven interviews) and usability experts (using questionnaire driven interviews, usability testing with eye tracking and a survey) in the context of an emergency incident management system. The main contribution of this study is a validated set of knowledge visualisation criteria to guide knowledge transfer in incident management systems.School of ComputingM. Sc. Computin

    The Wind Band Music of Scott McAllister

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    As wind band conductors and the professional organizations to which they belong continue the push to elevate the status of the wind ensemble in the realm of art music performance, there is a great effort to increase the amount of high quality repertoire for the medium. These efforts have resulted in many commissioning projects by band organizations and other consortia, several of which have benefitted award-winning composer Scott McAllister. The purpose of this study is to explore the outstanding contributions of Scott McAllister to the world of wind band music, with an emphasis on KRUMP. Biographical information for McAllister, an examination of KRUMP, and recommendations to assist the performing musicians in score and part preparations for KRUMPare provided
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