14 research outputs found

    Real-time Artificial Intelligence for Accelerator Control: A Study at the Fermilab Booster

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    We describe a method for precisely regulating the gradient magnet power supply at the Fermilab Booster accelerator complex using a neural network trained via reinforcement learning. We demonstrate preliminary results by training a surrogate machine-learning model on real accelerator data to emulate the Booster environment, and using this surrogate model in turn to train the neural network for its regulation task. We additionally show how the neural networks to be deployed for control purposes may be compiled to execute on field-programmable gate arrays. This capability is important for operational stability in complicated environments such as an accelerator facility.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. For associated dataset and data sheet see http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.408898

    La magia de tus pensamientos : poesías & cuentos

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    Recopilación de poesías y cuentos realizados por aprendices del SENA de los programas de Mantenimiento de Motores Diesel, Técnico en Sistemas, Automatización Industrial, Electricidad Industrial, Diseño e Integración de Automatismos Mecatrónicos, Mantenimiento de Equipo Biomédico, Animación 3D, Manejo Ambiental, Diseño e integración de Automatismos Mecatrónicos y Mantenimiento mecatrónico automotriz, entre 2015 y 2017.Poesías 2018 -- Dándome tu vida / Brayan Orlando Jaimes Chaparro -- Tierra infinita / Christian Ricardo Caballero Villamizar -- Lamento a la tierra / Jeferson Alexis Montoya Moreno -- Conciencia por favor / Daniel Rincón -- Salvar un hogar llamado tierra / William Gamboa Arguello -- Planeta tierra / Iván Arley jurado -- Salvemos nuestro planeta / Jonathan David Silva -- Tierra bella / Martin Santiago -- Mi planeta / Fabián Moreno -- Generando conciencia / José Alberto Lizarazo -- Añoranza / Javier Casanova -- Sin tierra… / Gustavo Andrés Rodríguez Mendoza -- Planeta vivo y limpio / Yesid Serrano -- Palabras del destino / Osneider David Hernández Otalvaro -- Planeta tierra / Luis Fernando Isidro -- Medio ambiente / Yorgin David Hernández -- Prevenir / Brayan Mauricio Sanmiguel Luengas -- Nada será cómo antes / Jaime Andres Rodriguez Parrado -- Yo…Sol / Jonathan Bautista -- Lamento / Héctor Mauricio Parra Cuesta -- Nuestro hogar / Juan José Amaya -- Te agradecemos / Edwin Andrés Navarro Rozo, Anderson Cardozo Villamizar -- HErmoso milagro / Jhonatan Jaimes Solano -- El creador / Ana Rosa Hernández Santana -- Cuentos 2015 -- Juventud en la zona azul / Jeniffer Solano Ardila -- Los Ucayali y los Cubeo / Oscar Ivan Rueda Quintero -- Vientos de armonía / Ever Edinson Monsalve Salcedo -- El nacimiento de una nueva era / Carlos Leonardo Ardila Alvarado -- Luz de sueños / Hugo Andrés Álvarez -- Sol de medio día / Claudia Ramírez Guarín -- Cuentos 2016 -- Mucha verraquera mano / Héctor Josué Amado Sandoval -- El viaje de irse y nunca volver / Dayana Marcela Fuentes Duran -- “Santander es hermosa” / Kelly Tatiana Pabón Blanco -- Los valores del SENA / Ana Rosa Hernandez Santana -- La fuerza del espiritu y el deseo de cambiar / Pablo Andrés Capera Rodríguez -- SENA, paz y reconciliación / Adrián Benítez R., Rubén Darío Martínez -- Cuentos 2017 -- Cartas a un pasado / Angelita Delgado Pérez -- ¿Por qué así? ¿por qué tan blanco? ¿por qué no de otra manera? / Cristian Felipe Vargas Buenahora -- El gato pacho pacho, el gato más pacho de todos los pachos / Edwin Matajira García -- Freeland “el paraíso perdido” / Dámaso Antonio Morales Palacin -- Un mundo al revés / Fabio Eduardo Contreras Piñeresna91 página

    La investigación formativa en ciencias empresariales: .Experiencias de investigación formativa POLIPIF

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    El material propuesto en el libro resume gran parte de la calidad de los trabajos presentados y la evolución en el desarrollo de las capacidades de los estudiantes en un contexto actual, complejo y retador, que refleja la realidad de las organizaciones actuales sobre escenarios estratégicos y manejo de situaciones complejas, para que, cuando lleguen a ser empleados o emprendedores, sepan afrontar cada paso hacia el cambio

    XVI International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Techno-scientific considerations for a post-pandemic world intensive in knowledge, innovation and sustainable local development"

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    Este título, sugestivo por los impactos durante la situación de la Covid 19 en el mundo, y que en Colombia lastimosamente han sido muy críticos, permiten asumir la obligada superación de tensiones sociales, políticas, y económicas; pero sobre todo científicas y tecnológicas. Inicialmente, esto supone la existencia de una capacidad de la sociedad colombiana por recuperar su estado inicial después de que haya cesado la perturbación a la que fue sometida por la catastrófica pandemia, y superar ese anterior estado de cosas ya que se encontraban -y aún se encuentran- muchos problemas locales mal resueltos, medianamente resueltos, y muchos sin resolver: es decir, habrá que rediseñar y fortalecer una probada resiliencia social existente - producto del prolongado conflicto social colombiano superado parcialmente por un proceso de paz exitoso - desde la tecnociencia local; como lo indicaba Markus Brunnermeier - economista alemán y catedrático de economía de la Universidad de Princeton- en su libro The Resilient Society…La cuestión no es preveerlo todo sino poder reaccionar…aprender a recuperarse rápido.This title, suggestive of the impacts during the Covid 19 situation in the world, and which have unfortunately been very critical in Colombia, allows us to assume the obligatory overcoming of social, political, and economic tensions; but above all scientific and technological. Initially, this supposes the existence of a capacity of Colombian society to recover its initial state after the disturbance to which it was subjected by the catastrophic pandemic has ceased, and to overcome that previous state of affairs since it was found -and still is find - many local problems poorly resolved, moderately resolved, and many unresolved: that is, an existing social resilience test will have to be redesigned and strengthened - product of the prolonged Colombian social conflict partially overcome by a successful peace process - from local technoscience; As Markus Brunnermeier - German economist and professor of economics at Princeton University - indicates in his book The Resilient Society...The question is not to foresee everything but to be able to react...learn to recover quickly.Bogot

    Evaluation of Multi-agent Architecture for Structural Damage Detection and Location

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    In this paper the results of using a Multi-agent system (MAS) for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) are detailed. A study between different MAS architectures reported in literature is presented in order to select and adapt the most adequate one for SHM tasks. Requirements are established according to recent solutions, where main parameters are type and number of sensors and communication protocols, among others. MAS technique uses several intelligent agents, that are algorithms able to act in a reactive or active way. Their action depends on surrounding environment or collected data. These agents can work in a decentralized way, searching the fulfillment of an individual goal or they can work with another system to achieve a common goal. Decision is based on their internal state (beliefs, goals and commitments). MAS’ effectiveness depends on the interconnection between the agents. Type of agents is defined according to its communication method and protocol, common and individual goals, among others. Decentralization and versatility are two important characteristics of MAS technique useful to solve SHM problem. This is one of the main motivations to consider this technique to be a good approach for the studied problem. A benchmark numerical model, which consists of a metallic framework, was used to validate and demonstrate the feasibility of the selected architecture for SHM

    Software para la gestión de inventarios desarrollado con apex (Oracle Application Express)

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    El desarrollo de un software amigable que facilite el control y la gestión de los inventarios de los pequeños establecimientos de la ciudad de Ibagué. Ha sido desarrollado tras recibir un seminario en administración de bases de datos Oracle en la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Sede Ibagué. Está basado a unos modelos de tablas relacionales (Figura 1), de las cuales se genera un script (conjunto de instrucciones), el cual es nuestro punto de partida para el desarrollo usando la herramienta APEX (Oracle Application Express).1. Índice. -- 2. Resumen. -- 3. Introducción. -- 4. Objetivos. -- 4.1 Objetivo General. -- 4.2 Objetivos Específicos. -- 5. Marco teórico y análisis del marco. -- 6. Desarrollo. -- 6.1 Requisitos específicos. -- 6.1.1 Requisitos comunes de las interfaces. -- 6.2 Requerimientos funcionales. -- 6.2.1 Requerimientos de actores. -- 6.2.2 Requisitos de interfaz. -- 6.3 Requerimientos no funcionales. -- 6.3.1 Requerimientos de rendimiento -- 6.3.2 Seguridad. -- 7. Modelo conceptual. -- 8. Modelo físico. -- 9. Interfaz. -- 10. Conclusiones. -- 11. Trabajo futuro. -- 12. Referencias

    A Signal Processing Method for Respiratory Rate Estimation through Photoplethysmography

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    Monitoring of respiration is crucial for determining a patient´s health status, specially previously and after an operation. However, many conventional methods are difficult to use in a spontaneously ventilating patient. This paper presents a method for estimating respiratory rate from the signal of a photoplethysmograph. This is a non-invasive sensor that can be used to obtain an estimation of beats per minute of a given patient by measuring light reflection on the patient’s blood vessel and counting changes in blood flow. The PPG signal also offers information about respiration, so respiratory rate can be obtained through signal processing. The proposed method based on digital filtering was implemented in a wearable device and tested on 30 volunteers, and the results were compared with the ones measured by traditional ways. The results show that there is no statistically significant difference between the data measured by the device and the traditional method

    HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia . GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2016, Volume 1 – open:spatial:interfaces|

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    Increasingly, geospatial web applications such as www.fixmystreet.com or www.seeclickfix.com are being integrated within citizen participation processes in spatial planning and the provision of communal services. Recently, several of these platforms have been launched in Latin America and other countries of the Global South. This development raises the questions of whether citizens with low ICT-skills can fully access and use these tools, and hence whether they are empowered to participate in related community management processes. The GeoCitizen framework (www.geocitizen.org) has been designed specifically to address citizens who tend to be excluded from established planning processes, providing them with accessible and easy-to-use online tools to make their voice heard through the public space of the internet. This paper describes the set-up and results of a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Evaluation carried out for the GeoCitizen-reporting application amongst members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia. It investigates whether spatially illiterate users with low ICT-skills can access and use this application to its full extent. It analyses the most common usability issues that were identified by the test user group and gives indications as to how geospatial web applications should be designed in order to meet the challenges that come along with its use

    HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia . GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2016, Volume 1 – open:spatial:interfaces|

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    Increasingly, geospatial web applications such as www.fixmystreet.com or www.seeclickfix.com are being integrated within citizen participation processes in spatial planning and the provision of communal services. Recently, several of these platforms have been launched in Latin America and other countries of the Global South. This development raises the questions of whether citizens with low ICT-skills can fully access and use these tools, and hence whether they are empowered to participate in related community management processes. The GeoCitizen framework (www.geocitizen.org) has been designed specifically to address citizens who tend to be excluded from established planning processes, providing them with accessible and easy-to-use online tools to make their voice heard through the public space of the internet. This paper describes the set-up and results of a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Evaluation carried out for the GeoCitizen-reporting application amongst members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia. It investigates whether spatially illiterate users with low ICT-skills can access and use this application to its full extent. It analyses the most common usability issues that were identified by the test user group and gives indications as to how geospatial web applications should be designed in order to meet the challenges that come along with its use

    HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia

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    Increasingly, geospatial web applications such as www.fixmystreet.com or www.seeclickfix.com are being integrated within citizen participation processes in spatial planning and the provision of communal services. Recently, several of these platforms have been launched in Latin America and other countries of the Global South. This development raises the questions of whether citizens with low ICT-skills can fully access and use these tools, and hence whether they are empowered to participate in related community management processes. The GeoCitizen framework (www.geocitizen.org) has been designed specifically to address citizens who tend to be excluded from established planning processes, providing them with accessible and easy-to-use online tools to make their voice heard through the public space of the internet. This paper describes the set-up and results of a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Evaluation carried out for the GeoCitizen-reporting application amongst members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia. It investigates whether spatially illiterate users with low ICT-skills can access and use this application to its full extent. It analyses the most common usability issues that were identified by the test user group and gives indications as to how geospatial web applications should be designed in order to meet the challenges that come along with its use