10 research outputs found

    Uma revisão da relação entre a ludopatia, o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, e a doença de Parkinson

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    Purpose: For the present review, publications in the field of gambling disorder that deal with its relationships with others, mainly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) were consulted. Methods: The current revision includes a total of 63 references published between 1987 and 2017. It included human stud­ies and revisions regarding the comorbidity of gambling disorder with ADHD or PD. The search terms included: gambling disorder, gambling disorder comorbidity, gambling disorder and adhd, gambling disor­der and pd, gambling disorder and impulsivity. The present review fo­cused on the link among gambling disorder and ADHD or PD, because there were a large number of publications related to these disorders. For organization purpose the current work was split into two main parts: 1) Revision of previous scientific reviews about gambling dis­order, and 2) Overview and conclusions of experimental work about gambling disorder. Conclusions: The principal conclusions of the cur­rent review are: 1) subjects with a gambling disorder have a higher in­cidence of ADHD(and also of attention deficit disorder [ADD]), 2) the presence of ADHD in subjects that suffer of gambling disorder implies more challenges for the health care system, and 3) PD treatments that increase the agonism of dopamine type of receptor are related to an elevated probability for developing a gambling problem or an impulse control disorder.Objetivo: para la presente revisión, se consultaron publicaciones en el campo de la ludopatía que tratan de sus relaciones con otros trastornos, principalmente el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Método: la presente revisión tiene en cuenta 63 referencias publicadas entre 1987 y 2017 y tuvo en cuenta estudios en humanos y revisiones sobre la comorbilidad de la ludopatía con el TDAH o la EP. Los términos de la búsqueda incluyeron: ludopatía, comorbilidad de la ludopatía, ludopatía y TDAH, ludopatía y EP, ludopatía e impulsividad. Esta revisión se centró en el vínculo entre la ludopatía y el TDAH o la EP, puesto que existía un gran número de publicaciones relacionadas con estos trastornos. Para su organización, el presente trabajo se dividió en dos partes principales: 1) el análisis de revisiones científicas anteriores sobre la ludopatía y 2) el resumen y las conclusiones del trabajo experimental sobre la ludopatía. Conclusiones: las conclusiones principales de esta revisión son: 1) los sujetos con ludopatía tienen una mayor incidencia del TDAH (y también del trastorno de déficit de atención [TDA]), 2) la presencia del TDAH en sujetos que sufren de ludopatía implica más retos para el sistema de salud y 3) los tratamientos de la EP que aumentan el agonismo del receptor tipo dopamina están relacionados con una probabilidad elevada de desarrollar un problema de juego o un trastorno de control de impulsos.Objetivo: para esta revisão, foram consultadas publicações no campo da ludopatia que tratam de suas relações com outros transtornos, principalmente o transtorno por déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) e a doença de Parkinson (DP). Método: esta revisão inclui um total de 63 referências publicadas entre 1987 e 2017, e considerou estudos em humanos e revisões sobre a comorbilidade da ludopatia com o TDAH ou a DP. Os termos de busca foram: ludopatia, comorbilidade da ludopatia, ludopatia e TDAH, ludopatia e DP, ludopatia e impulsividade. Além disso, esteve focada no vínculo entre a ludopatia e o TDAH ou a DP, visto que existia um grande número de publicações relacionadas com esses transtornos. Para sua organização, o presente trabalho foi dividido em duas partes principais: 1) a revisão de revisões científicas anteriores sobre a ludopatia e 2) o resumo e as conclusões do trabalho experimental sobre a ludopatia. Conclusões: as conclusões principais desta revisão são: 1) os sujeitos com ludopatia têm maior incidência do TDAH (e também do transtorno de déficit de atenção [TDA]); 2) a presença do TDAH em sujeitos que sofrem de ludopatia implica mais desafios para o sistema de saúde e 3) os tratamentos da DP que aumentam o agonismo do receptor tipo dopamina estão relacionados com uma probabilidade elevada de desenvolver um problema de jogo ou um transtorno de controle de impulsos

    Compulsive sexual behavior disorder in 42 countries: Insights from the International Sex Survey and introduction of standardized assessment tools

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    © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Background and aims Despite its inclusion in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, there is a virtual paucity of high-quality scientific evidence about compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), especially in underrepresented and underserved populations. Therefore, we comprehensively examined CSBD across 42 countries, genders, and sexual orientations, and validated the original (CSBD-19) and short (CSBD-7) versions of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale to provide standardized, state-of-the-art screening tools for research and clinical practice. Method Using data from the International Sex Survey (N = 82,243; Mage = 32.39 years, SD = 12.52), we evaluated the psychometric properties of the CSBD-19 and CSBD-7 and compared CSBD across 42 countries, three genders, eight sexual orientations, and individuals with low vs. high risk of experiencing CSBD. Results A total of 4.8% of the participants were at high risk of experiencing CSBD. Country- and gender-based differences were observed, while no sexual-orientation-based differences were present in CSBD levels. Only 14% of individuals with CSBD have ever sought treatment for this disorder, with an additional 33% not having sought treatment because of various reasons. Both versions of the scale demonstrated excellent validity and reliability. Discussion and conclusions This study contributes to a better understanding of CSBD in underrepresented and underserved populations and facilitates its identification in diverse populations by providing freely accessible ICD-11-based screening tools in 26 languages. The findings may also serve as a crucial building block to stimulate research into evidence-based, culturally sensitive prevention and intervention strategies for CSBD that are currently missing from the literature.Peer reviewe

    Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations: Findings from the International Sex Survey (ISS)

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/).INTRODUCTION: Despite being a widely used screening questionnaire, there is no consensus on the most appropriate measurement model for the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Furthermore, there have been limited studies on its measurement invariance across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations. AIMS: The present study aimed to examine the fit of different measurement models for the AUDIT and its measurement invariance across a wide range of subgroups by country, language, gender, and sexual orientation. METHODS: Responses concerning past-year alcohol use from the participants of the cross-sectional International Sex Survey were considered (N = 62,943; M age: 32.73; SD = 12.59). Confirmatory factor analysis, as well as measurement invariance tests were performed for 21 countries, 14 languages, three genders, and four sexual-orientation subgroups that met the minimum sample size requirement for inclusion in these analyses. RESULTS: A two-factor model with factors describing 'alcohol use' (items 1-3) and 'alcohol problems' (items 4-10) showed the best model fit across countries, languages, genders, and sexual orientations. For the former two, scalar and latent mean levels of invariance were reached considering different criteria. For gender and sexual orientation, a latent mean level of invariance was reached. CONCLUSIONS: In line with the two-factor model, the calculation of separate alcohol-use and alcohol-problem scores is recommended when using the AUDIT. The high levels of measurement invariance achieved for the AUDIT support its use in cross-cultural research, capable also of meaningful comparisons among genders and sexual orientations.Peer reviewe

    The short version of the Sexual Distress Scale (SDS-3): Measurement invariance across countries, gender identities, and sexual orientations

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Background The three-item Sexual Distress Scale (SDS-3) has been frequently used to assess distress related to sexuality in public health surveys and research on sexual wellbeing. However, its psychometric properties and measurement invariance across cultural, gender and sexual subgroups have not yet been examined. This multinational study aimed to validate the SDS-3 and test its psychometric properties, including measurement invariance across language, country, gender identity, and sexual orientation groups. Methods We used global survey data from 82,243 individuals (Mean age=32.39 years; 40.3 % men, 57.0 % women, 2.8 % non-binary, and 0.6 % other genders) participating in the International Sexual Survey (ISS; https://internationalsexsurvey.org/) across 42 countries and 26 languages. Participants completed the SDS-3, as well as questions regarding sociodemographic characteristics, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Results Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported a unidimensional factor structure for the SDS-3, and multi-group CFA (MGCFA) suggested that this factor structure was invariant across countries, languages, gender identities, and sexual orientations. Cronbach's α for the unidimensional score was 0.83 (range between 0.76 and 0.89), and McDonald's ω was 0.84 (range between 0.76 and 0.90). Participants who did not experience sexual problems had significantly lower SDS-3 total scores (M = 2.99; SD=2.54) compared to those who reported sexual problems (M = 5.60; SD=3.00), with a large effect size (Cohen's d = 1.01 [95 % CI=-1.03, -0.98]; p < 0.001). Conclusion The SDS-3 has a unidimensional factor structure and appears to be valid and reliable for measuring sexual distress among individuals from different countries, gender identities, and sexual orientations.Peer reviewe

    Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in 42 Countries: Insights from the International Sex Survey and Introduction of Standardized Assessment Tools

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    Background and aims: Despite its inclusion in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, there is a virtual paucity of high-quality scientific evidence about compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), especially in underrepresented and underserved populations. Therefore, we comprehensively examined CSBD across 42 countries, genders, and sexual orientations, and validated the original (CSBD-19) and short (CSBD-7) versions of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale to provide stan- dardized, state-of-the-art screening tools for research and clinical practice. Method: Using data from the International Sex Survey (N 5 82,243; Mage 5 32.39 years, SD 5 12.52), we evaluated the psychometric properties of the CSBD-19 and CSBD-7 and compared CSBD across 42 countries, three genders, eight sexual orientations, and individuals with low vs. high risk of experiencing CSBD. Results: A total of 4.8% of the participants were at high risk of experiencing CSBD. Country- and gender-based differences were observed, while no sexual-orientation-based differences were pre- sent in CSBD levels. Only 14% of individuals with CSBD have ever sought treatment for this disorder, with an additional 33% not having sought treatment because of various reasons. Both versions of the scale demonstrated excellent validity and reliability. Discus- sion and conclusions: This study contributes to a better under- standing of CSBD in underrepresented and underserved populations and facilitates its identification in diverse populations by providing freely accessible ICD-11-based screening tools in 26 languages. The findings may also serve as a crucial building block to stimulate research into evidence-based, culturally sensitive pre- vention and intervention strategies for CSBD that are currently missing from the literature

    Uma revisão da relação entre a ludopatia, o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, e a doença de Parkinson

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    Purpose: For the present review, publications in the field of gambling disorder that deal with its relationships with others, mainly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) were consulted.Methods: The current revision includes a total of 63 references published between 1987 and 2017. It included human stud­ies and revisions regarding the comorbidity of gambling disorder with ADHD or PD. The search terms included: gambling disorder, gambling disorder comorbidity, gambling disorder and adhd, gambling disor­der and pd, gambling disorder and impulsivity. The present review fo­cused on the link among gambling disorder and ADHD or PD, because there were a large number of publications related to these disorders. For organization purpose the current work was split into two main parts: 1) Revision of previous scientific reviews about gambling dis­order, and 2) Overview and conclusions of experimental work about gambling disorder.Conclusions: The principal conclusions of the cur­rent review are: 1) subjects with a gambling disorder have a higher in­cidence of ADHD(and also of attention deficit disorder [ADD]), 2) the presence of ADHD in subjects that suffer of gambling disorder implies more challenges for the health care system, and 3) PD treatments that increase the agonism of dopamine type of receptor are related to an elevated probability for developing a gambling problem or an impulse control disorder.Objetivo: para la presente revisión, se consultaron publicaciones en el campo de la ludopatía que tratan de sus relaciones con otros trastornos, principalmente el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP).Método: la presente revisión tiene en cuenta 63 referencias publicadas entre 1987 y 2017 y tuvo en cuenta estudios en humanos y revisiones sobre la comorbilidad de la ludopatía con el TDAH o la EP. Los términos de la búsqueda incluyeron: ludopatía, comorbilidad de la ludopatía, ludopatía y TDAH, ludopatía y EP, ludopatía e impulsividad. Esta revisión se centró en el vínculo entre la ludopatía y el TDAH o la EP, puesto que existía un gran número de publicaciones relacionadas con estos trastornos. Para su organización, el presente trabajo se dividió en dos partes principales: 1) el análisis de revisiones científicas anteriores sobre la ludopatía y 2) el resumen y las conclusiones del trabajo experimental sobre la ludopatía.Conclusiones: las conclusiones principales de esta revisión son: 1) los sujetos con ludopatía tienen una mayor incidencia del TDAH (y también del trastorno de déficit de atención [TDA]), 2) la presencia del TDAH en sujetos que sufren de ludopatía implica más retos para el sistema de salud y 3) los tratamientos de la EP que aumentan el agonismo del receptor tipo dopamina están relacionados con una probabilidad elevada de desarrollar un problema de juego o un trastorno de control de impulsos.Objetivo: para esta revisão, foram consultadas publicações no campo da ludopatia que tratam de suas relações com outros transtornos, principalmente o transtorno por déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) e a doença de Parkinson (DP).Método: esta revisão inclui um total de 63 referências publicadas entre 1987 e 2017, e considerou estudos em humanos e revisões sobre a comorbilidade da ludopatia com o TDAH ou a DP. Os termos de busca foram: ludopatia, comorbilidade da ludopatia, ludopatia e TDAH, ludopatia e DP, ludopatia e impulsividade. Além disso, esteve focada no vínculo entre a ludopatia e o TDAH ou a DP, visto que existia um grande número de publicações relacionadas com esses transtornos. Para sua organização, o presente trabalho foi dividido em duas partes principais: 1) a revisão de revisões científicas anteriores sobre a ludopatia e 2) o resumo e as conclusões do trabalho experimental sobre a ludopatia.Conclusões: as conclusões principais desta revisão são: 1) os sujeitos com ludopatia têm maior incidência do TDAH (e também do transtorno de déficit de atenção [TDA]); 2) a presença do TDAH em sujeitos que sofrem de ludopatia implica mais desafios para o sistema de saúde e 3) os tratamentos da DP que aumentam o agonismo do receptor tipo dopamina estão relacionados com uma probabilidade elevada de desenvolver um problema de jogo ou um transtorno de controle de impulsos

    Why do people watch pornography? Cross-cultural validation of the Pornography Use Motivations Scale (PUMS) and Its Short Form (PUMS-8)

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    Motivations for pornography use may vary across gender identities, sexual orientations, and geographical regions, warranting examination to promote individual and public health. The aims of this study were to validate the Pornography Use Motivations Scale (PUMS) in a diverse, multicultural sample, and develop a short form (PUMS-8) that can assess a wide range of pornography use motivations. Using data from 42 countries (N = 75,117; Mage = 32.07; SDage = 12.37), enabled us to thoroughly evaluate the dimensionality, validity, and reliability of the Pornography Use Motivations Scale (PUMS), leading to the development of the more concise PUMS-8 short scale. Additionally, language-, nationality-, gender-, and sexual-orientation-based measurement invariance tests were conducted to test the comparability across groups. Both the PUMS and the PUMS-8 assess eight pornography use motivations, and both demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. Sexual Pleasure emerged as the most frequent motivation for pornography use across countries, genders, and sexual orientations, while differences were observed concerning other motivations (e.g. self-exploration was more prevalent among gender-diverse individuals than men or women). The motivational background of pornography use showed high similarity in the examined countries. Both the PUMS and the PUMS-8 are reliable and valid measurement tools to assess different types of motivations for pornography use across countries, genders, and sexual orientations. Both scales are recommended for use in research and clinical settings

    Compulsive sexual behavior disorder in 42 countries: Insights from the International Sex Survey and introduction of standardized assessment tools

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    Background and aims: Despite its inclusion in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, there is a virtual paucity of high-quality scientific evidence about compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), especially in underrepresented and underserved populations. Therefore, we comprehensively examined CSBD across 42 countries, genders, and sexual orientations, and validated the original (CSBD-19) and short (CSBD-7) versions of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale to provide stan- dardized, state-of-the-art screening tools for research and clinical practice. Method: Using data from the International Sex Survey (N 5 82,243; Mage 5 32.39 years, SD 5 12.52), we evaluated the psychometric properties of the CSBD-19 and CSBD-7 and compared CSBD across 42 countries, three genders, eight sexual orientations, and individuals with low vs. high risk of experiencing CSBD. Results: A total of 4.8% of the participants were at high risk of experiencing CSBD. Country- and gender-based differences were observed, while no sexual-orientation-based differences were pre- sent in CSBD levels. Only 14% of individuals with CSBD have ever sought treatment for this disorder, with an additional 33% not having sought treatment because of various reasons. Both versions of the scale demonstrated excellent validity and reliability. Discus- sion and conclusions: This study contributes to a better under- standing of CSBD in underrepresented and underserved populations and facilitates its identification in diverse populations by providing freely accessible ICD-11-based screening tools in 26 languages. The findings may also serve as a crucial building block to stimulate research into evidence-based, culturally sensitive pre- vention and intervention strategies for CSBD that are currently missing from the literature

    The eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychometric evaluation across 42 countries

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    The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is an instrument to screen substance-use-related health risks. However, little is known whether the ASSIST could be further shortened while remaining psychometrically sound across different countries, languages, gender identities, and sexual-orientation-based groups. The study aimed to validate a shortened 11-item ASSIST (ASSIST-11). Using the International Sex Survey data, 82,243 participants (M age = 32.39 years) across 42 countries and 26 languages completed questions from the ASSIST-11 regarding gender identity, sexual orientation, and other information. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and multigroup CFA (MGCFA) evaluated the ASSIST-11's structure and tested measurement invariance across groups. Cronbach's α and McDonald's ω were used to examine the internal consistency. Cohen's d and independent t-tests were used to examine known-group validity. The ASSIST-11 was unidimensional across countries, languages, age groups, gender identities (i.e., men, women, and gender-diverse individuals), and sexual orientations (i.e., heterosexual and sexual minority individuals). Cronbach's α was 0.63 and McDonald's ω was 0.68 for the ASSIST-11. Known-group validity was supported by Cohen's d (range between 0.23 and 0.40) with significant differences (p-values<0.001). The ASSIST-11 is a modified instrument with a unidimensional factor structure across different languages, age groups, countries, gender identities, and sexual orientations. The low internal consistency of the ASSIST-11 might be acceptable as it assesses a broad concept (i.e., use of several different substances). Healthcare providers and researchers may use the ASSIST-11 to quickly assess substance-use information from general populations and evaluate the need to follow up with more detailed questions about substance use

    Cross-Cultural Adult ADHD Assessment in 42 Countries Using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Screener

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    Objective: We analyzed adult ADHD symptoms in a cross-cultural context, including investigating the occurrence and potential correlates of adult ADHD and psychometric examination of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener. Method: Our analysis is based on a large-scale research project involving 42 countries (International Sex Survey, N=72,627, 57% women, Mage=32.84; SDage=12.57). Results: The ASRS Screener demonstrated good reliability and validity, along with partial invariance across different languages, countries, and genders. The occurrence of being at risk for adult ADHD was relatively high (21.4% for women, 18.1% for men). The highest scores were obtained in the US, Canada, and other English-speaking Western countries, with significantly lower scores among East Asian and non-English-speaking European countries. Moreover, ADHD symptom severity and occurrence were especially high among gender-diverse individuals. Significant associations between adult ADHD symptoms and age, mental and sexual health, and socioeconomic status were observed. Conclusions: Present results show significant cross-cultural variability in adult ADHD occurrence as well as highlight important factors related to adult ADHD. Moreover, the importance of further research on adult ADHD in previously understudied populations (non-Western countries) and minority groups (gender-diverse individuals) is stressed. Lastly, the present analysis is consistent with previous evidence showing low specificity of adult ADHD screening instruments and contributes to the current discussion on accurate adult ADHD screening and diagnosis