778 research outputs found

    Information system for tablet identification (ISTI)

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - "Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century. 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Information System for Tablets Identification (ISTI)

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    No interactions between heparin and atacicept, an antagonist of B cell survival cytokines.

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    The TNF family ligands, B cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF, also known as B lymphocyte stimulator, BLyS) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), share the transmembrane activator and calcium-modulator and cyclophilin ligand (CAML)-interactor (TACI) as one of their common receptors. Atacicept, a chimeric recombinant TACI/IgG1-Fc fusion protein, inhibits both ligands. TACI and APRIL also bind to proteoglycans and to heparin that is structurally related to proteoglycans. It is unknown whether the portion of TACI contained in atacicept can bind directly to proteoglycans, or indirectly via APRIL, and whether this could interfere with the anti-coagulant properties of heparin. Binding of atacicept and APRIL to proteoglycan-positive cells was measured by FACS. Activities of heparin and atacicept were measured with activated factor Xa inhibition and cell-based assays. Effects of heparin on circulating atacicept was monitored in mice. Atacicept did not bind to proteoglycan-positive cells, but when complexed to APRIL could do so indirectly via APRIL. Multimers of atacicept obtained after exposure to cysteine or BAFF 60-mer bound directly to proteoglycans. Atacicept alone, or in complex with APRIL, or in a multimeric form did not interfere with heparin activity in vitro. Conversely, heparin did not influence inhibition of BAFF and APRIL by atacicept and did not change circulating levels of atacicept. Lack of detectable interference of APRIL-bound or free atacicept on heparin activity makes it unlikely that atacicept at therapeutic doses will interfere with the function of heparin in vivo

    First evidence of an extensive Acheulean large cutting tool accumulation in Europe from Porto Maior (Galicia, Spain)

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    We describe a European Acheulean site characterised by an extensive accumulation of large cutting tools (LCT). This type of Lower Paleolithic assemblage, with dense LCT accumulations, has only been found on the African continent and in the Near East until now. The identification of a site with large accumulations of LCTs favours the hypothesis of an African origin for the Acheulean of Southwest Europe. The lithic tool-bearing deposits date back to 293-205 thousand years ago. Our chronological findings confirm temporal overlap between sites with clear "African" Acheulean affinities and Early Middle Paleolithic sites found elsewhere in the region. These complex technological patterns could be consistent with the potential coexistence of different human species in south-western Europe during the Middle Pleistocene.E. Méndez-Quintas, M. Santonja, A. Pérez-González, M. Duval, M. Demuro & L.J. Arnol

    Por uma nova cultura da água no ensino básico

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    A presente comunicação centra-se na apresentação à comunidade científica de um Projecto de investigação em Educação que tem como finalidade produzir contributos para o Ensino Básico, no âmbito do que se designa como uma Nova Cultura da Água. Com esta iniciativa pretendemos não só alertar para a pertinência e importância de estudos em ordem a uma temática cada vez mais emergente, mas também recolher contributos significativos de uma comunidade mais alargada. O referido projecto centra-se pois no bem Água. Começará por procurar conhecer melhor como ele é evocado e tratado no Ensino Básico. Destina-se a aprofundar e promover teorias, conhecimentos, competências, valores, atitudes e práticas que potenciem o bom uso e a protecção daquele bem, e de um modo mais geral uma alteração de posturas culturais e mesmo civilizacionais. Fá-lo-á segundo perspectivas científicas, pedagógicas, didácticas e sociais em parte já construídas e em parte a construir, e que justificadamente se considerem adequadas. O Projecto assume estar à partida marcado por saberes, perspectivas, ideais, dilemas e objectivos dos elementos da equipa do Projecto e por outras visões que, globalmente e de um modo aproximativo, aglomeramos sob a designação Nova Cultura da Água. Simultaneamente, assume que pretende contribuir para que tal Nova Cultura da Água seja mais bem compreendida e especificada, e em particular para que ela seja mais enriquecida com contributos portugueses. O âmbito central de intervenção do Projecto é o Ensino Básico, mas desde logo isso implica a sua intersecção com a Formação (Inicial e Contínua) de Professores, e portanto com o Ensino Superior. Além disso, pela natureza do tema, do bem, em estudo, o Projecto intersecta-se também com os mundos das Ciências e das Tecnologias. Intersecta-se também com a Sociedade em geral, e designadamente com a formação para a cidadania de cidadão portugueses que são também cidadãos da Península Ibérica, da Europa e do Mundo. O Projecto terá pois múltiplas incidências e mesmo, previsivelmente, contributos de vários tipos e âmbitos, designadamente a nível de divulgação científica e a um nível pedagógico geral. Mas é essencialmente um Projecto do âmbito da Didáctica. Tem a sua focagem na Escola, portanto em ambientes de ensino e aprendizagem formais, e incide sobre meios e métodos relacionados com ambientes de aula (em sentido lato)

    Pulmonary Hypertension Is a Frequent Event in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

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    Poster presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago Illinois. Background: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) are the current standard therapy for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Fluid retention and pleural effusions have been reported in patients treated with TKIs, particularly with dasatinib. Although TKIs have been shown to reverse pulmonary hypertension (PH) in animal models, there have been some reports of development of reversible PH with dasatinib. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis on 401 patients diagnosed with CML in chronic phase (CP) who were treated with TKIs (imatinib, dasatinib, or nilotinib) as initial therapy for CML and had a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) done at some point during the course of therapy. PH was diagnosed if the patient had an estimated right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) of 35 mm Hg or greater. Secondary causes of PH (systolic or diastolic dysfunction on TTE, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases [COPD], obstructive sleep apnea [OSA] and pulmonary embolism) were investigated during chart review. Results: Twenty (23%) out of 87 patients had evidence of PH by TTE; median age 57 years, with 46% being males. Six pts (30%) received nilotinib 400mg twice daily, 4 (20%) patients had imatinib (400mg; n=1, 600mg; n=1 and 800mg daily; n=2), and 10 (50%) patients received dasatinib (dose varied 40-140mg daily). Five (25%) patients had coronary artery disease, 9 (45%) had systemic hypertension, 2 (10%) had COPD and 3 (15%) had OSA. Thirteen pts had serial TTE to compare the progression of PH including 6 (7%) who had a TTE prior to starting TKI. Among these 13 pts with serial TTE, 7 had rising RVSP with one patient having mild global hypokinesia, another with diastolic dysfunction and another with OSA. Four of those 7 patients had normal RVSP on their TTE prior to starting therapy. Six other pts had improvement in the RVSP on serial TTE, 4 of them with systemic hypertension. Two of those 6 patients had elevated RVSP on their TTE prior to starting therapy; one pt had no change. Eleven patients had pleural effusions (7 dasatinib, 3 imatinib, 1 nilotinib) associated with PH. Conclusions: TKI therapy is occasionally associated with development of PH, but RVSP may improve spontaneously in some patients. A prospective study is needed to further investigate the relationship between TKIs and the development of PH

    Citizen Science and Open Data: a model for Invasive Alien Species in Europe

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    Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are a growing threat to Europe's biodiversity. The implementation of European Union Regulation on IAS can benefit from the involvement of the public in IAS recording and management through Citizen Science (CS) initiatives. Aiming to tackle issues related with the use of CS projects on IAS topics, a dedicated workshop titled “Citizen Science and Open Data: a model for Invasive Alien Species in Europe” was organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Association). Fifty key stakeholders from all Europe, including two Members of the European Parliament, attended the workshop. With a clear focus on IAS, the workshop aimed at addressing the following issues: a) CS and policy, b) citizen engagement, and c) CS data management. Nine short presentations provided input on CS and IAS issues. Participants discussed specific topics in several round tables (“world café” style) and reported back their conclusions to the audience and full assembly moderated discussions. Overall, the workshop enabled the sharing of ideas, approaches and best practices regarding CS and IAS. Specific opportunities and pitfalls of using CS data in the whole policy cycle for IAS were recognized. Concerning the implementation of the IAS Regulation, CS data could complement official surveillance systems, and contribute to the early warning of the IAS of Union concern after appropriate validation by the Member States’ competent authorities. CS projects can additionally increase awareness and empower citizens. Attendees pointed out the importance for further public engagement in CS projects on IAS that demonstrate specific initiatives and approaches and analyze lessons learned from past experiences. In addition, the workshop noted that the data gathered from different CS projects on IAS are fragmented. It highlighted the need for using an open and accessible platform to upload data originating from CS sources or to mirror validated data into a single, easy-to-use web service, in line with the EU Open Science Strategic Priority. The workshop provided ten key recommendations of best practices for CS projects on IAS, addressed to researchers, policy makers and implementing authorities, indicating future research and policy directions and opportunities

    CERN Proton Synchrotron Complex High-Level Controls Renovation

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    After a detailed study of the Proton Synchrotron (PS) complex requirements by experts of CERN controls & operation groups, a proposal to develop a new system, called Injector Controls Architecture (InCA), was presented to and accepted by the management late 2007. Aiming at the homogenisation of the control systems across CERN accelerators, InCA is based on components developed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) but also new components required to fulfil operation needs. In 2008, the project was in its elaboration phase and we successfully validated its architecture and critical use-cases during several machine development sessions. After description of the architecture put in place and the components used, this paper describes the planning approach taken combining iterative development phases with deployment in operation for validation sessions

    Design procedures for sustainable structural concretes using wastes and industrial by-products

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    The protection of the environment must be a priority in our society, and the construction sector can contribute significantly to this goal. Construction, being one of the industrial sectors that is more demanding in terms of raw materials, must reinforce its effort to implement, in a more profound and systematic way, the paradigm of the circular economy. In this sense, in recent years several studies have been trying to contribute solutions aimed at reintroducing industrial by-products or residues in new products for the construction industry. It should be noted that nowadays it is increasingly important to introduce a higher percentage of recycled materials in concrete. In this context, the present work addresses the appropriateness of a design procedure proposed to maximize the content of electric arc furnace slag (EAFS) and include recycled tire steel fibers (RTSF) in the production of more sustainable structural concretes. For this, the properties of various concrete mixtures at the fresh and hardened state, obtained by the substantial substitution of coarse and fine natural aggregates by EAFS and fly ash (FA), were investigated. The design of EAFS mixtures was based on two conventional reference mixtures (REF1 and REF2), and by using the modified Andreasen and Andersen particle packing model, these were optimized to achieve maximum packing density. Compressive strength, modulus of elasticity behavior, and fresh and physical properties were assessed in order to define the best mix proportions with respect to the predefined requirements of ordinary mixtures. Untreated recycled tire steel fibers (RTSF) were included in the developed sustainable concrete to perform a comparison of the physical properties with unreinforced concretes developed with natural aggregates (REF2) and with EAFS aggregates (EAFS8D1). This incorporation was intended to improve the physical behavior of unreinforced concretes with EAFS aggregates. Mixtures with high percentages of waste aggregates up to 70% (in weight), and 10% (in weight) of FA were obtained, showing competitive mechanical behavior compared to REF1 and REF2. These concrete compositions showed minimum and maximum compressive strengths between 9 MPa and 37 MPa, respectively. This study coverd the two major classes of concrete used as structural material, namely structural concrete and fiber reinforced concrete.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grant number SFRH/BD/135790/2018) and projects with references POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033834, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032.The first author would also like to thank FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) for the funding through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/135790/2018. The authors would like to thank DST company, the project RENEw, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033834, funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) and Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização do Portugal 2020 (COMPETE 2020), “Next generation monitoring of coastal ecosystems in a scenario of global change”, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032, funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) and Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020), and “CirMat: CIRcular aggregates for sustainable road and building MATerials” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants, operationalized by the Portuguese Office of the Secretary of State for the Environment. They are also very grateful to the companies SECIL and SIKA for the material provided that contributed to the realization of this study

    Short-wavelength four wave mixing experiments using single and two-color schemes at FERMI

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    The development of ultra-bright extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray free electron laser (FEL) sources has enabled the extension of wave-mixing approaches into the short wavelength regime. Such a class of experiments relies upon nonlinear interactions among multiple light pulses offering a unique tool for exploring the dynamics of ultrafast processes and correlations between selected excitations at relevant length and time scales adding elemental and site selectivity as well. Besides the availability of a suitable photon source, the implementation of wave mixing methodology requires efforts in developing the instrumental set-up. We have realized at the FERMI FEL two dedicated set-ups to handle multiple FEL beams with preselected parameters in a non-collinear fashion and control their interaction sequence at the target. These unique apparatuses, combined with the exceptional characteristics of the seeded FERMI FEL, have allowed us to make the first steps into this field and further advances are foreseen in the near future