153 research outputs found

    Open access and multilingual approach to communication journals – the case and the editor’s perspective of Observatorio (OBS*) journal and the importance of open science for the knowledge society

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    This paper is about the contribution of the network society to a more open and cross-cultural way of making and publishing science. Basically, and speaking of Observatorio (OBS*) e-journal that has been published by OberCom-Lisbon, we believe that it might be relevant to note the tendency that science, in relation to its distribution model, has been showing lately. We think more traditional ways of publishing science in closed platforms (as paper format), where legitimacy was only dependent on the strict editorial team, has definitely lost its space in scientific publications on open online platforms, where legitimacy is now managed from the contribution of several experts: a model named Open Science. The open science movement replaces the traditional, hierarchical and centralized logic with more dynamic horizontal collaboration among peers: a form of community production, decentralized and self-selective. One can say that the growth of the OBS* e-journal in Portugal, rather than other scientific journals in the same areas, but in more traditional formats, clearly demonstrates that a self-centred science with fewer users and whose distribution of produced knowledge implies bigger reliance on funding, is giving rise to a more open science with more users, for whom the transmission of produced knowledge is more autonomous, effective, cheaper, etc

    Análise do uso de tecnologias em estabelecimentos agropecuários por meio dos índices de Moran global e local.

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    Este artigo apresenta uma aplicação de técnica de análise exploratória de dados espaciais sobre dados de uso de tecnologias por parte de estabelecimentos agropecuários do País, com a finalidade de prospectar e justificar possíveis relações espaciais relacionadas ao uso das tecnologias. Os dados foram obtidos no Censo Agropecuário de 2006, e foram analisados por meio dos índices de Moran global e local. O trabalho apresenta uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre a análise exploratória de dados espaciais e dos principais índices utilizados. Os resultados, visualizados no BoxMap, do diagrama de espalhamento de Moran e do MoranMap mostram que, para a maioria das características analisadas, há alta correlação espacial no uso de tecnologias nos municípios brasileiros, e que essa concentração está relacionada à produção de commodities do mercado internacional. Os resultados sugerem que, para algumas regiões do País, deve-se elaborar uma análise em escala menor, para identificar possíveis grupos (clusters) dentro dos estados ou de mesorregiões produtoras. O trabalho mostra que, para uma análise preliminar da distribuição espacial do uso de tecnologia na agropecuária, o uso do software TerraView mostrou-se satisfatório, e, por isso, sugere-se que seja adotado em estudos mais profundos com esses indicadores

    Seleção de Psidium spp. quanto à resistência a Meloidogyne mayaguensis e compatibilidade de enxertia com P. guajava cv Paluma.

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    Desenvolvimento larvar de Brachidontes solisianus: com notas sobre as diferenças do seu sistema ligamentar quando comparado ao de Perna perna

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    This work, which is part of a study program on meroplankton larvae, aims to gain more in-depth knowledge about planktonic larvae. This study began with the mollusk Brachidontes solisianus (Bivalvia - Mytilidae), which is abundant on the rocky shores of the Cabo Frio region (state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Brachidontes solisianus larvae were grown under controlled conditions for a period of 26 days and were fed with Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis chui. The temperature was kept at 26 °C and the saltiness at 28 . Images of the larvae were taken daily with a light camera and measured with a micrometric lens until settlement occurred. The average size of the first D-shaped veliger stage was 90 µm in length and 70 µm in height, while the size in the last stage before settlement (pediveliger) was 273 µm in length and 257 µm in height. The comparative study of the hinge system involved the most abundant intertidal species of the study area: Brachidontes solisianus and Perna perna. The B. solisianus species were found to have more visible denticles at the extremities of the provinculum, whereas the denticles of the P. perna species occur along the entire provinculum.Este trabalho faz parte de um programa de estudo sobre larvas meroplanctônicas que tem como objetivo o reconhecimento mais preciso das larvas no plâncton. Este estudo foi iniciado com a espécie Brachidontes solisianus (Bivalvia - Mytilidae) que é muito abundante nos costões rochosos da região de Cabo Frio. O desenvolvimento larvar foi realizado sob condições controladas durante 26 dias. A alimentação foi feita com Isochrysis galbana e Tetraselmis chui. A temperatura e a salinidade foram mantidas a 26° C e 28 , respectivamente. Diariamente, as larvas foram desenhadas em câmara clara e medidas com ocular micrométrica até a fixação. A primeira fase de véliger em forma de "D" ou Prodissoconcha I, mediu em média, 90 µm de comprimento por 70 µm de altura e a última, antes da fase de fixação (Pedivéliger), mediu 273 µm de comprimento e 257 µm de altura. No estudo comparativo das charneiras, duas espécies foram consideradas: Brachidontes solisianus e Perna perna. Observou-se que a espécie B. solisianus apresenta dentes mais evidentes nas extremidades do provinculum, enquanto na espécie P. perna aparecem ao longo de todo o provinculum

    Abnormal NK cell lymphocytosis detected after splenectomy: association with repeated infections, relapsing neutropenia, and persistent polyclonal B-cell proliferation

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    Abnormal NK cell lymphocytosis detected after splenectomy: association with repeated infections, relapsing neutropenia, and persistent polyclonal B-cell proliferation. Granjo E, Lima M, Fraga M, Santos F, Magalhães C, Queirós ML, Moreira I, Rocha S, Silva AS, Rebelo I, Quintanilha A, Ribeiro ML, Candeias J, Orfão A. Department of Hematology, Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract We report the case of a boy with hereditary spherocytosis who presented with mild microcytic hypochromic anemia and recurrent leg ulcers that had been present since childhood. Chronic natural killer (NK) cell and B-cell lymphocytosis was detected 1 year after therapeutic splenectomy during investigation of recurrent episodes of neutropenia and persistent lymphocytosis. NK cells proved to be abnormal at immunophenotyping studies, and B-cells were polyclonal and displayed a normal immunophenotype. Genotypic analysis of T-cell receptor (TCR)-beta and TCR-gamma genes showed a germ-line pattern. The clinical course of this patient was characterized by multiple pulmonary infections and amygdalitis. We discuss the potential roles of persistent immune stimulation due to chronic hemolysis and severe leg ulcers and of splenectomy in the origin of NK cell lymphocytosis and the relationship between NK cells and recurrent infections, relapsing neutropenia, and polyclonal B-cell response

    Antioxidant properties of MitoTEMPOL and its hydroxylamine

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    Piperidine nitroxides such as TEMPOL have been widely used as antioxidants in vitro and in vivo. MitoTEMPOL is a mitochondria-targeted derivative of TEMPOL designed to protect mitochondria from the oxidative damage that they accumulate, but once there is rapidly reduced to its hydroxylamine, MitoTEMPOL-H. As little is known about the antioxidant efficacy of hydroxylamines, this study has assessed the antioxidant activity of both MitoTEMPOL and MitoTEMPOL-H. The hydroxylamine was more effective at preventing lipid-peroxidation than MitoTEMPOL and decreased oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA caused by menadione. In contrast to MitoTEMPOL, MitoTEMPOL-H has no superoxide dismutase activity and its antioxidant actions are likely to be mediated by hydrogen atom donation. Therefore, even though MitoTEMPOL is rapidly reduced to MitoTEMPOL-H in cells, it remains an effective antioxidant. Furthermore, as TEMPOL is also reduced to a hydroxylamine in vivo, many of its antioxidant effects may also be mediated by its hydroxylamine