15 research outputs found

    Síntesis histórica de estudios biosociales de la coca y la alimentación en Perú, 1948-1994

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    The objective of this paper is to offer a historical perspective about the scientific investigations respect to the chewing of coca leaves and food ingestion of the Andean population during the second half of the twentieth century. The habit of cocaism was considered one of the most important problems of Public Health in Peru during the 40s, period when the academic debate of the association of deficient food and cocaism was discussed. Years later, epidemiological studies supported this paradigm; however, since the 70s, anthropological reports questioned that claim and defended the social use of coca chewing. During the 80s the pharmacological effects of coca and cocaine were demonstrated in reduction of food consumption in experimental animals, which supported the old Gutierrez-Noriega´s hypothesis.El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer una perspectiva histórica de investigaciones sobre cocaísmo y alimentación en el hombre andino durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El hábito del cocaísmo fue considerado un importante problema de salud pública del Perú en los 40s, cuando el debate académico planteaba asociación entre deficiente alimentación y cocaísmo, atribuidos a la cocaína. Años después, estudios epidemiológicos apoyaron este paradigma. Desde los 70s, publicaciones antropológicas cuestionaron esta asociación y defendieron el uso social de la coca. En los años 80 se demostraron efectos farmacológicos de la coca y cocaína en la reducción del consumo de alimentos en animales de experimentación, que apoyaron la antigua hipótesis de Gutiérrez-Noriega

    Self-perception of body image and practices to correct it in adolescents from an educational institution, Lima, Peru

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    Introducción. Durante la adolescencia, etapa de cambios físicos y psíquicos, la imagen corporal se reviste de especial importancia; su insatisfacción puede contribuir a realizar prácticas inadecuadas. Objetivo. Identificar la autopercepción de imagen corporal y sus prácticas para corregirla. Diseño. Estudio mixto, cuanti-cualitativo. Lugar. Institución educativa privada, distrito Miraflores, Lima, Perú. Participantes. Adolescentes hombres y mujeres. Intervenciones. Se realizó mediciones antropométricas de peso y talla, encuesta de autopercepción de imagen corporal, y entrevistas a profundidad y grupales a 108 adolescentes hombres y mujeres para la fase cuantitativa, y 48 para la cualitativa. Principales medidas de resultados. Porcentaje de percepción equivocada de peso o talla. Percepción sobre su imagen corporal y prácticas para corregirla. Resultados. En el estudio, 36,1% tenían percepción equivocada de su peso y 50,9% de su talla. Aunque más de la mitad de los entrevistados en la fase cualitativa tenía percepción equivocada del peso, mostraron aparente conformidad con su cuerpo; los que no lo estaban, manifestaban expresiones despectivas del mismo; ellos e incluso algunos conformes (n=30) realizaban prácticas como dietas, actividad física y usaban medicamentos para bajar de peso o crecer; sus padres y amigos influían en la decisión de realizar dichas prácticas. Las participantes de once y doce años no mostraron interés en modificar su imagen corporal. Conclusiones. Casi un tercio de adolescentes tenía percepción equivocada de su peso, y la mitad de su talla. Los inconformes con su imagen corporal realizaban diferentes prácticas para corregirla.Introduction. Adolescence is a stage of physical and psychological changes; body image is of special importance and dissatisfaction with this can contribute to inappropriate practices. Objective. To identify self-perception of body image and practices adopted to change it. Design. Mixed quantitative and qualitative study. Setting. Private education institution, Miraflores district, Lima. Participants. Male and female adolescents. Interventions. In 108 boys and girls for the quantitative study, and 48 for the qualitative study, weight and height, body image self-perception, in-depth individual and group interviews were obtained. Main outcome measures. Percentage of misperception of weight or height. Perception of body image and practices applied to modify this. Results. In this study 36.1% had misperception of their weight and 50.9% of their height. Although most respondents in the qualitative study revealed misperception, they showed apparent conformity with their bodies; those who did not show conformity with their body, expressed scornful comments; these and others (n=30) used diet, physical activity and medications to lose weight or to grow. Their parents and friends influenced heir decisions. 11- and 12-year-old participants were not interested in modifying their body image. Conclusions. Nearly one third of adolescents had misperception of their weight and half of them in regard to their height. Those not accepting their body image practiced activities to correct it

    Mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on children less than 3 year-old nutrition in a Lima’s community

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    Introducción: Para lograr una adopción de conducta, se precisa identificar los factores internos que la afectan. Objetivos: Identificar conocimientos, actitudes y percepciones de madres sobre alimentación del niño menor de 3 años. Diseño: Estudio observacional descriptivo, cuanticualitativo. Lugar: Asentamientos Humanos del distrito de Villa María del Triunfo- Lima. Participantes: Madres de niños menores de 3 años. Intervenciones: Previo consentimiento, para la fase cuantitativa se aplicó un cuestionario de 10 preguntas cerradas con respuestas dicotómicas sobre conocimientos y 10 preguntas con categorías de respuesta en escala de Likert sobre actitudes en 161 madres, y para la fase cualitativa se realizó 28 entrevistas a profundidad y 4 grupos focales para identificar percepciones en 68 madres. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel de conocimientos, tipo de actitudes y percepciones sobre lactancia materna (LM), alimentación complementaria (AC) y alimentación durante una enfermedad. Resultados: 81% de participantes mostró nivel de conocimientos alto, 65% estuvo en total acuerdo con la LM exclusiva durante los 6 primeros meses de vida, 63% estaba de acuerdo con prácticas adecuadas en alimentación complementaria. La mayoría percibía que la LM debía ser hasta dos años, porque ayuda a la formación de órganos y para que el niño crezca sano; la AC se inicia a los seis meses, porque ayuda a la formación del estómago, el niño tiene más apetito y la LM ya no es suficiente; el consumo de alimentos de origen animal, frutas y verduras debía ser diario; durante la diarrea se brindaría abundante líquidos y mayor frecuencia de alimentos y en menor cantidad. Conclusiones: Las madres presentaron nivel de conocimientos alto (81%) y actitudes favorables (66,7%) sobre alimentación infantil, y sus percepciones en general coincidían con ello.Introduction: To adopt a conduct it is necessary to identify internal factors that affect it. Objectives: To identify mothers´ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on children less than 3 year-old nutrition. Design: Quantitative qualitative study, descriptive, exploratory. Location: Villa Maria del Triunfo Human Settlements, Lima, Peru. Participants: Mothers of children less than 3 year-old. Interventions: Following informed consent, for the quantitative phase phase we applied a questionnaire of 10 closed questions with dichotomous responses on knowledge and 10 questions with Likert’s response categories on attitudes to 161 mothers; and for the qualitative we did 28 depth interviews and 4 focus groups to identify perceptions were conducted to 68 mothers. Main outcome measures: Level of knowledge, type of attitudes and perceptions on breastfeeding (BF), complementary feeding (CF) and feeding during illness. Results: Eighty-one per cent of participants showed high level of knowledge, 65% showed complete agreement with exclusive BF during the first 6 months, 63% agreed with adequate complementary feeding practices. Most felt that BF should be offered up to 2 years because it helps organs development and the children to grow up healthy. CF should be started at six months of age because it helps the stomach function, the child has more appetite and BF is no longer sufficient; consumption of animal foods, fruits and vegetables should be daily; during diarrhea plenty of fluids and more frequent food and in smaller amounts should be provided. Conclusions: Mothers showed high levels of knowledge (81%), favorable attitudes (66,7%) on infant feeding and their perceptions in general agreed with it

    Clima y satisfacción laboral prepandemia del personal de enfermería en un servicio de emergencia: Pre-pandemic climate and job satisfaction of nursing staff in an emergency service

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    Objective: To determine the relationship between work environment and job satisfaction of nursing staff in the emergency service of Hospital de Vitarte.  Methods: Quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional research. The population and sample consisted of 70 members of the nursing staff of the emergency service. With the prior informed consent of each participant, two questionnaires validated in other studies were applied through a survey.  Results: The participating nursing staff was mainly between 30 and 39 years old (50%), was female (62,9%), with the same number of professionals and technicians, with a slight predominance of contracted (51,4%) and had between 6 to 10 years of service. The dimensions of the work environment: self-realization (81,4%), work involvement (82,9%), supervision (82,9%) and communication (54,3%) were considered moderately favorable; working conditions were unfavorable (42,9%). The dimensions of satisfaction: physical conditions - materials (81,43%), administrative policies (72,86%) were unsatisfactory; while in social benefits – remuneration (87,14%), social relationships (47,14%), personal development (65,71%), task development (72,86%) and performance beyond the position (80%) were moderately satisfactory. The work environment was considered moderately favorable (48,57%) and job satisfaction was moderately satisfactory (42,86%).  Conclusions: A statistically significant relationship was found between work environment and job satisfaction (p=0,023) in the nursing staff in the emergency service of the Hospital de Vitarte.Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre clima laboral o ambiente de trabajo y satisfacción laboral del personal de enfermería en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Vitarte.  Métodos: Investigación cuantitativa, descriptivo correlacional y transversal. La población muestra estuvo conformada por 70 miembros del personal de enfermería del servicio de emergencia. Previo consentimiento informado de cada participante, a través de una encuesta, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios validados en otros estudios.  Resultados: El personal de enfermería participante estaba principalmente entre 30 a 39 años de edad (50%), era femenino (62,9%), con la misma cantidad de profesionales y técnicos, con ligero predominio de contratados (51,4%) y tenía entre 6 a 10 años de servicio. Las dimensiones del clima laboral: autorrealización (81,4%), involucramiento laboral (82,9%), supervisión (82,9%), comunicación (54,3%) fueron consideradas medianamente favorable; y las condiciones laborales fueron desfavorables (42,9%). Las dimensiones de la satisfacción: condiciones físicas – materiales (81,43%), políticas administrativas (72,86%) fueron insatisfactorias; mientras que en beneficios sociales – remunerativos (87,14%), relaciones sociales (47,14%), desarrollo personal (65,71%), desarrollo de tareas (72,86%) y desempeño más allá del puesto (80%) fueron medianamente satisfactorias. El clima laboral fue considerado medianamente favorable (48,57%) y la satisfacción laboral fue medianamente satisfactorio (42,86%).  Conclusiones: Se halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre clima laboral y satisfacción laboral (p=0,023) en el personal de enfermería en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital de Vitarte

    Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background Underweight and obesity are associated with adverse health outcomes throughout the life course. We estimated the individual and combined prevalence of underweight or thinness and obesity, and their changes, from 1990 to 2022 for adults and school-aged children and adolescents in 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 3663 population-based studies with 222 million participants that measured height and weight in representative samples of the general population. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in the prevalence of different BMI categories, separately for adults (age ≥20 years) and school-aged children and adolescents (age 5–19 years), from 1990 to 2022 for 200 countries and territories. For adults, we report the individual and combined prevalence of underweight (BMI <18·5 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). For schoolaged children and adolescents, we report thinness (BMI <2 SD below the median of the WHO growth reference) and obesity (BMI >2 SD above the median). Findings From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity in adults decreased in 11 countries (6%) for women and 17 (9%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 that the observed changes were true decreases. The combined prevalence increased in 162 countries (81%) for women and 140 countries (70%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. In 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity was highest in island nations in the Caribbean and Polynesia and Micronesia, and countries in the Middle East and north Africa. Obesity prevalence was higher than underweight with posterior probability of at least 0·80 in 177 countries (89%) for women and 145 (73%) for men in 2022, whereas the converse was true in 16 countries (8%) for women, and 39 (20%) for men. From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of thinness and obesity decreased among girls in five countries (3%) and among boys in 15 countries (8%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80, and increased among girls in 140 countries (70%) and boys in 137 countries (69%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. The countries with highest combined prevalence of thinness and obesity in school-aged children and adolescents in 2022 were in Polynesia and Micronesia and the Caribbean for both sexes, and Chile and Qatar for boys. Combined prevalence was also high in some countries in south Asia, such as India and Pakistan, where thinness remained prevalent despite having declined. In 2022, obesity in school-aged children and adolescents was more prevalent than thinness with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 among girls in 133 countries (67%) and boys in 125 countries (63%), whereas the converse was true in 35 countries (18%) and 42 countries (21%), respectively. In almost all countries for both adults and school-aged children and adolescents, the increases in double burden were driven by increases in obesity, and decreases in double burden by declining underweight or thinness. Interpretation The combined burden of underweight and obesity has increased in most countries, driven by an increase in obesity, while underweight and thinness remain prevalent in south Asia and parts of Africa. A healthy nutrition transition that enhances access to nutritious foods is needed to address the remaining burden of underweight while curbing and reversing the increase in obesit

    Benefits and barriers perceived by pregnant women of different socioeconomic status of Lima by eating food of animal origen

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    Introducción. La anemia en embarazadas es problema de salud pública en Perú. Una estrategia para prevenirla es la diversificación dietaria que incluya alimentos de origen animal (AOA), fuentes de hierro y otros nutrientes de alta biodisponibilidad. Los beneficios y barreras percibidos para consumir estos alimentos pueden ser diferentes según nivel socioeconómico. Objetivo. Comparar los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre consumo de AOA entre embarazadas de diferente nivel socioeconómico. Diseño. Estudio cualitativo, diseño fenomenológico. Institución. Un establecimiento de Salud ubicado en Carabayllo (nivel socioeconómico bajo: NSEB) y otro en Magdalena del Mar (nivel socioeconómico medio: NSEM). Muestra. 20 embarazadas por nivel socioeconómico, elegidas intencionalmente según edad, paridad, peso corporal. Intervenciones. Entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales, previo consentimiento informado. Principales medidas de resultados. Beneficios y barreras para consumir AOA durante la gestación: carnes y derivados, pescados, lácteos, huevos. Resultados. Se hallaron más beneficios similares que diferentes entre ambos grupos de embarazadas, alto valor nutritivo, buenos para bebe y madre, evitan la anemia, los huevos y el pollo son versátiles y prácticos en preparar, el pescado y el hígado son más nutritivos entre las carnes. También hubo barreras similares: poca accesibilidad por costo, desagrado, poca costumbre de consumo, escasa higiene e inocuidad y características organolépticas intensas (olor, sabor). Confusión del valor nutritivo en NSEB, poca habilidad en preparación de alimentos en NSEM. Conclusiones. Hubo más similitudes que diferencias en los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre alimentos de origen animal entre embarazadas participantes de diferente nivel socioeconómico.Introduction. Anemia in pregnant women is a public health problem in Peru. One strategy to prevent it is dietary diversity, including foods of animal origin (FAO), iron sources and other nutrients of high bioavailability. The benefits and perceived barriers to eat these foods may differ according to socioeconomic status. Objective. To compare the benefits and perceived barriers regarding eating food of animal origin (FAO) among pregnant women of different socioeconomic status. Design. Qualitative study, phenomenology design. Institution. A health establishment located in Carabayllo (low socioeconomic status: LSES) and another one in Magdalena del Mar (medium socioeconomic status: MSES). Sample. 20 pregnant women of each socioeconomic status, chosen by age, number of children, body weight. Interventions. In-depth interviews and focus groups after informed consent. Main outcome measures. Benefits and barriers of eating FAO during pregnancy: meats and derivatives, fish, dairy products and eggs. Results. We found more similar benefits than different ones among both groups of pregnant women. FAO had high nutritional value, were good for the baby and mother, prevented anemia, eggs and chicken were versatile and practical to prepare, fish and liver were more nutritious among meats. There were similar barriers: poor accessibility due to cost, distaste, infrequent consumption, poor safety and intense organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste). Confusion about nutritional value in LSES and little food preparation skills in MSES. Conclusions. Participating pregnant women of different socioeconomic status (medium and low) perceived more similarities than differences in benefits and barriers regarding eating FAO

    Beneficios y barreras percibidos para consumir alimentos de origen animal entre embarazadas de diferente nivel socioeconómico - Lima

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    Introduction. Anemia in pregnant women is a public health problem in Peru. One strategy to prevent it is dietary diversity, including foods of animal origin (FAO), iron sources and other nutrients of high bioavailability. The benefits and perceived barriers to eat these foods may differ according to socioeconomic status. Objective. To compare the benefits and perceived barriers regarding eating food of animal origin (FAO) among pregnant women of different socioeconomic status. Design. Qualitative study, phenomenology design. Institution. A health establishment located in Carabayllo (low socioeconomic status: LSES) and another one in Magdalena del Mar (medium socioeconomic status: MSES). Sample. 20 pregnant women of each socioeconomic status, chosen by age, number of children, body weight. Interventions. In-depth interviews and focus groups after informed consent. Main outcome measures. Benefits and barriers of eating FAO during pregnancy: meats and derivatives, fish, dairy products and eggs. Results. We found more similar benefits than different ones among both groups of pregnant women. FAO had high nutritional value, were good for the baby and mother, prevented anemia, eggs and chicken were versatile and practical to prepare, fish and liver were more nutritious among meats. There were similar barriers: poor accessibility due to cost, distaste, infrequent consumption, poor safety and intense organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste). Confusion about nutritional value in LSES and little food preparation skills in MSES. Conclusions. Participating pregnant women of different socioeconomic status (medium and low) perceived more similarities than differences in benefits and barriers regarding eating FAO.Introducción. La anemia en embarazadas es problema de salud pública en Perú. Una estrategia para prevenirla es la diversificación dietaria que incluya alimentos de origen animal (AOA), fuentes de hierro y otros nutrientes de alta biodisponibilidad. Los beneficios y barreras percibidos para consumir estos alimentos pueden ser diferentes según nivel socioeconómico. Objetivo. Comparar los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre consumo de AOA entre embarazadas de diferente nivel socioeconómico. Diseño. Estudio cualitativo, diseño fenomenológico. Institución. Un establecimiento de Salud ubicado en Carabayllo (nivel socioeconómico bajo: NSEB) y otro en Magdalena del Mar (nivel socioeconómico medio: NSEM). Muestra. 20 embarazadas por nivel socioeconómico, elegidas intencionalmente según edad, paridad, peso corporal. Intervenciones. Entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales, previo consentimiento informado. Principales medidas de resultados. Beneficios y barreras para consumir AOA durante la gestación: carnes y derivados, pescados, lácteos, huevos. Resultados. Se hallaron más beneficios similares que diferentes entre ambos grupos de embarazadas, alto valor nutritivo, buenos para bebe y madre, evitan la anemia, los huevos y el pollo son versátiles y prácticos en preparar, el pescado y el hígado son más nutritivos entre las carnes. También hubo barreras similares: poca accesibilidad por costo, desagrado, poca costumbre de consumo, escasa higiene e inocuidad y características organolépticas intensas (olor, sabor). Confusión del valor nutritivo en NSEB, poca habilidad en preparación de alimentos en NSEM. Conclusiones. Hubo más similitudes que diferencias en los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre alimentos de origen animal entre embarazadas participantes de diferente nivel socioeconómico

    Síntesis histórica de estudios biosociales de la coca y la alimentación en Perú, 1948-1994

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    The objective of this paper is to offer a historical perspective about the scientific investigations respect to the chewing of coca leaves and food ingestion of the Andean population during the second half of the twentieth century. The habit of cocaism, attributed to cocaine, was discussed one of the most important problems of Public Health in Peru during the 40s, period when the academic debate of the association of deficient food and cocaism was discussed. Years later, epidemiological studies supported this paradigm; however, since the 70s, anthropological reports questioned that claim and defended the social use of coca chewing. During the 80s the pharmacological effects of coca and cocaine were demonstrated in reduction of food consumption in experimental animals, which supported the old Gutierrez-Noriega ́s hypothesis.El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer una perspectiva histórica de investigaciones sobre cocaísmo y alimentación en el hombre andino durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El hábito del cocaísmo fue considerado un importante problema de salud del Perú en los 40s, cuando el debate académico planteaba asociación entre deficiente alimentación y cocaísmo, atribuidos a la cocaína. Años después, estudios epidemiológicos apoyaron este paradigma. Desde los 70s, publicaciones antropológicas cuestionaron esta asociación y defendieron el uso social de la coca. En los años 80 se demostraron efectos farmacológicos de la coca y cocaína en la reducción del consumo de alimentos en animales de experimentación, que apoyaron la antigua hipótesis de Gutiérrez-Noriega

    Autopercepción de la imagen corporal y prácticas para corregirla, en adolescentes de una institución educativa, Lima, Perú

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    Introduction. Adolescence is a stage of physical and psychological changes; body image is of special importance and dissatisfaction with this can contribute to inappropriate practices. Objective. To identify self-perception of body image and practices adopted to change it. Design. Mixed quantitative and qualitative study. Setting. Private education institution, Miraflores district, Lima. Participants. Male and female adolescents. Interventions. In 108 boys and girls for the quantitative study, and 48 for the qualitative study, weight and height, body image self-perception, in-depth individual and group interviews were obtained. Main outcome measures. Percentage of misperception of weight or height. Perception of body image and practices applied to modify this. Results. In this study 36.1% had misperception of their weight and 50.9% of their height. Although most respondents in the qualitative study revealed misperception, they showed apparent conformity with their bodies; those who did not show conformity with their body, expressed scornful comments; these and others (n=30) used diet, physical activity and medications to lose weight or to grow. Their parents and friends influenced heir decisions. 11- and 12-year-old participants were not interested in modifying their body image. Conclusions. Nearly one third of adolescents had misperception of their weight and half of them in regard to their height. Those not accepting their body image practiced activities to correct it.Introducción. Durante la adolescencia, etapa de cambios físicos y psíquicos, la imagen corporal se reviste de especial importancia; su insatisfacción puede contribuir a realizar prácticas inadecuadas. Objetivo. Identificar la autopercepción de imagen corporal y sus prácticas para corregirla. Diseño. Estudio mixto, cuanti-cualitativo. Lugar. Institución educativa privada, distrito Miraflores, Lima, Perú. Participantes. Adolescentes hombres y mujeres. Intervenciones. Se realizó mediciones antropométricas de peso y talla, encuesta de autopercepción de imagen corporal, y entrevistas a profundidad y grupales a 108 adolescentes hombres y mujeres para la fase cuantitativa, y 48 para la cualitativa. Principales medidas de resultados. Porcentaje de percepción equivocada de peso o talla. Percepción sobre su imagen corporal y prácticas para corregirla. Resultados. En el estudio, 36,1% tenían percepción equivocada de su peso y 50,9% de su talla. Aunque más de la mitad de los entrevistados en la fase cualitativa tenía percepción equivocada del peso, mostraron aparente conformidad con su cuerpo; los que no lo estaban, manifestaban expresiones despectivas del mismo; ellos e incluso algunos conformes (n=30) realizaban prácticas como dietas, actividad física y usaban medicamentos para bajar de peso o crecer; sus padres y amigos influían en la decisión de realizar dichas prácticas. Las participantes de once y doce años no mostraron interés en modificar su imagen corporal. Conclusiones. Casi un tercio de adolescentes tenía percepción equivocada de su peso, y la mitad de su talla. Los inconformes con su imagen corporal realizaban diferentes prácticas para corregirla