10,612 research outputs found

    Working Group 5: Measurements technology and active experiments

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    Technology issues identified by working groups 5 are listed. (1) New instruments are needed to upgrade the ability to measure plasma properties in space. (2) Facilities should be developed for conducting a broad range of plasma experiments in space. (3) The ability to predict plasma weather within magnetospheres should be improved and a capability to modify plasma weather developed. (4) Methods of control of plasma spacecraft and spacecraft plasma interference should be upgraded. (5) The space station laboratory facilities should be designed with attention to problems of flexibility to allow for future growth. These issues are discussed

    Axiomatic approach to radiation reaction of scalar point particles in curved spacetime

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    Several different methods have recently been proposed for calculating the motion of a point particle coupled to a linearized gravitational field on a curved background. These proposals are motivated by the hope that the point particle system will accurately model certain astrophysical systems which are promising candidates for observation by the new generation of gravitational wave detectors. Because of its mathematical simplicity, the analogous system consisting of a point particle coupled to a scalar field provides a useful context in which to investigate these proposed methods. In this paper, we generalize the axiomatic approach of Quinn and Wald in order to produce a general expression for the self force on a point particle coupled to a scalar field following an arbitrary trajectory on a curved background. Our equation includes the leading order effects of the particle's own fields, commonly referred to as ``self force'' or ``radiation reaction'' effects. We then explore the equations of motion which follow from this expression in the absence of non-scalar forces.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Hat-P-25b: A Hot-Jupiter Transiting a Moderately Faint G Star

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    We report the discovery of HAT-P-25b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the V = 13.19 G5 dwarf star GSC 1788-01237, with a period P = 3.652836 ± 0.000019 days, transit epoch T_c = 2455176.85173 ± 0.00047 (BJD—barycentric Julian dates throughout the paper are calculated from Coordinated Universal Time, UTC), and transit duration 0.1174 ± 0.0017 days. The host star has a mass of 1.01 ± 0.03 M_☉, radius of 0.96^(+0.05)_(– 0.04) R_☉, effective temperature 5500 ± 80 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = +0.31 ± 0.08. The planetary companion has a mass of 0.567 ± 0.022 M_J and radius of 1.190^(+0.081)_(–0.056) R_J yielding a mean density of 0.42 ± 0.07 g cm^(–3)

    Human epicardial adipose tissue expresses a pathogenic profile of adipocytokines in patients with cardiovascular disease

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    Introduction: Inflammation contributes to cardiovascular disease and is exacerbated with increased adiposity, particularly omental adiposity; however, the role of epicardial fat is poorly understood. Methods: For these studies the expression of inflammatory markers was assessed in epicardial fat biopsies from coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients using quantitative RT-PCR. Further, the effects of chronic medications, including statins, as well as peri-operative glucose, insulin and potassium infusion, on gene expression were also assessed. Circulating resistin, CRP, adiponectin and leptin levels were determined to assess inflammation. Results: The expression of adiponectin, resistin and other adipocytokine mRNAs were comparable to that in omental fat. Epicardial CD45 expression was significantly higher than control depots (p < 0.01) indicating significant infiltration of macrophages. Statin treated patients showed significantly lower epicardial expression of IL-6 mRNA, in comparison with the control abdominal depots (p < 0.001). The serum profile of CABG patients showed significantly higher levels of both CRP (control: 1.28 ± 1.57 μg/mL vs CABG: 9.11 ± 15.7 μg/mL; p < 0.001) and resistin (control: 10.53 ± 0.81 ng/mL vs CABG: 16.8 ± 1.69 ng/mL; p < 0.01) and significantly lower levels of adiponectin (control: 29.1 ± 14.8 μg/mL vs CABG: 11.9 ± 6.0 μg/mL; p < 0.05) when compared to BMI matched controls. Conclusion: Epicardial and omental fat exhibit a broadly comparable pathogenic mRNA profile, this may arise in part from macrophage infiltration into the epicardial fat. This study highlights that chronic inflammation occurs locally as well as systemically potentially contributing further to the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease

    A comparison of CFD and full-scale measurement for analysis of natural ventilation

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    CFD modelling techniques have been used to simulate the coupled external and internal flow in a cubic building with two dominant openings. CFD predictions of the time-averaged cross ventilation flow rates have been validated against full-scale experimental data under various weather conditions in England. RANS model predictions proved reliable when wind directions were near normal to the vent openings. However, when the fluctuating ventilation rate exceeded the mean flow, RANS models were incapable of predicting the total ventilation rate. Improved results are expected by applying more sophisticated turbulence models, such as LES or weighted quasi-steady approximations

    HAT-P-26b: A Low-Density Neptune-Mass Planet Transiting a K Star

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    We report the discovery of HAT-P-26b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V=11.744 K1 dwarf star GSC 0320-01027, with a period P = 4.234516 +- 0.000015 d, transit epoch Tc = 2455304.65122 +- 0.00035 (BJD), and transit duration 0.1023 +- 0.0010 d. The host star has a mass of 0.82 +- 0.03 Msun, radius of 0.79 + 0.10 - 0.04 Rsun, effective temperature 5079 +- 88 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = -0.04 +- 0.08. The planetary companion has a mass of 0.059 +- 0.007 MJ, and radius of 0.565 + 0.072 - 0.032 RJ yielding a mean density of 0.40 +- 0.10 g cm-3. HAT-P-26b is the fourth Neptune-mass transiting planet discovered to date. It has a mass that is comparable to those of Neptune and Uranus, and slightly smaller than those of the other transiting Super-Neptunes, but a radius that is ~65% larger than those of Neptune and Uranus, and also larger than those of the other transiting Super-Neptunes. HAT-P-26b is consistent with theoretical models of an irradiated Neptune-mass planet with a 10 Mearth heavy element core that comprises >~ 50% of its mass with the remainder contained in a significant hydrogen-helium envelope, though the exact composition is uncertain as there are significant differences between various theoretical models at the Neptune-mass regime. The equatorial declination of the star makes it easily accessible to both Northern and Southern ground-based facilities for follow-up observations.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Ap

    HAT-P-47b AND HAT-P-48b: Two Low Density Sub-Saturn-Mass Transiting Planets on the Edge of the Period--Mass Desert

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    We report the discovery of two new transiting extrasolar planets orbiting moderately bright (V = 10.7 and 12.2 mag) F stars (masses of 1.39 Msun and 1.10 Msun, respectively). The planets have periods of P = 4.7322 d and 4.4087 d, and masses of 0.21 MJ and 0.17 MJ which are almost half-way between those of Neptune and Saturn. With radii of 1.31 RJ and 1.13 RJ, these very low density planets are the two lowest mass planets with radii in excess that of Jupiter. Comparing with other recent planet discoveries, we find that sub-Saturns (0.18MJ < Mp < 0.3MJ) and super-Neptunes (0.05MJ < Mp < 0.18MJ) exhibit a wide range of radii, and their radii exhibit a weaker correlation with irradiation than higher mass planets. The two planets are both suitable for measuring the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and for atmospheric characterization. Measuring the former effect would allow an interesting test of the theory that star-planet tidal interactions are responsible for the tendency of close-in giant planets around convective envelope stars to be on low obliquity orbits. Both planets fall on the edge of the short period Neptunian desert in the semi-major axis-mass plane.Comment: Submitted to AAS Journal

    Tidal stirring and the origin of dwarf spheroidals in the Local Group

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    N-Body/SPH simulations are used to study the evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs) entering the dark matter halo of the Milky Way or M31 on plunging orbits. We propose a new dynamical mechanism driving the evolution of gas rich, rotationally supported dIrrs, mostly found at the outskirts of the Local Group (LG), into gas free, pressure supported dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) or dwarf ellipticals (dEs), observed to cluster around the two giant spirals. The initial model galaxies are exponential disks embedded in massive dark matter halos and reproduce nearby dIrrs. Repeated tidal shocks at the pericenter of their orbit partially strip their halo and disk and trigger dynamical instabilities that dramatically reshape their stellar component. After only 2-3 orbits low surface brightness (LSB) dIrrs are transformed into dSphs, while high surface brightness (HSB) dIrrs evolve into dEs. This evolutionary mechanism naturally leads to the morphology-density relation observed for LG dwarfs. Dwarfs surrounded by very dense dark matter halos, like the archetypical dIrr GR8, are turned into Draco or Ursa Minor, the faintest and most dark matter dominated among LG dSphs. If disks include a gaseous component, this is both tidally stripped and consumed in periodic bursts of star formation. The resulting star formation histories are in good qualitative agreement with those derived using HST color-magnitude diagrams for local dSphs.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear on ApJL. Simulation images and movies can be found at the Local Group web page at http://pcblu.uni.mi.astro.it/~lucio/LG/LG.htm

    Hat-P-28b and Hat-P-29b: Two Sub-Jupiter Mass Transiting Planets

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    We present the discovery of two transiting exoplanets. HAT-P-28b orbits a V = 13.03 G3 dwarf star with a period P = 3.2572 days and has a mass of 0.63 ± 0.04 M_J and a radius of 1.21^(+0.11)_(–0.08) R_J yielding a mean density of 0.44 ± 0.09 g cm^(–3). HAT-P-29b orbits a V = 11.90 F8 dwarf star with a period P = 5.7232 days and has a mass of 0.78^(+0.08)_(–0.04) M_J and a radius of 1.11^(+0.14)_(–0.08) R_J yielding a mean density of 0.71 ± 0.18 g cm^(–3). We discuss the properties of these planets in the context of other known transiting planets