45 research outputs found

    Adaptation and validation of the Yildirim & Correia nomophobia scale in Spanish students of ‘Compulsory Secondary Education’

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    Aunque no se trata de un fenómeno reciente, la Nomofobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia) entendida como una adicción comportamental que implica un alto temor a quedarse sin teléfono móvil, está siendo objeto de investigación desde diferentes disciplinas dada las importantes consecuencias que se están observando entre la población más joven. Sin embargo, son pocos los instrumentos capaces de medir esta adicción no reconocida como tal por el DSM-V. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de adaptación y validación de la escala de medición de la Nomofobia de Yildirim y Correia. Para ello se procedió a una adaptación lingüística y cultural de la misma, seguida de una revisión por parte de expertos en la materia. La decisión del grupo de expertos supuso una modificación de la redacción y la inclusión de un nuevo ítem. La escala resultante se aplicó a una muestra de 372 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en institutos públicos de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados permitieron la validación de la escala objeto de este estudio.Although is not a recent phenomenon, Nomophobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia), understood as a behavioral addiction that implies a high fear of being left without a mobile phone, is being researched from different disciplines given the important consequences that are being observed between the younger population. However, there are few instruments to measure this addiction not recognized by the DSM-V. In the present work the process of adaptation and validation of the measurement scale of the Nomophobia of Yildirim and Correia has been carried out. A linguistic and cultural adaptation of the scale was carried out, followed by a review by the experts in the field. The group of experts proposed a modification of the wording and the inclusion of a new item. The final scale was applied to a sample of 372 students of Compulsory Secondary Education, in public institutes of the Province of Alicante. The results allowed the validation of the Yildirim and Correia scale

    Marketing information resources in franchise companies

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    Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de las técnicas de marketing utilizadas por las empresas de franquicia españolas y las extranjeras operativas en España. El objetivo es describir y analizar los recursos de comunicación utilizados por este tipo de empresas para proveer de información a sus tres principales públicos objetivos: las unidades operativas con que cuenta la cadena (franquiciados), los inversores dispuestos a abrir nuevas unidades (posibles franquiciados) y los clientes finales de la empresa. Se analiza la pertinencia de tales recursos desde la propia perspectiva de los empresarios franquiciadores. Los resultados apuntan a un alto uso de los medios disponibles, y en las conclusiones se plantea su interrelación desde la nueva teoría estratégica de comunicación.A descriptive analysis of marketing techniques used by Spanish and foreign franchise companies operating in Spain has been carried out. The aim was to describe and analyse the relevance of the communication resources used by these companies when providing information to their three main targeted groups: existing units (franchisees), investors who are ready to open new units (possible franchisees), and final customers of the company. The results show high use of the communication resources and, from the viewpoint of the new strategic communication theory, the conclusion suggests that these resources should be interrelated.Los resultados aquí presentados forman parte de una investigación financiada por la Universidad de Alicante, con referencia: GRE11-16

    Marketing proximity in franchise company

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    Se analiza la implantación de las estrategias del Marketing de Proximidad en las Empresas de Franquicia españolas y extranjeras, en España. Parte de dos hipótesis: 1. la empresa de franquicia tiene poco aprovechada su web; 2. la empresa de franquicia tiene una alta presencia en los espacios 2.0, generando herramientas que le permiten una rápida y eficaz interacción con sus consumidores. El objetivo es describir y analizar los recursos utilizados para interactuar con sus clientes finales, centrándose en el estudio de la presencia en medios sociales. Para la recogida de información se ha utilizado un cuestionario estructurado. Los principales resultados muestran que la empresa de franquicia posee una web corporativa escasamente aprovechada como herramienta de comunicación con su público. Se observa una gran presencia en canales 2.0, gestionados mayoritariamente por un Community Manager.The article focused on analyzing the implantation of the strategies of the Marketing proximity in the Spanish and foreign Franchise Companies, in Spain. It starts from two hypotheses: 1. The Franchise Company has his web slightly taken advantage of; 2. The Franchise Company has a high presence on 2.0 spaces, generating tools that allow him a rapid and effective interaction with his consumers. The aim is to describe and to analyze the resources used by this type of companies to interact with his final clients, focused on the study of their presence in social media. The method is based in a structured questionnaire. The principal results show that the franchise company possesses a corporate web scantily taken advantage as tool of direct communication with his final public. Nevertheless a great presence observes in different channels 2.0 managed in a high percentage of the cases by a Community Manager.Investigación financiada por la Universidad de Alicante (GRE11-16)

    Evaluation of the practicum in postgraduate training in communication studies from a professional and student orientation

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    La investigación evaluativa se erige como una herramienta necesaria para reorientar las propuestas docentes desarrolladas con los estudiantes. A través de este estudio se evalúa la consecución de los objetivos relacionados con las prácticas profesionales de los alumnos del Master Comunicación en Industrias Creativas, durante el curso académico 2011-2012, en la Universidad de Alicante. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer una reflexión en torno a la orientación futura que debemos otorgar a este proceso de intervención didáctica, reforzando los objetivos de aprendizaje menos consolidados.Evaluative research stands as a necessary tool to reorient teaching proposals developed with students. Through this study evaluates the achievement of the objectives related to the professional practice of students in the Master of Creative Industries Communication during the 2011-2012 academic year at the University of Alicante. The results obtained allow a reflection on future directions that we give this educational intervention process, reinforcing the learning objectives less consolidated

    Responsabilidad social de las universidades españolas para unas relaciones sostenibles

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    As institutions committed to society, universities communicate their responsible behavior and their impacts on the environment and community through University Social Responsibility (USR) and sustainability reports. This paper analyzes USR management in the 50 higher education institutions that belong to the Spanish public university system and their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. A descriptive methodology was followed to carry out a document review and content analysis of their social responsibility and sustainability reports, as well as their institutional development plans. The results show that both the conceptualization and management of USR as a policy is very heterogeneous between universities and by regions. There is little evidence that USR policies are deeply rooted in a government framework and that the contribution of public universities to the 2030 Agenda is incipient. Although the relationship with internal and external audiences is represented in the documents, there are weaknesses in the relationship with mixed interest groups. Responsible communication is presented as a mechanism for the integration and promotion of the SDGs in universities and as a manifestation of their relationships with stakeholders.Las universidades, como instituciones comprometidas con la sociedad, comunican su comportamiento responsable, sus impactos sobre el medio ambiente y la comunidad, a través de las memorias de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) y de sostenibilidad. En este trabajo se analiza la gestión de la RSU por parte de las 50 instituciones de educación superior pertenecientes al Sistema Universitario Público Español y su compromiso con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030. Siguiendo una metodología descriptiva, se ha realizado una revisión documental y se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido de sus memorias de responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad, así como de sus planes de desarrollo institucional. Los resultados muestran que tanto la conceptualización como la gestión de la RSU como política es muy heterogénea entre universidades y por comunidades autónomas. Se advierte un escaso arraigo de las políticas de RSU en los equipos de gobierno; y que la contribución de las universidades públicas a la Agenda 2030 es incipiente. Aunque en general la relación con los públicos internos y externos está representada en los documentos, existen carencias en la relación con los grupos de interés mixtos. La comunicación responsable se presenta como un mecanismo de integración y promoción de los ODS en las universidades, y como una manifestación de sus relaciones con los grupos de interés

    Innovation in Strategies to Attract Franchisees

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    La investigación parte de la hipótesis de que las empresas franquiciadoras españolas innovan en estrategias de comunicación en relación con uno de sus principales públicos objetivo: los potenciales franquiciados. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las estrategias de comunicación desarrolladas por estas empresas para la captación de nuevos asociados. Se estudia la gestión y la valoración de las estrategias por parte de los franquiciadores en la situación actual de crisis y de cambios tecnológicos. Se han utilizado tanto técnicas cualitativas como cuantitativas. Como conclusión se determina si las empresas utilizan estrategias innovadoras sirviéndose del uso de nuevos medios y soportes o por el contrario siguen utilizando métodos tradicionales.The study tests the hypothesis that Spanish franchise companies innovate when it comes to communication strategies focused on one of their primary targets: potential franchisees. The purpose of this article is to analyze the communication strategies developed by these companies to attract new partners. The management and assessment strategies used by franchisors in the current situation marked by crisis and technological change are examined. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are applied. In conclusion, it is determined if companies apply innovative strategies by making use of new media and support aids, or if they continue to use traditional methods

    Structures, Systems and Organizational Communication Processes in Franchises in times of crisis: the Spanish case

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    Current economic crisis together with the Internet revolution has had direct impacts on the franchise sector of Spain: in particular on its unique communication network. The aim of this research is to analyse how Spanish franchise companies have adapted to these changes through its corporate communications management. We want to determine whether the management of communications is ideal to the growth and consolidation of companies in the market. Corporate communications plans and organizational structures were analyzed to verify whether or not information technology (i.e. the use of the Internet) is maximized: the communications aspect being a critical area of company growth. We found that most franchise companies surveyed had adapted well to the changes in information technology, despite economic challenges. The Internet as a communications tool has been limited to its utility as a “bulletin board” for information. The marketing advantage of Internet communication, or its use as an avenue for customer exchange and exchange of goods and services has yet to be maximized. Future research may look into the details of how companies are able to maximize the communications-marketing advantage that Online/Internet can contribute to the franchise sector

    Citizen Participation in Corporate Communication. An Analysis of Health&Beauty, Decoration and Food franchise industries

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    Se analiza la gestión de la comunicación online de las empresas de franquicia en la red social Facebook desde la perspectiva estratégica de interacción con sus públicos. La hipótesis principal supone asumir la presencia activa, tanto de las marcas de franquicia como de sus públicos, en esta red social. Como hipótesis secundaria, se plantea la posibilidad de que existan cuentas de franquiciados que generarían confusión entre los ciudadanos. Objetivos: analizar la presencia de las principales franquicias internacionales de los sectores: salud-belleza, decoración y restauración operativas en España en la red social Facebook; analizar la página de la empresa, determinar la existencia de cuentas del franquiciador o de franquiciados; determinar el número de seguidores, los mensajes publicados y, el carácter positivo, negativo o neutro de Estos y la contribución del público a la producción de contenido. Se lleva a cabo un estudio de caso de las tres primeras franquicias de los sectores referidos. Los resultados demuestran la importancia que conceden tanto franquiciadores como franquiciados y públicos a esta red social. Se detecta un uso indebido por parte de algunas franquicias que puede llegar a confundir al público final. Los autores apuntan líneas estratégicas básicas para la gestión de social media.An analysis of on-line communication of franchise companies through Facebook from the strategic perspective of interaction with their target audiences is presented in this research. The main hypothesis is to understand the fact that there is active presence of franchise brands and their target audiences on this social network. A secondary hypothesis suggests that some franchisee branch accounts may be creating confusion among the users. Objectives: to analyse the presence of major international franchise industries of Health & Beauty, Decoration and Food franchises operating in Spain on Facebook; to analyse the website of the company; to determine whether the account belongs to the franchisor or the franchisees; to determine the number of followers; to analyse posts and their either positive, negative or balanced approach, and last but not least, to decide the target audience contribution to content generation. An evaluation of the franchises belonging to the three major industries aforementioned is carried out. The results show the significance that both franchisors and franchisees, as well as citizens, give to this social network. However, it also shows some misuse on the side of several franchise websites which may lead to the feeling of confusion in the audience. Finally, basic strategic lines for the correct management of social media are indicated by the authors

    Online communication management in franchise companies. The use of Facebook in the service sector

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    Se plantea un estudio en torno a la gestión de la comunicación, a través de Facebook, por diferentes enseñas de franquicias del sector servicios (mensajería y transporte urgente, telefonía móvil y agencias de viajes). Partiendo de un análisis de los contenidos y del nivel de interacción de las diferentes enseñas con sus públicos, se pretende conocer la actividad generada en dicha red social. La hipótesis afirma que las empresas de franquicia del sector servicios están presentes activamente en Facebook. El objetivo es analizar la presencia de las principales franquicias internacionales de los sub-sectores; estudiar la página de Facebook y determinar la existencia de cuentas del franquiciador o de franquiciados. La metodología empleada parte de una revisión documental de fuentes relacionadas con la franquicia y las redes sociales, haciendo hincapié en Facebook. Este análisis se cumplimentará con un estudio exploratorio de nueve enseñas del sector seleccionado. Los principales resultados muestran que, a pesar de que todas las enseñas tienen actividad en Facebook, su comportamiento es variable.A study dealing communication management through social networks, more precisely Facebook, will be presented, following different franchise companies in the tertiary sector: courier/express transport, mobile telephony, travel agencies. Taking as the starting point for the research the analysis of contents and the level of interaction of different franchises and their audiences, a close study of the social network activity of those previously selected franchises will be shown. The hypothesis to be tested is that of franchise companies being increasingly active on Facebook. The analysis will consider the presence of the main global franchise companies in the following sectors: courier/express transport, mobile telephony, travel agencies with activity in Spain and on Facebook. The website of the company will be examined in detail so as to determine the presence of franchisor and franchisee accounts, registering the number of followers, edited posts and their main features (positive, negative or neutral). The methodology being used has been based on a thorough documentary review of sources related to franchising and social networks, specifically Facebook. The analysis is completed throughout an exploratory study of nine franchises of the selected sector. The results show that, in spite of the fact that all franchise companies have active presence on Facebook, their online behavior varies considerably

    Fashion industry's environmental policy: Social media and corporate website as vehicles for communicating corporate social responsibility

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    Society requires companies to adopt ethical and responsible behavior with regard to environmental policies in order to achieve sustainable development. One of the most controversial sectors in terms of sustainable production is the fashion industry. This study analyzes the extent to which seven of the biggest fashion brands in Spain and around the world communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies (specifically, those related to sustainability). To this end, we identify the social media platforms used the most by the target audiences for these brands, and apply an exploratory, descriptive methodology to a content analysis of communication about their CSR policies, both formal (corporate websites) and informal (social media). The objective is to identify whether these companies communicate their sustainable activities and practices in the context of their CSR. Our findings confirm that the brands analyzed have integrated sustainability and environmental protection initiatives into their CSR policies. However, although they do communicate this on their corporate websites, they rarely do so on social media. We thus conclude that the seven fashion brands analyzed could make better use of social media to raise awareness and educate customers about environmental sustainability