5 research outputs found

    Regulation of Microclimatic Conditions inside Native Beehives and Its Relationship with Climate in Southern Spain

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    In this study, the Wbee Sensor System was used to record data from 10 Iberian beehives for two years in southern Spain. These data were used to identify potential conditioning climatic factors of the internal regulatory behavior of the hive and its weight. Categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA) was used to determine the minimum number of those factors able to capture the maximum percentage of variability in the data recorded. Then, categorical regression (CATREG) was used to select the factors that were linearly related to hive internal humidity, temperature and weight to issue predictive regression equations in Iberian bees. Average relative humidity values of 51.7% ± 10.4 and 54.2% ± 11.7 were reported for humidity in the brood nest and in the food area, while average temperatures were 34.3 °C ± 1.5 in the brood nest and 29.9 °C ± 5.8 in the food area. Average beehive weight was 38.2 kg ± 13.6. Some of our data, especially those related to humidity, contrast with previously published results for other studies about bees from Central and northern Europe. Conclusively, certain combinations of climatic factors may condition within hive humidity, temperature and hive weight. Southern Iberian honeybees’ brood nest humidity regulatory capacity could be lower than brood nest thermoregulatory capacity, maintaining values close to 34 °C, even in dry conditions

    Streetlight Control System Based on Wireless Communication over DALI Protocol

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    Public lighting represents a large part of the energy consumption of towns and cities. Efficient management of public lighting can entail significant energy savings. This work presents a smart system for managing public lighting networks based on wireless communication and the DALI protocol. Wireless communication entails significant economic savings, as there is no need to install new wiring and visual impacts and damage to the facades of historical buildings in city centers are avoided. The DALI protocol uses bidirectional communication with the ballast, which allows its status to be controlled and monitored at all times. The novelty of this work is that it tackles all aspects related to the management of public lighting: a standard protocol, DALI, was selected to control the ballast, a wireless node based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard with a DALI interface was designed, a network layer that considers the topology of the lighting network has been developed, and lastly, some user-friendly applications for the control and maintenance of the system by the technical crews of the different towns and cities have been developed

    DALI Bridge FPGA-Based Implementation in a Wireless Sensor Node for IoT Street Lighting Applications

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    Smart lighting systems based on the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) protocol are the most suitable for street lighting systems, allowing digital lighting control operations. Unfortunately, the microcontrollers, which are commonly used in the Wireless Sensor Network nodes to control the lamps, do not implement this protocol. The DALI protocol implemented by software in the microcontroller consumes hardware resources (timers), processing time and requires a precise temporal analysis of the application, due to the strict bit times and the Manchester coding that it uses. In this work, the design of a bridge is proposed to free the microcontroller from the implementation of the DALI protocol. The novelty of this work is the implementation of the DALI Bridge in a low-cost Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with low power consumption. The bridge has been described in the hardware description language following the 1076-93 and 1076.3-97 standards, to guarantee its portability. The results of the synthesis show that a minimum amount of logical and routing resources is used, that the power consumption is in the order of tens of mW, that it has a very small latency time and that it supports a high operating frequency, which allows adding new functions. Its operation is verified by implementing a wireless sensor node using an FPGA of the Lattice Semiconductor iCE40 family

    Honey Bee Colonies Remote Monitoring System

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    Bees are very important for terrestrial ecosystems and, above all, for the subsistence of many crops, due to their ability to pollinate flowers. Currently, the honey bee populations are decreasing due to colony collapse disorder (CCD). The reasons for CCD are not fully known, and as a result, it is essential to obtain all possible information on the environmental conditions surrounding the beehives. On the other hand, it is important to carry out such information gathering as non-intrusively as possible to avoid modifying the bees’ work conditions and to obtain more reliable data. We designed a wireless-sensor networks meet these requirements. We designed a remote monitoring system (called WBee) based on a hierarchical three-level model formed by the wireless node, a local data server, and a cloud data server. WBee is a low-cost, fully scalable, easily deployable system with regard to the number and types of sensors and the number of hives and their geographical distribution. WBee saves the data in each of the levels if there are failures in communication. In addition, the nodes include a backup battery, which allows for further data acquisition and storage in the event of a power outage. Unlike other systems that monitor a single point of a hive, the system we present monitors and stores the temperature and relative humidity of the beehive in three different spots. Additionally, the hive is continuously weighed on a weighing scale. Real-time weight measurement is an innovation in wireless beehive—monitoring systems. We designed an adaptation board to facilitate the connection of the sensors to the node. Through the Internet, researchers and beekeepers can access the cloud data server to find out the condition of their hives in real time