867 research outputs found

    Proceso gerencial para la ejecuci?n del proyecto de dise?o y construcci?n de m?dulos habitacionales para estudiantes de educaci?n superior en la ciudad de Girardot

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    126 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl acceso a la educaci?n superior para los j?venes en Colombia es mayor que hace una d?cada, la competitividad y profesionalizaci?n de la mano de obra del pa?s ha generado la necesidad de la realizaci?n de estudios posteriores al bachillerato e incluso del aumento en la demanda de estudios de postgrado. Es importante citar que el Municipio de Girardot es el principal centro urbano de la regi?n, el cual aglutina la mayor poblaci?n de estudiantes de educaci?n superior, con amplia oferta de instituciones educativas, tanto p?blicas como privadas que ofrecen carreras t?cnicas, tecnol?gicas y profesionales, haciendo de ?sta una opci?n atractiva para los futuros bachilleres de las poblaciones aleda?as y propias de la ciudad. El objetivo del presente proyecto, es el dise?o, ejecuci?n y adecuaci?n de dos m?dulos habitacionales para estudiantes de educaci?n superior, donde encuentren satisfacci?n a sus necesidades de vivienda. No se pretende un modelo solamente habitacional, sino un modelo de mejoramiento de entorno, motivando el desarrollo de una metr?poli universitaria que crece cada d?a con estudiantes for?neos, por lo que se requiere tener en cuenta que el h?bitat a ofrecerles se deben reducir las condiciones carentes, y limitantes que se encuentran en la oferta habitacional actual. Se establecen resultados y entregables como son el presupuesto, plan de inversi?n, cronogramas, plan de manejo ambiental y de riesgos y los recursos necesarios para el logro de los objetivos propuestos, as? mismo se plasman en este documento todas las etapas conformadas en la ejecuci?n del proyecto.ABSTRACT The acces to higher education to young people in Colombia is bigger than a decade ago, the competitiveness y profesionalization of manpower in the country has generate the needing of realization of posterior studies to high school and even the rise on demand of postgrade studies. It is important to quote that the municipality of Girardot is the principal urban center in the region, which has the most student population of higher education, with a wide offert of educational institutes, public and private that offers technincal, technological and profesional careers, making it an atractive option to the next high school graduates of the around and of the city. The target of the present project, is the design, execution and adequacy of two housing modules to higher education student, where they can find satisfaction to them house needs. The idea is not just to make an housing model, is to make a model of improving of the environment, motivating the development of a universitary metropoli that grows up every day with foreign students, thats why it requires to realize that the in habitat to offer, should be reduced the lacking conditions and limiting that we can find in the housing offer in present. Results will be setted and appendages as the budget, investment plan, schedule, environmental management plan and risks, and the necessary resources to the achievement of the objectives, and all the stages of the project execution will be displayed.INTRODUCCI?N 17 1. DEFINICI?N Y PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 18 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 19 3. OBJETIVOS 20 3.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL 20 3.2. OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 20 4. METODOLOG?A 21 5. DESCRIPCI?N GENERAL DEL PROYECTO 24 5.1. T?TULO O NOMBRE DEL PROYECTO 24 5.2. ENTIDADES RESPONSABLES O FORMULADORES 24 5.3. NECESIDADES QUE ORIGINA EL PROYECTO 24 5.4. SOLUCI?N A LA NECESIDAD 24 5.5. VIABILIDAD DE MERCADO 25 5.6. VIABILIDAD T?CNICA. 25 5.7. VIABILIDAD ADMINISTRATIVA Y LEGAL 26 5.8. VIABILIDAD AMBIENTAL 27 5.9. EVALUACI?N FINANCIERA Y ECON?MICA 28 6. EL CONTEXTO DEL PROYECTO 29 6.1. ENTORNO ECON?MICO Y FINANCIERO 29 6.1.1. Producto interno bruto 29 6.1.2. Inflaci?n 29 6.1.3. Tasa de Inter?s 29 6.1.4. An?lisis de variables 30 6.1.5. Valor presente neto (VPN) 30 6.1.6. Tasa interna de retorno (TIR) 30 6.1.7. Relaci?n beneficio ? Costo RBC 31 6.1.8. Periodo de recuperaci?n de la inversi?n 31 6.2. ENTORNO TECNOL?GICO 31 6.2.1. Conectividad y comunicaciones 31 6.3. ENTORNO POL?TICO 32 6.4. ENTORNO AMBIENTAL 32 6.5. ENTORNO SOCIAL 33 7. EL TALENTO HUMANO Y SU PAPEL PROTAG?NICO EN LA GERENCIA DEL PROYECTO 34 7.1. LA ESTRUCTURA ORGANIZACIONAL PARA LA EJECUCI?N DEL PROYECTO 34 7.2. PROCESOS DE SELECCI?N DEL GERENTE DE PROYECTO Y SU EQUIPO NUCLEAR 34 7.2.1. Proceso de selecci?n del gerente de proyectos 35 Reclutamiento 35 Selecci?n de personal 35 Ficha t?cnica Profesiogr?fica 36 7.2.2. Proceso de selecci?n del equipo nuclear 36 Reclutamiento y selecci?n de personal 36 Ficha t?cnica Profesiogr?fica 36 7.2.3. Calificaci?n 37 7.2.4. Contrataci?n 40 7.3. MODELO GERENCIAL APLICADO A LA EJECUCI?N DEL PROYECTO 41 7.3.1. Caracter?sticas de la APO 42 7.3.2. Como aplicaremos la APO 43 7.3.3. Estilo de liderazgo 43 7.4. ESTRATEGIA PARA GERENCIAR EL TALENTO HUMANO RESPONSABLE DE LA EJECUCI?N DEL PROYECTO 44 7.5. EL SISTEMA DE INFORMACI?N Y COMUNICACI?N PARA LA EJECUCI?N DEL PROYECTO 45 7.5.1. Informaci?n general del proyecto 45 7.5.2. Prop?sitos 45 7.5.3. Procedimientos acordados para la etapa de ejecuci?n 45 Procedimiento de selecci?n de outsourcing 45 Procedimiento de selecci?n gerente de proyectos y equipo nuclear 46 7.5.4. Sistema de comunicaci?n 46 Planificaci?n de la informaci?n 46 9 Difusi?n de la informaci?n (tecnolog?a) 47 7.5.5. Informes 47 7.5.6. Cierre administrativo 48 7.5.7. Reportes de desempe?o 48 Formatos 48 8. LA GERENCIA DEL PROYECTO 49 8.1. INICIO 49 8.2. PLANIFICACI?N 49 8.2.1. Objetivos generales de la ejecuci?n 49 8.2.2. Objetivos espec?ficos de la ejecuci?n 49 8.3. GESTI?N DEL ALCANCE 50 8.3.1. Acta de constituci?n del proyecto 50 8.3.2. Estructura de divisi?n del trabajo (EDT) 50 8.3.3. Descripci?n de actividades 50 8.3.4. Matriz de responsabilidades 50 8.4. GESTI?N DEL TIEMPO 50 8.4.1. Duraci?n de Actividades 50 8.4.2. Matriz de precedencias 51 8.4.3. Programa para la ejecuci?n del proyecto 52 8.4.4. Matriz de programaci?n 53 8.4.5. Red del Proyecto- Red y Gantt de la ejecuci?n del proyecto 53 8.4.6. Ruta cr?tica 54 8.4.7. Diagrama de Gantt 54 8.5. GESTI?N DEL COSTO 54 8.5.1. Inversiones fijas 54 8.5.2. Inversiones diferidas 55 8.5.3. Costo por actividades - estructura de costos 56 8.5.4. Descripci?n del flujo de caja de la ejecuci?n 60 8.5.5. Plan de desembolsos 60 Plan de desembolsos outsourcing de dise?o 60 Plan de desembolsos outsourcing de construcci?n 61 Estimaci?n de costos 62 Factores tenidos en cuenta para la estimaci?n de costos 63 8.6. GESTI?N DE RIESGO 63 8.6.1. Identificaci?n de riesgos 63 8.6.2. Clasificaci?n delos riesgos externos 64 Ambiente general 64 Ambiente sectorial o industrial 64 8.6.3. Clasificaci?n delos riesgos internos 66 Recursos y capacidades directivos 66 Recursos y capacidades financieros 67 Desconfianza con los trabajadores del proyecto 67 11 8.7. CONTROL 68 8.7.1. Reuniones semanales de evaluaci?n 69 8.7.2. Reuniones extraordinarias 69 8.7.3. Medici?n de los tiempos y costos de actividades 70 8.7.4. Lista de seguimiento de actividades y responsables 70 8.8. CIERRE 70 8.8.1. Acta de terminaci?n 70 8.8.2. Actas de liquidaci?n 70 8.9. APLICACI?N DEL PROJECT 71 9. CONTRATACI?N PARA LA EJECUCI?N DEL PROYECTO 72 9.1. CONTRATACI?N DEL GERENTE DEL PROYECTO 72 9.1.1. Contrataci?n del equipo nuclear 72 9.1.2. Contrato de Prestaci?n de Servicios 72 9.1.3. Contrato a t?rmino fijo 72 9.1.4. Contrato de outsourcing de Dise?o y construcci?n 72 10. CONCLUSIONES 73 11. RECOMENDACIONES 74 REFERENCIAS 75 ANEXOS 7

    Nanoparticle communications : from chemical signals in nature to wireless sensor networks

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    The need to convey information has always existed in both the animal and human kingdoms. The article offers a review of the latest developments in transporting information using nanosized particles. It begins by examining chemical signalling in nature, and goes on to discuss recent advances in mimicking this in bio-inspired engineering. It then points out the important difference between signalling and general communication, and explains why the latter is a more challenging problem. The existing research on mimicking chemical signalling in nature is a precurser to research into general chemical communication. A review of the latest theoretical research in general chemical communications is presented, along with the practical developments of the world’s first nanoparticle communications test-bed. In the parts of the article, the authors discuss the potential research challenges and identify three important areas for future development: robustness, miniaturization, and scalability

    Generational Differences and Determinants of Purchase Behavior towards Sustainable Clothing in a Developing Economy

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    The fashion industry contributes significant plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions globally. One approach to minimize the industry’s environmental impact is through a shift to sustainable clothing. This study determined the predictors of purchase behavior towards sustainable clothing in a developing economy, which is the Philippines. Furthermore, this paper compared Filipinos from Generations X and Z. Results of a multiple regression analysis from a sample of 212 participants in an online survey showed that generation and environmental knowledge predicted the purchase of sustainable clothing. Moreover, Gen Z scored higher in environmental knowledge and purchase of sustainable clothing. The findings provide insights on increasing the usage of sustainable clothing, which can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry

    Skyrmion Hall Effect Revealed by Direct Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy

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    Magnetic skyrmions are highly promising candidates for future spintronic applications such as skyrmion racetrack memories and logic devices. They exhibit exotic and complex dynamics governed by topology and are less influenced by defects, such as edge roughness, than conventionally used domain walls. In particular, their finite topological charge leads to a predicted "skyrmion Hall effect", in which current-driven skyrmions acquire a transverse velocity component analogous to charged particles in the conventional Hall effect. Here, we present nanoscale pump-probe imaging that for the first time reveals the real-time dynamics of skyrmions driven by current-induced spin orbit torque (SOT). We find that skyrmions move at a well-defined angle {\Theta}_{SH} that can exceed 30{\deg} with respect to the current flow, but in contrast to theoretical expectations, {\Theta}_{SH} increases linearly with velocity up to at least 100 m/s. We explain our observation based on internal mode excitations in combination with a field-like SOT, showing that one must go beyond the usual rigid skyrmion description to unravel the dynamics.Comment: pdf document arxiv_v1.1. 24 pages (incl. 9 figures and supplementary information

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: Space--Time Picture of Quantum Fluctuations and the Birth of QGP

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    We study the dynamics of quantum fluctuations which take place at the earliest stage of high-energy processes and the conditions under which the data from e-p deep-inelastic scattering may serve as an input for computing the initial data for heavy-ion collisions at high energies. Our method is essentially based on the space-time picture of these seemingly different phenomena. We prove that the ultra-violet renormalization of the virtual loops does not bring any scale into the problem. The scale appears only in connection with the collinear cut-off in the evolution equations and is defined by the physical properties of the final state. In heavy-ion collisions the basic screening effect is due to the mass of the collective modes (plasmons) in the dense non-equilibrium quark-gluon system, which is estimated. We avoid the standard parton phenomenology and suggest a dedicated class of evolution equations which describe the dynamics of quantum fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 54 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses RevTe

    Plastome phylogenomics and morphological traits analyses provide new insights into the phylogenetic position, species delimitation and speciation of Triplostegia (Caprifoliaceae)

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    Background The genus Triplostegia contains two recognized species, T. glandulifera and T. grandifora, but its phylogenetic position and species delimitation remain controversial. In this study, we assembled plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) cistrons sampled from 22 wild Triplostegia individuals, each from a separate population, and examined these with 11 recently published Triplostegia plastomes. Morphological traits were measured from herbarium specimens and wild material, and ecological niche models were constructed. Results Triplostegia is a monophyletic genus within the subfamily Dipsacoideae comprising three monophyletic species, T. glandulifera, T. grandifora, and an unrecognized species Triplostegia sp. A, which occupies much higher altitude than the other two. The new species had previously been misidentifed as T. glandulifera, but difers in taproot, leaf, and other characters. Triplotegia is an old genus, with stem age 39.96Ma, and within it T. glandulifera diverged 7.94Ma. Triplostegia grandifora and sp. A diverged 1.05Ma, perhaps in response to Quaternary climate fuctuations. Niche overlap between Triplostegia species was positively correlated with their phylogenetic relatedness. Conclusions Our results provide new insights into the species delimitation of Triplostegia, and indicate that a taxonomic revision of Triplostegia is needed. We also identifed that either rpoB-trnC or ycf1 could serve as a DNA barcode for Triplostegi
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