934 research outputs found

    Influences of thermal environment on fish growth

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    Indexación: Scopus.Thermoregulation in ectothermic animals is influenced by the ability to effectively respond to thermal variations. While it is known that ectotherms are affected by thermal changes, it remains unknown whether physiological and/or metabolic traits are impacted by modifications to the thermal environment. Our research provides key evidence that fish ectotherms are highly influenced by thermal variability during development, which leads to important modifications at several metabolic levels (e.g., growth trajectories, microstructural alterations, muscle injuries, and molecular mechanisms). In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a wide thermal range (ΔT 6.4°C) during development (posthatch larvae to juveniles) was associated with increases in key thermal performance measures for survival and growth trajectory. Other metabolic traits were also significantly influenced, such as size, muscle cellularity, and molecular growth regulators possibly affected by adaptive processes. In contrast, a restricted thermal range (ΔT 1.4°C) was detrimental to growth, survival, and cellular microstructure as muscle growth could not keep pace with increased metabolic demands. These findings provide a possible basic explanation for the effects of thermal environment during growth. In conclusion, our results highlight the key role of thermal range amplitude on survival and on interactions with major metabolism-regulating processes that have positive adaptive effects for organisms.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3239/ful

    Genetic polymorphism in meat fatty acids in araucano creole sheeps

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    Meat is a source of proteins and minerals. However, red meats have high levels of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and a low proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), a combination which has been linked to cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In ruminants, there are several genes that regulate the proportions of MUFA in tissues, but the most important is SCD (Stearoyl-CoA desaturase). The polymorphism g.31C >A has been described in the promoter region of the SCD gene, which is associated with changes in the gene expression and MUFA levels in the meat. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of polymorphism g.31C >A in a population of Araucano creole sheep using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). Genomic DNA was obtained from 157 Araucano creole sheep. The SCD promoter region was amplified using PCR and the amplicons were digested with restriction enzyme MnlI. The allelic frequency was 0.98 for the C allele and 0.02 for the A allele. The in silico analysis showed that the A allele could alter the expression of SCD. This is the first report of the presence of polymorphism g.31C >A in Chilean sheep, and its association with SCD expression levels and the proportion of MUFA in the meat will require further investigation

    Loss of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Triggers the Retrograde Response Extending Yeast Replicative Lifespan

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    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, loss of mitochondrial DNA (rho0) can induce the retrograde response under appropriate conditions, resulting in increased replicative lifespan (RLS). Although the retrograde pathway has been extensively elaborated, the nature of the mitochondrial signal triggering this response has not been clear. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was severely reduced in rho0 compared to rho+ cells, and RLS was concomitantly extended. To examine the role of MMP in the retrograde response, MMP was increased in the rho0 strain by introducing a mutation in the ATP1 gene, and it was decreased in rho+ cells by deletion of COX4. The ATP1-111 mutation in rho0 cells partially restored the MMP and reduced mean RLS to that of rho+ cells. COX4 deletion decreased MMP in rho+ cells to a value intermediate between rho+ and rho0 cells and similarly increased RLS. The increase in expression of CIT2, the diagnostic gene for the retrograde response, seen in rho0 cells, was substantially suppressed in the presence of the ATP1-111 mutation. In contrast, CIT2 expression increased in rho+ cells on deletion of COX4. Activation of the retrograde response results in the translocation of the transcription factor Rtg3 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Rtg3–GFP translocation to the nucleus was directly observed in rho0 and rho+ cox4Δ cells, but it was blunted in rho0 cells with the ATP1-111 mutation. We conclude that a decrease in MMP is the signal that initiates the retrograde response and leads to increased RLS

    El valle en el cuenco. Cerámica desde el territorio. Distribución alternativa

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    El valle en el cuenco es un proyecto de investigación que estudia al Valle de Atemajac, sitio donde reside la actual Guadalajara y propone una práctica cerámica artesanal responsable que consiste en crear desde el entorno natural nativo. El proyecto surge del nombre del PAP, “Mirar la ciudad con otros ojos. Memorias e identidades”; en este caso, la ciudad de Guadalajara y el territorio del Valle de Atemajac se miran desde los ojos del ceramista. El corazón del proyecto reside en la búsqueda de resignificar y volver a dar valor al entorno y a los recursos naturales y al mismo tiempo, al oficio y a los procesos cerámicos. La metodología de desarrollo de proyecto consta de una investigación teórica y práctica que se va desenvolviendo en dos etapas. La primera etapa, que se lleva a cabo en el semestre actual, consiste en conocer el territorio y el quehacer cerámico que se desenvuelve en él, para posteriormente desarrollar un método artesanal cerámico que se basa en crear responsablemente desde los recursos naturales nativos del territorio, ahondando en los componentes del cuerpo y la superficie cerámica, en las características de los materiales naturales aplicables al quehacer cerámico, en la identificación, propiedades y procesamiento de los recursos naturales nativos para posteriormente, elaborar pastas, engobes, pátinas y esmaltes. La segunda etapa, que se desarrollará el siguiente semestre, radica en una investigación cerámica de carácter práctico que se enfoca en profundizar en los procesos y bondades que conlleva crear desde el entorno. En descubrir las posibilidades que ofrecen los recursos naturales nativos en el quehacer del ceramista. El desarrollo consiste en identificar y estudiar los recursos nativos del territorio que tienen una aplicación directa en el oficio del ceramista, en recolectar y procesar artesanalmente los materiales naturales nativos y, por último, realizar pruebas de pastas, esmaltes, engobes y pátinas en el taller, registrando y documentando los procesos y resultados. El proyecto busca concluir la investigación plasmando el paisaje del Valle de Atemajac en una serie de cuencos cerámicos con el sustento teórico y práctico del estudio del territorio y las pruebas cerámicas realizadas con la intención de crear un patrimonio artístico–natural–cultural que difunda la importancia de honrar la Tierra y los procesos humanos que provienen de ella.ITESO, A.C

    Educating Pharmacy Students to Improve Quality (EPIQ) in Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy

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    Objective. To assess course instructors’ and students’ perceptions of the Educating Pharmacy Students and Pharmacists to Improve Quality (EPIQ) curriculum. Methods. Seven colleges and schools of pharmacy that were using the EPIQ program in their curricula agreed to participate in the study. Five of the 7 collected student retrospective pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. Changes in students’ perceptions were evaluated to assess their relationships with demographics and course variables. Instructors who implemented the EPIQ program at each of the 7 colleges and schools were also asked to complete a questionnaire. Results. Scores on all questionnaire items indicated improvement in students’ perceived knowledge of quality improvement. The university the students attended, completion of a class project, and length of coverage of material were significantly related to improvement in the students’ scores. Instructors at all colleges and schools felt the EPIQ curriculum was a strong program that fulfilled the criteria for quality improvement and medication error reduction education. Conclusion. The EPIQ program is a viable, turnkey option for colleges and schools of pharmacy to use in teaching students about quality improvement

    Descripción preliminar de servicios ecosistémicos asociados a artropofauna en un hábitat modular

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    La agricultura convencional presenta dos problemáticas principalmente, la degradación del suelo y la disminución de la diversidad. En este trabajo se plantea una posible alternativa para aumentar la diversidad en sistemas agrícolas empleando hábitats modulares (HM) de residuos de rosa de corte (triturada y cortada) como fuente de materia orgánica para la colonización de artropofauna benéfica. Luego de 8 semanas de evaluación al aire libre los HM de rosa triturada mostraron ser más aptos que los de rosa cortada para la colonización de detritívoros y artropofauna benéfica, ya que ofrecieron mejores condiciones abióticas facilitando la colonización de diferentes grupos funcionales como transformadores de detritos, herbívoros, polinizadores y reguladores poblacionales, siendo los transformadores los más abundantes. El subsidio de detritos prestado por la materia orgánica en descomposición parece haber facilitado la colonización de detritívoros meso y macrotróficos sugiriendo una alta influencia de efectos "bottom-up" en la red trófica. Por tal razón se propone el uso de HM de residuos vegetales como fuente de dispersión de artropofauna benéfica para el aumento de la diversidad en sistemas agrícolas.Conventional agriculture presents two problems mainly, soil degradation and diversity reduction. This paper presents a possible alternative to increase diversity in agricultural systems employing modular habitats (MH) of Rose residues (crushed and cut) as a source of organic matter for the colonization of beneficial arthropofauna. After 8 weeks of outdoor assessment the MH with the crushed rose shown to be more suitable than the cut rose for the colonization of detritivores and beneficial arthropofauna because they offered better abiotic conditions facilitating the colonization of different functional groups such as detritus transformers, herbivores, pollinators and regulators, being the most abundant, the transformers. The subsidy provided by the decomposing organic matter appears to have facilitated the colonization of meso and macrotrophic detritivores suggesting a high influence of "bottom-up" effects across the food web. For this reason the use of plant waste MH as a scattering source of beneficial arthropofauna for increasing diversity in agricultural systems is proposed.Eje: A1: Sistemas de producción de base agroecológicaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Descripción preliminar de servicios ecosistémicos asociados a artropofauna en un hábitat modular

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    La agricultura convencional presenta dos problemáticas principalmente, la degradación del suelo y la disminución de la diversidad. En este trabajo se plantea una posible alternativa para aumentar la diversidad en sistemas agrícolas empleando hábitats modulares (HM) de residuos de rosa de corte (triturada y cortada) como fuente de materia orgánica para la colonización de artropofauna benéfica. Luego de 8 semanas de evaluación al aire libre los HM de rosa triturada mostraron ser más aptos que los de rosa cortada para la colonización de detritívoros y artropofauna benéfica, ya que ofrecieron mejores condiciones abióticas facilitando la colonización de diferentes grupos funcionales como transformadores de detritos, herbívoros, polinizadores y reguladores poblacionales, siendo los transformadores los más abundantes. El subsidio de detritos prestado por la materia orgánica en descomposición parece haber facilitado la colonización de detritívoros meso y macrotróficos sugiriendo una alta influencia de efectos "bottom-up" en la red trófica. Por tal razón se propone el uso de HM de residuos vegetales como fuente de dispersión de artropofauna benéfica para el aumento de la diversidad en sistemas agrícolas.Conventional agriculture presents two problems mainly, soil degradation and diversity reduction. This paper presents a possible alternative to increase diversity in agricultural systems employing modular habitats (MH) of Rose residues (crushed and cut) as a source of organic matter for the colonization of beneficial arthropofauna. After 8 weeks of outdoor assessment the MH with the crushed rose shown to be more suitable than the cut rose for the colonization of detritivores and beneficial arthropofauna because they offered better abiotic conditions facilitating the colonization of different functional groups such as detritus transformers, herbivores, pollinators and regulators, being the most abundant, the transformers. The subsidy provided by the decomposing organic matter appears to have facilitated the colonization of meso and macrotrophic detritivores suggesting a high influence of "bottom-up" effects across the food web. For this reason the use of plant waste MH as a scattering source of beneficial arthropofauna for increasing diversity in agricultural systems is proposed.Eje: A1: Sistemas de producción de base agroecológicaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale


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    This study investigated the growth mindset of college students in English language learning and the challenges they encounter in an online setting. Using a researcher-made questionnaire about the growth mindset of college students in English language learning and the challenges they encounter in an online setting, data from the 60 respondents in the study coming from the different colleges or departments of the Notre Dame of Midsayap College were analyzed quantitatively. Findings indicated that students have a high growth mindset and that factors such as motivation, criticism, environment, and effort had played a major role in their English language learning. Major challenges of students in an online setting include finding difficulty in accessing online materials due to poor internet connection, experiencing headaches and body pains due to prolonged exposure to gadgets, and getting bored easily when class time is too lengthy. The least challenges encountered by students in an online setting yet also hampered their learning are lacking gadgets such as a cellphone and laptops, feeling disconnected from the instructor, and excessive workloads. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in a growth mindset in terms of sex and college or department. However, it was found out that College of Nursing (CN) got the highest mean when it comes to their growth mindset. Meanwhile, College of Information Technology, and Engineering (CITE) got the lowest mean. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the growth mindset of English language learning and the challenges they encountered in an online setting.  Article visualizations