519 research outputs found

    Agricultural eco-efficiency and water footprint- A case study of fifteen crops in the Chupaca province of  Peru

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    The water footprint is an indicator of the impact of water use from its formation to its final destination. Agricultural eco-efficiency measures the efficient use of resources or materials available for crop production. Water's economic productivity analyses a product's efficient value as per its water supply and commercial value. The present research aimed to determine and relate the water footprint, economic productivity of water and agricultural eco-efficiency of 15 crops in the province of Chupaca - Peru. Georeferencing material was used for the delimitation of agricultural species, CROPWAT 8.0, CLIMWAT8.0, ArcGis 10.5 software, mathematical equations for the water footprint, agricultural eco-efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)) and economic productivity of water. The Total water footprint (TWF) of the fifteen crops was 1718237.01 m3/ton, likewise the BlueWF > GreenWF > GreyWF. In their economic outputs, gross value of production (GVP) > agricultural production (Ag-p) > economic rent agricultural (ERA) was verified. In environmental costs, water consumption that meets the needs of crops (Wc-Ag) > consumption of phytosanitary products (C-fly) > fertilizer consumption (C-fe) was determined. The average Agricultural eco-efficiency (Ag-Eec) and Economic water productivity (Ewp) were 89.8% and 0.046 PEN/m3 respectively. Statistical analysis between Ewp and Ag-Eec was rho = 0.18, t-test = 0.66 < 2.16 (α = 0.05; bilateral), and the correlation indicated that both activities are independent. The environmental costs and economic outputs of agricultural eco-efficiency did not influence the economic value of water.

    Comparing outcomes of robotic versus open mesorectal excision for rectal cancer

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    Background: The outcomes of robot-assisted mesorectal excision for rectal cancer, compared with open resection, have not been fully characterized. Methods: A retrospective analysis of pathologic, short-term, and long-term outcomes in patients with rectal adenocarcinoma who underwent total or tumour-specific mesorectal excision at a high-volume cancer centre between 2008 and 2017 was conducted. Outcomes after robotic and open surgery were compared on an intention-to-treat basis. Results: Out of 1048 resections performed, 1018 patients were reviewed, with 638 who underwent robotic surgery and 380 open surgery. Robotic surgery was converted to the open approach in 17 (2.7 per cent) patients. Patients who underwent robotic surgery were younger (median 54 (range 22–91) years versus median 58 (range 18–97) years; P < 0.001), had higher tumours (median 80 (range 0–150) mm from the anal verge versus median 70 (0–150) mm; P ¼ 0.001), and were less likely to have received neoadjuvant therapy (64 per cent versus 73 per cent; P ¼ 0.003). For patients who underwent a robotic total mesorectal excision, the operating time was longer (median 283.5 (range 117–712) min versus median 249 (range 70–661) min; P < 0.001). However, the rate of complications was lower (29 per cent versus 45 per cent; P < 0.001) and length of hospital stay was shorter (median 5 (range 1–32) days versus median 7 (range 0–137) days; P < 0.001). Median follow-up of survivors was 2.9 years. The proportion of patients with a positive circumferential resection margin did not differ between the groups, nor did the rate of local recurrence (robotic versus open: 3.7 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 1.9 to 5.6 versus 2.8 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 1.0 to 4.6; P ¼ 0.400), systemic recurrence (ro- botic versus open: 11.7 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 8.5 to 14.8 versus 13.0 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 9.2 to 16.5; P ¼ 0.300), or overall sur- vival (robotic versus open: 97.8 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 96.3 to 99.3 versus 93.5 per cent, 95 per cent c.i. 90.8 to 96.2; P ¼ 0.050). The same results were documented in a subanalysis of 370 matched patients, including 185 who underwent robotic surgery and 185 open surgery, for the overall incidence of any postoperative complications, overall survival, disease-free survival, local recur- rence, and systemic recurrence. Conclusion: In patients with rectal cancer who are candidates for curative resection, robotic mesorectal excision is associated with lower complication rates, shorter length of stay, and equivalent oncologic outcomes, compared with open mesorectal excisio

    Tilapia en Ecuador

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    Tilapia is a freshwater fish native to Africa that has many characteristics that make it an excellent fish for aquaculture, but it is also considered one of the most dangerous invasive exotic species in the world due to its adaptability and reproductive potential. This essay analyzes the dilemma between the benefits of these fish as an alternative to contribute to agrifood security and the threat it poses to Ecuador's aquatic biodiversity. The absence of official information makes it necessary to investigate the effect of the invasions by tilapia in the rivers, lagoons and estuaries colonized by this species. The level of action to prevent, eradicate or control the tilapia in Ecuador has been very limited and therefore the need to establish strategies to prevent its spread to areas not yet invaded is imposed. Although the government of Ecuador has regulations that restrict the introduction of exotic species, the reality is that, in the case of the tilapia, far from establishing adequate controls, the culture of these fish is promoted without major objections. The possibility of adopting biocontrol strategies to eradicate and / or mitigate the consequences of the invasion by tilapia in the country and the need to promote educational campaigns to create a new environmental behavior, conscience and responsibility in society is discussed.La tilapia es un pez dulceacuícola originario del África que posee muchas características que la convierten en un excelente pez para acuicultura, pero también es considerada como una de las especies exóticas invasoras más peligrosas del mundo debido a su adaptabilidad y potencial reproductivo. En este ensayo se analiza el dilema entre las bondades de estos peces como alternativa para contribuir con la seguridad agroalimentaria y la amenaza que representa para la biodiversidad acuática de Ecuador. La ausencia de información oficial hace necesario investigar el efecto de las invasiones por tilapia en los ríos, lagunas y esteros colonizados por esta especie. El nivel de acción para prevenir, erradicar o controlar la tilapia en Ecuador ha sido muy limitado y por lo tanto se impone la necesidad de establecer estrategias para evitar su propagación hacia áreas aún no invadidas. Aunque el gobierno de Ecuador posee regulaciones que restringen la introducción de especies exóticas, la realidad es que, en el caso de la tilapia, lejos de establecer controles adecuados, el cultivo de estos peces es impulsado sin mayores objeciones. Se discute la posibilidad de adoptar estrategias de control biológico para erradicar y/o mitigar las consecuencias de la invasión por tilapias en el país y la necesidad de fomentar campañas educativas para crear un nuevo comportamiento ambiental, conciencia y responsabilidad en la sociedad

    Diagnosis and management of functional tic-like phenomena

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    Over the past 3 years, a global phenomenon has emerged characterized by the sudden onset and frequently rapid escalation of tics and tic-like movements and phonations. These symptoms have occurred not only in youth known to have tics or Tourette syndrome (TS), but also, and more notably, in youth with no prior history of tics. The Tourette Association of America (TAA) convened an international, multidisciplinary working group to better understand this apparent presentation of functional neurological disorder (FND) and its relationship to TS. Here, we review and summarize the literature relevant to distinguish the two, with recommendations to clinicians for diagnosis and management. Finally, we highlight areas for future emphasis and research

    Efectos del entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente en sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad, diabetes Mellitus tipo II y/o hipertensión arterial sobre la composición corporal, consumo de oxígeno, sensibilidad a la insulina y presión arterial. Una revisión de la literatura

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    57 p.El objetivo de la presente revisión de la literatura fue revisar los efectos de un entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente sobre los marcadores cardiometabólicos de composición corporal, consumo de oxígeno, sensibilidad a la insulina y presión arterial en sujetos con exceso de peso y diabetes mellitus tipo II o hipertensión arterial. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus y Scielo de los últimos 10 años en idioma inglés, español y portugués. La selección de los estudios incluyó participantes de ambos sexos entre 18-60 años, que hayan sido intervenidos con un programa de entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente. De un total de 3048 resultados encontrados, se seleccionaron 127 artículos de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión para una revisión completa, resultando 9 artículos finales. Se observaron cambios significativos en 5 de los 7 estudios que midieron composición corporal y en los 3 estudios que analizaron la sensibilidad a la insulina. En todos ellos se realizaron programas de ejercicio de tipo funcional y/o concurrente con un mínimo de cuatro semanas de duración. Por lo tanto, el entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente podrían ser beneficiosos en sujetos con exceso de peso y diabetes mellitus tipo II o hipertensión arterial, donde se apreciaron cambios significativos en parámetros de composición corporal y aptitudes físicas. Sin embargo, aún se requieren más estudios para ampliar el conocimiento de los efectos de estos tipos de entrenamiento. // ABSTRACT: The objective of the present literature review was to review the effects of functional and/or concurrent training on cardiometabolic markers of body composition, oxygen consumption, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure in subjects with excess weight and type II diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension. We searched the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo databases for the last 10 years using English, Spanish and Portuguese. The selection of studies included participants of both sexes between 18-60 years, who have been intervened with a functional and/or concurrent training program. From a total of 3048 results found, 127 articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria for a complete review, resulting in 9 final articles. Significant changes were observed in 5 of the 7 studies that measured body composition and in the 3 studies that looked at insulin sensitivity. In all of them, functional and/or concurrent exercise programs were carried out with a minimum of four weeks' duration. Therefore, functional and/or concurrent training could be beneficial in subjects with excess weight and type II diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, where significant changes in body composition and physical aptitude parameters were appreciated. However, more studies are still required to expand the knowledge of the effects of these types of training