80 research outputs found

    Visión periférica: propuesta de entrenamiento

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    La visión periférica es la habilidad de localizar, reconocer y responder a la información en las distintas áreas del campo visual alrededor del objeto sobre el cual se fija la atención. La retina periférica es especialmente sensible a los desplazamientos, siendo su función más característica la detección del movimiento, aunque también se ha constatado su utilización durante acciones de alcanzar y atrapar; también parece jugar un importante papel en la coordinación visuomotora, la postura y locomoción en el espacio. La visión periférica se considera crucial en los deportes de equipo, y hay diversos estudios que informan de un superior desarrollo del campo visual en los jugadores que practican deportes de situación que en la población sedentaria. Asimismo, también hay trabajos que demuestran que el entrenamiento sistemático y la mejora de esta habilidad visual puede potenciar el rendimiento deportivo. Finalizamos este artículo con la presentación de diversas propuestas de ejercicios para potenciar la visión periférica de los deportistas

    Visió perifèrica: proposta d’entrenament

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    La visió perifèrica és l’habilitat de localitzar, reconèixer i respondre a la informació en les diferents àrees del camp visual al voltant de l’objecte sobre el qual es fixa l’atenció. La retina perifèrica és especialment sensible als desplaçaments, i té com a funció més característica la detecció del moviment, encara que també se n’ha constatat la utilització durant accions d’atrapar i agafar; també sembla jugar un paper important en la coordinació visuomotora, la postura i la locomoció en l’espai. La visió perifèrica es considera crucial en els esports d’equip, i hi ha diversos estudis que informen d’un millor desenvolupament del camp visual en els jugadors que practiquen esports de situació que en la població sedentària. Igualment, també hi ha treballs que demostren que l’entrenament sistemàtic i la millora d’aquesta habilitat visual pot potenciar el rendiment esportiu. Finalitzem aquest article amb la presentació de diverses propostes d’exercicis per potenciar la visió perifèrica dels esportistes

    Lentes de contacto en el deporte

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    Tras una completa evaluación optométrica, la primera responsabilidad del especialista, es procurar al deportista amétrope (miope, hipermétrope, astígmata...) una óptima calidad de visión, ya sea con gafas o, preferiblemente, con lentes de contacto, por las numerosas ventajas que éstas presentan para el deportista. En los últimos años, especialmente, la industria de las lentes de contacto viene experimentando una evolución imparable, con grandes innovaciones a nivel de materiales, diseños y frecuencias de reemplazo que se traducen en mayor calidad de visión, confort y seguridad para el usuario. Las lentes de contacto desechables (usar y tirar), suelen ser de primera elección para los deportistas. En esta línea se encuentra la lente de contacto Nike Max Sight, de reciente comercialización en nuestro país, y que sin duda, como ya está sucediendo en los EUA, puede comportar una pequeña revolución en el contexto deportivo

    Topical review of the relationship between contact lens wear and meibomian gland dysfunction

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    Contact lens (CL) wearers often suffer from ocular discomfort, which leads to cessation of CL wear. About 30% to 50% of CL wearers complain of dry eye (DE) symptoms. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is considered the most common cause of evaporative DE. Numerous studies have investigated whether CL wear might affect the meibomian glands. This manuscript reviews studies examining the relationship between CL use and MGD. A PubMed database search was conducted for studies published between 1980-2021 with one or a combination of search terms related to “meibomian gland”, “meibomian gland dysfunction”, “contact lens”, and/or “dry eye”. Of the 115 papers reviewed, 22 articles were identified that examined the association between CL and MGD. Fifteen showed that CL wear affects the morphology and function of meibomian glands (MGs), while seven reported no significant impact of CL wear on MGs. This review provides an overview of these studies, emphasizing the diagnostic tests of MGD and conclusions. The review highlights the need for longitudinal prospective large cohort studies with control non- CL wearers to clarify the ambiguous relationship between MGD and CL wear, with special attention to varying CL material and wear times in order to identify the long-term impact of CLs on MG.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Repeatability and reproducibility of Cobra HD fundus camera meibography in young adults with and without symptoms of dry eye

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    Purpose: The inter-session repeatability (ISR), inter-examiner reproducibility (IER) and within-subject variability (WSV) of the Cobra HD fundus camera meibographer were examined in participants with and without dry eye symptoms.Methods: Symptoms were determined based on Ocular Surface Disease Index scores (=13 being considered symptomatic), and subgroups were compared using the Mann– Whitney U- test. Images of meibomian glands (MGs) from the upper and lower right eyelids were captured by two examiners on the same day (S1) to determine IER. One examiner repeated the measurements on a second day (S2) to obtain the ISR. ISR, IER and WSV were calculated using Friedman, correlation tests and Bland and Altman analyses with mean differences (md) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), within-subject standard deviations (Sw) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC).Results: The ISR experiment included 72 participants (mean age: 23 ± 5 years, range: 19–43, 36 symptomatic). Mean MG loss of the upper (S1: 13.5 ± 9.5%, S2: 12.8 ± 8.5%) and lower eyelids (S1: 7.5 ± 6.9%, S2: 7.3 ± 6.3%) was not significantly different between sessions for all participants, symptomatic and asymptomatic subgroups for both eyelids. The ISR Sw for the upper and lower eyelids was 1.3% and 1.0%; md was 0.7 ± 3.5% (CI:-6.25% to 7.62%) and 0.1 ± 2.1% (CI: -3.94% to 4.17%), respectively. The IER experiment included 74 participants (mean age: 23 ± 5 years, range: 19–43, 37 symptomatic). Mean MG loss of the upper (Examiner 1: 12.7 ± 8.2%, Examiner 2: 13.1 ± 8.0%) and lower eyelids (Examiner 1: 7.0 ± 6.2%, Examiner 2: 7.4 ± 6.2%) was not significantly different between examiners for all participants, symptomatic and asymptomatic subgroups for both eyelids. The IER ICC values were >0.86 for all conditions, Sw was 1.3% and 1.2%, with a md of -0.4 ± 3.2% (CI: -6.65% to 5.90%) and -0.4 ± 2.9% (CI: -6.15% to 5.31%), respectively. The WSV Sw values were 0.89 for both eyelids, examiners and experimental sessions.Conclusions: The Cobra HD fundus camera demonstrates good repeatability, reproducibility and low WSV, and is a reliable clinical instrument for meibography.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluación de la Agudeza Visual Dinámica: una aplicación al contexto deportivo

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    The importance of vision in life is unquestionable. It is because of this that optometry, as a science of vision focused in measurement and analysis of visual function, has been developing techniques and instruments to evaluate its functionality in various contexts.Sport has become a social phenomenon, as evidenced by an increasing trend towards active participation, both professionally and recreationally. In order to enhance athletic performance, many have looked towards the sciences (medicine, biomechanics, psychology) for answers. With the specialization of sports vision, optometry has been particularly useful. The importance of the science of vision relating to sports is easily justified by considering that, in general, vision plays a dominant role in athletic success since the majority of external stimuli that athletes have to react to come through the visual system.One of the most critical areas that Sports Vision incorporates is the specific screening of visual capacities related to sports performance. If we consider the dynamic characteristics of most sporting modalities that generally involve constant environmental changes, sudden and fast movements of players and ball, speed, etc., we have to accept the premise that action sports require visual performance evaluation that is different from normal vision testing, since routine testing only samples static vision. Assessment of specific sports-related visual abilities includes peripheral vision, visual reaction time or dynamic visual acuity. In reference to the evaluation of dynamic visual acuity, defined as the ability to resolve a target under conditions of relative motion between the observer and the test stimulus, it must be noted that methods developed to date for its measurement have not been, in general, psychometrically validated, and are too cumbersome and unwieldy to find a place in clinical practice or in field situations. This lack of proper equipment explains much the difficulty of establishing objective, precise and reliable measurements of a visual skill, considered, not only from the sporting context but also from road safety or aircraft operating, as one of the most predictive of real-world task performances, especially in dynamic conditions."Additionally, the need to improve our daily work giving visual attention to elite athletes in the Olympic Training Centre in Sant Cugat del Vallés has led us to develop this doctoral dissertation, with the design of the DinVA 3.0., a computer assisted test for the measurement of dynamic visual acuity. The efficacy of our instrument has been supported by four experimental studies. The first three, included into the psychophysics context, have allowed us to find the legitimacy of the DinVA test measurement by establishing its construct validity, as well as internal and temporal consistency. The last experiment is a differential study where we compared the results of dynamic visual acuity obtained by a sample of elite water polo players and a group of totally sedentary students of Optometry.The obtained results have shown that speed, contrast and direction of displacement of the stimulus significantly affect dynamic visual acuity, supporting the construct validity of the DinVA3.0.Additionally, we have verified that our instrument to measure dynamic visual acuity has a high degree of internal validity, as well as a high test-retest reliability of the obtained measures.Finally, we have been able to establish that athletic training seems to improve dynamic visual acuity.In conclusion, with this doctoral dissertation we aim at offering both, clinicians and researchers, a standardized and typified instrument that allows a solid and specific measure of dynamic visual acuity depending on the application context. It is easy to use, offers the possibility of training, and does not require more equipment than something so common and ubiquitous as a computer.Postprint (published version

    Lents de contacte en l’esport

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    Després d’una avaluació optomètrica completa, la primera responsabilitat de l’especialista, és procurar una qualitat de visió òptima a l’esportista ametrop (miop, hipermetrop, astigmàtic...), ja sigui amb ulleres o, preferiblement, amb lents de contacte, pels nombrosos avantatges que aquestes presenten per a l’esportista. En els últims anys, especialment, la indústria de les lents de contacte ha experimentat una evolució imparable, amb grans innovacions en el camp dels materials, els dissenys i les freqüències de reemplaçament, que es tradueixen en més qualitat de visió, confort i seguretat per a l’usuari. Les lents de contacte d’un sol ús (usar i llençar), solen ser la primera elecció per als esportistes. En aquesta línia es troba la lent de contacte Nike Max Sight, comercialitzada recentment al nostre país i que, ben segur, com ja està passant als USA, pot comportar una petita revolució en el context esporti

    Topical review: optometric considerations in sports vs. e-sports

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    Electronic sports (e-sports) have recently emerged to become a rapidly growing form of videogame competition, requiring gamers to spend many hours in front of a visual display. The nature of this new modality raises important considerations for ocular health, and visual and perceptual functioning, compared to traditional sports. In general, sports performance has been associated with open spaces, gross motor movement, and balance, while electronic sports require visual and attentional stamina at near distances with fine motor control. From an optometric viewpoint, visual perception is specific to both the sports modality and the environment where sports take place. In this topical review, we consider e-sport optometric factors such as screen time and digital eyestrain, visual skill demands, and perceptual cognitive skills such as visual attention. We compare training considerations for traditional sports and training in gaming platforms, with recommendations for future research in this growing modality. The goal of this review is to raise awareness of the various elements to consider when providing vision care to e-sport participants.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic Visual Acuity

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    We present a review on the visual ability to discriminate ¿ ne details of moving objects (DVA: Dynamic Visual Acuity), showing the most relevant differences, which have been attributed to this visual capacity in comparison to SVA (static visual acuity). It is known that the correlation between SVA and DVA is low. Moreover, when DVA is measured, not only the minimum spatial separation that the visual system can resolve is evaluated, but also the functionality of the oculomotor system. Therefore, assessing DVA also involves measuring the ability of the eye to actively seek information. Nowadays, it is known that DVA is one of the best indicators of success in certain sports specialties (table tennis, baseball, etc...) and that it negatively correlates with accident rates in traf¿ c scenarios. The investigated factors that produce a signi¿ cant reduction in dynamic spatial resolution are: the speed of the stimulus, affecting both vertical and horizontal trajectories; the stimulus exposure time; ambient illumination; reduction in contrast and subject age. Moreover, it has been veri¿ ed that this visual capacity is likely to improve with training.Postprint (published version