1,535 research outputs found

    Orbital stability of the restricted three body problem in General Relativity

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    We consider the problem of orbital stability of the motion of a test particle in the restricted three-body problem, by using the orbital moment and its time derivative. We show that it is possible to get some insight into the stability properties of the motion of test particles, without knowing the exact solutions of the motion equations.Comment: 2 page

    Cosmography and constraints on the equation of state of the Universe in various parametrizations

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    We use cosmography to present constraints on the kinematics of the Universe, without postulating any underlying theoretical model. To this end, we use a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis to perform comparisons to the supernova Ia Union 2 compilation, combined with the Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the Hubble constant, and the Hubble parameter datasets. We introduce a sixth order cosmographic parameter and show that it does not enlarge considerably the posterior distribution when comparing to the fifth order results. We also propose a way to construct viable parameter variables to be used as alternatives of the redshift zz. These can overcome both the problems of divergence and lack of accuracy associated with the use of zz. Moreover, we show that it is possible to improve the numerical fits by re-parameterizing the cosmological distances. In addition, we constrain the equation of state of the Universe as a whole by the use of cosmography. Thus, we derive expressions which can be directly used to fit the equation of state and the pressure derivatives up to fourth order. To this end, it is necessary to depart from a pure cosmographic analysis and to assume the Friedmann equations as valid. All our results are consistent with the Λ\LambdaCDM model, although alternative fluid models, with nearly constant pressure and no cosmological constant, match the results accurately as well.Comment: 23 pages. 1 reference added. Minor correction

    Quantum bounds for gravitational de Sitter entropy and the Cardy-Verlinde formula

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    We analyze different types of quantum corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde entropy formula in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe and in an (anti)-de Sitter space. In all cases we show that quantum corrections can be represented by an effective cosmological constant which is then used to redefine the parameters entering the Cardy-Verlinde formula so that it becomes valid also with quantum corrections, a fact that we interpret as a further indication of its universality. A proposed relation between Cardy-Verlinde formula and the ADM Hamiltonian constraint is given.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages, reference is adde

    Geometric Thermodynamics of Schwarzschild-AdS black hole with a Cosmological Constant as State Variable

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    The thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole is reformulated within the context of the recently developed formalism of geometrothermodynamics (GTD). Different choices of the metric in the equilibrium states manifold are used in order to reproduce the Hawking-Page phase transition as a divergence of the thermodynamical curvature scalar. We show that the enthalpy and total energy representations of GTD does not reproduce the transition while the entropy rep- resentation gives the expected behavior.Comment: 14 page

    Time and "angular" dependent backgrounds from stationary axisymmetric solutions

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    Backgrounds depending on time and on "angular" variable, namely polarized and unpolarized S1×S2S^1 \times S^2 Gowdy models, are generated as the sector inside the horizons of the manifold corresponding to axisymmetric solutions. As is known, an analytical continuation of ordinary DD-branes, iDiD-branes allows one to find SS-brane solutions. Simple models have been constructed by means of analytic continuation of the Schwarzchild and the Kerr metrics. The possibility of studying the ii-Gowdy models obtained here is outlined with an eye toward seeing if they could represent some kind of generalized SS-branes depending not only on time but also on an ``angular'' variable.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, corrected typos, references adde

    Geometrothermodynamics of five dimensional black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-theory

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of 5D static and spherically symmetric black holes in (i) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory, (ii) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory with negative cosmological constant, and in (iii) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory. To formulate the thermodynamics of these black holes we use the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy relation and, alternatively, a modified entropy formula which follows from the first law of thermodynamics of black holes. The results of both approaches are not equivalent. Using the formalism of geometrothermodynamics, we introduce in the manifold of equilibrium states a Legendre invariant metric for each black hole and for each thermodynamic approach, and show that the thermodynamic curvature diverges at those points where the temperature vanishes and the heat capacity diverges.Comment: New sections added, references adde

    Source integrals of asymptotic multipole moments

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    We derive source integrals for multipole moments that describe the behaviour of static and axially symmetric spacetimes close to spatial infinity. We assume isolated non-singular sources but will not restrict the matter content otherwise. Some future applications of these source integrals of the asymptotic multipole moments are outlined as well.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Relativity and Gravitation - 100 Years after Einstein in Prague", June 25-29, 2012, Pragu

    Thermodynamic Geometry Of Charged Rotating BTZ Black Holes

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    We study the thermodynamics and the thermodynamic geometries of charged rotating BTZ (CR-BTZ) black holes in (2+1)-gravity. We investigate the thermodynamics of these systems within the context of the Weinhold and Ruppeiner thermodynamic geometries and the recently developed formalism of geometrothermodynamics (GTD). Considering the behavior of the heat capacity and the Hawking temperature, we show that Weinhold and Ruppeiner geometries cannot describe completely the thermodynamics of these black holes and of their limiting case of vanishing electric charge. In contrast, the Legendre invariance imposed on the metric in GTD allows one to describe the CR-BTZ black holes and their limiting cases in a consistent and invariant manner

    Robust Inflation from fibrous strings

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    Successful inflationary models should (i) describe the data well; (ii) arise generically from sensible UV completions; (iii) be insensitive to detailed fine-tunings of parameters and (iv) make interesting new predictions. We argue that a class of models with these properties is characterized by relatively simple potentials with a constant term and negative exponentials. We here continue earlier work exploring UV completions for these models—including the key (though often ignored) issue of modulus stabilisation—to assess the robustness of their predictions. We show that string models where the inflaton is a fibration modulus seem to be robust due to an effective rescaling symmetry, and fairly generic since most known Calabi-Yau manifolds are fibrations. This class of models is characterized by a generic relation between the tensor-to-scalar ratio r and the spectral index ns of the form r ∝ (ns−1)2 where the proportionality constant depends on the nature of the effects used to develop the inflationary potential and the topology of the internal space. In particular we find that the largest values of the tensor-to-scalar ratio that can be obtained by generalizing the original set-up are of order r lesssim 0.01. We contrast this general picture with specific popular models, such as the Starobinsky scenario and α-attractors. Finally, we argue the self consistency of large-field inflationary models can strongly constrain non-supersymmetric inflationary mechanisms