6 research outputs found

    Encontronazos en la Biología: ¿transgénicos?

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    To discuss this matter as important as it is delicate, where biology has a shared voice with other disciplines and human conditions, we are fortunate to have the reasoned opinion of two colleagues from the Faculty of Sciences who open a necessary debate. It is a luxury to read arguments that have matured within a scientific center, full of clean dialectic and far from demagoguery. Surely your opinion (the reader’s) will come out consolidated after reading this duel between gentlemen of science.Para hablar de este asunto tan importante como delicado, donde la biología tiene la palabra compartida con otras disciplinas y condicionantes humanas, tenemos la suerte de contar con la opinión razonada de dos compañeros de la Facultad de Ciencias que abren un debate necesario. Es un lujo leer argumentos que han madurado en el seno de un centro científico, repletos de dialéctica limpia y alejada de la demagogia. Seguramente su opinión (la del lector) salga consolidada después de leer este duelo entre caballeros de la ciencia

    Citizen science and its role in entomological research: study in Teatinos Campus (University of Málaga).

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    Climate crisis implies large-scale accelerated changes which research groups can’t tackle on their own. That’s why citizen science has become a tool with the potential to generate useful data that helps to reduce uncertainty about these dynamics. Citizen science is the scientific research that includes the collaboration of the non-specialized public, along with scientists and professionals. This research compares data obtained through citizen science with other experimental ones to verify their quality to be used in entomological biogeographic studies. Experimental data was obtained through seasonal sampling in different areas of the Teatinos Campus from University of Málaga, identifying the entomofauna at the family taxonomic rank. Citizen science data was obtained through the participation of the university community using the iNaturalist platform. Citizen science is limited by the size of the organisms and the quality of the photographs. The statistical test showed that no significant differences were found between the abundance data obtained experimentally and those that have the contribution of citizen science. However, Citizen Science provided interesting data in the presence/absence study that was not obtained with the experimental one. This can be very useful in detecting the presence of invasive species. The HortSost II project is financed by the II Plan Propio Smart-Campus of the University of Malaga.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A core collection of modified strawberry germplasm as a resource tool for funghi infection and fruit texture studies

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    Strawberry has been extensively used as a model organism for functional genomics of genes related with fungi infection (Amil-Ruiz et al, 2011) and fruit ripening, specially fruit texture (Posé et al, 2011). These studies implied the genetic transformation and subsequent characterization of a wide range of traits, resulting in a considerable number of lines being created and more or less extensively studied. A preliminary data survey was performed previous publications, laboratory notebooks and project reports. Main categories and the relevant features (like cultivar, transgene sequence, germplasm availability, plant phenotype, experiment results, etc) were identified, establishing the appropriate relationships. The project followed the Chado schema used by the GMOD initiative http://www.gmod.org. The germplasm collection currently hosts two strawberry cultivar (Camarosa and Chandler), nine transgenic lines with resistance genes against fungi infections and over a dozen for fruit texture related genes. Collected information includes in vitro and in planta leaf symptomatology and fungus spore germination, as well as gene expression for each transgene, plant production, fruit color, shape and firmness. Data on cell wall fractionation, pectin and soluble sugars quantification, FT-IR and size exclusion chromatography, AFM pectin structure characterization and Immunohistological analysis. The intrinsic value of these studies makes necessary to preserve both the germplasm and the data generated, and to make it available to the community for further study and reuse. Community driven formats will facilitate the use of the data in new. studies. The present project aims to increase the value of the transgenic strawberry plants in the collection, using standard data formats and open source tools to facilitate access to the research and breeding communities as well as to facilitate the distribution of the germplasm.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. AGL2011-2481

    Conservación de semillas de variedades locales: buenas y malas prácticas.

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    Los cultivos hortícolas de variedades locales han sido seleccionados y perpetuados a lo largo del tiempo en base a su adaptación a las características de clima y suelo de una zona en concreto y de sus cualidades organolépticas. El correcto manejo de sus semillas es indispensable para perpetuar las características seleccionadas a lo largo del tiempo evitando cruzamientos no deseados que puedan originar modificaciones negativas en las variedades. En este trabajo se presentan algunas de las “buenas y malas” prácticas más comunes que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de conservar semillas de variedades locales de las principales familias hortícolas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Trello, una herramienta para la gestión transversal de tareas en grupos diversos, aplicación en el Huerto Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias

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    Diapositivas del seminario-taller sobre gestión de tareas y personas del Huerto Docente de Ciencias durante la Semana Verde en la Universidad de Málaga 201