105 research outputs found

    The critical amplitude ratio of the susceptibility in the random-site two-dimensional Ising model

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    We present a new way of probing the universality class of the site-diluted two-dimensional Ising model. We analyse Monte Carlo data for the magnetic susceptibility, introducing a new fitting procedure in the critical region applicable even for a single sample with quenched disorder. This gives us the possibility to fit simultaneously the critical exponent, the critical amplitude and the sample dependent pseudo-critical temperature. The critical amplitude ratio of the magnetic susceptibility is seen to be independent of the concentration qq of the empty sites for all investigated values of q0.25q\le 0.25. At the same time the average effective exponent γeff\gamma_{eff} is found to vary with the concentration qq, which may be argued to be due to logarithmic corrections to the power law of the pure system. This corrections are canceled in the susceptibility amplitude ratio as predicted by theory. The central charge of the corresponding field theory was computed and compared well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Invasive fungal diseases in haematopoietic cell transplant recipients and in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplasia in Brazil

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    AbstractInvasive fungal disease (IFD) shows distinct regional incidence patterns and epidemiological features depending on the geographic region. We conducted a prospective survey in eight centres in Brazil from May 2007 to July 2009. All haematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipients and patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) or myelodysplasia (MDS) were followed from admission until 1 year (HCT) or end of consolidation therapy (AML/MDS). The 12-month cumulative incidence (CI) of proven or probable IFD was calculated, and curves were compared using the Grey test. Among 237 AML/MDS patients and 700 HCT recipients (378 allogeneic, 322 autologous), the 1-year CI of IFD in AML/MDS, allogeneic HCT and autologous HCT was 18.7%, 11.3% and 1.9% (p <0.001), respectively. Fusariosis (23 episodes), aspergillosis (20 episodes) and candidiasis (11 episodes) were the most frequent IFD. The 1-year CI of aspergillosis and fusariosis in AML/MDS, allogeneic HCT and autologous HCT were 13.4%, 2.3% and 0% (p <0.001), and 5.2%, 3.8% and 0.6% (p 0.01), respectively. The 6-week probability of survival was 53%, and was lower in cases of fusariosis (41%). We observed a high burden of IFD and a high incidence and mortality for fusariosis in this first multicentre epidemiological study of IFD in haematological patients in Brazil

    Species richness and functional structure of fish assemblages in three freshwater habitats:effects of environmental factors and management

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    In this study, the inverted trophic hypothesis was tested in the freshwater fish communities of a reservoir. The distribution of fish species in three freshwater habitats in the Jurumirim Reservoir, Brazil, was examined using both species richness and the relative proportions of different trophic groups. These groups were used as a proxy for functional structure in an attempt to test the ability of these measures to assess fish diversity. Assemblage structures were first described using non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). The influence of environmental conditions for multiple fish assemblage response variables (richness, total abundance and abundance per trophic group) was tested using generalised linear mixed models (GLMM). The metric typically employed to describe diversity; that is, species richness, was not related to environmental conditions. However, absolute species abundance was relatively well explained with up to 54% of the variation in the observed data accounted for. Differences in the dominance of trophic groups were most apparent in response to the presence of introduced fish species: the iliophagous and piscivorous trophic groups were positively associated, while detritivores and herbivores were negatively associated, with the alien species. This suggests that monitoring functional diversity might be more valuable than species diversity for assessing effects of disturbances and managements policies on the fish community

    Morfometria do coração e dos vasos da base e sua implicação no mergulho em Chelonia mydas

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    Objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia das câmaras cardíacas e das artérias aortas e pulmonares da espécie Chelonia mydas. Foram avaliados 11 espécimes de C. mydas mortas coletadas no litoral do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Os animais foram necropsiados para a obtenção do coração, fragmentos das artérias aorta e pulmonares direita e esquerda. Os vasos adquiridos foram fixados em formol e submetidos ao processamento histológico de rotina e coloração com Técnica de Verhoff modificada. Enquanto, do coração, os parâmetros largura, altura base-ápice e a circunferência ventricular foram mensurados por meio do paquímetro. Nessa espécie a microscopia das artérias pulmonares e artérias aortas variaram de acordo com o antímero. A maior espessura relativa do Cavum Venosum (CV) auxilia no bombeamento cardíaco durante o mergulho e sua menor espessura direita é uma vantagem para a dilatação ventricular durante a imersão profunda enquanto que a quantificação das lâminas elásticas e fibras musculares da túnica média das artérias aortas e pulmonares direita e esquerda comprovaram que a túnica média das aortas predomina o componente elástico vs. muscular, entretanto, nas artérias pulmonares o componente elástico não-predomina. Essa angioarquitetura pode estar relacionada com a capacidade de mergulho, favorecendo um maior aproveitamento do sangue oxigenado armazenado previamente durante o período de apneia

    Diversity of Agaricales (Basidiomycota) in the Reserva Biológica Walter Egler, Amazonas, Brazil

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    A study of the order Agaricales Clements (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycotina), occurring in the Reserva Biológica Walter Egler was carried out from December 2000 to June 2001. The area of study is situated at Road AM-010, Manaus-Itacoatiara, km 64, Latitude 02° 43' S and Longitude 59° 47' W, Rio Preto da Eva, in the State of Amazonas, with a total area of 709 ha of terra firme rain forest. The fungi collected were identified based on traditional methodology for identification of Agaricales. A total of 39 species were studied, distributed in 13 genera and six families: Polyporaceae: Pleurotus sp.; Hygrophoraceae: Hygrocybe cf. megistospora, Hygrocybe aff. miniceps, Hygrocybe occidentalis var. scarletina and eight indeterminate species of Hygrocybe; Tricholomataceae: Clitocybe sp., Hydropus sp.1 and Hydropus sp.2, Macrocystidia sp., Marasmiellus sp., Marasmius bellus, Marasmius haedinus var. haedinus, Marasmius cf. leoninus, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. ruber, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius, Marasmius tageticolor, Marasmius cf. variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, Marasmius sp.1, Marasmius sp.2, Marasmius sp.3 and Marasmius sp.4, Tricholoma sp.; Agaricaceae: Agaricus sp.1 and Agaricus sp.2, Lepiota sp., Cystoderma sp.; Entolomataceae: Entoloma cf. azureoviride, Entoloma cf. cystidiophorum, Entoloma strigosissima, Entoloma sp.; Russulaceae: Lactarius panuoides. Entoloma azureoviride, Hygrocybe miniceps, Lactarius panuoides, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius and Marasmius variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, apparently are here cited for the first time from Brazil. With exception of Marasmius tageticolor, all species are cited here for the first time as occurring in Egler Forest. The tables with the species occurrence, in accordance with the topographical gradient (sand bank, incline, plateau) and its respective habitat, are supplied.", 'enFoi realizado um estudo dos representantes da Ordem Agaricales Clements (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycotina), ocorrentes na Reserva Biológica Walter Egler, situada na Estrada AM-010, Manaus-Itacoatiara, Km 64, Latitude 02° 43' S e Longitude 59° 47' W, Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas. A área abrange 709 ha de floresta de terra firme primária. As coletas foram realizadas no período de dezembro de 2000 a junho de 2001 e seguiu-se a metodologia usual para identificação de Agaricales. Foram estudadas um total de 39 espécies, distribuídas em 13 gêneros e seis famíliasPolyporaceaePleurotus sp.; HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe cf. megistospora, Hygrocybe aff. miniceps, Hygrocybe occidentalis var. scarletina, e mais oito espécies de Hygrocybe indeterminadas; TricholomataceaeClitocybe sp., Hydropus sp.1 e Hydropus sp.2, Macrocystidia sp., Marasmiellus sp., Marasmius bellus, Marasmius haedinus var. haedinus,Marasmius cf. leoninus, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. ruber,Marasmius cf. setulosifolius, Marasmius tageticolor, Marasmius cf. variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, Marasmius sp.1, Marasmius sp.2, Marasmius sp.3 e Marasmius sp.4, Tricholoma sp.; AgaricaceaeAgaricus sp.1 e Agaricus sp.2, Lepiota sp., Cystoderma sp.; EntolomataceaeEntoloma cf. azureoviride, Entoloma cf. cystidiophorum, Entoloma strigosissima, Entoloma sp.; RussulaceaeLactarius panuoides. Destas, Entoloma azureoviride, Hygrocybe miniceps, Lactarius panuoides, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius e Marasmius variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, provavelmente, estão sendo aqui citadas pela primeira vez, para o Brasil. Com exceção de Marasmius tageticolor, as demais espécies são citadas pela primeira vez, para a Reserva Egler. São fornecidas tabelas com a ocorrência das espécies de acordo com o gradiente topográfico (baixio, vertente, platô) e seus respectivos habitats