103 research outputs found


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    Bikor Puskesmas di Kota Semarang menjalankan tugas pokok, integrasi, dan tambahan. Masalah Bikor Puskesmas adalah beban kerja yang berat. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini belum diketahuinya gambaran beban kerja Bikor Puskesmas di Kota Semarang. Tujuan penelitian secara umum untuk menganalisis beban kerja Bikor Puskesmas, tujuan secara khusus untuk mengetahui jenis kegiatan serta prosentase waktu produktif dan non produktif, mendeskripsikan beban kerja dan pola beban kerja kegiatan Bikor Puskesmas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah jam kerja dinas Bikor Puskesmas. Sampel sebanyak 2250 menit atau 37,5 jam untuk seorang Bikor Puskesmas. Jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, pendekatan observasional dengan metode work sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis kegiatan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh Bikor Puskesmas di Kota Semarang adalah kegiatan pokok. Waktu produktif melebihi standar waktu produktif 6 hari kerja yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu sebesar 75% dan waktu non produktif belum memenuhi standar waktu produktif (allowance) 6 hari kerja yaitu sebesar 25%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan beban kerja Bikor Puskesmas di Kota Semarang adalah berat dikarenakan melebihi waktu efektif 6 hari kerja pekerjaan perkantoran sebesar 1680 menit atau 28 jam. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah melakukan peninjauan kembali terhadap tugas Bikor Puskesmas, membuat peraturan yang tegas pada loket pendaftaran mengenai jam pelayanan Puskesmas, memberikan ketegasan terhadap bidan, pembina wilayah, BPM, kader, pemegang program dan tenaga kesehatan lain, mengadakan pembekalan dan pelatihan khususnya terhadap BPM dan kader, mengadakan pelatihan dan pendidikan mengenai keterampilan dalam hal administrasi dan teknologi (komputerisasi) kepada pegawai lain dan meningkatkan motivasi kerja dengan pemberian reward, insentif atau waktu cuti tambahan Kata Kunci: Bidan Koordinator Puskesmas, Beban Kerj

    Description of stomatopod larvae from the Arabian Sea

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    The Northern Arabian Sea Ecological and Environmental Research (NASEER) Programme cruise I, January, 1992 and other collections from Manora Channel (Karachi) were examined. Six stages i.e. IV, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI of stomatopod larvae are recognized. Day samples talen in 1994 (January to December) from Manora Channel revealed the presence of only three specimens of stage IV. They all belong to the family Squillidae. Each stage is measured, described and illustrated. None of the stages could be correlated to their adults

    Simpson grading as predictor of meningioma recurrence

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    Meningimas are one of the commonest primary brain tumours and the commonest extra-axial primary brain tumour. Despite better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of the tumours, surgical excision remains the treatment of choice, and in a large proportion of cases, complete excision is curative. Simpson grading for the extent of resection of meningiomas, was introduced more than six decades ago, and has stood the test of time. With modern technological advancements, however, the relevance of Simpson grading has been questioned. Herein we review the recent literature on the relevance of Simpson grading more than sixty years after its introduction

    High-Frequency Microstrip Cross Resonators for Circular Polarization EPR Spectroscopy

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    In this article we discuss the design and implementation of a novel microstrip resonator which allows for the absolute control of the microwaves polarization degree for frequencies up to 30 GHz. The sensor is composed of two half-wavelength microstrip line resonators, designed to match the 50 Ohms impedance of the lines on a high dielectric constant GaAs substrate. The line resonators cross each other perpendicularly through their centers, forming a cross. Microstrip feed lines are coupled through small gaps to three arms of the cross to connect the resonator to the excitation ports. The control of the relative magnitude and phase between the two microwave stimuli at the input ports of each line allows for tuning the degree and type of polarization of the microwave excitation at the center of the cross resonator. The third (output) port is used to measure the transmitted signal, which is crucial to work at low temperatures, where reflections along lengthy coaxial lines mask the signal reflected by the resonator. EPR spectra recorded at low temperature in an S= 5/2 molecular magnet system show that 82%-fidelity circular polarization of the microwaves is achieved over the central area of the resonator.Comment: Published in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Serum biomarkers for glioblastoma multiforme

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    A number of different serum biomarkers are currently being evaluated for their potential use as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in Glioblastoma Multiforme. Amongst these, a vast number of different microRNAs have been studied, that are up-regulated or downregulated in relation to Glioblastoma Multiforme. Different studies have found numerous associations of these different microRNAs with recurrence, Karnofsky Performance Score, Progression Free Survival and Overall Survival. Other than microRNAs, serum Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein, cytokines and YLK-40, as well as a number of other candidate serum biomarkers are being studied.More studies, with larger sample sizes are required before these serum biomarkers can be routinely, and reliably used in clinical practice. Use of serum biomarkers can provide a non-invasive means for diagnosing and monitoring disease

    Role Of Internal Degrees Of Freedom In The Quantum Tunneling Of The Magnetization In Single-molecule Magnets

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    The prominent features of single molecule magnets (SMMs), such as the quantum tunneling of the magnetization (QTM), are conventionally understood through the giant spin approximation (GSA) which considers the molecule as a single rigid spin. This model often requires the inclusion of high order anisotropy terms in the Hamiltonian, a manifestation of admixing of low lying excited states that can be more naturally understood by employing a multi-spin (MS) description i.e. considering the individual spins and the interactions between ions within the molecule. However, solving the MS Hamiltonian for high nuclearity molecules is not feasible due to the enormous dimensions of the associated Hilbert space that put it beyond the capability of existing computational resources. In contrast, low nuclearity systems permit the complete diagonalization of the MS Hamiltonian required to sample the effect of internal degrees of freedom, such as exchange interactions and single ion anisotropies, on the QTM. This dissertation focuses on the study of low nuclearity SMMs in view of understanding these subtle quantum effects. To accomplish this, we have developed a series of magnetic characterization techniques, such as integrated microchip sensors resulting from the combination of two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) Hall-Effect magnetometers and microstrip resonators, capable of performing measurements of magnetization and EPR spectroscopy simultaneously. The thesis bases on a comparative study of two low nuclearity SMMs with identical magnetic cores (Mn4 dicubane) but differing ligands. Notably, one of these SMMs lacked solvent molecules for crystallization; a characteristic that gives rise to extremely sharp resonances in the magnetization loops and whose basic QTM behavior can be well explained with the GSA. On the contrary, the second SMM exhibited mixed energy levels, making a MS description necessary to explain the observations. We have also examined the role of internal degrees of freedom on more subtle QTM phenomena, leading to the explanation of asymmetric Berry-phase interference patterns observed in a Mn4 SMM in terms of a competition between different intermolecular magnetic interactions, i.e. non-collinear zero-field splitting tensors and intramolecular dipolar iii interactions, resulting in astonishing manifestations of the structural molecular symmetry on the quantum dynamics of the molecular spin

    Effect of pregnancy on growth of intracranial meningiomas

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    Meningiomas are the most common benign primary intracranial tumours in adults. Their rapid growth during pregnancy has been well reported. Moreover, the relationship of increased progesterone expression during pregnancy and extensive tumour growth has been debated. In this review, we discuss not only the effect of progesterone on meningiomal growth but also other mechanisms involved in gestational meningiomas

    The significance of MGMT methylation in glioblastoma multiforme prognosis

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    Methylation of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) has been extensively studied as a biomarker in predicting the prognosis of patients with GBM (Glioblastoma multiforme). Its significance has been studied in various subgroups, including age, gender and even race. Correlation between prognosis with MGMT methylation and different treatment regimens has also been studied in detail. There are multiple techniques to analyze MGMT methylation in tumour specimen. We review the current evidence for the importance of MGMT methylation as a biomarker for prognosis in GBM patients, the techniques to analyze it and the effect of epidemiologic factors on its significance

    A check list of opisthobranch snails of the Karachi coast

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    The check list deals with 44 species of opisthobranchs belonging to Cephalaspidea (12 species), Anaspidea (4 species), Sacoglossa (4 species), Notaspidea, (2 species) and Nudibranchia (21 species), collected from Pakistan coast of northern Arabian Sea