572 research outputs found

    Plain X-Ray Films in Soft Tissue Infections

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    The issue of outwelling in the Guadiana River estuary (Portugal): some findings and research suggestions in the context of recent evidence

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    Abstract The ‘‘Outwelling Theory’’ states that salt marshes play a major role in exporting production to adjacent estuarine and coastal ecosystems. However, it has been found that some marshes act as net importers instead of net exporters of organic matter and nutrients. Once we include mangroves and refine the analysis to comprehend bacterioplankton, organic and stable isotope tracers, the picture became, more complex, making room for a revival of the outwelling idea. The exchanges between the Castro Marim salt marsh and the main estuary were tentatively established determining periodically, in a selected cross-section, the concentrations of TSS, FSS, VSS, NH4, NO2, NO3, NKjeldhal, SiO4, PO4, TDP, Chlorophyll a and Pheopigments, measuring their fluxes along tidal cycles and computing the corresponding budgets. Apparently, the sedimentary behaviour of the marsh will be close to equilibrium during the period of study. However, it will import mainly inert matter and export mainly organic matter in the same period. Moreover, extrapolating these results to the entire Guadiana salt marshes, the exchanges of sediment do not seem to be significant. Particularly, the marshes will not trap a significantly amount sediment transported by the main river (0.5%). It also seems to follow, that in a general way, the Guadiana salt marshes might have a more significant role than was anticipated in the system economy ofOMand nutrients and their outwelling to coastal waters, assuring outputs that could amount to something like 6% of the river load of N, 1.2% of the river load of P, and 20-57% of the river load of TOC, for an average year, and 42% of the river load of Nand 35% of the river load of P in a dry year. These findings suggest that a more detailed investigation, over an extended period of time, is certainly worthwhile

    Development of Non-Linear Equations for Predicting Electrical Conductivity in Silicates

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    Electrical conductivity is of fundamental importance in electric arc furnaces (EAF) and the interaction of this phenomenon with the process slag results in energy losses and low optimization. As mathematical modeling helps in understanding the behavior of phenomena and it was used to predict the electrical conductivity of EAF slags through artificial neural networks. The best artificial neural network had 100 neurons in the hidden layer, with 6 predictor variables and the predicted variable, electrical conductivity. Mean absolute error and standard deviation of absolute error were calculated, and sensitivity analysis was performed to correlate the effect of each predictor variable with the predicted variable.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table (AISTech 2023 - Presented and Accepted


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    Introdução: A varicela é uma doença infeciosa frequente na infância. Embora considerada geralmente uma doença benigna e autolimitada, pode cursar com complicações graves. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os internamentos por varicela e suas complicações. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva dos processos clínicos das crianças com internamento no Serviço de Pediatria por varicela entre 01.01.2000 e 31.12.2012. Resultados: Foram internadas 105 crianças por varicela, nos 13 anos avaliados, com idades entre um dia e os dez anos (mediana: 22 meses), sendo 51,4% do género feminino. A maior incidência sazonal foi de Abril a Junho. Nenhuma criança tinha a vacina antivírus varicela-zoster. Complicações associadas à varicela foram o motivo de internamento mais frequente (76%), incluindo infeções cutâneas (56,8%), complicações respiratórias (14,8%) e neurológicas (14,8%). As restantes crianças foram internadas, pela presença de fatores de risco (idade, varicela congénita, imunossupressão) ou pela gravidade da sintomatologia. Efetuaram aciclovir 68 crianças (65%), das quais, 20 tinham iniciado terapêutica antes da hospitalização. A duração média do internamento foi de 4,5 dias. Foram transferidas três crianças para hospital terciário, uma por síndrome de pele escaldada, uma por otomastoidite com indicação cirúrgica e outra por pneumonia com derrame pleural. Uma criança com encefalite desenvolveu sequelas. Discussão: A varicela pode originar complicações graves sobretudo em crianças com fatores de risco. No período referido foi responsável por 0,7% dos internamentos. As complicações mais frequentes foram as cutâneas, o que está de acordo com outros estudos. Este trabalho permitiu rever as práticas do serviço, nomeadamente questionar critérios de internamento no grupo com fatores de risco, mas sem complicações da doença

    Linear Modeling of the Glass Transition Temperature of the system SiO2-Na2O-CaO

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    This work aimed to mathematically model the glass transition temperature (Tg), one of the most important parameters regarding the behavior of slag, responsible for the sudden change in thermomechanical properties of non-crystalline materials, by the chemical composition of the SiO2-Na2O-CaO system, widely applicable in the production of glasses and constituent of iron, magnesium and aluminum metallurgy slags. The SciGlass database was used to provide data for mathematical modeling through the Python programming language, using the method of least squares. A new equation was established, called P Model, and it presented a lower mean absolute error and lower standard deviation of absolute errors in relation to 3 equations in the literature. The raised equation provides significant results in the mathematical modeling of Tg by the chemical system SiO2-Na2O-CaO, valid for the limits of the data used in the mathematical modeling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Liquidus temperature nonlinear modeling of silicates SiO2−R2O−ROSiO_2-R_2O-RO

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    The liquidus temperature is an important parameter in understanding the crystalline behavior of materials and in the operation of blast furnaces. Its modeling can be carried out by linear and nonlinear methods through data, considering the artificial neural network a modeling method with high efficiency because it presents the theorem of universal approximation and with that better performances and possibility of greater oscillations. The best linear model and the best nonlinear model were modeled by structural parameters and presented a good numerical approximation, thus demonstrating that mathematical modeling can be performed using structural arguments and also showing a dimensionality reduction method for modeling a thermophysical property of the materials.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    The technical challenge of Functional 18F-FDG-PET Brain imaging in paediatric epilepsy

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    Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease, characterized by the appearance of crisis (whit or without convulsions), caused by abnormal electric activity on brain cells. Neuroimaging might be necessary in the work-up of epilepsy for localisation of the seizure focus for possible surgical cure. In our department, we started performing inter-ictal 18F-2-deoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/TC Brain imaging in 2009, in paediatric patients, following EANM procedure guidelines. Aim: the aim of the study was to retrospectively review all the performed inter-ictal 18F-FDG-PET/TC brain imaging, to assess the difficulties found during these procedures and the deviation according to guideline recommendations. We also intend to focus on the major importance of an optimal cooperation with other departments, such as anaesthesiology and neurophysiology. Material and Methods: between 2009 and 2012, eleven patients (pt) were referred for an 18F-FDG-PET-TC brain study, with ages between 10 months - 18 years old all with medically intractable epilepsy. The exams were performed with different conditions according to the needs of each patient, because we know that exceptional procedures call for special conditions. Results: All files were review for pt information pertinent to performance of the procedure, pt pre-arrival preparation, pt pre-injection preparation, pt monitoring for ictal crises before injection (EEG), pt sedation, variability of radiopharmaceutical administration and data acquisition parameters. 8 of the pt were performed with anaesthesia while 3 without since the pediatric patient were cooperative. All of the pt were monitored under parental surveillance, one with additional movie recording and other with EEG. Conclusion: We found that this process of retrospective review of this pool of paediatric patients with epilepsy enhanced the learning curve in this very specific procedure. We also found it critical to request the collaboration of the departments of anaesthesiology and neurophysiology
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