223 research outputs found

    Skin pigmentation bias in regional brain oximetry measurements?

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    p53-Mediated downregulation of H ferritin promoter transcriptional efficiency via NF-Y

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    The tumor suppressor protein p53 triggers many of the cellular responses to DNA damage by regulating the transcription of a series of downstream target genes. p53 acts on the promoter of the target genes by interacting with the trimeric transcription factor NF-Y. H ferritin promoter activity is tightly dependent on a multiprotein complex called Bbf; on this complex NF-Y plays a major role. The aim of this work was to study the modulation of H ferritin expression levels by p53. CAT reporter assays indicate that: (i) p53 overexpression strongly downregulates the transcriptional efficiency driven by an H ferritin promoter construct containing only the NF-Y recognition sequence and that the phenomenon is reverted by p53 siRNA; (ii) the p53 C-terminal region is sufficient to elicitate this regulation and that a correct C-terminal acetylation is also required. The H ferritin promoter displays no p53-binding sites; chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicate that p53 is recruited on this promoter by NF-Y. The p53–NF-Y interaction does not alter the NF-Y DNA-binding ability as indicated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) analysis. These results demonstrate that the gene coding for the H ferritin protein belongs to the family of p53-regulated genes, therefore adding a new level of complexity to the regulation of the H ferritin transcription and delineate a role for this protein in a series of cellular events triggered by p53 activation

    Muscle Oxygen Changes following Sprint Interval Cycling Training in Elite Field Hockey Players

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    This study examined the effects of Sprint Interval Cycling (SIT) on muscle oxygenation kinetics and performance during the 30-15 intermittent fitness test (IFT). Twenty-five women hockey players of Olympic standard were randomly selected into an experimental group (EXP) and a control group (CON). The EXP group performed six additional SIT sessions over six weeks in addition to their normal training program. To explore the potential training-induced change, EXP subjects additionally completed 5 x 30s maximal intensity cycle testing before and after training. During these tests near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) measured parameters; oxyhaemoglobin + oxymyoglobin (HbO2+ MbO2), tissue deoxyhaemoglobin + deoxymyoglobin (HHb+HMb), total tissue haemoglobin (tHb) and tissue oxygenation (TSI %) were taken. In the EXP group (5.34±0.14 to 5.50±0.14m.s-1) but not the CON group (pre = 5.37± 0.27 to 5.39±0.30m.s-1) significant changes were seen in the 30-15IFTperformance. EXP group also displayed significant post-training increases during the sprint cycling: ΔTSI (-7.59±0.91 to -12.16±2.70%); ΔHHb+HMb (35.68±6.67 to 69.44 ±26.48μM.cm); and ΔHbO2+ MbO2 (-74.29±13.82 to -109.36±22.61μM.cm). No significant differences were seen in ΔtHb (-45.81±15.23 to -42.93±16.24). NIRS is able to detect positive peripheral muscle oxygenation changes when used during a SIT protocol which has been shown to be an effective training modality within elite athletes

    Imaging in breast cancer: Diffuse optics in breast cancer: detecting tumors in pre-menopausal women and monitoring neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) and diffuse optical imaging (DOI) are non-invasive diagnostic techniques that employ near-infrared (NIR) light to quantitatively characterize the optical properties of centimeter-thick, multiple-scattering tissues. Although NIR was first applied to breast diaphanography more than 70 years ago, quantitative optical methods employing time- or frequency-domain 'photon migration' technologies have only recently been used for breast imaging. Because their performance is not limited by mammographic density, optical methods can provide new insight regarding tissue functional changes associated with the appearance, progression, and treatment of breast cancer, particularly for younger women and high-risk subjects who may not benefit from conventional imaging methods. This paper reviews the principles of diffuse optics and describes the development of broadband DOS for quantitatively measuring the optical and physiological properties of thick tissues. Clinical results are shown highlighting the sensitivity of diffuse optics to malignant breast tumors in 12 pre-menopausal subjects ranging in age from 30 to 39 years and a patient undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer. Significant contrast was observed between normal and tumor regions of tissue for deoxy-hemoglobin (p = 0.005), oxy-hemoglobin (p = 0.002), water (p = 0.014), and lipids (p = 0.0003). Tissue hemoglobin saturation was not found to be a reliable parameter for distinguishing between tumor and normal tissues. Optical data were converted into a tissue optical index that decreased 50% within 1 week in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. These results suggest a potential role for diffuse optics as a bedside monitoring tool that could aid the development of new strategies for individualized patient care

    BRCA1 expression modulates chemosensitivity of BRCA1-defective HCC1937 human breast cancer cells

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    Germline mutations of the tumour suppressor gene BRCA1 are involved in the predisposition and development of breast cancer and account for 20–45% of all hereditary cases. There is an increasing evidence that these tumours are characterised by a specific phenotype and pattern of gene expression. We have hypothesised that differences in chemosensitivity might parallel molecular heterogeneity of hereditary and sporadic breast tumours. To this end, we have investigated the chemosensitivity of the BRCA1-defective HCC1937 breast cancer cell line, and the BRCA1-competent MCF-7 (hormone-sensitive) and MDA-MB231 (hormone-insensitive) breast cancer cell lines using the MTT assay. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) for the individual compounds were derived by interpolate plot analysis of the logarithmic scalar concentration curve after a 48 h exposure. HCC1937 cells were significantly (P<0.005) more sensitive to cisplatin (CDDP) (IC50 : 30–40 μM) compared with MCF-7 (IC50 : 60–70 μM) and MDA-MB231 (IC50 : 90–100 μM) cells. On the other hand, BRCA1-defective breast cancer cells were significantly less sensitive to doxorubicin (Dox) (IC50 : 45–50 μM) compared with MCF-7 (IC50 : 1–5 μM) and MDA-MB231 (IC50 : 5–10 μM) (P<0.02), as well as to paclitaxel (Tax) (IC50 : >2 μM for HCC1937, 0.1–0.2 μM for MCF-7 and 0.01–0.02 μM for MDA-MB231) (P<0.001). Full-length BRCA1 cDNA transfection of BRCA1-defective HCC1937 cells led to the reconstituted expression of BRCA1 protein in HCC1937/WTBRCA1-derived cell clone, but did not reduce tumour cell growth in soft agar. BRCA1 reconstitution reverted the hypersensitivity to CDDP (P<0.02), and restored the sensitivity to Dox (P<0.05) and Tax (P<0.001), compared with parental HCC1937 cells. Taken together, our findings suggest a specific chemosensitivity profile of BRCA1-defective cells in vitro, which is dependent on BRCA1 protein expression, and suggest prospective preclinical and clinical investigation for the development of tailored therapeutical approaches in this setting

    Direct EPR Detection of Nitric Oxide in Mice Infected with the Pathogenic Mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    It has been shown that treatment of mice preinfected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with spin NO traps (iron complexes with diethyldithiocarbamate) enables detection of large amounts of NO in internal organs 2 and 4 weeks after infection (up to 55–57 μmol/kg of wet lung tissue accumulated with spin NO traps during 30 min). The animals were infected with the drug-sensitive laboratory strain H37Rv and a clinical isolate nonrespondent to antituberculous drugs (the multidrug-resistant strain of M. tuberculosis) obtained from a patient with an active form of tuberculosis. Two weeks after infection with the multidrug-resistant strain, the NO level in the lungs, spleen, liver and kidney increased sharply concurrently with slight lesions of lung tissue. A reverse correlation, i.e., low level of NO in the lungs and other internal organs and extensive injury of lung tissue, was established for H37Rv-infected mice. Four weeks after infection, NO production in the lungs increased dramatically for both M. tuberculosis strains resulting in 80–84% damage of lung tissue. The lesion is suggested to be due to the development of defense mechanisms in M. tuberculosis counteracting NO effects

    Italian patients with hemoglobinopathies exhibit a 5-fold increase in age-standardized lethality due to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns have been expressed worldwide for patients with hemoglobinopathies and their vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Data from Lebanon confirmed a role of underlying comorbidities on COVID-19 severity, but no deaths among a cohort of thalassemia patients.1 Patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) displayed a broad range of severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection, spanning from a favorable outcome unless pre-existing comorbidities (UK cohort)2 to high case mortality in US.3 History of pain, heart, lung, and renal comorbidities was identified as risk factors of worse COVID-19 outcomes by the US SECURE-SCD Registry.4 While Italy experienced a death rate in the general population among the highest in the world, preliminary data from the first wave of the pandemic showed a lower than expected number of infected thalassemia patients (updated up to April 10, 2020), likely due to earlier and more vigilant self-isolation compared to the general population.

    The G67E mutation in hMLH1 is associated with an unusual presentation of Lynch syndrome

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    Germline mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) genes are associated with Lynch syndrome, also known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) syndrome. Here, we characterise a variant of hMLH1 that confers a loss-of-function MMR phenotype. The mutation changes the highly conserved Gly67 residue to a glutamate (G67E) and is reminiscent of the hMLH1-p.Gly67Arg mutation, which is present in several Lynch syndrome cohorts. hMLH1-Gly67Arg has previously been shown to confer loss-of-function (Shimodaira et al, 1998), and two functional assays suggest that the hMLH1-Gly67Glu protein fails to sustain normal MMR functions. In the first assay, hMLH1-Gly67Glu abolishes the protein's ability to interfere with MMR in yeast. In the second assay, mutation of the analogous residue in yMLH1 (yMLH1-Gly64Glu) causes a loss-of-function mutator phenotype similar to yMLH1-Gly64Arg. Despite these molecular similarities, an unusual spectrum of tumours is associated with hMLH1-Gly67Glu, which is not typical of those associated with Lynch syndrome and differs from those found in families carrying the hMLH1-Gly67Arg allele. This suggests that hMLH1 may have different functions in certain tissues and/or that additional factors may modify the influence of hMLH1 mutations in causing Lynch syndrome

    Identification of BRCA1 missense substitutions that confer partial functional activity: potential moderate risk variants?

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    Introduction: Many of the DNA sequence variants identified in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 remain unclassified in terms of their potential pathogenicity. Both multifactorial likelihood analysis and functional approaches have been proposed as a means to elucidate likely clinical significance of such variants, but analysis of the comparative value of these methods for classifying all sequence variants has been limited. Methods: We have compared the results from multifactorial likelihood analysis with those from several functional analyses for the four BRCA1 sequence variants A1708E, G1738R, R1699Q, and A1708V. Results: Our results show that multifactorial likelihood analysis, which incorporates sequence conservation, co-inheritance, segregation, and tumour immunohistochemical analysis, may improve classification of variants. For A1708E, previously shown to be functionally compromised, analysis of oestrogen receptor, cytokeratin 5/6, and cytokeratin 14 tumour expression data significantly strengthened the prediction of pathogenicity, giving a posterior probability of pathogenicity of 99%. For G1738R, shown to be functionally defective in this study, immunohistochemistry analysis confirmed previous findings of inconsistent 'BRCA1-like' phenotypes for the two tumours studied, and the posterior probability for this variant was 96%. The posterior probabilities of R1699Q and A1708V were 54% and 69%, respectively, only moderately suggestive of increased risk. Interestingly, results from functional analyses suggest that both of these variants have only partial functional activity. R1699Q was defective in foci formation in response to DNA damage and displayed intermediate transcriptional transactivation activity but showed no evidence for centrosome amplification. In contrast, A1708V displayed an intermediate transcriptional transactivation activity and a normal foci formation response in response to DNA damage but induced centrosome amplification. Conclusion: These data highlight the need for a range of functional studies to be performed in order to identify variants with partially compromised function. The results also raise the possibility that A1708V and R1699Q may be associated with a low or moderate risk of cancer. While data pooling strategies may provide more information for multifactorial analysis to improve the interpretation of the clinical significance of these variants, it is likely that the development of current multifactorial likelihood approaches and the consideration of alternative statistical approaches will be needed to determine whether these individually rare variants do confer a low or moderate risk of breast cancer
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